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January 25, 1977 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1977-01-25

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f uesc ay, onuary Lo, y r r

Page Two


PQge Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY I uesccy, ~onuary L~, 1 ~



s. proposed budget
'U'with big bucks

(Continued from Page 1)
funding plan for aid to univer-
sities similar to the plan used
for K-12 aid. The plan provides
that educatidn aid funds go
where they are most effective.
But the University is not out
of the fiscal woods yet, warned
Vice President for State Rela-
tions Richard Kennedy. He said
that an "astronomical" rise in
utility costs could still force the
University to raise tuition if the
$10 million is earmarked for
special projects. He also said
the University's internal costs-
salaries and educational ma-
terials - were rising faster
than the rate of inflation.
Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann
Arbor) said he "was pleased
that the governor has increas-
ed the alldcation to the Univer-
sity of Michigan" - especial-
ly since the past two years have

been so hard on students' poc
FLEMING said the adminis
tration would have a cleare
picture of the budget by the
Regents' meeting this Thurs
day. By then, he said, i
should be possible to determin
the chances of a tuition hike.
The University wasn't th
only beneficiary of Milliken'
budget. Most state ,agencies re
ceived an approximate 10 pe
cent across - the - board in
crease in funding, and aid t
local school systems and fund
for problem - ridden urban
areas were also raised sharply
The budget contained a new
proposal for the state -
"rainy day" fund that would
put aside $129 million for year
when the state's economy is in
This move was inspired by

- I

two years of fiscal problems
caused by the nation-wide re- Y...' -yF *
cession. Since the state is so
dependent on the auto indus-
try, explained Miller. Milliken
thought it necessary to pro-
tect against severe cyclical
changes in the amount of reve-
nue collected by the state.
MILLER said one of the most
significant aspects of the bud-
get was that all the increased
funding was possible without an
income tax hike. He said reve-
nues were expected to rise to
$3.78 billion dollars in fiscal
1978, with expenditures of
$3.65 billion. That would leave
$129 million for the "rainy day"
fund. AP Pho
It is possible, though, that the to
legislature may want to take W hoa do
some of the money earmarked
by Milliken for the special fund Wetback (the monkey) rides atop a border collie in an exhibition of the American Royal Horse Show in Kansas City demonstrating canine sheep herding.
and transfer it to other areas -


FOR MEN AND WOMEN-Open Discussion:
South University and Forest

Interested undergraduates are invited to attend
a meeting about the accelerated program of-
fered at The Institute of Public Policy Studies.
Qualified applicants are able to complete both
a bachelor's degree and the two-year M.P.P. in
five years of study.
at 12 noon in' the
room B 134

including higher education.
Some Democrats have been
considering the possibility of a
tax hike to provide extra funds
for the financially strapped K-12
education system, but Faust
said such an increase would be
impossible without Milliken's
He said something must be
done soon to remedy the situa-
tion or the quality of education
will continue to suffer.
B U L L A R D agrees, but
said he thinks Milliken would
never support a tax hike.
Bullard had harsh words for
the budget proposals.
HE POINTED to the miscal-
culation of revenues and expen-
Iditures that almost plunged the
state into bankruptcy last year.
Only after the legislature
changed the fiscal year - an
accounting trick - was it pos-
sible for the state to avoid a
co n st itu t io nally
prohibited deficit.
He attacked Milliken's budget
priorities, saying they fail "to
responsibly deal with the ur-
ban crisis.,,
The budget includes an addi-
tional $57.7 million in revenue
sharing for cities, and a $12
million bonus for communities
that levy a local income tax.
Detroit will receive about $30
million of this increased aid.

Evaluations--good or bad?

