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November 19, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-11-19

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Vol. L.XXXViII, No. 63

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, November 19, 1977

Ten Cents

10 Pages.

Bukovsky's task a tough one:
Spreading word of Soviet terror

Even as Soviet dissident Vladimir
ukovsky stressed yesterday that
oppression in the Soviet Union can
only be eased by Western public opin-
ion, he doubted if his Western
audience really took his tales of
terror to heart.
The 34-year-old exile, who has
pent more than half his adult years
in prisons, concentration camps and
insane asylums, visited the campus
yesterday as a side trip from his
American speaking tour. ,
"IT'S VERY exhausting," he said
in an interview with The Daily, "and
I'm not sure it secures us real sup-
port, especially in America. I was
struck by surprise that you can say
something 20 times to the same
people, and the 21st time they would
ask you the same question. They
really have it in one ear and out
"They're very willing to hear it,
but they don't retain anything," said
the candid but discouraged Bukov-

"The entire population of the country
is in a state of terror and fear. The 'silent
majority' is frightened to 'speak openly
but have the same opinions as (dissidents)
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his career in and out of asylums and
prisons at age 17 when ge published a
satirical journal. Expelled from Mos-
cow University, the biophysics stu-
dent was arrested in 1963 for possess-
ing two copies of an anti-communist
As was common practice for the
KGB, the Soviet security agency,
Bukovsky was declared insane and
sent to a mental asylum.
BUKOVSKY explained that psy-
chic terror was used to make
dissidents recant their beliefs. Drugs
and physical abuse, he claimed,
could be used to cause great pain,
raise the patient's temperature to 104
degrees, or dissipate his brain,
rendering him a vegetable for the
rest of his life. Patients were also
beaten up, he said.
The political prisoner said he
maintained his sanity by teaching
himself English. "I found it a good
place to learn such a crazy lan-
guage," he quipped.
See BUKOVSKY, Page 2

Clad in a casual brown sweater and
turtleneck, he spoke in English of his
country's large-scale violations of
human rights before a packed house
in Rackham Auditorium yesterday
HIS VISIT here, sponsored by
individual supporters and numerous
ethnic and University groups, was a
detour from his AFL-CIO-sponsored
lecturing tour. AFL-CIO President
George Meany became personally in-
terested in the Bukovsky case when

Bukovsky's mother appealed for his
help in 1974.
Unassuming and soft-spoken, Bu-
kovsky slouched comfortably in his
chair on stage while Prof. Andrew
Ehrenkreutz of the Near Eastern
Studies Dept. delivered a fervent, im-
passioned oral biography of the dissi-
dent, describing Bukovsky's tribula-
tions and his iron will to fight for
Bukovsky, who was exchanged for
Chilean Communist party leader
Luis Corvalan last December, began

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for Sadat's

Roses or
No more
In only a few hours, all the hoopla
surrounding today's Michigan-Ohio
State game will focus upon a one
hundred yard long carpet at Michi-
gan Stadium.
When the two football teams
emerge from the tunnel at the east
side of the stadium, 105,000 fans will
let loose after a week's worth of
pent-up anticipation.
TOTALLY forgotten will be all the
trivia, game analyses and obscure
history surrounding this game -
matters which have preoccupied fans
all week. No one will care anymore
that Dale Keitz served as Woody
Hayes' garbage man last summer, or
that the Wolverines haven't defeated
the Buckeyes in Michigan Stadium
since 1971.
All that matters now is what will
happen between 1 and 4 p.m. out by
See THE WAIT, Page 8

By C
How far,
go to prov
whisking c
and baring
fuzz resem
Now that
the ill-coiff
of the thou:
blue who
annual per
Epsilon ho
While G
ing band b
the beer-
praises to
crimson of
coach," J

t Blue
will Michigan football fans,
e their loyalty? Two fans
at last night's pep rally by
off their "Go Blue" capsF
shaved heads with tufts off
bling a block 'M'.
i's loyalty.
ORGAN and Rick Dungee,
fed lbyalists, were just two
sands donned in maize and
flocked to the seventh
rally at the Sigma Alpha
eorge Cavender's march-
lasted rousing fight songs,{
drinking crowd shouted
Bo's Boys and heckled theF
pposition. "Woody's a goodr
eff Stanton of Ball State
conceded, "but he's anr
See LOTS, Page 2

decked the city with Egyptian
flags and cheered Cairo's ad-
vance men yesterday on the
eve of President Anwar Sadat's
historic visit to Jerusalem.
Syria, Egypt's ally through
three decades of Arab-Israeli
war, declared a national day of
mourning, and about 20 Arab
students attacked the Egyptian
Embassy in Athens to protest
the trip to Israel.
OIL-RICH Saudi Arabia, which
bankrolls Sadat's impoverished na-
tion, broke silence and declared itself
"surprised" by the Eyptian presi-
dent's decision to become the first
Arab leader ever to visit the Jewish
A statement issued by the Royal
Palace in Jedda said King Khaled
sent Sadat a message "making
clear" his stand "in a very clear and
definite way.
The message was not quoted, but
t h e government communique's
strong endorsement of Arab solidar-
ity indicated Saudi opposition to the
trip. It was not known whether that
position would influence the flow of
Saudi aid to Egypt.
MOST ARAB opposition to the trip
has centered on fears Sadat may
seek a separate peace with Israel,
shattering the solid Arab front.
Sadat has denied he will do so. In
his speech tomorrow to the Knesset,
Israel's parliament, the Egyptian is
expected to restate pan-Arab de-
mands .- Israeli withdrawal from
See ISRAEL, Page 3

S adat

- e--m-

Ballots cast for representatives on
the Michigan Student Assembly (MSA)
were recounted last night and JOB par-
ty candidate John Gibson, who had pre-
viously withdrawn from the race, was
declared the winner.
The recount was conducted after can-
didate Tom Hathaway revealed that a
candidate's withdrawal during ballot
counting was not permissible under the:
MSA election code.
The only other result changed
because of the recount was that
Thomas Danko, who had finished tenth,
was bumped from the winning slate.
The confusion was over section 5.11:
of the code, which says in part: "Any'
candidate who files for any office
may withdraw his or her candidacy
up to one day before the elec-
tions .
Gibson withdrew his candidacy after
the passage of a constitutional amend-
ment he supported. The amendment
changes the make-up of the Assembly

THE MAN IN THE white sweatsuit and Go Blue button is up to his old
tricks again. He's Bob Ufer, the terminally chatty Voice of Michigan foot-
ball, who's toying with an effigy of Woody Hayes laid out in a coffin. Bob
joined thousands of other chilly souls who popped in at last night's pre-game
pep rally.

Regents pave way for

Medical L ibrary

The Regents cleared the way yesterday for a
new Medical Library and, at the same time,
agreed to. support a proposal for a divided high-
way to improve access to the Medical Center if
anroved by an outside planner.

ON WEDNESDAY the state approved a $4
million appropriation for construction of the
Medical Library. The Regents added a $1 million
grant yesterday to the $2.5 million originally con-
tributed by the federal government. Construction
is scheduled for December.

decides to fund the project. UATS was established
in 1965 by Congress to insure that highway plans
be coordinated by local and state communities.
"BUT ONE REQUIRED ingredient is the
University's decision on (the hospital access
plans)," said Bolens.

AT THE INSISTENCE of Regent Deane Baker
(R-Ann Arbor), the Regents included in'the high-
way vote the condition that a private planning
firm be consulted to check the University plan-
ners' proposal.

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