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December 06, 1977 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1977-12-06

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,Page 4-Tuesday, December 6, 1977-The Michigan Daily
FigliI-IFighit Years of Editoria I Freedom
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 73
News Phone: 764-0552
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

eCAs nee
HE CENTRAL Intelligence Agency
last Friday took an admirable and
unusual step when it announced new
regulations barring the use of
American journalists as spies and op-
eratives in future intelligence gather-
Ever since the April 1976 release of a
Senate Committee report detailing co-
vert relationships between the CIA and
50 American reporters, teletype wires
have been humming with disclosure af-
ter disclosure of embarrassing links.
Even the most respected newspapers
have been charged with maintaining
compromising contacts with the CIA. In
many cases, journalists were secretly
paid by the CIA simply to deliver
published information. In some cases,
though, reporters acted as full-fledged
The. nation's press no doubt lost
much of its credibility with these disclo-
sures - and rightfully so. Reporters
cannot however, take the entire blame
for one of their profession's darkest
hours. Now that the CIA has agreed -
after a considerable amount of arm
twisting from the media and Congress
- to eliminate the recruitment of
American journalists, the nation's
editors and publishers can breathe an
appreciative sigh. Their reporters will .
no longer have to be under constant
suspicion. Their newspapers can once
again assume a measure of credibility.
The new CIA regulations are sur-
prisingly precise. The agency acknowl-
edges the "special status" of the press
afforded by the Constitution, and prom-
ises a future policy of "self-restraint"

W game rules
on its own part.
The CIA will not "enter into any re-
lationships" with journalists -no mat-
ter what their working status or affilia-
tions be - for the purpose of intelli-
gence activities. In addition, the ag-
ency's Director, Stansfield Turner, said
that all previous relationships between
the CIA and the press had been severed
as of the end of 1976.
T -HE AGENCY is finally moving in
X a direction it should never have
moved away from. What is more, the
CIA is doing so with the public's full
knowledge. This is a long-awaited
With some more effort, this will not
be the last such change undertaken by
the agency. In that same April 1976
report, the Senate Committee revealed
that not only journalists were secretly
being recruited by the CIA, but mem-
bers of America's university communi-
ties as well. Eighty institutions are in-
volved in spying for the intelligence ag-
ency, the report said, but it refused to
divulge which ones. Experts on the sub-
ject have warned that this University is
a likely victim for secret CIA research
and recruitment activities, and they
have urged thati community members
exert pressure to have the CIA ac-
tivities here halted.
The fact that the agency -has only
now changed it's rules regarding the
use of journalists, after considerable
pressure from that community, will
hopefully serve to stimulate members
of this University community to push
for a change regarding the recruitment
of professors and students here.

The repressed people of South Africa have
asked the University to withdraw all support
from the Vorster regime by selling all invest-
ments it has in corporations dealing there.
But it is obvious that the University admini-
stration cares about little more than preserv-
ing the handsome profits derived from invest-
ments in companies who deal in slavery.
Apartheid is the modern synonym for
slavery. It is a practice which should appall
every educated, principled person in, the.
world. But it has failed to move the University
administration. Their lack of concern for
human rights has been demonstrated by their
reluctance to dump their investments.
tivity does not surprise those who were here
during the Viet Nam War years. The admini-
stration's strategy to impede action is the
same used then. If they can possibly avoid
moving on an issue they will. But if they are
forced to move - they move slowly and as lit-
tle as possible.
The issue of South African investments has
been pushed nationally by church groups for
years. But it was last spring that the issue
moved to the forefront on this campus. Presi-
dent Fleming waited until the middle of July
before moving to reactivate the University's
Committee on Communications in direct
response to calls for divestiture.
The committeeoriginated in the late six-
ties at the height of student unrest. It was in-
tended to serve faculty, students, and admini-
strators by providing a forum for "frank ex-
ploration of controversial items." One such
controversial item handled by the committeet
was the question of permitting dogs in Uni-
versity buildings.
WITH TOPICS like that it is no wonder the
committee petered out after a couple of
years. Fleming officially explained that "re-
cently there has been less interest in such
forums and therefore the committee has been
inactive to nonexistent."
The Communications committee could be
a valuable tool if properly used. The problem
is that even at this time - the first week in
December - the committee hadsnot yet
begun to act. The cause for delay is lack of
administrative interest.
The bylaws provide a complicated and
lengthy method for choosing members. Al-
though Fleming asked that the Committee
begin functioning by the third week in Sep-
tember, no attempt was made to expedite
matters - despite the importance of the in-
vestments question.
THERE IS LITTLE doubt in anyone's
mind that if the administration was really
concerned, the Committee on Communica-
tions would have been functioning at full
capacity by the first of October. As it stands
now the committee has done virtually nothing
and members are confused about their role.
Besides the Committee on Communica-
tions, the administration also charged the
Senate Advisory Committee on Financial Af-
fairs (SACFA) to analyze the issue and make
a recommendation to the Regents. SACFA is
under the control of James Brinkerhoff,
University vice-president and chief financial
Brinkerhoff's office is responsible for all

from parkin
the Univers
speak of in
stocks and
that bonds a
He reas(
about is m
hoff would s
sure on cor
tion than if
is true.
But a bla
the mere pr

