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October 05, 1977 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1977-10-05

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The Michigan Union-Wednesday, October 5, 1977-Page 3:

Sirica slashesTWa

'Violence a ainst women'
Here's note for a those interested in attending an international
conference entitled "Violence Against Women: A Matter for Public
Policy" this weekend at Cobo Hall in Detroit. The Ann Arbor Domestic
Violence Project i offering rides to the conference and information
about conference workshops and speakers, who will include James
Bannon, Executive Chief of the Detroit Police Department. For
details, call 995-5460.
Happengs ..
kic ,off 'todaywith something for those of you with fleet feet.
Robs Ackerman, a University y student in ethnomusicology, will
teach all would-be hoofers about Balkan dancing and music at noon in
the Commons Room of Lane Hall . . also at noon, Dr. Michael Harper
will discuss "The Modality of Afro-American Poetry" at the Center for
Afro-American and African Studies, 1100 S. University. .. the
Amaizin'Blues, a University singing and dancing ensemble, will strut
their stuff at Washtenaw Community College in the Culinary Arts
Dining Room of the Learning Materials Center at 12:30 p.m.... at
3:30 p.m., the Serbo-Croatian Speaking Circle will'meet at the Center
for Russian and East European Studies Reading Room at-Lane
Hall ... a former director of the National Institute of Education,
Harold Hodgkinson, will speak at 4 p.m. in the School of Education's
Whitney Auditorium on "New Perspctives on Data Gathering and
'Research for Education".. and at 4:10 p.m., the University Studio
Theatre will present Coward's "Hands Across the Sea" in the Alexan-
der Room of the Michigan Union ... take a break for dinner, check
your larder, and then go place an order with the Itemized Food Co-op
between 7 and 9 p.m. on the 4th floor of the Union. . . also at 7 p.m.,
the Pigeon River Forum will meet in Room 124 in East Quad to see a
film and discuss public policy issues. .. truck on over to the Wesley
Lounge in the Methodist Church on the corner of State and Huron Sts.
at 7:30 p.m. and you can chew the fat with Daniel Burke, Director of
the Unit for Human Values in Medicine at the University Medical
School about "The Way Things Were, Are and Ought to Be". . . also at
7:30 p.m., there will be a Renaissance Court Dancing in the Bursley
Snack Lounge ... Albert Paley, noted goldsmith and metalsmith, will
give an illustrated lecture on "Jewelry and Ironworks" at 7:30 p.m. in
the Art and Architecture Aud. on North Campus. . . then at 8 p.m., the
Stilyagl Air Corps, alias the Science Fiction Society, will trade fan-
tasies in Room 4304 of the Union... and finally, at 8 p.m., Prof. Men-
des-Flohr from Hebrew University will speak on "The Theology of the
Holocaust" at Hillel, 1429 Hill Street. That's it, folks.
Pint size pranksters
Move over, Pretty Boy Floyd, John Dillinger and Al Capone. Lon-
don police have nabbed the notorious Latimer Road gang, one of
England's smallest but most avaricious mobs. The gang of five was
apparently snared in a carefully planned stake-out of one of the mob's'
favorite targets-a nursery school in the (where else?) Latimer Road
area of suburban London. Police spotted the villainous crew climbing
into the school kitchen and sneaking out again with armloads of bacon,
bread and butter. They gave up without a struggle and were hauled
down to the local station where police released descriptions. The
legd4etAf the pack2 A seyen-year-old ley. His ..ohorts, in crime? His..
six-year-old moll, another dame, age 79 a five-year-old boy, and a jam-
smeared girl of three; Despite the thieves4 tender years,authorities
netei ut punishment. AII'five were given milk and biscuits, a shai'ti
scolding and a ride home in the squad car to their parents.
On the outside .. .
So, you really liked the weather the last two days, huh? Nice sunny
skies-not bikini and cut-offs temperature but eminently pleasant,
yes? Well fella, you can kiss it good-bye because today we are to receive
an expected visitor: winter. Sweeping down from the northern tundra,
our first Arctic blast of the year will make things nippy. We'll have a
high of 58 under mostly cloudy skies today. By Thursday morning, the
mercury should be hovering around 33. Can snowflakes be far behind?

