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September 28, 1977 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1977-09-28

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Page 2-Wednesday, September 28, 1977--The Michigan Daily
A career in law-
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Murphy proposes City Hall reshuffling

City Administrator Sylvester Mur-
ray presented a reorganization pro-
posal to City Council Monday night
which would create a new position of
City Engineer or Deputy City admin-
istrator and would totally eliminate
the Department of Public Works.
The proposal comes after several
years of complaints about the disor-
ganization of the city bureaucracy
and the duplicity of function between
IF APPROVED by Council the
proposal would lower the number of
departments under Murray's control
from 12 to six and would delegate
direct control of a dozen city depart-
+ments to Murray's assistants.
Council will review the plan Octo-
ber 10 and may take final action
October 18.
According to Murray, "There
should be appointed a City Engineer
or Deputy City Administrator for

Operations who would report to the
City Administrator and have super-
visor authority to direct and coordin-
ate activities of an engineering
nature that cut across current de-
partment boundaries."
THE SIX CITY departments that
would remain under Murray's direct
control perform the city's financial
functions. They include the assessor,
clerk, parks and recreation, police,
fire and community development.
Much of the administrator's au-
thority would be delegated to his two
top aides. This includes administra-
tion of the city airport, refuse
collection, streets, traffic and park-
ing department, water and sewer
service and building inspections.
Richard Sayers, assistant superin-
tendent of the Department of Public
Works, said he had no objections to
the plan, because "it is essentially a
consolidation plan. While the de-
partment is eliminated, its functions

will still be there."
worthy (D - Fourth Ward) also
stressed the functional aspect of the
proposed reorganization.
"We're basically trying to get
away from the department head sys-
tem," said Kenworthy. "What the
proposal does is to change to a
function classification, rather than
having department heads for the
sake of having department heads."
Council member 'Ronald Trow-
bridge (R-Third Fourth Ward) said
he was very much in favor" of the
reorganization plan..
"THE CITY HAS grown enormous-
ly in recent years and I think there is
a need for extra auxiliary help," said
Trowbridge. "We can't assume that
Sy Murray is omnipotent."
It is the inclusion of the community
development department under the
administrator's direct control and

the creation of the major new
administrative position that may
present the major stumbling blocks
to Council approval of the proposal.
At Monday's Council meeting May-
or Albert Wheeler objected to the
idea of putting community develop-
ment office appropriates $2.3 million
of federal funds, given to the city
through the department of Housing
and Urban Development.
Although the department is cur-
rently under the administrator's
control, it has been a policy in the
past that the department report
directly to City Council. Wheeler
would like to see the practice con-
The Cumberland Gap is a pass in
the Cumberland Mountains along the
Kentucky-Tennessee border. Daniel
Boone is supposed to have led
pioneers through the Cumberland
Gap, across Kentucky and into the
Ohio Valley.

South Korean manufacturer

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A Public Service of this,
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The Good "Neighbor.


indicted byede
WASHINGTON (AP) - A federal The grand jury has indicted Park
rand jury indicted Hancho Kim,' a on 36 counts including bribery and
osmetics manufacturer, yesterday trying as a foreign agent to buy
ri connection with alleged South influence in Congress with cash, girst
Korean influence-buying in Con- and favors. Park, a Washington-
ress_ based rice dealer, now is in Korea.

Kim was indicted on charges of
conspiracy to defraud the Unites
States and making a false declara-
tion to the grand jury.
EACH CHARGE carries a maxi-
mum penalty on conviction of five
years in jail and a $10,000 fine.
A former director of the Korean
Central Intelligence Agency (KCIA),
Kim Hyung Wook, testified beforeha
congressional com mittee that he
understood Kim took over influence-
buying efforts in Congress from
Tongsun Park.

THE INDICTMENT charged that
Kim of suburban Lanham, Md.; con-
spired with Kim Song Keun and Wan
Jang Doo, two former KCIA em-
ployes named as unindicted co-con-
spirators, "to defraud the United
States and the Congress."
It said Kim got $600,000 from the
KCIA to conduct what was called
"Operation White Snow" in an effort
to get more foreign aid from Con-
gress and create a favorable attitude
there toward the South Korean