IT SOUNDS GOOD but it does not attac
o m oe the apartheid problem at its root, not does i
seek to eliminate the problem. At best, al
e c that can be said is that such a policy migh
make blacks richer. But that black person,
S . \although rich, would still be a slave to apart-
heid. The Sullivan statement is a half
measure designed to appease a stockholder's
financial affairs - everything conscience.
rg to investments. It appears that When will the administration learn that it
fis working very hard to prevent is not a question of equal pay, but rather one
ity from selling any South African of government of all the people, by the people,
s whatsoever. and for all the people. South Africa is now
WHEN most financial experts ruled only by whites and only for the benefit of
vestments they are referring to whites. The blacks, Asians, and coloureds are
bonds. But Brinkerhoff has said only asking for the basic right of self deter-
are not germane to the issue, so he mination. There can be no half measure, such
them from being considered for as the Sullivan statement, applied to South
oned that "what you're talking Americans do not have the right to support
anagement principles." Brinker- a government opposed by the majority of its
ay the University, by remaining a citizens. And the only means by which Vor-
, could put more effective pres- ster maintains his racist regime is through
porations to eliminate discrimina- multinational corporations. The only decision
it withdrew its investments. This the administration can make is whether to
keep the university's investments and
ack South African would say that thereby support apartheid, or withdraw all
esence of these corporations in his investments and thereby help to smash apart-

The need to

desegregated working, eating, and restroon
facilities, and improvement of living condi
tions for blacks outside the working sphere

The only decision
the administration can


is whether

keep the University's
investments and there-
by support apartheid,
or withdraw all invest-
ments and thereby help
to smash apartheid.
country insure the existence of white minority
rule. A black South African would add that it
is not simply a question of whether a black
man and a white man use the same toilet; it is
a question of power and justice.
SECOND, Brinkerhoff refuses to consider
withdrawing funds from South African cor-
porations with fewer than 250 employes. This
must be the most ludicrous step the admini-
stration has taken yet. Should we rest while
one man suffers the injustice of apartheid? If
freedom is not for all is it for anyone? Can the
administration answer those questions and at
the same time explain why they insist on in-
vesting in those companies?
The administration has been talking a lot
about the "Sullivan statement." To date there
are only five corporations in the University
portfolio which have not accepted the prin-
ciples it suggests. It is very possible that the
administration is thinking of following the
University of Wisconsin's lead in divesting
stock of only those corporations who do not
accept the Sullivan statement.
The Sullivan statement sounds good. It de-
mands equal pay for blacks and whites, up-
ward mobility for blacks within the company,

fear of what might happen in South Africa is
all the American corporations pulled out as a
result of stockholder demands.
Fleming told the Daily that he worries
about what will happen to blacks if all the
corporations pull out of South Africa. What
will happen if they have no jobs, he asks. How
will they survive then? He fails to realize that
the blacks are suffering now. Can their
existence be dramatically worsened by any-
Fleming also said he feared the results of a
revolution which might be precipitated should
the corporations pull out. He feels that a
totalitarian regime might take over. What
does Fleming think the Vorster regime is, if it
isn't totalitarian? In a country where 85 per
cent of the people have absolutely' no rights
whatever it is difficult to imagine anything
It has been the people without any rights -
the blacks, the asians, and the coloureds -
who have asked us to withdraw all financial
support from South Africa. They have asked
for the opportunity to provide every single
person in that country with one single vote.
On what grounds can the administration
refuse that cry for liberty and justice from the
slaves of apartheid.
"There is only one thing the outside world
wants," South African Prime Minister John
Vorster is reported saying in a recent edition
of the New York Times. "That is nothing
more and nothing less than one-man, one-vote
in South Africa.
The administration and the Regents need
only consider Vorster's unqualified opposition
to such a policy - and his overwhelming vic-
tory margin in last week's elections to find
sufficient motivation for severing financial
ties with South Africa.
Rene Becker has been covering local
events surrounding the University's in-
vestments in South Africa for the Daily.



those smoky caucuses

nessed moves by many state gov-
ernments to open up their proceedings,
to the public. Exposing such inner
workings has been mainly a result of
heavy public pressure, stemming at
least in part from Watergate and dis-
coveries of political corruption fester-
ing in the country's legislatures.
This week in the Michigan State Leg-
islature, a bill which would open up pre-
viously exclusive party caucuses is
scheduled to be debated. The state law-
makers -- who have passed laws re-
quiring nearly every other public body
to hold open meetings - have always
kept their own political party session.,
closed. This despite the fact that thes(
sessions often discuss public busi-

hypocrisy of legislators' requiring
other groups to hold open meetings,
while themselves insisting that political
strategy be hashed out in private party
caucuses. .
Many legislators who are personally
opposed to the bill are, just the same,
expected to vote in favor of it when the
issue comes before the House. They
naturally fear that if they vote against
the bill, it will appear as if they are con-
doning secrecy in government. Perhaps
they are.
It is important that this bill be made
into law. Party politics should be taken
out of the smoke-filled chambers and
into rooms ventilated with the opinions
of the public, so that the constituency
can see how the parties really work.
Party caucuses are the birthplace of
legislation which affects people's lives,
and as long as they remain closed to the
public, so will the government remain,


