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November 13, 1977 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1977-11-13

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Page 8-Sunday, November 13, 1977-The Michigan Daily
Engin. dance scores comeback

Anything goes

even the kitchen

#ack in the days of midnight cur-
fews for women and "no cars on cam-
pus"rules, the all-campus ball was
the social event of the season.
past night's Calculator Ball
mgrked the rebirth of that tradition..
ing Council students in the College of
F.ngineering, the Calculator Ball is'a
1970's-style revival of the once-
annual Slide Rule Ball. This year's
event, held at the Campus Inn, was
open to all University students, fac-
ulty and alumni.
Although the ball was touted as a
reinearnation of an older event,
conscious motorists are learning that
bad roads increase their driving
The average U.S. Motorist pays an
extra $10 a year in fuel, tire wear
and front-end repairs because of
rough roads, says The Road Informa-
tion Program (TRIP).

Engineering Council president Nan-
cy Smith pointed out, "We're starting
something new and we don't want to
do everything like they did."
Most of the students at.last night's
dance were too young to remember
the Slide Rule Ball of years past. But
Mechanical Engineering Professor
Jack Young not only remembers the
Slide Rule Ball, but also attended
several as a student during the '30s.
YOUNG, who attended last night's
event, recalled that most of the Slide
Rule balls were held in the ballroom
that most students now associate

with that beginning-of-the-term book
rush-the Michigan Union Ballroom.
According to Young, the Union
Ballroom was "the preferred floor
for dancing."
As part of the decorations commit-
tee for one Slide Rule Ball, Young
helped design and build a 15-foot wide
gear wheel, complete with a motor to
make the wheel slowly revolve.
Young and his fellow committee
members suspended their contrap-
tion from wires above the Union
Ballroom floor. But, "It didn't work
very long, unfortunately.)It broke
down," he mused..


- at White Elephant sale

Youth shot on N. Campus

A 17-year-old youth was listed in
critical condition at Mott Children's
Hospital late last night after sustain-
ing gunshot wounds in the head.
The youth, who police refused to
identify, was shot shortly after 5 p.m.
yesterday by an unidentified 16-year-
old youth, according to authorities.
The shooting took place on Stone

Drive on Nortn campus, near North-
wood Housing.
A police spokesman said the .22-
caliber shooting appeared acciden-
tal, but added that a probe is under-
way. The 16-year-old youth, the
spokesman said, was taken into
, The spokesman declined to say
whether the two youths knew one

qw another.,
Daily Official
oese~tts'.0 .dBulletin
'esents s3. unday, N ovemer 1.19

Who says the University Activities
Center (UAC) White Elephant Sale
has everything but the kitchen sink?
They actually had about five of them,
yesterday - at 13 bucks a shot. .
"I've never seen such a pile of junk
in my life," exclaimed Dan Phillips
as he hobbled around the Union
Ballroom on his broken foot amidst
the turnstiles, metal trays, 60-year-
old moose heads and other items of-
fered for sale.
BUT ONE man's junk is another
man's treasure, and that homily was
proven by the long lines of people
waiting to purchase everything from
antique vegetable slicers to eight-
foot glass doors.
All of the articles for sale were
taken from the Union basement in
order to make room for UAC's
Artists and ;Craftsmen Guild, ex-
plained Tom Shaker; president of the
Union board of Directors, who pro-
posed the sale, which runs until
Tuesday. "Ar don't worry about us
running out;" he added. "We will
restock all day, every day, until the
end of the,sale."
Some of the more costly items at
the saleincluded a pool rack from the
faculty lounge, stained glass and
silver-plated dishes. But some bar-
gain-hunters saw more value in,the
articles offered for sale than might
initially meet the eye. Psych major
Linda Gilles saw her newly-pur-
chased seven-foot slab of marble as a
"beautiful plant shelf."
JUNIOR Dan Newman seemed
genuinely pleased with his acquisi-
tion - a medical spotlight. "Aes-
thetically it's all right," observed
Newman of the tall, black, weird-
looking device. "I plan on painting it
up and using it as a bed lamp. It
shoots light in almost any direction."
Henry Cataldo went wild over a
table heaped with Michigan Union
"souvenir jackets" and even tried
some on for size.
"I'm an art student and these
would be great to use at the art
school. Three dollars is a good
price," he explaindd.

" i

paily Photo by PETER SERLING

No, Kyle Spencer is not doing lewd things at yesterday's White Elephant
Sale. He's only sitting on a relic toilet bowl, thinking about what artifact to
purchase next.
Police step up prohbe"
in TU fund case


of PINBALL to the
at the

(Continued from Page 2)
are under investigation.
TU LEADERS still say they are un-
certain how much money was actual-
ly taken from the fund. The group has
frozen its escrow accounts, accepting
no new deposits nor releasing money
now in the general fund. An auditor is

reviewing the TU's financial records.
Meanwhile, tenants whose escrow
money is frozen remain supportive of
the TU and1 have expressed confi-
dence that they will get their money

"I'm certainly concerned about the
embezzlement," said University em-'
ploye Jay Walker. "I have faith in the
TU at present and my understanding
is that the people running the opera-
tion have been very straight. It is im-
portant to understand that being a
volunteer organization, the TU has
fallen to the trap of most volunteer
organizations - poor financial man-
NO MONEY was taken from
escrow deposits placed in Canadian
banks for tenants involved in the Re,
liable Realty and Traver Knoll
Apartment rent strikes.
University junior Charlie Kusuda,
who placed four months of his rent to
Reliable Realty into one of the TU
funds last year, said he can't charge
the TUwith low credibility because
of the theft. "The Reliable situation
has been handled in part by (Cam-
pus) Legal Aid and they are pretty
reliable. If Legal Aid wasn't handling
it, I'd feel more doubtful," he admit-
TU member Susan VanHattum
said landlords will probably use the
embezzlement issue to their advan-
tage. "Landlords use anything they
can against the TU," she charged.
But Esther Snyder, landlord for
Traver Knoll, said she doesn't be-
lieve the embezzlement issue will af-
fect rent settlement negotiations
between her lawyers and the TU.
Jay Walker, however, warned that
the TU "could really be in a jam" in
the future because of the incident.
"It's a matter of tenants deciding
who they're going to trust," he noted.


I GET DOWN kvy..rt
Backpacker Down
reg. $35 NOW $39.95
- Ripstop Down Jacket
reg. $50NOW $39.95
I Down 'N Outer Jacket}
Ripstop nylon 3 color selection
* $49.95
r.. to $35 NOW $ 24toD as.w95_ - - - - -
.. A wirdp rmplption of flown Porkos with Nvon

Monday is ...
Premium Imported
Draught Beer




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