ral grand
"IT WAS FURTHER a part of the . It did
said conspiracy that Hancho Kim sons asr
(Kim's Korean name) would receive It said
a substantial amount of money from who su
the KCIA for the purpose of distribut- favorabl
ing the money to members of the sional Re
Congress," the indictment continued. 25, 1975.
It said Kim was to periodically were not
report his activities to Gen. Wan and The O
other officials of the KCIA and Congress
receive instructions from them. insertion
The indictment said Wan, also (R-Wis.)
known as Ho Lee Sang, was an assist- cho Kim
ant to the director of the KCIA in Thomson
Seoul. Congress
IT SAID KIM "frequently met Kim Feb. 25,
Sang Keun to report on the progress Rep. Te
of Operation White Snow" and that ing som
Kim Sang Kuen was informed by his elections
KCIA superiors about Sept. 3, 1974 member
that he was "to assist Hancho C. Kim Accord
in a secret operation." "approa
It said that about the same- time, bers of t
Hancho Kim told the KCIA agent about th
"they would work together on a condition
secret operation to be financed by the for the]
KCIA for the purpose of influencing attitudec
members of the Congress of the THEI
United States and others." with ma
Kim Sang Keun, at one time the grand j
No. 2 KCIA agent at the Korean Em- $600,000v
bassy in Washington, defected and It quo
cooperated with U.S. investigators, question
He previously was reported to have money.
told the grand jury that he personally sir. I like
delivered the $600,000 from the KCIA about it.
to Hancho Kim at his home. But th
THE INDICTMENT said Kim kept agent in'
rented Telex equipment at his home: from Se
"to directly and quickly report" his HanchoI
activities to the KCIA in Seoul. 1974 and

not name any congressper-
receiving money from Xim.
he had two congresspersons
pported South Korea put
e articles into the Congres-
ecord on Oct. 8, 1974 and Feb.
The two congresspersons
Oct. 8, 1974 issue of the
sional Record includes an
by Rep. Vernon Thomson
giving some views of Han-
n on the Korean situation.
n is no longer a member of
1975 includes an insertion by
nnyson Guyer (R-Ohio) giv-
e of Kim's views on recent
s in Korea. Guyer is still a
of the House.
ding to the indictment, Kim
ched and spoke with mem-
he House of Representatives
he economic and political
ns in the Republic of Korea
purpose of influencing the
of such members."
INDICTMENT charges Kim
king a false statement to the
ury by denying that the
was delivered to his home.
ted Kim as replying to the
of whether he received the
"Absolutely, positively, no
e to make it - very strongly
e indictment said the KCIA
Washington, on instructions
eoul, delivered $300,000 to
Kim's home about Sept. 12,
about June of 1975.

" i
High in die sky With
theGoodyear blimp
(Continued from Page 1) into a crowded stadium during a foot-
ball game.
purists, the blimp has acquired a "Those movies are ridiculous,
somewhat scary reputation with the sniffed our pilot. Moran noted that
release of such horror thrillers as the the ill-fated Hindenburg was the only
Hindenburg and Black Sunday. blimp in America ever to crash and
Black Sunday, you might recall, tells burn. Three other dirigibles crashed
the story of a blimp which crashes during World War II, he said, "but
they didn't burn."
Some consolation.
But, he boasted, "I wouldn't fly
them if I couldn't say they were.
And what can one say about Ann
Arbor from a blimp's eye view?
Campus looks like a giant picture
postcard. The Arb is a gorgeous,
immense clump of green, orange and
brown. Students are tiny dots. Briar-
wood is a long, flat, unattractive slab
of concrete. Suburban sprawl is
suburbansprawl. And best of all, I
spotted my apartment on Geddes.
Thank you, Goodrich, er, I



Killer of Az


gets life imprisonment

- ..
a good
in the
arch of Dimes

(Continued from Page i)
Wingard, convicted of second de-
gree murder, was also convicted on
felony charges yesterday by Federal
District Judge Richard Kuhn.
MILLER, 29, WAS found shot to
death in her car on the shoulder of
I-96 in Southfield on July 17, 1976.
Wingard and ;his girlfriend, Gail
Oliver, 27, were arrested on July 26 in
Sacramento, ending a year-long,
cross country search for the couple.
Miller became acquainted with tne
pair when she was employed as a
staff physician at Jackson State
Prison. Wingard was serving a 3 to
5 year jail term at the facility, and
Oliver was employed there as a li-
censed practical nurse.
UNTIL WINGARD'S sentencing,

Oliver had been held as a material
witness, but Patterson said she now
will be charged with obtaining money
under false pretenses.
MILLER HAD withdrawn $5,000
from her savings account the morn-
ing she was shot, and, according to
Patterson, Oliver was to receive the
money in exchange for her aid in
arranging the escape of another
prison inmate, Larry Wells, with
whom Miller was reportedly roman-
tically involved.
"Miller withdrew the money to
arrange for the release of her lover in
prison," Patterson asserted.
In a handwritten note, discovered
shortly after the murder, Miller left a
large portion of her estate to Wells,
who was serving a 15- to 30-year term
for armed robbery.
When Miller refused to hand over
the $5,000 for Wells' escape, Wingard
said he shot her twice in the head,
Patterson said.

L -;




a sporty ski jacket takes a shine to your wardrobe...
comfortable, lightweight, machine washable nylon shell
jacket by Pacific TrailĀ®. In horizon blue, with acrylic
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All too often, when the
party ends, the trouble begins.
People who shouldn't be

And don't kid yourself
because they may have had
some black coffee. Black coffee

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BOX 2345


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