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November 10, 1977 - Image 9

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1977-11-10

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When I first heard that Johnny Robinson was going to work in the steel
mills of Chicago, I was stunned. It was one of the saddest things I'd ever read.
I remember Johnny Rob as that "fifth" player on some of Michilgan's best
basketball teams who soon would be forgotten in favor of players like Rickey
Green, Phil Hubbard, Steve Grote, and Wayman Britt.x
Rob never did get a lot of attention, or a whole lot of points and rebounds. He
played "Michigan" basketball-unselfish, with a lot of running. He was always
there to pick up those "garbage" points and rebounds. He ran on less publicity
per mile than the Volkswagen Rabbit.
You wonder if they make them like Rob anymore.
John Robinson was also a good example of how athletics could help a
student who normally would have never made it through school. Without
basketball, Johnny Robinson would have ended up working in the .. well, the
mills. 4
So what happened? Why didn't he graduate from the University of
Michigan and get a good job? You start to wonder even more when you-hear
that along with Robinson, Britt, Green, and Grote also failed to graduate.
Are coaches to blame?
It is so easy to point out the fingers of blame to the coaches for the basket-
ball players not graduating. Johnny Orr ... behind that warm, friendly, per-
sonality ... was there any responsibility for his players? Bill Frieder. .. sup-
posedly more efficiently than the IBM 360 computer. . . wasn't he program-
med to monitor the players academically?
Yes, the answer must lie with the coaches. The answer is as simple as
talking to them.
"We suggest to the players to take 15-16 credit hours in the fall, and 12 in the
winter;.. anything more would be just too much," Frieder said. "If you follow
this through for eight semesters, you will come up short of credit hours.That's
why we tell the players when they first come to be ready to go a spring or sum-
mer term if they want to graduate in four years. After that, it's up to them."
Indeed, more than 12 hours during the winter semester would be too much.
The Daily's basketball beft uses a tag team to try to keep up with the cagers,
and our grades still suffer.

agers and classes,..
... it's up to them
The coaches do fulfill the responsibility of telling the players what they
need to graduate. . . but that is all they can do. Players are still students like
you and me ... and no one pampers us or tells us what to do. You are not going
to see Orr or Frieder put diapers on any of their players and they are not going
to force on anyone a summer term who would rather go back to their families or
make some money.
Furthermore, if the players do go a fifth year, according to Frieder, the
basketball program continues their scholarship. If necessary, they provide
their players with paid tutors to help get them through.
If the players do not graduate after their four years of basketball, it is their
own decision. Robinson, Grote, Green and Britt did not graduate as they
decided to put their efforts towards basketball.
Robinson had hoped to play with the NBA this season, but was released by
the Lakers and not picked up by a European team before the deadline to sign
Americans. Robinson thought about working in the steel mills until he got the
chance to play in Europe again. However, Robinson has shown up this semester
to finish off his degree.
And Grote? As he told Frieder before he was cut by Cleveland, "I'll always
have the chance to go back and pick up my degree, but this is the only chance
I'll ever have to make it in basketball and I'm going to give it my best shot."
Grote is expected to return next semester.
Media mistreats Orr
If the players felt they were being cheated by the coaches they would be the
first to say so. But from what I understand, they are ready to set the story
It's too bad the media is not always ready to do the same. Time after time,
we seem to blow it with the Michigan basketball team.
Orr is one of the few coaches to keep his door open to reporters. In fact, he
pleads with reporters to come talk with him when they want to get the full story.
All he asks for is a chance to give his side. He is a reporter's dream.
Year after year, though, Orr is shamed in print by some reporters who elec-
ted not to talk first, but to write. They don't criticize Bo, who tends to shy away
from the press. During Ohio State week, Schembechler tries to put a wall
around the football team.
Orr never has built walls around his program. His coaching has never been
perfect, and he would be the first to agree.
Yet, year after year, while the media ignores its responsibilities, the
coaches fulfill theirs.. .

