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October 02, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-10-02

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See Today for Details

Vol. LXXXVIll, No. 22 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, October 2, 1977 Ten Cents Eight Pages plus Supplement
'U' oficials not worrying over Bakke
By LINDA WILLCOX overly concerned about the possible " Because we have so many people But the Supreme Court's decision al background," said Roger Martin-
If, on the basis of the Bakke case, outcomes of the Bakke case because Because we have SO apply for so few places, we're not in this landmark case could go so far dale, admissions officer of the Law
the Supreme Court were to rule those programs do not necessarily many people apply for so running an admissions committee. as to outlaw affirmative action pro- School.
against racial quota systems today, follow racial lines. We're running a rejections commit- grams, a ruling several civil rightsminorities
admission officials at the University "Admission to medical school is . places, we're not run- tee," Campbell said. groups have said they fear. and other students who may not test
would neither be surprised nor not something you should do on the ning an admissions com- Campbell said there is no.special Acknowledging that possibility, well, Martindale said allowances
worried about the effects hee. basis of formula," said Dr. Colin . admissions program within the med Campbell said, "If public policy tells have been a made for work and
The case in question centers on the Campbell. Campbell's duties as asso- mitteO. We re running a school,Tbut there is an affirmative us we can't have a minority pro- academic experiences and the inter-
accisations of one white male, Allen ciate dean for student affairs of the rejections committee. action program. gram, there would be a lot fewer view to play a major part in
Bakke, against the University of Medical School include overseeing Under such auspices, he said, when blacks in med school. admissions.
California-Davis. Bakke charges that the admissions process there. -Dr. Cohn Campbell the faculty interpreted the meaning Apparently the pattern of lower He estimated that half the class -
special admissions programs for Likening the scoring system for Assoc. Dean for of special preference for women and scores on empirical data - standard- including most, if not all, of the
miority students caused his rejec- med school candidates to that for minorities, "We took that -to mean ized test scores and overall grade minority students - are admitted
tien from that medical school. Olympic divers, Campbell explained Student Affairs, that if they are the kind of people who point average - for minority stu- under that program.
.Although the graduate and under- although no single criterion could Medical School , would make it through academically, dents is recognizable in all areas of "The Law School adopted a policy
.graduate schools here have special guarantee an applicant's admission, and they are the type of people you graduate study. of trying to fill a 10 to 12 per cent of
admissions programs, the admis- any criterion could dash all hopes for would go to as a doctor, then admit "We recognize that the minorities our class" with minority students,
sions officials claim they are not admission to medical school, them." may not have the same education- See BAKKE, Page 7





Blue comes alive for
national TV audience

Who would have, believed it? The
Texas A&M game was supposed to be
close. But after two mediocre per-
formances against Duke and Navy,
Michigan roared back and crushed
the fifth-ranked Aggies 41-3 before a
regional television audience and a
crowd of 104,802.
The Wolverines celebrated'the 50th
anniversary game at Michigan Sta-
dium with several season highs: the
most points scored, the longest pass
play and the longest rushing gain
from scrimmage.
BUT PERHAPS the most satisfy-
ing aspect of the game was the
Wolverines' style of play. Bo Schem-
bechler, so often criticized for his
conservatism, looked downright dar-
ing next to Emory Bellard, his A&M
Consider the fact that Michigan
gained 101 yards on 19 attempts
through the air while the Aggies
posted only three. And Sdhembech;
ler' defense played with reckless
abandon, accounting for two touch-
The Aggies, however, drew first
blood late in the first quarter on a
24-yard field goal from barefoot-
kicker Tony Franklin. The score was
set up after Michigan fullback Rus-
sell Davis committed his first of two

fumbles and Texas A&M recovered
at the Michigan 27.
DAVIS ENDED up with 110 yards
rpshing in 19 carries, scored two
touchdowns and was named Offen-
sive Player of the Game by ABC
Television and Chevrolet.
"Davis is good," joked Schembech-
ler. "If he keeps fumbling we'll not
be friends but he's still good."
See DAVIS, Page 8
DACCA, Bangladesh [AP] - Radio
Bangladesh said today an "armed
revolution" was in progress in Bang-
ladesh by the armed forces, students,.
peasants and workers.
In a brief broadcast at 5:50 a.m.
[8 p.m. EDT], the radio told its lis-
teners to stand by for an "important
message." It followed with the
announcement of an "armed revolu-
The reports followed an outbreak
of shooting in the Bangladesh capital.
The gunfire had died down by
There was no immediate indication
as to the progress of the apparent
coup attempt, but the radio station
said it had been taken over by people
describing themselves as members
of a "people's army."

