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October 05, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-10-05

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See Today, Page 3

Vol. IXXXVIII, No. 24 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, October 5, 1977 Ten Cents Ten Pages
Voters must reveal mayoral choices
v§ Judge hits township woman with contempt
By GREGG KRUPA irregularities in the last election would alter the out- Republicans and five Democrats, it is likely Belcher
come if corrected, and he's gone to court to prove it. would be appointed Mayor.
Monroe County Circuit Court Judge James Kelley Belcher named Wheeler, the Washtenaw County
ruled yesterday that people who voted illegally in last Board of Canvassers and Jerome Weiss, City Clerk as HENRY INTRODUCED PRECEDENTS for the
April's mayoral election can be forced on the witness co-defendants in the suit. ruling - one from 1929, the other from 1931. Those
stand to reveal how they voted. Belcher's law suit, being conducted by former decisions declared that if witnesses admit they voted
Twenty people who resided in township peninsulas Republican City Councilman Robert Henry, Jr., asks illegally, they are liable to disclose their electoral .
which jut into city boundaries registered and voted in the judge to either declare Belcher the victor - over- choices.
=V the election, won by Mayor Albert Wheeler by one turning the election results - or declare the election
vote, void. If the election is declared void by Kelley, the But the first person asked refused to reveal how
< City Charter provides that City Council will appoint she voted, even after being threatened by Judge
COUNCILMAN LOUIS BELCHER, Wheeler's Re- an official to fill the vacancy.
heeler publican challenger, says those and other voting Since the Council is presently comprised of six See VOTERS, Page 2 Belcher

The Supreme Court and the
Carter Administration are failing
to provide much needed civil
lights legislation, Norman Dorsen
told a luncheon group at the
Michigan Union yesterday.
"This is not a good time for
people's rights," the national
chairman of the American Civil
Liberties Union (ACLU) said.
"People's rights are less secure
than they were ten years ago."
sitive" Dorsen criticized Monday's
ruling against James Gaylord, a
high school teacher fired in 1972 af-
ter admitting his homesexuality.
Rather than give in to Court
decisions which have undermined
civil liberties recently, Dorsen
said the ACLU is digging in for the



near completion
Carter tells U.N.


"We believe they (gays) have
equal rights legislatively and in
the courts," he said. And, he said,
the ACLU is not only interested in
protecting gay rights, but also in
protecting any other civil liberties
which "the government is trying
to take away.,
ACCORDING TO Dorsen, the

President Carter told the United Na-
tions yesterday that a new strategic
arms limitation agreement between the
U.S. and the Soviet Union is in sight,
and added that the U.S. would be
willing in some later treaty to cut its nu-
clear arsenal in half.
"Peace will not be assured until the
weapons of war are finally put away,'"
the President said.
"IF WE ARE to have any assurance
that our children are to live out their
lives in a world that satisfies our hopes
- or that they will have a chance to live
at all - we must finally come to terms
with this enormous force and turn it to
beneficial ends."

ACLU is working to pass legisla-
tion to control secret intelligence,
including regulation of the FBI.
ACLU wants a ban on political
surveillance, wire tapping and the
use of government. informers for
political purposes, all of which
have been determined unlawful by
the courts, Dorsen said.
See ACLU'S, Page 7,


After Carter's speech, Oleg Troyan-
ovsky, the Soviet ambassador to the
United Nations, said, "On the whole, it
was a well-balanced speech but there
was nothing new in the U.S. position."
Carter, however, had said only last
week there was no immediate prospect
for a new weapons treaty with the
Russians despite "some further
progress." The President also had said
after a White House meeting last week
with Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei
Gromyko he wouldn't be "optimistic"
about an early settlement.
A lower-ranking Soviet representa-
tive said the absence of any reference
to human rights - Carter's major
theme when he addressed the United
Nations last spring - was a "victory"
for the Russians.
ard said he felt Carter "gave a major
push to controlling proliferation of nu-
clear weapons and arms control."
U.S. officials said some major differ-
ences had been resolved in talks which
Secretary of State Cyrus Vance held
here with Gromyko. But they said there
are other differences remaining to be
resolved by negotiations in Geneva.
After his speech, the President tur-
ned his attention to the Middle East and
received what he described as a "posi-
tive" message from Egyptian Presi-
dent Anwar Sadat.

The U.S. Defense Minister
said the Soviet Union has de-
veloped a satellite-killing
weapon that could attack
some U.S. satellites in outer
space. The U.S. does not have
a similar capability. See Story,
page 7.