Alaska is victim
of 'Miran' invasion


A Program to Encourage
Public Readings by
Student Poets at Michigan
Canterbury House will sponsor a program during this Winter term,
1977, to encourage Michigan students to read their own poetry in public
readings on campus. The program has three aspects.
Help in Arranging the Reading: Canterbury House will assist students,
who would like to do a public reading of their poetry, to find a suitable
location on campus and make the arrangements. A number of possible,
locations for poetry readings have been identified, -and students might
also be assisted in setting up a reading in their dormitory or other
living situation.
Paying for Advertising: Canterbury House will make available small
amounts of money to pay for advertising for public poetry readings
by students. These funds could be used for an ad in the Michigan Daily,
posters, flyers, etc.
Eligibility for Publication in the Canterbury House Poetry Series:
Students who have read their poetry publicly on campus will be eligible
to submit poems for publication in the Canterbury House Poetry Series.
(Copies of the first issue of the Canterbury House Poetry Series are
available on campus in the Pendleton Arts Information Center on the
second floor of the Michigan Union, or at Canterbury House on the
corner of Catherine and Division.) Poems from one particular reading
will be selected for publication. The readings can be by one poet or
a number of poets together. The deadline for submnission is April 1,
Students interested in any aspect of this program should contact:
Jonathan Ellis, Canterbury House, 218 North Division Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108. Telephone: 665-0606

Like review sessions, packed
libraries and all-nighters, course
evaluations are a part of stu-
dent life intimately- associated
with the end of the semester.
Regarded as, alternately, a
chance for constructive criticism
or a sarcastic last word (often
depending on one's grade), few
actually know how evaluations
are used.
A survey of several depart-
ments at the University reveals
that there is no uniform policy
concerning the use of course
evaluations in assessing profes-
sor or TA performance.
HOWEVER, most professors
and department chairmen agree
that student comments must be
reviewed as part of a much
larger pool of information. And
from an over-all perspective,
only exceptionally good or bad
evaluations will play a signifi-
cant role in decisions.
Thomas Dunn, chairman of
the Chemistry department says
extremely negative or positive
evaluations are important be-
cause they "cause an analytical
process to take place."
But Dunn also stressed that
evaluations must be viewed with
student attitudes and motives in
mind. "Students use it to let off
steam or write cute comments,"
said Dunn. He cited the exam-
ple of pre-med students required
to take chemistry courses when,
unhappy at their difficulty or
non-"A" grade, express dissatis-
faction with the professor on the
"EDUCATION is not always a
painless process," said Dunn,'
"evaluations have to be seen in
the context of what students
want to get out of a course."
Associate Chairman Robin
Barlow of the economics depart-
ment expressed more cosfidence
in the - student'srevaluations.
"Student evaluations are quite
important," said B a r 1 o w,
"they're . the only scientific
The department uses a mul-
tiple choice computer tabulated
form which .Barlow character-
ized as "extremely useful. It's
much better than the old system
of hearsay-and spying on each
IN THE history department,
Eye Examinations
Full Contact Lens Service
Cold Sterlization for
Soft Lenses
769-122, j

but not used by all instructors.f
TA's are judged by the profes-
sor teaching the courses after
class visitation. History Dept.t
Chairman Roger Hackett said
that information from evalua- 1
tions is "important but not in-
dispensable." He - added that
"'students are not that discrim-
inating" when judging the teach-1
ing abilities of their professors. i
and that the format of adminis-1
tering evaluations leaves no
chance for deep thought.
The Political Science Depart-
ment, on the other hand, usesI
evaluataions extensively when a1
faculty member is reviewed for
promotion, according to chair-'
man Harold Jacobson. He added
that "some (professors) are not!
equipped to teach" and evalua-
tions help in matching profes-
sors with courses.
Jacobson also said that pro-1
fessors with "consistently weak
evaluations will rarely get pro-I
BUT ENGLISH department
chairman Jay Robinson says
this does not cause a problem
in his department where "most
(evaluations) fall in the upper-
middle range."
However, Robinson expressed
dissatisfaction with the way in
which evaluations are currently
administered f o r E n g li s h
courses. He would like to see a
"standardized, more objective"
system instead of the current


