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October 30, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-10-30

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LIE 43Uf

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See Today for details

Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 46 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, October 30, 1977 Ten Cents 10 Pages Plus Supplement
CIA operatives 'trap foreign students
By BOB ROSENBAUM wrong. His professor is a CIA
In a darkened hallway somewhere operative. The person he will soon meet there is not a single college campus that ment campaigns.
Ina"de is an intelligence gentwhohas already knows it's going on," Halperin says. IN RECENT years, hundreds of
on campus, a student waits outside the read a detailed report on the student's "The people who do that activity are studies have opened up previously
office of a professor. There is no onetie he studen Although its been going specifically trained to keep it secret, to unopened doors. Some of the most
else in thre building. asked if he wants to engage in secret on or at least till yy 4s keep it from the attention of their telling information, with regard to CIA
The student clutches his course books aseifhwattoegginectonor tlattiry er, colleagues and the university ad- campus activities, came with the
work for the CIA in his ofunsrying
self-consciously. He does not speak country. the details o CIA spyingration." rerent aseio douments descibin
English very well, and although he en THE ABOVE vignette is entirely fic- on merican university According to Halperin, the intelligen- the agency's 25-year MK ULTRA
joys his frequent discussions with his ns s sce agency plants agents on "major program. The program involved the
professor, the language barrier often titious. But encounters such as this take cagnypntaetso mjrporm.Tergm
place frequently at some of this coun- campuses are only now ' 9 y campus," those with large student rampant use of LSD and other minds
makes him tense.try's most prestigious universities. bein revealed-to the populations, and faculty members who altering drugs, electroshock treatment,
tBecause of the manner in which the CIA E engage in extensive research and neurosurgery, sensory deprivation, and
TDAY MIGH s fernt, h works, no one at this University can say shoc ,and anger Of many travelin foreign countries. isolation tests-all on uninformed vic-
okes, nhotseerhas with certainty that operatives and y ane a This would certainly be a campus tims. Data gathered from these ac-
called him to say that there was wt etit htoeaie n members of the academic Fx ;wich had the criteria which Would leaa tivities was applied to CIA studies on
someone special he wanted the young agents are not at work in Ann Arbor. ;vh CA to a to hve sombd introl.
man to meet, someone who was very in- During a visit here on October 20, community. hhe CIA to want to have somebody mAd control.
teetdi h tdn' iw oadMorton Halperin, a former deputy a M ere," he said . As a result of a successful Freedom o
terested in the student's views toward tn er a o e de Recruiting students for covert work Information suit, the CIA has been
his country's government, s, President Nixon, and now regarded by is not the only interest the CIA has on pressured into notifying all universities
What a land America is, the many as an expert on the secret ac- Halperin American campuses. The agency also and research organizations in the
su d nt mightnd think g All t he t s as ntellie nce ag encies, - " 'Y:".' ma rcontracts for secret political and sien- secret MK ULTRA program. So far
spent talking and thinking about how tiviieofn ..ielgne agencie, .. ..it""""is. tific research; covertly sinks money in- Cornell, Columbia, Princeton;
you feel about things. Here I can say tl n uine"ti impossible tot
aythinI feel wthouts.oHryinayutbelieve that the CIA would not seek "academics" on "over 100 American about what types of activities are going to research activities in the form of Georgetown, George Washington
anything I feel without worrying about agentson this campus." colleges, universities, and related in- on, or where they are being performed. grants and endowments; infiltrates and University of Maryland, Ohio States
being punished. In Apri,1976,the Senate Committee stitutes." The intelligence agency monitors dissident student groups; not Rutgers, Stanford, Utah State, the
But, this instance, at least on Intelligence Agencies revealed that prevented the committee from THE COVERT associations have to mention the overt activity which University of Illinois and the University
foreign student couldn't be more the CIA has several hundred disclosing anything but bare details been going on for thirty years. "Yet takes place in the CIA's open recruit- See CIA, Page 2



Blue bounces back,

mauls Iowa, 23-6

H-coming nostalgia
eludes undergrads

Contemplating a University bus
packed with alumni football fans,
dental hygiene senior Bobbie Verhoe-
ven suddenly remembered that yes-
terday was Homecoming.
Not exactly fired up for the
traditional return of the University's
graduates, yet not disdainful either,
she simply noted that the alumni
seemed to be having fun.
FRATERNITY and sorority floats
have sprung up in several front yards
around campus on recent Homecom-
ing Days, but the apparent resurrec-
tion is only partly genuine. Among
undergraduates, it remains, essen-
tially, a Greek concern. Most stu-
dents have left Homecoming with
past generations, and now concede
its status as mainly an alumni event.
"Homecoming is more for the
alumni than the current students,"
said Scott Ludwig, a member of
yesterday's alumni marching band.
"I haven't missed Homecoming
since I graduated in '65. It's always
fun to look back and relive the days
when we were a little younger."
LSA junior Mark Williams con-
fessed that he "isn't really into
Homecoming," also said he thinks
Homecoming is designed primarily

for alumni.
"I HAVEN'T gone to any Home-
coming events, but I think it's pretty
funny to see those old guys having
such a good time," said Williams.
Many students said they were
simply unaware of this weekend's
"I didn't even know we had a
Homecoming - who are we play-
ing?" remarked freshwoman Leslie
Dewar on her way to . the game.
Even students who did participate
in Homecoming festivities were not
really celebrating the alumni return
to their alma mater.
"MY FRIENDS and I went to a
dance at the Union, but, we really
didn't go to celebrate Homecoming,"
commented freshwoman Jenny Kyle.
"We just went to have a good time."
Phi Delta Theta pledge Drew
Spring contends, however, that stu-
dent Homecoming apathy is a myth.
Following his frat's 7-0 Mudbowl
victory, Spring said Homecoming is
"always a gala occasion. I think all
the students fire up for it," said
According to Spring, Homecoming
enthusiasm is prevalent among stu-
dents "because it's the weekend -

