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November 10, 1977 - Image 10

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1977-11-10

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day, November 10, 1977-The Michigan Daily

Free diabetes tests
offered by 'U' hospital
By ALICIA ULRICH The free testing is being offered
Despite her busy day yesterday, through Friday from 1:30-4:00 in the
Patricia Arting decided to take test panel lab of the hospital. You are
advantage of the free diabetes test- considered high risk if you are over
ing being offered at the University 40, overweight, or a blood relative of
Hospital. a diabetic. Holly Pilon, lab super-
"I'm not sure whether I have dia- visor stresses that "Even if you are
betes or not, so I thought this would not in the high risk category or you
be a good opportunity to find out," don't have the common symptoms
said the dermatology secretary as (faintness, excessive thirst, loss of
she prepared to take the test. weight) you could still have the
THE TEST itself consists of having disease.
a blood sample taken and requires
but a few moments. Results will be PILON SUGGESTS that you
reported within two to three weeks have a meal heavy in' sugar before
through your doctor. taking the test to challenge your
"It's OK, it didn't hurt at all," says system. Last year the lab tested 211
Ann Sester, a hospital worker. "The patients and almost 10 per cent were
girls at the hospital bugged me to called back for further testing. Of
take the test, and it wasn't bad," she those, about half were diagnosed as
continued. certain diabetics.
HEW: Many federal
workers get welare

WASHINGTON (AP) - A govern-
ment check of welfare recipients has
turned up 26,334 current or recent
federal workers on welfare rolls,
Department of Health, Education
and Welfare (HEW) Secretary Jo-
seph A.' Califano Jr. announced
They made up 1.4 per cent of the 1.8
million federal workers whose names
were checked by computer against
records of 8.2 million welfare recip-
ients in 20 states and the District of
Columbia. There are 2.7 million
federal workers and 11.2 million
persons in the Aid to Families with
Dependent Children program.
CALIFANO said many federal
workers with large families and
low-paying jobs may be entitled to
the benefits. He said he does not think
federal workers are "more fraud-.
prone than any ;other group of citi-
But he said the government must
get its own house in order first as it
seeks to eradicate fraud and abuse in
welfare programs. He said "Project
Match" will be stepped up and states
will be encouraged to check their own
payrolls to search for possible wel-
fare cheaters.
He also said HEW is discussing
with some large private companies,
such as IBM and AT&T, the feasibil-
ity of combing private employers'
records for welfare cheats.
A representative
will be on the campus
NOVEMBER 15, 1977,
to discuss qualifications for
advanced study at
and job opportunities
in the field of
Interviews may be scheduled at
Thunderbird Campus
Glendale, Arizona 85306

CALIFANO SAID he expects ac-
cess to the Defense Department's
payroll files on military personnel
within a month to check for welfare
He defended Project Match against
criticisms that the massive computer
searches amount to invasions of
citizens' privacy.
HEW ill keep the computer tapes
and printouts under tight wraps and
"carefully control the delivery of
material to federal and state agen-
cies to insure that only senior staff in
HEW and other governmental units
have access to sensitive informa-
tion," he said.
SO FAR THE project has cost
$200,000. Califano predicted it will,
bring back millions of dollars to the
Califano said that in a pilot project
in the District of Columbia, the
names of 216. HEW employes were
found on welfare rolls. So far 90, or 41
per cent, proved to be ineligible or
receiving too much. Seventylfour
names were on the list only because
of computer errors and 12, or five per
cent, were eligible. The dozen includ-
ed two persons who were underpaid
benefits. Forty other cases, or about
20 per cent, are still under investiga-
But Califano said he was reluctant
to draw comparisons between that
test and the nationwide check be a
cause of the small size of the district
CALIFANO SAID that afteor"
computer turns up "raw hits" of
persons on the federal payroll and
welfare rolls, the names will be sent
to federal agencies to verify their
employment and salary. Then the
states will be asked to determine
whether they were eligible for wel-
When cheating is found, federal
prosecutors will decide when to seek
indictments and the agencies will
decide whether to suspend, demote
or fire the workers. State and local
governments will "be urged to seek
restitution of the welfare funds.
The Project Match computer
searches will be conducted annually.
The government also will crosscheck
welfare rolls from neighboring states
to uncover persons drawing bene-
fits in two or more states. A
preliminary search in Maryland,
Virginia and the District uncovered
176 persons drawing benefits in two
On another topic, Califano said last
month's death of a McAllen, Texas,
woman after an illegal abortion in
Mexico does not justify any change in
the law barring use of federal funds
for elective abortions. "Any death of
either the woman or child is a very
sad event to me and to any citizen in
this country," he commented.

A career in law-
without law schooi.
What can you do with only a bachelor's degree?
Now there is a way to bridge the gap between an
undergraduate education and a challenging, responsible
career. The Lawyer's Assistant is able to do work tradi-
tionally done by lawyers.
Three months of intensive training can give you the
skills-the courses are taught by lawyers. You choose
one of the seven courses offered-choose the city in
which you want to work.
Since 1970, The Institute for Paralegal Training has
placed more than 2,000 graduates in law firms, banks,
and corporations in over 80 cities.
If you are a senior of high academic standing and are
interested in a career as a Lawyer's Assistant, we'd like
to meet you.
Contact your placement office for an interview with our
We will visit your campus on:

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