Daily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG

MICHIGAN'S DEFENSIVE squad was superb yesterday, as they stopped Texas
A&M's offense time and again. Linebacker Ron Simpkins, who won the Chevrolet
Defensive Player of the Game award from ABC-TV, is shown here stopping Aggie

running back Curtis Dickey with Jerry Meter (46), Dom Tedesco (99), John
Anderson (86), Chris Godfrey (90) and Curtis Greer (95) doing what they can to
help. on htte a o


., Russians join in


Minister An
terday the
Soviet Union
road which o
for a new st
"It may
powers, the
United States
the road whi
But it can
questions ha
assessment a
President Ca

0. .
Gromyko op timistic
(AP) - Soviet Foreign State Cyrus Vance in an unusual somewhat closer together as
drei Gromyko said yes- interview recorded in the United of the talks held in Washing
United States and the States for Soviet national television. other day, last Tuesday,a
have "stepped onto the The 1972 U.S.-Soviet arms limita- situation in this respect is
leads to an agreement" tion agreement (SALT), the first today than it was before," G
rategic arms limitation joint effort aimed at restricting the said.
nuclear arsenals of the two super- "Some questions still rema
be said that the two powers, expires Monday with no new would p ut them in second
Soviet Union and the accord ready to replace it. Some of them and even,
s, have now stepped onto The expiration will legally enable most of them, can be finishe
ch leads to agreement. both sides to resume an unrestricted the delegations of the two c
not be said that all arms race. But in recent days each in Geneva. As is known, th
ve been decided," he nation has separately pledged to issues are decided at a differe
abide by the terms of the current ical level, and some progr
agreement as long as the other side been made on the key
0 MADE his optimistic does so. Gromyko reiterated the Kr
of last week's talks with "IT MAY BE said that the posi- position against any new
arter and Secretary of tions of the two sides were brought agreement which would invol

a result
gton the
and the
in, but I
d off by
he main
ent polit-
ess has
ve "uni-

lateral advantages," a charge aimed
at the United States after abortive
talks last March.
GROMYKO SAID any summit
meeting between Carter and Soviet
President Leonid Brezhnev should be
preceded by detailed preparations to
ensure the conference leads to con-
crete agreements.
"It would be good if such a meeting
was duly prepared and actually took
place," Gromyko said.

The United States joined with the Soviet
Union yesterday in urging Israel to rec-
ognize the "legitimate rights of the Pal,
estinian people" and to grant a nego-
tiating role at Middle East peace talks
to their "representatives."
A joint declaration, designed to speed
up convening of a Geneva conference
on the Middle East, called also on Israel
to withdraw from territory occupied
during the 1967 Arab-Israeli war.
- mrrv " a ,t n 4U- TTĀ«.4.-,4.Qt_+- I

to Israelis.
interests" of the Palestinians. The ref-
erence to "rights," included at the be-
hest of the Soviet side, appeared to
bring the Carter administration closer
toward accepting the idea of Palestin-
ian statehood.
The declaration was issued by Sec-
retary of State Cyrus Vance and Soviet
Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko af-
ter the latter's riturn to Moscow. They
met last in New'York on Friday morn-
The statement marked the closest

IN THE PAST, tne United Mates.has
publicly supported only the "legitimate See U.S., Page 7

_. ... .... ... . _ . J .._

Alums visit, recall 'good old


If, perchance, you had gone for a Friday morning stroll by
the Law Quad, or if your daily constitutional lead you past the
Michigan League, chances are that you might very well have
encountered an unusual gathering.
In virtually all corners of the campus could be seen
umerous middle aged men and women, almost all bearing
........f .............. .rwr....w............ f.
"Where are all the snake marches they
sed to have on football Saturday -
ids today call them congo lines _
here hundreds of people would bunny-
- .i ,, .

that's not so far off either!"
Over his shoulder a fellow classmate from '33 responded,
"I dunno about that-we had nudity too, but it was in the
Huron River.
Friday and Saturday, almost 500 alumnis and friends of
the University of Michigan descended upon the campus, for
the 16th annual meeting of one of the nation's most successful
and prestigious private donor organizations, the President's
Joining the Club is a rather simple matter: no private cor-
porations are allowed, members must keep informed on
group news and events, and they must each make a
minimum donation to the University of $10,000.
Wendell Lyons, Director of Development for the Univer-
sity, said he is proud of the 2,070-member organization.


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