Michigan bounced back from last
week's loss at Minnesota to down Iowa
23-6 before a Homecoming crowd of
104,617 at Michigan Stadium yesterday.
Quarterback Rick Leach passed for
three touchdowns to tie a school record
for most touchdown passes in a game.
The Flint junior also broke a record for
career TD passes with 25. Only Tom'
Harmon has accounted for more
Michigan scores by ground and by air
with 50 to Leach's 44.
The first score came on just the third
play of the game. Leach was nearly
sacked but rolled left and signalled
fullback Russell Davis downfield.
Davis caught a pass at about midfield
and took advantage of a missed tackle
to complete the 63-yard play,
"I remember preparing myself for
the blow," said Davis, "but I was still
on my feet running."
"That wasn't what was supposed to
happen," explained Schembechler.
"Russell (Davis) came out a little late
See BLUE, Page 9

Daily Photo by PETER SERIING i
A FOOTBALL TAKES some crazy bounces sometimes, as displayed here during yesterday's 23-6 gridiron victory over Iowa.
Michigan's Derek Howard (10) appears to be ready to claim this fumble recovery, while Jerry Meter (46) and Iowa's Tom
McLaughlin (11) look on, when in fact the ball bounced away and the Hawkeyes retained possession.


Halloween loses its treat:

Crossfire over literacy:
Causes and cures

City o
It began as a summer's end
festival among the Celts and Anglo-
Saxons. It was a time to placate
supernatural powers controlling the
processes of nature. It was fa night
when souls of the dead were thought
to revisit their homes.
But Halloween isn't what it used to
be. In light of incidents in recent
years - including the insertion of
pins and razor blades in fruit and
candy, and the coating Qf candy with
dangerous narcotics - the night
before All Saints' Day has become
one of anxiety and precaution for
"THIS KIND of thing feeds on
people's natural fears," said anthro
pology professor Conrad Kottak.
"Because our information base is so
huge in Ann Arbor, with stations
coming in from Detroit, Toledo and
Windsor, if anything happens in any
of those places, people hear about it
and worry that it might happen

'ims safety
children are expected. Zee
" A reminder to parents to check Wa>
all candy before consumption, and to A
discard any opened or suspicious poli
candy. whc
For the second year in a row; tra3
McDonald'ssrestaurants, along with det(
the Washtenaw County Sheriff's de- stag
partment and a number of local war
police departments, will sponsor a can
metal detection clinic at seven gla:
locations around the area. In Ann tion
Arbor, the clinics will be held from 6 the
to 11 p.m. at the McDonalds at 373 N.,

b Rd., 200 W. Stadium, and 4775
t each store will be a team of local
ce and McDonald's employes,
will spread each child's loot on a
y and run it under a metal
ector sensitive enough to find a
ple in a candy bar. Parents will be
'ned, however, that the machines
not detect such things as crushed
ss or narcotics, so extreme cau-
should be taken before allowing
children to eat any of their candy.
See TRICKS, Page 2

STUDENTS AT the university level don't write well
any more,tand professors of English here and elsewhere
are trying to understand why.
Last year, enough Literary College (LSA) faculty,
members perceived a decline in students' composition
skills that college's English Composition Board (ECB)
launched a nine-month study to investigate the problem
and find solutions. The Board, chaired by English
Professor Daniel Fader, returned a guilty verdict against
the writing skills of students, recommending, among
other things, that students be required to complete three
writing courses in at least two different departments.
The recommendation was intended "both to expand
the substance and to fulfill the spirit of the English Com-
position Requirement passed by the LSA faculty in 1975."
THE CURRENT requirements, instituted in 1975, de-
mand completion of English 125 (Freshman com-
position) or its equivalent. Students can be exempted
from the requirement with a 700 score or better on the
verbal section of the Scholastic Aptitude Test. Students
with an SAT verbal score above 650 are "eligible for fur-
ther consideration."
In terms of composition requirements, however, the
University of Michigan is neither more stringent nor more
lax than other universities.
The University of Wisconsin has an English require-
ment of "three hours of composition or exemption."
"MICHIGAN IS well ahead of us." says Professor

The nation's professors are shaking
their heads over an emerging realiza-
tion: college students in the United
States have trouble writing a clear
and thoughtful sentence. Some attri-
bute the problem to television, some
to the high schools, some to a deeper
decline in the society's competence in

Nite-Owi bus route
resumes its operation

The University will resume operation
of the "Nite-Owl" bus service tonight,
ferrying students on a route from the
Undergraduate Library to various
spots around campus.w

The service originally began last
November after several women were
assaulted near campus. It was ter-
minated in May due to decreased rider-
ship - caused mainly by the end of the

WISCONSIN DUMPED its two-course requirement in
the 1960s, and now has "the inevitable committee study-
ing" to see whether it should be reinstituted.
"I believe many of our students are good writers,"
Leneham says. "But an increasing number of our fresh-
men still can't write."
Like Michigan, Ohio State University has a one-
quarter freshmen English requirement, and English



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