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September 23, 1977 - Image 5

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1977-09-23

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Greased Lightning - (State.) In-
depth review this week.
Fraternity Row - (Campus) *** A
humorous, entertaining, ultimately
harrowing portrait of life in a college
fraternity in the 1950's. Made on a shoe-
string budget, Fraternity Row succeeds
where higher-budgeted films have
failed. For once a real understanding of
the era is evident, and the fully realized
three dimensional characters, along
with expert direction, make this an al-
most unforgettable experience.
Buck Rogers - (Michigan) The first
in what promises to be an endless string
of Star Wars inspired re-releases of
"classic" science fiction films. Buster
Crabbe, who 'built a career in such
roles, stars.
In the Realm of the Senses - (Fifth
Forum) **% Japanese director Nagisa
Oshima's film has many faets - in-
triguing, repulsive, bizzare, and,
,strangely enough,. monotonous.
Senses, though based on an incredible
true story, emerges as an emotionless,'
static film despite its hard core ex-
plicitness. It is shocking, but soon (af-
.tpr about 5. minutes) the viewer is
pumneled into such a catatonic numb-
ness that the final castration scene be-
comr alnost a denouement.
Star Wars - (Briarwood) George
Lucas' brainchild is a triumhph from
any perspective, not the least of which
is artistic achievement. The attempt to
create a - contemporary space adven-
ture has succeeded marvelously, and
nowhere is the film tedious or mun-
dane. Cliches, poor dialogue and a thin
plot Weaken Star Wars somewhat, but
the direction, score, special effects and
photography are absolutely first rate.
I Never Promised You a Rose Garden
- (Briarwood) **% This film follows
the relationship between a schizophren-
ic girl (Kathleen Quinlan) and the doc-
tor who tries to cure her (gibi An-
dersson)! Both performances are, very
good, but the movie starts to lose its in-
terest halfway through when it bogs
down in a protracted psychic struggle
with the predictable and inevitable hap-
py ending.
The Last Remake of Beau Geste -
(Briarwood) *** Marty Feldman direc-
ted and stars in this madcap comedy
which pokes fun at the 1939 William
Wellman film. Although somewhat de-
rivative of mentor Mel Brooks'
parodies, Feldmpan has fashioned a film
with several sparks of brilliance; one
scene has Feldman "wandering" into-
the 1939 version and carrying on a con-
versation with Gary Cooper through a
series of superbly matched cuts and
rear projection. The stellar cast in-
cludes Peter.. Ustinoy,.. Ann-Margaret,
and Michael York as Feldman's twin
brother (r?!)
Outlaw Blues - (Fox Village) **% A
lightweight summer diversion starring
Peter Fonda and Susan St. James as an
outlaw-singer and manager, respec-
tively. The film is about as complex as
a one-piece jigsaw puzzle, but the two
stars are pleasant and sometimes even
attractive to watch.
Friday, September 23
Murmur of the Heart (Old A & D
Building, 7 & 9:15) - The coming of age
of a young French boy. Louis Malle's
1971 film has received wide tritical ac-
claim as it follows the boy's journey to
adulthood. Definitely worth a try.
The Front (MLB 3, 7, 8:40, 10:15) ***,
- A tragi-conic look at the blacklist
that paralyzed -Hollywood entertain-
ment industry during the Communism
paranoia of the 1950's. Woody Allen's'
portrayal of'Howard Prince, a "front"
for blacklisted writers, is comically
easy going and lacks the didactic and
apologetic moralism underlying the
rest of the film. There are many hu-