Special to The Daily
DETROIT- - The Detroit Pistons
parlayed 56 per cent field goal shooting
to pound the Houston Rockets 127-107
last night in Cobo Arena: M. L. Carr
paced eight Pistons in double figures
with 25 points.
All-star center Bob Lanier was
missing from the Detroit lineup due to a
knee injury as was the spark-plug for
the Houston Rockets, guard Calvin
After falling behind 37-32 early in the
second quarter, the Pistons outscored
the punchless Rockets 32-13 to take a
commanding 64-50 halftime lead.
However, the Rockets surged early in
the second half to within seven points
until substitute Willie Norwood and
starting center Leon Douglas steamed
the tide.
The Pistons received superior guard
play from Eric Money with 19 tallies
and Ralph Simpson, who notched 18
points and 10 assists. For the Rockets,
Moses Malone counted 22 markers and
Rudy Tomjanovich chipped in with 20.
Former Central Michigan standout
Ben Poquette surpassed his NBA high
with 14 points on six for eight shooting
from the field and ex-Michigan captain
Waymann Britt hit more than a point a
minute with four in less than three
minutes playing time. -BILLY NEFF

Regressive hockey
DETROIT-Aggressive hockey? It
was regressive hockey for the Detroit
Red Wings last night as they managed
only a 1-1 tie against the last place
Washington Capitals.
After a strong first period, in which
Detroit took the lead on a power play
goal by defenseman Greg Joly, his first
of the year, the Wings left their crisp
passing attack in the locker room and
struggled the rest of the way.
The Capitals tied it up in the second
stanza on a close-in shot by Gerry
Meehan, this time with Red Wing Andre
St. Laurent in the penalty box.
After Joly's goal, the loudest cheers
from the crowd were reserved for St.
Laurent's near decapitation of Bryan
watson, former Detroit hatchet man.
San Antonio 129, Boston 114
Buffalo 124, New York 113
Philadelphia 130, New Jersey 107
New York Rangers 8, Buffalo 4
Pittsburgh 5, Cleveland 3
Detroit 1, Washington I

The Michigan Daily-Thursday, November 10, 1977-Page 9,
Pistons top Houston;
Wings knot Capitals


Thursday and Friday, Nov. 10, 11 4:00 p.m. Angell Aud. B
This film examines modern-day Mexico, dominated by a single political
party, the institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), heir of the 1910 Revolution.
Yet widespread poverty exists today-tenant farmers, Indian communities,
aging veterans of Zapata's legions.
Set against interviews with hacienda owner, union official, and Party
DIRECTOR of this film is Roymundo Gleyzer, held prisoner, incommuni-
cado by the Dictatorship of Videla in Argentina.
(Monday, Nov. 14 7:30 P.M. Pendleton Room Union)
James D. Cockroft, Professor of Sociology at Rutgers University, is one
of the foremost radical scholars on Latin America in the United States.
He is a participating editor of Latin American Perspectives and a coordi-
nator of the Rutgers-Livingston Transnational Corporation Research Group.,

You're sitting in your east
New Year's Day about to
first bowl game of the
picture tunes in and boor
watching Meet the Pre:
gives? This year, because.
falls on a Sunday, the Ne
ay bowl games will be f
Monday, January 2.
o, when you finally w
duled bowl games, you
prised at some of the m
The number of possible pa
almost endless and the r
games for the nation's top t
crucial to the final match-ul
college football games
growing each year. Thi
addition is the Hall of Fam
be played in Birmingham,
The Gator, Liberty, Fie
Peach, Blubonnet, Tange
Independence Bowls are
some of the others.
However, the big four bo
to be played on January 2 w
the bulk of the nation's attei
Sugar Bowl and Cotton Boi
played in the afternoon
Orange Bowl being played
And as tradition goes, the g
Someone sabotaged this we
des, slipping a twenty-first
the paper. We join Gridd
Miller Bobber for an explana
still haven't found the culprit
distraught Bobber. "But th
needn't worry - if they've p
Central Michigan-Toledo gan
attempt to earn a small tw
from Pizza Bob's, we won't
Just make sure to tell them t
picks into the Daily by mid
1. MICHIGAN at Purdue
2. Minnesota at Illinois
3. Indiana at Ohio State
4. Iowa at Wisconsin
5 Northwestern at Michig
6. Harvard at Yale
1. Southern Cal at Was
8. Notre Dame at Clemson
9. Grambling at Norfolk Sta
10. Auburn at Georgia
11. Arkansas at Texas A&M
12. Mississippi St. at LSU
13. Oklahoma State at Misso
14. Georgia Tech at Navy
15. New Mexico at Arizona
16. Colorado at Oklahoma
17. Kansas at Nebraska
18. Kentucky at Florida
19. South Carolina at Wake
20. DAILY LIBELS at St. Ign