The President refused to divulge the
message from Sadat, which was de-
livered to Carter by Egyptian Foreign
Minister Ismail Fahmy. However,
Egypt is known to be concerned about
an expanded Soviet role in the quest for
a Middle East settlement and the ab-
sence so far of explicit U.S. support for
a Palestinian state.


WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate
narrowly voted yesterday to lift price
controls from newly discovered nat-
ural gas, rejecting President Car-
ter's proposal for continued regula-
Breaking a 2 -week deadlock, the
Senate approved the deregulation
proposal by a 50-46 vote, then went on
to pass the overall natural gas bill by
voice vote.
A HOUSE - SENATE conference
committee now must decide the final
form the bill will take. The House
passed a similar measure containing
the President's proposal for contin-
ued price controls.
President Carter previously had
said he would veto a deregulation bill
like the one passed by the Senate.
The measure approved by the
Senate after a frequently bitter
debate would allow controls to con-
tinue for two years at a sharply
increased price which producers
could charge.
AFTER THAT, controls would be
totally lifted and producers would be
permitted to charge whatever the
market would bear.

Natural gas, which has seen a The Senate's
fourfold increase in prices since 1973, setback to Presi
is now unregulated if used in the program. But it
states where it is produced but three previous
controlled under a lid of $1.46 per deregulation fo
thousand cubic feet when shipped in hand,
interstate pipelines.
Carter wanted to end this dual THE VOTE C
market by extending controls to the filibuster again
intrastate markets while lifting the lapsed. Leader
price lid to $1.75 per thousand cubic accused the Whi
feet for newly discovered gas. ing them.
DEREGULATION would increase Although ad
gas prices, with the cost of imme- made a last eff
diately deregulated gas rising at a the President's
faster rate than that remaining phase out pri
under federal price controls. The nine-year period
Senate bill contains a clause which was rejected by
would require gas pipelines to give Despite heavy
homeowners the first chance to buy House and Sena
the cheaper gas still under govern- ers were unable
ment price controls. of Republicans
The vote came after supporters of crats who wantf
deregulation had unveiled - a com-
promise that would reduce a pro- THE SENAT
posed price ceiling of $2.48 per gas decontrol m
thousand cubic feet to $2.25. But failed by four
Sens. Lloyd Bentsen (D-Tex.), and By its vote,
James Pearson (R-Kan.), remained replaced the ad]
firm in urging that controls be lifted ed plan with th
after two years. sure, which i w

natural gas

'action was a major
dent Carter's energy
t was expected after
trial votes showed
rces had the upper
CAME a day after a
st deregulation col-
s of the filibuster
te House of abandon-
dministration allies
ort to salvage part of
plan by offering to
ce controls over a
d, this "compromise"
the Senate.
lobbying, the White
ate Democratic lead-
to shake the coalition
and oil-state Demo-
price controls lifted.
E passed a similar
neasure in 1975 but it
votes in the House.
the Senate formally
ie deregulation mea-
ould remove price

limits from newly discovered on-
shore gas after two years and from
offshore gas after five.
Under the deregulation measure,
there would be a lid on gas prices of
about $2.48 for the next two years
until controls are removed.
Both those who wanted to continue
price controls and those who wanted
them lifted had sought an end to the
filibuster, which tied up Senate
business for 14 days.

Carter told Fahmy "if we c;- just
keep the Arabs and Israelis moviri in
the right direction, we can see pec
A key White House adviser told re-
porters the administration "anticipates
a very difficult Geneva , conference"
which might even recess in discord.

LSA officials consider possible

changes in
According to LSA officials, the
class of 1982 may face a new set of
LSA distribution and English compo-
sition requirements when they start
school next fall.
A new LSA curriculum sub-com-
mittee will begin a series of study
meetings next week to review the.
present distribution requirements
and discuss possible areas of change.

frosh requirements
Changes in distribution and Eng- affect students entering next fall,"
lish requirements could mean either Knott said.
looser or tighter academic stand- The English composition require-
ards. None of the LSA officials would ment will be reviewed by the LSA
speculate on what the changes might English Composition Board, chaired
be. by English professor Dan Fader.
"THE COMMITTEE will try to see THEY WILL MEET to "develop a"
what sorts of problems there are with proposal for the English Composition
present requirements and make requirement and their long-range
recommendations if changes are function will be to implement that
warranted," said associate LSA proposal," Frye said.

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