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October 30, 1977 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1977-10-30

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Do it again, Jerry
W know Jerry Ford has gotten flak for tripping down airplane
ramps, falling down ski slopes and hitting standers-by with golf balls, but
this one is just too much. In a note to a Italeigh, N.C. attorney, Gerald
Bass, Ford made a plea for his support for U.S. Sen. Jesse Helms (R-
N.C.) in his i'e-election bid next year. But the tone of Ford's letter hardly
seemed to convey the idea of a sincere goodwill mission. The letter
opened with "Dear Mr. Ass," and the "B" in Bass was left out throughout
the rest of it. "The kicker was the last sentence,". Bass said, laughing. "It
said: "With kindest regards, Mr. Ass, I am sincerely, Gerald R. Ford.'"
In effect, though, Bass told Jerry where to put it - he is a Democrat and
says he probably will not be supporting the Republican Helms.
Be sure to set your clock back an hour, or you're gonna be an hour
early for everything. Today, activities get off to a late start at 4 p.m.
when "Encores from Interlochen" will be performed in Rackham Aud.
by musicians who played at the National Music Camp in Interlochen ... If
you're Jewish and you like wine, stop in at Markley's piano lounge at 5 for
a wine and cheese party with the Student Union for Progressive Judaism,
a new independent reform Jewish organization ... also at 5, Franklin
Coleman, organist and choirmaster at Christ Church Cranbrook, will per-
form a special recital at St. Andrews Episcopal Church, 306 N. Division ...
at 6:30 p.m. on WCBN, 88.3 FM, John Waymann will join host Jeff Gold-
smith on "Wolverine SPorts Lines" ... get into the Halloween spirit by tip-
toeing through the ROTC Haunted House at North Hall, open from 6 to 9
p.m. The Army, Navy and Air Force brush aside rivalries for a few hours
and join together to scare the daylights out of souls courageous enough to
wander through the maze for the benefit of UNICEF ... at 7:30, Dr.
Mxolisi Ntlabati will share the struggle in S. Africa with listeners at King
of Kings Lutheran Church, 2685 Packard ... Halloween is not the only
thing happening tomorrow. MONDAY'S events offer lots of people to see,
places to go and things to do... At noon, stop in at the W. Conference Rm.,
Rackham, to hear Vic Miller discuss "Education Reorganization" ... or
you might want to attend a research seminar at 2009 Museum of An-
thropology on Geddes where Jeffrey Parsons will enlighten you with
"Regional Surveying and Archaeology: Method and Theory, Part I," also
at noon ... or perhaps, "Current Trends in Contemporary Israeli Litera-
ture" is your bag. Join Edna Coffin in the Commons Rm., Lane Hall at -
guess when - noon again ... but if none of these catches your fancy, try a
free film in the North Lecture Hall of Med. Sci. II, "Psychics, Saints and
Scientists," when the clock strikes 12, of course ... a half-hour later, Ar-
chitecture and Urban Planning School sponsors a multi-media show,
"Biotecture," -in 2104 Art and Arch ... here's one on PBB - it's in
everybody's bloodstream - at 3 p.m. in SPH II, Aud., "The Poisoning of
Michigan," the British documentary that Bill Milliken tried to quash ...
at 4, Charles Radding of Yale will add more discussion on recombinant
DNA in Rm. 4804, Med. Sci. II ... activities slack off for a while until RC's
film "Black Girl" is shown in Whitney Aud., SEB, at 7 ... also at 7, the
Child and Family Service of Washtenaw County offers a group experi-
ence session on "Availability and Utilization of Community Resources"
at 2301 Platt Road ... the Center for Social Concerns sponsors a prograin
on "Violence to Women in the Church" where Anne Coleman, a campus
minister, will speak at 511 W. Forest Ave., Ypsilanti ... at 7:30, Mary
Wade of the American Friends Service Committee, gives a presentation
on her fact-finding tour through SOuthern Africa and holds a receition in
Alice Lloyd. At 11:30 a.m. she also holds an informal luncheon at Canter-
bury House, Catherine and Division ... Marshall McLuhan, director of the
U. of Toronto Center for Culture and Technology and a well-known com-
munications specialist, will speak at 8 p.m. in the Rackham Lecture Hall
... finally, close out the hectic day with a free Halloween concert with the
University Symphony Orchestra in Hill Aud. at 9. Internationally-known
pianist Theodore Lettvin will perform ... Whew!
On the outside .. .
It doesn't look like the Great Pumpkin will be treating us to fair skies
for a while. Today, carve your pumpkin under sunless skies as the mer-
cury hits 600 and then slides to 46° this evening. Tricksters and treaters
tomorrow should prepare for soggy candy as the chance of rain increases
throughout the day. Highs will climb up into the mid-60s; a mild 500 will
be the low. Happy Halloween, anyway.
Daily Official Bulletin

The Michigan Daily-Sunday, October 30, 1977-Page 3
Con ress likely to pass Today
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 -3 -5 -7 -9
ScaSecuriy axhke