trict Judge John Sirica ended his long
involvement in the Watergate case
yesterday by drastically reducing
the sentences of the biggest fish
netted in the scandal.
He reduced the 21/2-year to 8-year
sentences of John Mitchell, H. R.
Haldeman and John Erlichman to a
period of "not less than one nor more
than four years."
ERLICHMAN, WHO went to prison
without waiting for' the outcome of
his appeals, thus becomes eligible for
parole from his Watergate cover-up
conviction after Oct. 28.
He still is under a 20-month to

five-year sentence for his conviction
in the so-called Watergate plumbers
case but it was expected that the
judge in that case would reduce the
time to conform with that handed out
by Sirica. For Haldeman the magic
date is June 21 next year and for
Mitchell, June 22.
Sirica made his decision after
hearing tape recorded requests for
leniency by the three men, and
eloquent pleas by their lawyers.
SIRICA WAS chief judge of the
U.S. District Court in the District of
Columbia when the seven Watergate
burglars were indicted on Sept. 15,
1972. He assigned himself to hear

tergate s
their tri'al and that began an involve-
ment that ended only yesterday.
"I'm glad it's the last major
decision I'll have to render in this
case," he told a reporter before
entering court. "It's a long, difficult
case, in many respects a sad case.
I'm glad to see the end of the tunnel."
There are no more Watergate
prosecutions pending and it is expect-
ed that Sirica will soon voluntarily
take the title of senior judge, which
will free him from day-to-day court-
room responsibilities. He is 73.
MITCHELL, Haldeman and Er-
lichman were convicted of conspiring
to cover up White House involvement
in the Watergate scandal and of lying



glad to see the s
of the tunnel.'.,
-John Sirica

Gandhi released from custody

NEW DELHI, India (AP) , A
judge freed Indira Gandhi yesterday
after 16 hours in police custody and
she promptly resumed her political
comeback-cpipaign. But the govern-
ment appealed to a higher court and
said it would press for her trial on
corruption charges.
Demonstrations erupted in more
than a dozen cities as supporters of
the 59-year-old former prime minis-
ter protested her arrest.
TEAR GAS fumes penetrated the
packed courtroom in Delhi as police
battled pro- and anti-Gandhi demon-
strators outside.
Gandhi dabbed at her eyes with a
handkerchief and leaned toward the
judge to hear his ruling above the
noise of the demonstrators.

Police reported 111 arrests and
more than 15 injuries at the Parlia-
ment Street courthouse and another
violent protest outside the home of
Prime Minister Morarji Desai.
SCATTERED violence and hun-
dreds of arrests were reported in
other cities.
One of the largest demonstrations
was in Calcutta, where a leader of
Gandhi's Congress party urged 3,000
supporters to launch a campaign of
civil disobedience. He later was
detained-by police.
At Madras, authorities halted a
demonstration by taking 1,500 Con-
gress party workers into protective
release, Gandhi charged that "hun-

dreds and thousands of people have
and are being arrested and are being
tortured . . ." She did not elaborate.
Many thousands were reported jailed
during a period of emergency in her
own 11-year rule. Asked if she was
worried by the sequence of events,
she replied: "Fear and Indira Gand-
hi do not go together."
Magistrate R.Dayal declared that
on the basis of evidence presented
there "are no grounds for believing
that the accusation against Mrs.
Gandhi is well-founded." He ordered
her released with no restrictions on
her movements.
A government source said the
ruling political leadership had
pressed for Gandhi's arrest despite
warnings from India's Central Bu-
reau of Investigation that charges
and evidence were not ready.
In a speech to the United Nations
General Assembly in New York,
Indian Foreign Minister Atal Bihari
Vajpayee defended the Desai's gov-
ernment and said its election victory
last March "lifted the pall of fear
that hung menacingly over our
Laura Keene, producer of "Our
American Cousins" at the Ford Theater
in Washington the night that Lincoln
was assassinated, was the first woman
to be a manager in the American

about it afterward. They fought their
conviction and sentences up to the
Supreme Court without- success and"
there, were no judicial remedie'
remaining other than Sirica's acti-.
If Sirica had failed to reduce their1o
sentences their only other recourse
would have been intervention bk
President Carter. .'
Erlichman, 52, formerly domestic'
counselor to Richard Nixon when he
was presidenit, has been in the,,
federal prison camp at Safford, Ariz.'
since last Oct. 28. Mitchell, 64, who
was Nixon's attorney general, wert
into prison at Maxwell Air Force
Base in Alabama on June 22 arnic
Haldeman, the Nixon chief of staff
entered the prison facility at Lony ;
poc, Calif., the day before.
Premium American
Bottled Beer
art a
1n U
On South University