'Letters to

The Daily

Passage of
once and for
KI ij'


proposed bill would
put an end to the

our mistake
To The Daily:
Your bit in the Today section
of the November 30th edition
about the "handsome
proposition" made by a
physiology professor to a lecture
class was far from accurate. At
no time was it said that students
had to sign their course
evaluations. The course
evaluation is handed in unsigned
along with the final examination.
It is then noted that the student
handed in an evaluation and one
point is added to his or her
cumulative point total. This is
designed to encourage students to
hand in course evaluations,
something which many are reluc-
tant to do. It is not,,as you hinted
at, an effort to buy a large num-
ber of favorable evaluations. This
was all made very clear to me
and the other people that I know
in this class during Monday's lec-
ture. Your misrepresentation of
the facts caused the professor in
question a - great deal of
emotional distress.. Anyone
who saw this professor tearfully
try to start lecturing after com-
menting on your little gem of in-
vestigative reporting, can testify
to this. I hope that in the future,
you make sure that you know all
the facts before printing
anything. I also hope that you
come to realize that what you
print does affect others, and as a
result, should be very carefully
thought out.
-Michael Andrews
No 'bizarre'

your reporter was able to tran-
scribe my statements more or
less accurately.
One unfortunate lapse has
caused me embarrassment,
however. Somehow your Ms.
Warner mangled the "facts"
regarding my "bizarre living
arrangement" to misstate that I
'moved from Ann Arbor to
Detroit in 1974" with "the 20
people with whom he lives."
Not that it is your or your
readers' business with whom or
with how many people I happen
to live at any given time, but
what I told Ms. Warner was that I
had moved from Detroit to Ann
Arbor in the spring of 1968 with
some 20 to 25 people, including
the members of the MC-5 band;
and that I had returned to Detroit
in the spring of 1975 with my wife,
two daughters, two friends, their
daughter, and a third friend, who
now lives elsewhere. My wife
Leni and I and our two
daughters-Sunny, 10, and Celia,
7-continue to share a house in
the New Center district of Detroit
with three adult friends and a
third child, but there is little that
can be called "bizarre" about our
"living arrangements." In fact,
given Ann Arbor standards, we
live a fairly sedate, family-
oriented life.
Having survived the sixties, in-
cluding a total of three years in
prison for possession of
marijuana, I share little of the
nostalgia for the period which
seems to be the province of
people who were either too young
or too square to be into anything
interesting in the sixties. What's
even funnier is that if I were still
clinging to the mores and life
arrangements of the period, the

Saturday night from 11;00 p.m. to
3:00 a.m. For those interested in
historical continuity, the music I
play is the same music that in-
terested me first in the 50's and
60's, mixed with the best of
what's happening today. What
the hell.. . it won't cost you'
anything .., give it a listen.
That's all I wanted to ask.
-John Sinclair
library science
To The Daily:
Many at MSA have long come
to realize that the Daily enjoys
far more playing Woodward and
Bernsterin than reporting or
researching accurately. Often
the Daily waits in the worst way
for that special pejorative, while'
not pertaining to issues, never-
theless'makes an interesting ar-
ticle. Beyond the demands of
Yellow Journalism, let me set the
record straight.
The appointment of myself,
Thomas Danko, as the represen-
tative for the Library of Science
at MSA was made primarily for
two reasons. In the first, the
school-recognized that my wife is
a Library of Science student and
that I have a close working
relationship with their outgoing
representative. Because of its ex-
tremely small enrollment, it was
beneficial for the Library of
Science School to -immediately
appoint a representative to main-
tain its interests against the
larger schools.

The second reason is much
more clear. The JOB Party,
which John Gibson and I were
founders of, received its principal
support in the recent election
from the students of the Library
of Science. Over 80 per cent of
the voters which elected John,
also supported my candidacy.
The appointment is completely
legitimate and I am by no means
the first person 'who has been
appointed in thiswmanner.Un-
doubtedly, ulterior motives have
singled me out and the Daily, un-
professionally, has forgotten the
other MSA members who
represent schools other than their
Finally, it is the respective
school governments which, while
doing much of the work for their
constituents, must also insure
adequate representation for their
student bodies. That was all the
Library of Science was attem-
pting to do. I have been on the
MSA body for a few months now
as the Student General Counsel. I
hope that in future articles, the
Daily would ask more questions
of what I, and other members are
doing for students, as opposed to
insinuating scenarios which sim-
ply are not true. Most MSA mem-
bers are sincere and care for
the concerns of their fellow
classmates. Otherwise, we would
not be so involved. I would only
hope that the Daily would be
equally sincere.
-Thomas M. Danko
Student General
Counsel, MSA

Contact your reps
Sen Donald Riede ( Dem)i 92 05 Dirken Rldti f Urha,,in.

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