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September 28, 1977 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1977-09-28

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The Michigan Daily-Wednesday; September 28, 1977-Page 3

An offer you can't refuse
You saw the movie. You read the quickie book.You bought the lurid
psters. Yes, you even bought the lunch-box. Now, we're telling you in
advance so you can run, not walk, but run to Michigan Stadium this
Saturday to hear the Michigan Marching Band mangle the soundtrack
of, you guessed it, Star Wars. Yes, for a limited time only, namely
halftime; you can re-live all of the most memorable moments of the
movie via the musical magic of the over-200-member band. The per-
formance comes complete with a ballet dancer, who will be featured
as the band plays the 'Princess Leia' music, as well as a gaggle of R2-
D2s that will zip around throughout the show. Act now, and get a free
pair of earmuffs. Enjoy, enjoy.
e ...
ick off at the civilized hour of noon today with the first meeting
of the year of the Women's Commission in room 2549 of the LSA
building, everyone is welcome.. . then you've got time for a leisurely
lunch and perhaps a-siesta before trotting over to Prez Fleming's
house at 4 to munch cookies and sip tea at his student reception .
also at 4 for the more cerebral is a lecture entitled "Do Pigs Eat Like
People? Electromyography of Mastication in Pigs" given by Prof.
Susan Herring of the University of Illinois in room 3056 of the Natural
Science building (only at the Big 'U', folks) ... at 6, share supper with
other grad students at the Wesley Foundation on the corner of State
and Huron Sts. . .. teachers, counselors, nurses and other
professionals whose work deals with sexual concerns can attend a
workshop on "Sexuality Education and Counseling for Professionals"
from 6:30 to 10 in the School of Education ... the Ann Arbor Liber-
tarian League will presnt a tape lecture by Henry Hazlitt on "The
World Monetary Crisis" at 7 in room C of the .Michigan
League. . . at 7:30, the MSA Housing Reform Project and the Ann Ar-
bor Tenants Union will present the film "It Just Ain't Right: Housing
in Ann Arbor" in the Blue Carpet Lounge of Alice Lloyd Hall ... also
at 7:30, a meeting at the International Center concerning traineeships
abroad in the natural and physical sciences, economics, architeture,
management and engineering... the Anthropospphical Student
Association will sponsor a lecture by Werner Glas of the Waldorf In-
stitute at Mercy College on "The Development of Consciousness in
History and the Individual" at 8 in the Greene Lounge in East
Quad ... and finally, at 8, the American Trio, consisting of a pianist, a
violinist and a cellist, will perform a free concert in Rackham
Yankeeisms go home
In Italy, words like "leader," "weekend," "chance," and "best-
seller" have become part of everyday speech. In Germany, teen-agers
wear "die jeans-hose," "der t-shirt," "die clogs," and listen to "die
hits" presented by "der disc-jockey." But as words like "officer
'"hobby," "service," and "outsider"' begin creeping into the Russian
language, purists and protectors of the mother tongue and having good
old-fashioned fits. The latest to defend the language of Pushkin,
Tolstoy and Lenin from foreign corruption like "offis," "khobby,"
"sarvis," and "autsaider" is the Soviet Communist Youth League
newspaper. Vladirmir Vasiliev, chief of the paper's arts department,
said: "I am against the mindless borrowing of foreign words, many of
which not only do not spiritually enrich us, but soil our native speech,
depriving it of purity and internal strength." We can dig it.
On the outside...
Looks like we're in for another typically wishy-washy Ann Arbor
day. We'll have a little sun, a few tame clouds-in short, nothing to
write home about. Temperatures will be on the cool side with a high of
66 and a low of 48. A final note for those far-minded folks who are
already planning their weekends: Break out the ponchos, people.

(AP) - Helicopter XC-GID shud-
dered and bucked as pilqt Carlos
Aguilar Lomeli, hunting opium -
producing poppy fields, coaxed it up
a windy canyon high in the Sierra
Madre Mountains.
Four hundred feet above, flying
backup in another Bell 212, Juan
Flores watched Lomeli's machine
laboring in the thin air, its cargo hold
filled with a plastic tank containing
250 gallons of gramoxone herbicide.
"LEFT, COME LEFT, Lomeli,"
Flores called over the radio.
"Straight ahead, now, You're lined
With the 40-foot spray boom barely
skimming the tops of pine trees,
Lomeli suddenly found himself over
a one-acre clearing filled with 21/2
foot high crimson flowers.
F O R F I V E seconds herbicide
drained from the helicopter. It would
leave the field, about 350 miles south
of Columbus, N.M., chemically
burned in 36 hours.
Lomeli and Flores are agents of the
Mexican attorney general's office
and part of a 250-person, 18-helicop-
ter task force waging a ground and
aerial war against opium poppies.
The poppies come into season in
the spring and fall here, the periods
of maximum rainfall.
THE TASK FORCE, with support
from the army, covers a four state
area stretching from the southern
end of Sonora and Chihuahua, which
border Arizona, New Mexico and
Texas in the north, down through the
coastal state of Sinalca; bordering
Sonora on the south, and parts of
Durango, east of Sinaloa.
The man who heads the task force
in the area, designated as Region Six,
is Carlos Aguilar Garza.
Aguilar Garza, who is headquar-
tered in Guliacan, says the area is by
far Mexico's largest producers of
opium, the source of heroin.
U.S. DRUG enforcement officials,
who fly with the Mexican crews as
observers, say the area accounts for
a major portion of the heroin sold in
the United States. Mexico has be-
come the main.supplier of heroin in
the States.
fooking down from Flores' heli-
See the Sci-Fic classic,
at the LAW SCHOOL,
for only $i.06
a savings of 50C over the
regular admission price
Showings at 7 & 9
Room 100 Hutchins Hall