evaluations- are


non-standardized forms which
faculty members have the option
of submitting to the department.
Robinson feels that "students
think it's (evaluations) kind of
an empty exercise." He added
that while most of the student
feedback he gets is favorable,
students show less of a desire
for input now as compared to
the sixties. But he believes stu-
dent input could be increased
through a standardized evalua-
oversees teaching assistants for
the economics department as
the Director of Graduate Stud-
ies, says that for economics
T.A.'s, evaluations are not "ter-
ribly crucial", and that if there
were no evaluations, things
would not change much as far
as decisions are concerned. Hol-
brook said that evaluations tend
to confirm previous feedback.
"What it boils down to in the
end is information on two or
three students (T.A.s) that areI
very good or poor."'
If evaluations tend to be poor
the TA will do more grading and
less teaching. If they are very
good, said Holbrook, the TA
"may get more personal respon-
sibility" He -added that the
economics department is not ad-
ministering evaluataions to give,
undergraduates input, but to
"avoid major mistakes" in as-
signing TAs to classes.

FT. GREELY, Alaska (AP)-
Armed with psychological war-
fare leaflets urging U.S. troops,
not to die for the "rich war-
mongers," the nation of "Mira'
has invaded Alaska as part of
the U.S. military's annual cold
weather combat exercises.
More than 14,000 U.S. troops
are taking part in this year's
"Operation- Jack Frost," play-
ing the roles pf both invaders
and defenders in the two-week
drills here, 50 miles south of
THE "INVADERS" - actu-
ally the 9th Infantry Division
from Ft. Lewis, Wash. - are
distributing leaflets urging Am-
ericans: "Don't die to line the
pockets of the rich war mong-
ers ... Give yourself a break
today ... don't allow yourself
to be ground into hamburger."
It seems the United States
has established a 200-mile fish-
ing zone, thereby, appropriating
"historic Miran fishing grounds"
and has seized two Miran fish-
ing boats within the zone. In
addition, the United States is
refusing to return a Miran space
capsule which accidentally land-
ed in Alaska.
The mock war is designed to
anticipate and control problems
encountered in cold weather'
fighting - though temperatures
this year have been 20 to 30 de-
grees warmer than the normal
30 to 40 below.
SGT. 1C Robert Sherman of
the 1st Scout Batallion, based
in Nome, said the unseasonable
weather and lack of snow had
contributed to some casualties
during a paratroop exercise and
were making it difficult for!

troops to pull sleds and opetate
The drills involves Army, Na-
vy, Marine, Air Force, National
Guard and reserve personnel on
this interior Alaska base.
The main ground forces for
the "good guys" come from the
172nd Infantry Brigade, of Alas-
ka. .
SOME LEAFLETS are labeled
"Safety Passes" and bear in-
structions for soldiers to: "Give
this pass to any 3rd Motorized
Rifle Regiment soldiers, you will
be treated well and immediate-
ly removed from the death
Other leaflets, with the word
"Friend" in bold letters, say:
"Your families and loved ones
need you home and living. Your
capitalistic system needs you
fighting and dying.. Don't die
to line the pockets of the rich
war mongers. Live a rich, full,
happy life. Think of yourself!
Go Home In Peace."
sive, credited to "Lt. R. McCon-
nell, intelligence officer for the
Miran forces," doesn't neglect
civilians. "People of . Alaska!"
one leaflet says. "Help Miran
forces stop the greedy capital-
ists in their attempt to -corner
the fish market and starve the
Another, with a drawing of
two hands in a handshake, says,
"Greetings from the people of
Mira! We have sent .out forces
to your beautiful homeland only
to recover Miran property. Once
we have our property we will
leave. We have no aim of con-

County residents
defeat milla ge plan

Cetrtvr /i ril nn r1 tirriiv


soundly defea
charter milla
special educat
terday's specd
In a sparse
voters turnedd
to increase the
viding addition
county's speci
gram for the
increased the
the' present 1.0
(one mill is on
School District
had requested
cover escalatir
ment costs a
the 1.0 charte
in 1969, wasn
"People forg
issue," said N
intendant of'
taxes. That's