y chair on dy of them all - the Rose Bowl - will
watch the be sandwiched between them in the
day. The late afternoon..
M, you're The question still remains, who will
ss. What play in what bowl?
January 1 "FOR 36 YEARS, the Southwest-
w Year's ern Conference champion has played
played on in the Cotton Bowl. Texas is the front-
runner (rated No. 1 in the nation) and
vatch the is a good prospect," said Wilbur
might be Evans,-the executive vice president
latch-ups. of the Cotton Bowl. 3
ir-ups are However, Texas still has one major
emaining opponent to overcome - Texas A&M.
eams are "If A&M does beat Texas, A&M
Ps. will be our choice. But we'd like to
ost-season see an undefeated tdam playing,"
has been said Evans.
is year's "No matter who wins, we'd like to
e Bowl, to see the best competition in there. We
Alabama. are considering both Michigan and
sta, Sun, OSU as well as Notre Dame, Penn
rine and State and Pitt," remarked Evans.
among ON NOVEMBER 19th, the major
bowls will announce at least one
wl games opponent if not both. The only
ill receive exception is the Sugar Bowl, which
ntion. The announced Alabama as a definite bid
wl will be after they clinched the Southeastern
with the Conference.
at night. "The Cotton Bowl will announce
granddad- the SWC's conference winner's op-
ponent one hour after the Michigan-
OhioState game. As far as Texas and
A&M go, we'll wait until they play on
Novermber 26," said the Cotton Bowl
Just as the Cotton Bowl executives
ek's Grid- want the best possible match-up, so
game into do the other bowls.
e master "WE WANT the best team possible
tion. "We to play in the Superdome," said
," sighs a Executive Director Carl James of the
e faithful Sugar Bowl.
icked that Also, just as the Texas officials are
ne in their looking at the runner-up in the Big
o-item pie Ten along with Notre Dame, Pitt,
count it. Penn State and others, Sugar Bowl
a get their officials are too.
night Fri- "If Texas loses to Texas A&M, then
it will be very probable that Alabama

far from settled

will be number one. If the Tide is the
top team, then whoever will be
playing in the Sugar Bowl will be
playing for a top ranking," comment-
ed James.
THE SUGAR BOWL officials rec-
ognize that they are competing with
the Cotton Bowl, not only for teams,
but also for air time. They'll both be
playing at approximately the same
time on Monday.
"We've sold out the Superdome
already. We've got a great building
here in a great city (New Orleans)
with the best collegiate TV contract
(ABC-TV). Why, if you could cover
that Michigan Stadium and haul it
down here, we could easily sell
105,000 tickets," remarked James.
"We're all playing on Monday. We
have no control over it. It was much
better when the Sugar Bowl was
played on December 31 as it always
has been, but we'll do our best," said
THE ORANGE Bowl also is after
the same group of teams as the
Cotton and Sugar Bowls are.
"We are still interested in Pitt,
Penn State, Notre Dame, Clemson,
Arkansas, Texas A&M (if Texas
beats them), and the runner-up in the
Big Ten," said Executive Director
Don McNamara of the Orange Bowl.
"We do have a Big Eightcontract.
Right now, it looks as if Oklahoma
will be our choice," remarked Mc-
THE ONLY bowl that won't have
trouble choosing its teams will be the
Rose Bowl. They have no leeway.
They will choose as tradition and
contract goes the Big Ten conference
winner and the Pac Eight conference
winner. The Michigan-Ohio State
game will determine the Big Ten
representative. The Pac Eight this
year, though, is tighter than in
previous years. Washington, USC,
and UCLA are all tied for the lead
with Stanford and California right

If the above doesn't confuse you,
then you probably knew long ago that
the major bowl games will be played
on January 2 instead of 1. This year's
bowl games could have some excit-
ing games', but you'll have to wait
until the day after New Year's.

Che 4ttCITi[tMtT


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