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September 15, 1977 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1977-09-15

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Page 2--Thursday, September 15, 1977-The Michigan Daily
entor Health Research Instituteta te
*The New York Hospital .Cornell Medical Center cd
UHYSCAy AN t E 1977 law that will re
hu~rsda , Sept. 15,1977 of thousands of
," WMINAR: l:45 P M., Room 1057 could approach
StEAt 3:15 P.M., M41 Lounge ; Doctors from
................................................................. schools will tes
farms that were
$late 1973 throug
ANTONIONi'S 1973 control group
* TAMichigan mother
THE PASSENGER able PBB in thei
* JACK NICHOLSON as a journalist who assumes the identity of "Complete psy
N' a dead man in order to start life anew (Which includes * ological examin
MARIA SCHNEIDER). ducted," said Dr
College of Huma
FRI: TO HAVE AND HAVE NOT * igan State Unive
S* look for sympt
TONIGHT AT OLD ARCH. AUD. * muscular, nutri
* {ClINE A G U7D y:0 0 9:05 ADMISSION $1.50 * infectious disea
*9t9$ * * *** *$ $$ HE ALSO SAI
look for suns of

be gins testing
ren who ate PBB

msD aedalus'campsout
on Art Museum lwn

-mPage 1)
and those who ate
ted food, and a state
quire the destruction
cattle at a cost that
$45 million.
the state's medical
st children born on
e quarantined from
;h 1976, as well as a
of children born to
rs who had no detect-
r breast milk.
ychological and neur-
nations will be con-
. William Weil of the
an Medicine at Mich-
ersity. "Doctors will
oms in the neuro-
itional, growth and
se areas as well."
[D psychologists will
f mental stress that
eloped among the
already started a
g program of 1,000
at Big Rapids to
er PBB has affected
eam of researchers,
ving Selikoff of New
said that PBB may
rvous disorders and
the body's immunity
y be years before
sorders are docu-
n has already taken
he level of PBB in
ibit milk with traces
, while Canada has

banned all Michigan beef and dairy
IN ADDITION, a British television
network has produced a documen-
tary titled "The Poisoning of Michi-
gan," which reportedly portrays
Milliken and the state agriculture
department as ineffective and inde-
"It's yellow journalism at its
worst," said Kathy Stariha, the
governor's special assistant in
charge of the PBB issue.
Michigan legislators have passed a
law, which takes effect on Oct. 3, and
will require the destruction of about
34,000 cows and has led to a fight over
where they will be buried. The state
will spend an estimated $16 million to
$45 million to implement the law,
which requires that dairymen be
compensated for their herd losses.-
RESIDENTS in dscoda County
don't want the carcasses of 5,000
PBB-contaminated animals buried in
their area because they fear their
groundwater supplies could become
County officials said they would
seek a restraining order against the
state to block site preparations,
scheduled to begin next week, and
lobby instead for disposal of the
carcasses by fire.
"Our position is that this whole
thing is unsafe," County commission
chairman Oscar Mast said yester-
day. "If you bury the carcasses the
PBB taint will be there for hundreds
of years. "

(Continued from Page 1)
hopes for his work, saying, "It needs
virtually no maintenance as long as
people respect its surface." He ex-
plained it requires no paint and it
"doesn't need any color than the
natural material, once it gets a coat of
Ginnever said the sculpture
epitomized the atmosphere on campus:
"It's about flow-this is where you've
got a lot of flow in the college. Just as
the sculpture opens and closes, so does
the University as it becomes empty or
significance of the artwork, a film crew
recorded for posterity the tedious in-
stallation at "Daedalus" and student
reactions. The film, made by the
University's T.V. and Film Center, will
be a documentary entitled, "Daedalus
in Place," according to producer
director Al Slote.
"IT will be used for teaching pur-
poses in the museum and the Univer=
sity, and then, it will be shown com-
mercially in such cities as New York,
San Francisco and Washington," he
Reactions to the front lawn display at
the corner of State Street and S.
University were generally mixed. "I
like it as long as I don't have to pay for
it," shrugged graduate student Ray
BUT SENIOR Kathy Obits said, "It's
not worth it. It just looks like a bunch of

Ann Arbor Film, Co-op
ThUrsdy,ASeptmber 15

(Michool Schultz, 1976),

7A& 9-Aud. A

may have dev
quarantined faim
The state has
two-year testing
farm families,
determine wheth
their health. A t
headed by Dr. Ir
York City, has
contribute to nei
impairmr~ent of t)
While it may
PBB-caused 'di.
mented, Michiga
steps to limit tl
meat and to proh
of the chemical

An earthy, irreverent, affectionate look at o typical day in an L. A. car,
wash which spotlights guest stars George Carlin, "Professor" Irwin Corey,
the Pointer Sisters, and Richard Pryor as Daddy Rich. Exuberant, unpreten-.
tious fun, the film overcame lackadaisical distribution through terrific.
word-of-mouth and a title song that broke into Top-40 radio with a
bullet. "A terrifically shrewd piece of movie-making ... a cheerful, some-
what vulgar, very cleverly executed comedy.. ."-Vincent Conby.


hunks of metal."
However, Carolyn Bailey, a volunteer
worker at the museum called it "ex-
tremely good-looking'and added, "I'm
pleased with it, I'm interested in how .it
will look in the different lights of th
A junior, Keith Tosolt, echoed
Bailey's sentiments, saying, "I dig con-
ceptual art like this-it improves the
CONTRIBUTIONS of friends of the
University of Michigan Museum of Art
and a $20,000 matching grant from th
National Endowment for the Arts made
the acquisition possible for the
Two unique contributors to the fund's
for the purchase of the sculpture wat-
ched the sculpture go up. Barbara anI
Elmer Hamel made their donations as
reciprocal birthday gifts to each other
this year.
"We wanted to give each other per-
manent birthday presents this year. It's
fun and we're sticking to it-we're nt
giving each other anything else,,
Hamel said.
to Percy
House press secretary Jody Powell
acknowledged today he told a report-
er about rumors that Sen. Charles
Percy, ranking Republican on the
committee probing the finances of
Bert Lance, had misused corporate
The disclosure and accompanying
news accounts triggered a furor on
Capitol Hill and a fast apology from
LAWMAKERS, especially Repub-
licans, called the incident a cheap
Percy, who asked for and received
a telephoned apology from Powell,
said "there is not a shred of truth" 'to
the charges.
Powell said he told the Chicago Sun
Times and at least one other news,-
paper abou teportshe received from
two sources that Percy may have
been involved in improprieties in-
volving the acceptance of airplane
flights from a private firm.
HIS REMARKS were "inappropri-
ate, regrettable and dumb," said
Powell, adding that President Carter
"seemed to accept my analysis with-
out question."
Volume LXXXVIII, No. 7
Thursday, September 5, 1977
is edited and managed by students at the University
of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second class
postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Pub-
lished daily Tuesday through Sunday morning dur-
ing the University year at 420 Maynard ,Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription rates:
$12 September through April (2 semesters); $13 by
mail outside Ann Arbor.
Summer session published Tuesday through Satur-
day morning. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor;
$7.50 by mail outside Ann Arbor.

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