NNIS SABO ple) want to talk about." 14 N (W t1/
County residents IANNI SAID that the state
Cuty residentspassed the financial problem
g ted an 1.5 mill down to the local level and he o l n
ge increase for anticipates a $400,000cut in the
ion funds in yes- program's $3 million budget to 922
ial millage elec- local school districts.
"It' a sriou siuitin," anContinued from Page 1)
turnout, county "It's a serious situation," Ian- Ion to some grades of gasoline,
down- the proposal nsaid.We started cutting the now about 60 cents for regular
millage tax pro- teaching staff last year. Most grade and 65 cents for premium.
nag tad fot of the millage was suppose to Carter said he wanted to make
nal funds for the go to the local school districts." his own decision and pointed out
al education pro- anni said that local school dis- that the shortage of natural gas,
handicapped. tricts have used up to 30% of caused by the worst winter for
VAL would have their school funds for special years, might have a severe ef-
millage tax from education purposes. feet on gasoline prices unless
mill to 2.5 mills WISD IS A regional state ag- controls were maintained.
e-tenth of a cent). ency providing services to lo- Meanwhile, in an interview
Inter m e d i a t e cal school districts in Washte- yesterday; Carter said the So-
(WISD) officials naw County. The ten districts viet Union has sent an "encour-
the increase to are Ann Arbor, Chelsea, Dexter; aging" response to his proposal'
ng staff and equip- Lincoln, Manchester, Milan, Sa- to ban all testing of nuclear
nd inflation that line, Whitmore Lake, Willow weapons as a first step toward
er mill, approved Run, and Ypsilanti. dismantling the world's atomic
no longer able to Ianni said that WISD' will try arsenal.
again in June to place the de-
get about the real cision back into the voter's "I AM in favor of eliminating
Vick Ianni, super- hands. the testing of all nuclear de-
WISD. "It's the "The voters have only post- vices, instantly and completely,"
all they (the peo- poned the problem," he said. Carter said in his first interview

rice limits



=.. i

TUES. JAN. 25-8:00 P.M.
with representatives from Israeli universities
at HILLEL, 1429 Hill Street
WED. JAN. 26-8:00 P.M.
COFFEE HOUSE-music, food, and fun
at HENDERSON ROOM, Michigan League
THURS JAN. 27-8:30 P.M.
visits, work, Aliyah
Zionist movement and kibbutz Aliyah reps.
You can be interviewed for a kibbutz at HILLEL
FRI. JAN. 28-8:30 P.M.

since becoming the natilm's
chief executive.
He said the Soviet Union has
made no commitment on his
proposal, adding that he does
not know what conditions Mos-
cow might place on a compre-
hensive test ban.
But without going into details
he said, "They have sent- an en-
couraging message back."
HE ALSO SPOKE of his rela-
tions with the Congress, his
hopes of dampening regional
arms races by holding down
sales in conventional arms, and
predicted that a Middle East
peace conference is likely this
Carter said that while he feels
'at ease" with the number of
blacks he has named to high
government positions so far, he
has been less successful in re-
cruiting women and "we will try
to compensate for this as we go
He said he intends to have a
comprehensive welfare reform
proposal ready by May 1 and
will present a comprehensive
energy policy "within 90 days."
FOLLOWING on the- heels of
his "People's Inaugural", Car-
ter yesterday abolished prized
privileges that White House staff
members have traditionally en-
Carter ordered an end to
chauffered door-to-door limou-
sine service for senior members,
a orivilege enjoyed for decades.
Powell said the order would
not save a great deal of money
in the multi-billion dollar feder-
al budget but it had great sym-
bolism in view of the President's
call in his Inaugural Address
for sacrifices by the American

... .. :.; ~ A


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