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December 01, 1977 - Image 1

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Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 69 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, December 1, 1977 Ten Cents 10 Pages

arter urges Arabs
to joi airo peace
talks; names envoy
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WASHINGTON (AP) - President
Carter said yesterday that the United
States is no longer the "dominant
intermediary" in the Middle East.
But he offered support to all Arab
countries that decide to negotiate
directly with Israel.
So far only Egypt has seized that
initiative. That action was described
by Carter at a news conference as an
"historic breakthrough."
BUT CARTER said he was con-
vinced all of Israel's Arab neighbors
- Syria, Jordan and Lebanon -
want peace with the Jewish state
even though they have not accepted
Egyptian President Anwar Sadat's
invitation to participate in prelimin-
ary negotiations in mid-December.
"If at some later date it becomes
obvious that Jordan does not want
peace, that Syria does not want
peace, or that Lebanon does not want
peace and a settlement with Israel,
then an alternative might have to be
pursued," Carter said.
The obvious inference was that the
United States then might support a
separate settlement between Egypt
and Israel, which some Arabs are
convinced is already in the making.
"BUT," CARTER went on, "we
certainly have not reached that point
yet. I think the other Arab leaders do
want peace with Israel."
Carter began the news conference
with an announcement that Alfred
Atherton, the assistant secretary of
State for the Near East, will repre-
sent the United States at the Cairo

Selection of the 56-year-old Ather-
ton, which followed by a day U.S.
acceptance of Sadat's invitation,
lends the prestige of the State
Department's top Middle East expert
to the Arab-Israeli negotiations. Ath-
erton's post with the department is
an unusually sensitive one, and asso-
ciates say one of his major achieve-
ments is that he has peen able to
retain the confidence of both the
Arabs and the Israelis.
DEPARTMENT officials said they
were not certain about the role he
would play and added that it will be
left 'to the Egyptian and Israeli
representatives to set the agenda. A
small staff is expected to accompany
Atherton to Cairo.
Carter disclosed yesterday that the
talks are slated to begin around Dec.
Other U.S. officials said the date
was one of several mentioned in
private exchanges between Washing-
ton and Cairo and that the startup
time would be "in that neighbor-
CARTER SAID that since Sadat
issued his invitations, the United
States had urged Syria, Saudi Ara-
bia, Jordan, the Soviet Union and
European countries not to condemn
the steps taken by the Egyptian
leader. "In some instances we were
successful," he said.
Carter's public support for the
steps taken by Sadat and Israeli
Prime Minister Menahem Begin was
tempered with the qualification that
their "exploratory effort" should be


A therton
related to an overall Middle East
settlement. And at least indirectly
Carter urged Israel not to lose sight
of the "Palestinian question."
As for the Soviet Union, which
turned down Sadat's invitation, Car-
ter made clear that in his view the
See CARTER, Page 7

Doily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG
Shootout at the Crisler corral
Joel Thompson goes up against two Hurons and the lone Wolverine wins the battle. Thompson led Michigan with 22
points in its 117-69 romp over Eastern Michigan. Game story and stats are on page 9.
Danko ets seat on MSA


Persistent candidate Thomas Danko
finally has a representative's seat on
the Michigan Student Assembly
School of Library Science student
government president Roger Tachuk
said he "temporarily" appointed
Danko to the school's seat on the
Assembly even though Danko is not a
library science student.
Assembly shall have one voting
representative from each school or
college." Danko maintains that despite
the fact that he is not enrolled in the
School, his appointment was proper.
"As the constitution is written, it (the
appointment) is fine," Danko said
Tuesday night.
"The interpretation of the word
from' could go either way," said Cen-
tral Student Judiciary (CSJ) member
Richard Barr, referring to the con-
stitutional clause. Barr said it is not
clear if the clause means the appointed
representative must be enrolled in the
particular school or college.
"From the -moral standpoint I think
he (a school's representative) should be
(enrolled in) the School, but legally it's-
not clear-cut," said Thomas Potter,
another CSJ member. "I know Tom
(Danko) wants to be on MSA in the wor-
st way," he added.
DANKO RAN as a member of the
JOB party for an at-arge seat in the
general MSA elections last month. The
other JOB party candidate, John Gib-

son, an incumbent who was appointed.
to represent the School of Library
Science, withdrew his candidacy mid-
way through the ballot counting when
the passage of a constitutional amen-
dment was assured. The amendment,
which calls for a reorganization of the
Assembly's representative com-
position, has a clause which postpones
the abolition of appointed
seats-earlier ordered by CSJ-for
another term. That meant Gibson was
assured of retaining his Library Scien-
ce seat and did not need to pursue an at-,
large position.
Due to the preferential voting system
used by MSA, Gibson's withdrawal shif-
ted many of his votes to fellow party
member Danko, who was declared a