1 opium under air attack
Cruz Lopez Garza, Aguilar Garza's
copter dozens of poppy fields could fields are planted by peasants at the second in command, said it takes
be seen ranging from about one- bidding of narcotics traffickers. He about 35 acres of flowers to produce
eighth of an acre to two acres. said the peasants, who are respon- 22 pounds of opium gum, which will
"People are down there all right, sible for handing over the opium gum yield about 2.2 pounds, or 1 kilo, of
said Flores. "They take off for cover the plants yield, can earn $2,000 to pure heroin.


"He said that when poppies are not in season,
the same peasants grow marijuana. 'It's a simple
matter of economics,' he said. 'Many of the peasants

believe they have no other;

source of income.,

....; i.:. .....e ................................. ..' ';..;;..'s..::..::..::..::..::..:

when they hear the sound of a heli-
copter. .
"A FEW days ago, not too far from
here, somebody opened up on olne of
the spray helicopters with a machine
gun," he said.
"One observer was hit in the arm
and we counted 11 bullet holes in the
Many of the pilots wear body
armor. All are armed, and the
observation helicopters sometimes
carry soldiers who may land and try
to arrest the growers.
IGUILAR GARZA said the poppy

$3,000 a year, although they face,
penalties beginning with a minimum'
sentence of more than five years, in
jail without possibility of parole.
He said that when poppies are not
in season, the same peasants may
grow marijuana.
"It's a simple matter of econ-
omics," he said. "Many of the
peasants believe they have no other
means of income.
"WE KNOW that spraying the
fields and arresting people isn't
going to solve the problem. The
government is moving to find other
industries that can be offered to the
growers as a substitute."

New York City police say a kilo of
pure heroin is cut seven to eight
times before it reaches the street,
where the end product currently
costs about $2.5 million a kilo,
Lopez Garza said that in the first 22
days of September, the aerial cam-
paign resulted in the destruction of
2,341 separate fields, totaling about
600 acres.
"We estimate we're destroying
about 86 per cent of the fields,"
Lopez Garza said. "The ones that
aren't destroyed are the ones we
don't see."
Andecker and
Olympia Gold
at a
Great Price!l
On South University


An original musical recalling vaudeville and memorable
star performances of New York City's famous Palace
SAT. OCT. 8-8:30 p.m.
SUN. OCT. 9-2 & 7 p.m.
Tickets at $5 and $3
Box office at Michigan Theater
Mon.-Fri. 10-5
or call 665-8221 or 761-2247



a .

SHOWS at 1-3-5-7-9

Daily Official
Wednesday; September 28,1977
WVUOM: National Town Meeting: "Our
Elderly-Today and Tomorrow", repeat broadcast,
Dr. Robert Butler, Dir. National Institute on Aging
and Senator Frank Church, Democrat, Idaho,
moderator Nancy Hicks, New York Times, 10:30
a m.
Statistics: Michael Woodroofe, "A One Arm Bandit
Problem With Covariates," 451 Mason Hall, 4 p.m.
Music School: American Trio, works by Copland,
Beethoven, Rackham Aud., 8 p.m.
Volume LXXXVIII,.No.18
Wednesday, September 28, 1977
is edited and managed by students at the University
of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second class
postage is paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109.
Published daily Tuesday through Sunday morning
during the University year at 420 Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription rates:
$12 September through April (2 semesters); $13 by
mail outside Ann Arbor.
Summer session published Tuesday through Satur-
day morning. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor;
$7.50 by mail outside Ann Arbor.
is accepting new members.
Stop by one of our showings
for on application.
****** * *** *** **** *
Space explorers arrive on a
planet and discover a scient-
ist, his daughter and an in-
credible robot who survived
* w. _ xi t. IY .C I-"---- *.1

the Rnn arbor film cooperative
Wednesday, Sept. 28
(Philippe de Broca, 1967) 7 ONLY-AUD. A
Our most popular film. A Scottish soldier during WW I is sent to a French town, evacuated except for on
asylum. Meanwhile the fleeing Germans have left a time bomb. The asylum inmates escape, taking up
various costumes and roles. A very funny comedy and a powerful anti-war film-the sanity of insanity
and vice-versa. ALAN BATES, GENEVIEVE BUJOLD. "Delightfully subtle satire-penetrating comedy
encased in a most beautiful film."-Judith Crist. In French, with subtitles. Cinemoscope.
(Yvone Rainer, 1974) 9 ONLY-AUD. A
Dancer Yvone Rainer wrote and directed this film, a fragmented narrative about two middle-aged
couples. Her dances, although they appear rigorously formal, deal with the idiosyncrasies of human
relationships, and this is echoed in her films, A WOMAN WHO .. . is a complex film, with rapidly
switching rhythms, times, spaces, and characters, causing the audience to sense the connections and
associations rather than know them. "Rainer uses words and images as though they were the some
medium, as though you could start a sentence verbally and finish it visually."-Lucy Lippard..
A unique way to find out about
student organizations at Michigan

,', '


SHOWS at 1-3-5-1:5-:15

The five most dangerous words
in the English language.

SEPT. 29



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