Kids found rolling\
in $20 bills, arrested

EVERETT, Wash. (AP)-A teen-
aged brother and sister who were
traveling in a van with more than
$100,000 in cash are being held at a
youth center while authorities try to
figure out where the money came from.
The money is in a safe-deposit vault in
an Everett bank for safekeeping under
the same on Snohomish County Sheriff
Bob Dodge. No one has claimed it or
reported it missing, a sheriff's
"spolkesperson said.
THE YOUNGSTERS have toldi in-
vestigators that the money was to buy a
house in the Pacific Northwest, but
claimed variously not to know where
the bash came from or that they got it
from their stepfather, deputies said.
Part of the problem has been in
locating the parents of the 17-year-old
girl and her 15-year-old brother. Their
stepfather escaped prison whilke ser-
ving time on drug charges. The
whereabouts of their mother are not
The teen-agers were taken into
custody Sept. 24 while parked on the
shoulder of a highway. State troopers
said they found $105,000 in $20 bills, and
more than a pound of marijuana in the
1969 Volkswagen van. About $20,000 as
in the girl's pockets and on the dash-
board; another $5,000 was mixed with
dirty clothes, and the remainder was
stuffed in a shoebox, authorities said.
TROOPERS ALSO found a .22-calibre
rifle; a .50-caliber black powder rifle
described as a "collector's toy", a .77-
caliber pellet rifle, and some am-

The youngsters, whose names were
not released because of their ages, said
their mother was accompanying them
in another van, but she has not been
"We're still trying to figure it out," a
spokesperson for the sheriff's office sid
yesterday. "We suspect the money
probably came from the remains of a
drug deal but we don't know."
THFg BI SAID the stepfather, Jerald
Kott; escaped in 1975 from the Terminal'
Island federal penitentiary in Los
Angeles, where he was serving a 15-
year term for importing cocaine.
The girl and boy are in custody at the
Denny Youth Center in Everett on
charges involving possession of beer
and drugs. They are also being held un-
der a state law that requires yuths un-
der 18 to be in the care of either their
parents or a court, said sheriff's Det.
Sgt. Douglas Fraser.
Their mother was identified as
WMaria Kott, 41, of the San Francisco
Bay area. Authorities have issued a
"stop and advise" notice to Northwest
and Canadian police for her, but so far
without success.
The natural father, identified as
Michael Dunleavy of Oakland, Calif.,
came to the Seattle area and retained a
lawyer, Louis Rousso of Seattle, wIo
declined comment.

*Th Ann Arbor Filmo Cooperaetive
Wednesday, October 5
(Akira Kurosawa, 1943) 7:15 ONLY-AUD. A
Kurosawa's first film and hisfirst masterpiece. A young man establishes judo
as a respectable material art by winning a magnificent match against a
ju-jitsu master. Originally commissioned by the Japanese government as a
piece of wartime progaganda, Kurosawa's transforming imagination makes.
this period material arts film a profound yet totally unpretentious study of the
boy's struggle to find the courage necessary to establish his identity. The
sophisticated simplicity of Kurosawa's characterization and camera have yet
to be surpassed. "A superb, athletic beauty."-Donald Richie. In Japanese,
with subtitles.
(Akira Kurosawa, 1962) 9 ONLY-AUD. A
Starring TOSHIRO MIFUNE in the sequel to the great YOJIMBO. Again
samurai Mifune confronts a fascinating villain (Tatsuys Nakadai).in a superb,
climactic duel. Many prefer SANJURO to YOJIMBO-its humor is so much
more playful, more genial, and the female characters are unforgettable.
"SANJURO is a surprising, interesting, beautifully made film."-Bosley Crow-
ther, N.Y. Times. In Japanese, with subtitles. Cinemascope.

Daily Official
WUOM: NATIONAL Town Meeting, John C.
Culver, D-Iowa, Prof. Daniel Bell, Jarvard U., "Is
the Future Really Going to be that Bad?", moderator
Hazel Henderson, co-chairman Princeton Ctr for
Alternative Futures, 10:30 a.m.
Statistics: Norman Starr, "Linear Estimates of

the Probability of Discovering a New Species", 451
Mason Hall, 4p.m.
PhysicsvAstronorpy: E. Leith, "Holography with
White Light", 170 Dennison, 4:15 p.m.
Volume LXXXVIII, No.24
WednesdayOctober 5,1977
is edited and managed by students at the University
of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second class
postage is paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109.
Published daily Tuesday through Sunday morning
during the University year at 420 Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription rates:
$12 September through April (2 semesters) ; $13 by
mail outside Ann Arbor.
Summer session published Tuesday through Satur-
day morning. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor;
$7.50 by mail outside Ann Arbor.



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