However, it was discovered that Gib-
son's withdrawal during the ballot
counting was not permissible under the
MSA election code. A recount was then
held and Danko was wiped from the
winning slate while Gibson was
declared a winner.
GIBSON THEN highly recommended
Danko for the Library Science post, ac-
cording to several of the school's
student government officials.
Library Science student government
vice president Jon Eldredge said he ap-
proved the temporary appointment on
the advice of Gibson. "Gibson was a
very good representative for us," said
See DANKO, Page 2

Let's make a deal:

Carter to
go sow
on tax
WASHINGTON (AP) - President
Carter promised yesterday to push
for "substantial tax reductions' as
soon as possible next year and said
he might delay sending complicated
tax reforms to Congress for fear that
they might tie up the tax cuts.
Rep. Al Ullman, chairman of the
Ways and Means Committee, wel-
comed the president's pledge. Sen.
Russell .Long, chairman of the Fi-
nance Committee, said he had "no
CARTER'S GO-SLOW attitude to-
ward comprehensive tax reform
means he might delay redeeming his
campaign promise to completely
overhaul the nation's tax system. As
a candidate, he called the system a
"disgrace to the human race."
Although Carter gave no specifics,
Treasury Secretary W. Michael Blu-
menthal has said the administration
is considering tax reductions of
between $15 billion and $20 billion for
business and individuals.
One White House source said the
tax-cut total could go higher than $20
billion but said he would be surprised
if it went over $30 billion. This official
said no decision on the size or timing
of the tax reductions has been made.
HE SAID those decisions were
likely to come in the next two weeks.
The official said Carter's 1978 tax
proposal probably would not include
previous plans to eliminate tax
See CARTER, Page 2

As if trading Boardwalk for Park
Place in a game of Monopoly, the
University and the city are negotiat-
ing for redistribution of land hold-
In return for two acres of Univer-
sity land on North Campus, the
University will pass go and collect
two streets from the city, plus $5,000.
ALTHOUGH there are no immedi-
ate plans for the west portion of S.

Ingalls St. between North University
and East Washington,Sor for the
portion of Madison St. between
Packard and Thompson, the Univer-
sity has tentative long-range plans
for the streets.
"We're not sure we'll do any-
thing," said James Brinkerhoff,
Vice-President for Financial Affairs.
"But Madison St. is being considered
as a site for either additional student
housing or a parking lot."
S. Ingalls St., the other street to be
acquired by the University, is slated
as a possible pedestrian mall. But
plans to take up the present parking
area are "a sufficient number of
years off," Brinkerhoff said.
AND HOW will all these potential
projects be funded?
Brinkerhoff said a possible tuition
hike is a "problematic" decision
which depends purely on the type of
construction on the sites. A greenway
would be funded by state appropria-
tion, while a parking lot would be a
self-sustaining unit. Support for hous-
ingY wrld come from hn,ino fee

.orster heading for
big win in S. Africa
JOHANNESBURG, South Africa ment yesterday in segregated Sout
(AP) - Voters elected a new parlia- Africa, and early results bore of

AP Photo
President Carter takes a moment to ponder a reporter's question during yester-
day's news conference. Besides the Middle East situation, Carter also discussed
energy legislation and possible tax cuts.


JOHANESBRG, South Africa
(AP) Prime Minister John Vorster
won a clear victory yesterday night in

predictions of a landslide victory for
Prime Minister John Vorster.
H is ruling conservative National
Party won five of the first six decided
contests by margins ranging from six

Incumbents put on defensive aS
25 seek 12 seats on LSA-SG

By STEVE GOLD the Buillshit Partv. LSA-SG sce~nt

that the election was "structured so x

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