WASHINGTON (AP)-Congress is
considered sure to pass a bill imposing
massive new Social Security taxes to
shore up the depleted system, although
the amount of such taxes has not been
Enactment of the legislation is likely
by the end of the year. The Social
Security bill has second priority, with
only energy legislation ahead of it, as
Congress moves toward adjournnent
next month.
THE HOUSE PASSED its bill Thur-
sday and the Senate Finance Commit-
tee is almost finished preparing its ver-
sion. Senate floor action could come as
early as the coming week. That would
be followed by a conference committee
to reconcile differences between the
two versions.
Both President Carter and
Democratic leaders in Congress want a
bill passed this year. Carter has

delayed presenting his proposal for a
general #x cut until after seeing the
exact sizt the Social Security tax in-
crease. ,
However, Rep. Al Ullman (D-Ore.),,
chairman of the House Ways and
Means Committee who will be one of
the conferees, said the conference
might continue into January.
THE OUTCOME IS sure to mean a
massive increase in Social Security
taxes, made necessary by the financial
troubles of the program. Without new
taxes on the 104 million workers who
pay the levy, benefits for the 33 million
recipients would be imperiled.
Under the House passed bill, Social
Security taxes for some American
workers would more than triple in the
next decade. The maximum tax, now
$965 per year, would jump to $3,025 by
The increases would be most dramatic

for upper-income employees, but all
workers who pay Social Security tax
would have to pay more. For exam-
ple, someone earning $10,000 annually
will pay $585 this year but $710 ten year-
s from now.
The financial crisis for Social
Security is caused by a sharp decline in
the birth rate along with an increase in
average life expectancy and a trend
toward earlier retirement.
These factors mean that a smaller
percentage of the population is paying
the tax and a greater portion is drawing
the benefits. Thus, higher taxes are
necessary to maintain benefit levels,
which go up automatically with the cost
of living.
There are now more than three
workers contributing to the system for
every beneficiary. During the next cen-
tury it is expected to be down to only
about, two workers financing each
Deficits during the last three years
have led to predictions that the system
would go broke within a few years
without new funding.
Carter said during his campaign
that one of his first priorities would be
to address the crisis in Social Security
and restore the public's confidence in
the system's financial viability.
Classes Starting Nov. 7
Call KAMALA at 994-5625

Soviet Unio n marks
60 communist years,

MOSCOW (AP)-The Soviet Union
marks 60 years of communism this
week secure in its status as a super'
power but far from realizing the
dreams of the Bolshevik revolution.
Despite-or perhaps because of-its
military might, the U.S.S.R. lags
behind the West and even some East
European countries in such critical
areas as industry, agriculture, science
and technology.
IN MANY WAYS it is a developing
country, lacking many of the facilities
common to smaller industrial nations
and anxious to obtain Western products
and plants.
On the political side, the Kremlin of-
ten uses heavy-handed tactics to sup-
press dissent.
But these problems and practices will
not be the focus of the anniversary ob-
servance. Instead the aging leadership
in the Kremlin will stress the positive
in observances culminating with the
traditional parade in Red Square Nov.
THE SOVIETS ARE expected to con-
tinue playing down the military display
in the parade in line with their policy of
calling for an end to the arms race and
a decrease in military spending.
Western diplomats with long Soviet
experience acknowledge there have
been genuine achievements in recent
years. But they often remark on the
contrast between the reality of Soviet
life and the picture drawn by the of-
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ficial media.
"In foreign affairs, the most
significant development since the 50th
anniversary has been the accom-
modation reached with the United
States," said Qne senior envov.
referring to detente and the Strategic
Arms Limitation Treaty.
"AT HOME, LIVING standards have
improved slightly. Life is more open
than it was. But you do not have the
dynamic nation the revolution en-
visioned. Just the opposite. It's im-
mobile, frozen, resisitant to any
The mobs that stormed the Winter
Palace in St. Petersburg-now
Leningrad-in 1917 set in motion the
transformation of a mass of backward
peasants into a world power roughly
equal in military strength to the United
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There will be a meeting
for all interested
Undergraduate Women and Men
A Support-Social-Political Activities Group
at 7:30 P.M.
in ALICE LLOYD Dormitory,
Klein Lounge,
Main Floor

The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication
of the University of Michigan. Notices should be sent
in TYPEWRITTEN FORM to 409 E. Jefferson, be-"
fore 2p.m. of the day preceeding publication and by 2
p.m. Friday for Saturday. Sunday, and Monday.
Items-appear once only. Student organization notices
are not accepted for publication. For more informa-
tien, phone 764-9270.
Day Calendar
WUOM: Options in Education, "Portrait of
American Adolescence, part three," a look at some
of the problems facing young people, 1 p.m.
Music School: Encores from Interlochen,
RackhamAud., 4p.m.
Day Calendar
WUOM: Ann Arbor Teach in on Prisons, Gage
Kamowitz, lawyer, Michigan Legal Services,
"Medical Experiments and Prisoners," discusses
use of chemo-therapy in prisons for experimental
and control purposes, 9:30 a.m.
Physics/Astronomy: R. Kirshner, "Supernovae and

the Extragalactic Distance Scale," 2038 Randall
Lab., noon; H. Miettinen FNAL, "Testing QuaRK
Properties with Hadrons," 2038 Randall lab., W.
Zahn, "Microscopic Multi-Channel Calculations for
light Nuclei," 296 Dennison, 4 p.m.
College of Enginering: Lecture Series, Prof. Mar-
shall McLuhan, Dir., Ctr for Culture & Technology,
U-Toronto, Rackham Lecture Hall, 8p.m.
3200 SAB - Phone 763-4117
Agency for International Development, Washing-
ton, D.C.: Internship deadline November 1. Two-
year program - must hold graduate degree in agri,
field, ed. admin., bus. admin., nutrition/public
health. Candidates with undergraduate degrees in
accounting with at least one year experience also
eligible. Further details available.
Agency for International Development,
Washington D.C. Internship deadline November 1.
Two year program--must hold graduate degree in
agri., field, ed. admin., bus. admin., nutrition/public
health. Candidates with undergraduate degrees in
accounting with at least one year experience also
eligible. Further details available.

Hitchcock's American debut features Laurence Olivier and Joan Fontaine
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