morous scenes, especially, the final one,
that make the movie sporadically

pleasant. Many of 'the production
credits belong to formerly blacklisted
Lucia (Auditorium A, Angell Hall, 7 &
9:15) - Director Humbert Solas' por-
trayal of seventy years of Cuban
history through the eyes of three
women. An unknown quantity.
Saturday, September 24
Seven Beauties (Old A & D Building, 7
& 9:05) **** -. One of the most im-
portant films of the seventies and
probbly director Lina Wertmuller's
most technically accomplished and
stimulating film to date. The study of a
born survivor who will do anything to
stay alive, Wertmuller's film entertains
and at the same time confronts the
viewer with the protagonist's distur-
bing code of personal morality. A richly
textured, beautifully constructed filtn,
Seven Beauties is not to be missed.
Romeo and Juliet (MLB Aud. 3, 7 &
9:30) ***%
The Sting (Nat Sci Aud., 7 & 9:15) ***
Phantom of the Paradise (Auditori-
um A, 7 & 9) *** - Brian De Palma's
(Carrie) remake/satire of the Phantom
of the Opera is a maddeningly enigmat-
ic film because it never quite accom-
plishes either end. The dazzling visuals
support the offbeat plot most of the
way, but at the core of the film lies only
De Palma's tongue-in-cheek attitude,
and that soon loses its refreshing hu-
mor. Nevertheless, this relative shal-
lowness emphasizes the film's amazing
textural richness to an appreciable de-
Sund y, September 25
Yojimbo (Old A ,& D Building, 7' &
9:05) * - Akira Kurosawas shat-
tering samuzrai film whose plot closely
resembles an American western. Toshi-
ro Mifune plays a Samurai for hire in a
town with two warring factors. If the
plot sounds familiar, 'it was utilized
(without credit), by another fan of
American westerns, Sergio Leone, in
the spaghetti western, A Fistful of
Dollars. Yojimbo is beautifully filmed
and craftily acted by Mifune.
House of Bamboo and China Gate (7
& 9, respectively, MLB Auditorium 3)
- Two Sam Fuller films. House of
Bampboo tells the story of army officers
and Japanese police tracking down, a
gang of former soldiers working for a
well-organized syndicate. China Gate is
about a group of French legionnaires
Who attempt to overtake a Communist
munitions dump in Idochina. Both
promise to be hard-hitting in the best
'Sam Fuller tradition.
Lolita (Auditorium A, 7 & 9:30) -
Stanley Kubrick's contentious
'cinematic portrayal of Vladimir
Nabokov's affecting novel is notable
primarily for its innovative techniques
in dealing with repressed and taboo
subjects. The filluiuti1ies, the relation:
ship between Humbert Humbert
(James Mason) and his young nymphet
Lolita (Sue Lyon) *as a vehicle for de-
picting middle class despondency. Ku-.
brick's omnipresent singular cinematic
style is responsible for its proportion of
favorable critical response.
Monday, September 26
The Golem and Variety (Old A & D
Building, 7 & 8:40, respectively) - The
Golem is a silent film from Germany's
expressionist film period which relates
an ancient Hebrew, tale about a huge
play statue given life to protect Jews

from medieval pograms. The film is
famous for its surreal oblique sets, ef-
fective crowd scenes, and its horror.
The Golem ves an influential fore-
runner to the 1931 classic, Franken-
stein. Variety is another silent German
expressionist film, but one which was
more popular with American audiences
than The Golem. In Variety, the famous
Emil Jannings plays a trapeze artist
who murders his adulterous wife's lov-
er. The film makes use of virtuoso cam-
erawork, much of it obtained while fly-
ing through the air with the performers.
Variety has been hailed as a moving
film, with a mood that is achieved
through a close attention to detail.
Tuesday, September 27
The Birth of a Nation (Old A '& D
Building, 8) **** - D.W. Griffith's si-
lent sixty years old classic still retains
a surprising power to emotionally move,
a contemporary audience. The film has
been the victim of oppression and the
subject of heated debates ever since its
release because of its heavy racial bias
and historical exaggerations (however'
well researched) regarding the Civil
War and slavery. These factors make
initial viewing of the film a disconcert-
ing experience as it has one cheering
for the Ku Klux Klan, and it gives one a'
distorted portrait of the reconstruction
South. Though the movie is often tech-
nically crude and slow moving, it is a
masterpiece; not only of early cinema
but of all cinema. The film is addition-
ally noteworthy because of its unofficial
status as one of the top ten money-"
makers of all time.
Slaughterhouse-Five (Auditorium A,
7 & 9) *** - Although portions of this
film occasionally tend to induce a som-
nabulistic state, this George Roy Hill
film proves to be an enlightening com-
panion piece to Kurt Vonnegut's novel.
This is the portrayal of life through the
eyes of Billy Pilgrim, a professional
nobody whose journeys take him from
the horrors of the Dresden bombings to
the planet Tralfamadore. It captures
the essence of the novel remarkably
Wednesday, September 28
Forbidden Planet (Old A & D Build-
ing, 7 & 9:05) *** - Excellent produc-
tion values and solid acting highlight
this 1956 science fiction fantasy of trav-
elers to a lost planet where Walter

Pidgeon, daughter Anne Francis and
Robby the Robot reign supreme. An im-
portant forerunner of 2001: A Space
Odyssey and Star Wars, this film was a
quantum leap ahead of the shlock that
typified the 1950's fantasyi film.
Madame Bovery (Auditorium A, 7) -
Jennifer Jones plays the title role in this
adaption of Gustav Flaubert's nine-
teenth century novel of a sensual Fren-
ch woman who sacrifices everyone for
her love whims.
Film About A Woman Who ... (Audi-
torium A, 9:00)
Thursday, September 29
Savage Innocents (Auditorium A, 7)
- Director Nicholas Ray (Rebel
Without A Cause) takes his cameras to
the bleak Hudson Bay region to film a
story about an Eskimo (Anthony,
Quinn) whose secluded life is disturbed
by venal fur traders. Ray's movies
have been widely acclaimed for revela-
tory glimpses into human nature.
Savage Innocents laments the con-
tamination of a last frontier.
The Illusion Travels By Streetcar
(Auditorium A, 9) - Luis Bunuel, the
notorious iconoclast, devastator of
bourgeois values and gifted surrealist
artist directed this movie about a
streetcar and its passengers - a cross
section of society as Bunuel sees it. It is
a piercing film.
Queen of Blood (Auditorium A, 10:15)
- An obscure 1966 horror/science fic-
tion film dealing with an alien woman
who Jays ominous looking eggs. The
film is purported to be aspoof of the B
sci-fi genre.
La Grande Illusion (Old A & D Build-
ing, 7 &.9:05) **** Jean Renoir's legen-
dary film about war and humanity is
obligatory viewing for anyone serious
about the cinema. The movie is excep-
tionally insightful, emotional, and,
compassionate in its depiction of the ef-
fects that war has on people and friend-
ship. It has an indistinct plot structure
and vague narrative direction. Never-
theless, La Grande Illusion stands un-
contested as a truly great film.
Second Chance - Masquerade, a
competent band that has played some
frat parties before, rocks with the Six-
ties Friday through Sunday. They
specialize in the tunes of the Beatles

The Michigan Daily-Friday, September 23, 1 77-
and the Beach Boys - bound to get you
up and bopping.
Sonic's Rendezvous Band, a combina-
tion of members from the old MC5, the
Stooges and the Rationals, takes the
stage on Monday. Fronted by Fred
"Sonic" Smith, former feedback manic
for the MC5, and Scott Asheton, lead
guitarist behind Iggy, the Rendezvous
Band has a sound reminiscent of the
raunchy Detroit rock of the late Sixties.
The music is not too danceable, but ser-
ves well as an 'aural look at the way' it
use to sound.
Thunder, a rock/disco funk band fea-
turing two fine female vocalists, plays
from Tuesday to Thursday. The cover
charge varies during the week, ranging
from 50t to $1.50 for students with
Abigail's - Mugsy, one of the tightest
hard rock bands to be found in the ARE Y1
Detroit/Ann Arbor area, jams Friday
and Saturday. Their set is comprised of
high volume renditions of the best of
Arrowsmith, Z.Z. Top and Montrose.
For those who like their rock in a
disco setting, Crazy Jack spins the
tunes on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fa
Thursdays. Salem Witchcraft begins a
gig on Wednesday, Abigails "10
Night" when shells of beer cost between _ ' BOUT
10t and 35t. Cover charge is $2.00 on
weekends and $1.50 on weekdays. For 1nformat in.nhwyou
Blue Frogge - Disco down and check ..s a mancan sh a .re vets ng
out the show every day except Sunday.- * repnib*t fo pnnngt
Monday through Wednesday the cover f you f a il a nd prvni
charge is $1.00. Thursday through Sat- unwanted pregnancy, call s
urday the admission is $1.00 for studen- family planning n n
ts and $2.00 for non-students.
Blind Pig - II V I, a local jazz muyyr ahealth
group, is this weekend's musical offer- departmentryurwn
ing in the basement of the Blind Pig. physician.
Boogie Woogie Red, legendary blues
artist, is the featured performer on this
Monday. The cover charge is $1.00.
The Roadhouse-- Southern rock for
all the hicks with The Beverage Broth-
ers through Sunday. The cover charge

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THE Black South African Leader
Fri ay, Septem ber 23, noon.
Chaplin: Rev. Andrew Foster
Eulogy: Professor Ali Mazrui
SPONSORED BY: South African Liberation Committee, Canterbury House



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