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September 15, 1977 - Image 1

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The Daily!

Mass Meeting Sept.



See Editorial Page See Today for details
Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 7 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, September 15, 1977 Ten Cents Ten Pages

U.S. attorneys say Lance
probe was halted in 6

W ASHINGTON (AP)-Justice De-
partment attorneys who investigated
-one of Bert Lance's banks said
yesterday their investigation was
going full speed when the Atlanta
U.S. attorney ordered it dropped a
month after Jimmy Carter was
,:elected President.
However, the former U.S. attor-
ney, John Stokes, denied that the
Investigation was fruitful and said he
'closed it for lack of a prosecutable
HE ENDED the investigation last
#Dec. 2, a day before Carter an-

nounced that Lance would be budget
The allegations came on a day
wh'en Lance was criticizing the news
media for its coverage of his prob-
lems and denying he would resign.
White House Press Secretary Jody
Powell also was apologizing for
spreading rumors about one of
Lance's most outspoken critics, Sen.
Charles Percy (R-Ill.). Stokes' form-
er assistants contended Stokes didn't
want to anger the incoming adminis-
tration and lose his job before he was
eligible for a pension.

Regents kickoff term
:with easy schedule

Like hundreds of classes meeting for
the first time this week, the Regents
ease into the new academic year with a
light schedule today, tidying up and
okaying such projects as the St.
Joseph's Hospital purchase, an allied
health program, and the Office of Af-
firmative Action.
St. Joseph's, which sits on the corner
of Catherine and Ingalls Streets, was
deserted by doctors and nurses last
spring in favor of a new St. Joseph's on
Huron Parkway.
THE REGENTS have already sunk
$101,000 into the property and have
agreed to buy it for $6 million more if
the state legislature supports-the plan.,
University officials haven't an-
nounced a specific use for St. Joseph's
but the building sits within a stone's
throw of the University Hospital and
the funds for the payment will come
from a sum reserved for "University
hospital replacement projects," accor-

ding to James Brinkerhoff, vice presi-
dent for financial affairs.
The Regents are also expected to ap-
prove a new office to handle allied
health programs - those areas in the
health field outside the professional
schools of medicine, nursing, dentistry,
pharmacy, and public health - in the
University Hospital and the Medical
IT'S UNCLEAR just how students
would be affected by the reorganization
which would shift funds from the
Medical School's existing Office of Al-
lied Health Education to the new, as yet
unnamed office.
In the September meeting, held today
and tomorrow in the Regent's Room of
the Administration building starting at
1:30 today, the eight elected officials
are expected to formally approve the
Office of Affirmative Action by incor-
porating it in the University bylaws.
The Office has been in operation for
some time, promoting equal oppor-
tunity for students, faculty, and staff.

Stokes acknowledgedin testimony
before the Senate Governmental Af-
fairs Committee that he didn't want
to be "a lame duck Republican D.A.
trying to make a name for himself."
Furthermore, if his office continued
the investigation, he said, it would
"certainly leak out. You have no
right to destroy a man's public ca-
reer by fiddlirig around with an in-
vestigation for a few months when
you don't have the grounds to start
with," Stokes said.
OFFICIALS of the comptroller of
the currency's office earlier testified
that they did not believe the Justice
Department would have prosecuted
the case because it would be hard to
sell to a jury.
The department was trying to
decide if overdrafts by Lance's 1974
gubernatorial campaign committee
on the Calhoun First National Bank
were really illegal campaign contri-
Jeffrey Bogart, former assistant
U.S. attorney, told the Senate hear-
ing, "it's inconceivable to me that the
case was closed" at that time.
HE SAID he met with Stokes Nov.
29, 1976, asking him to pursue the
campaign finance case and over-
drafts by Lance family members at
the Calhoun Bank.
"I remember he did not want to
rock the boat and I believe he made
some reference to his pension,"
Bogart said.
However, Stokes testified Bogart
told him in September "the case is no
good. I'm going to close the file." He
said he was surprised when Bogart
told him Nov. 29 he-wanted to pursue
the case.
Stokes said he decided before
closing the investigation that it was
not prosecutable. He said former
Assistant Atty. Gen. Richard Thorn-
burgh agreed with him in a telephone

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Narciso, Perez sentencing today,
face possible life imprisonment

Nurses Filipina Narciso and Leonora
Perez, convicted of the 1975 Veterans
Administration Hospital poisonings,
will be sentenced today by Federal Dis-
trict Judge Philip Pratt.
The sentencing in Detroit was also
expected to be accompanied by a pro-
test from - supporters of the women,
claiming the women are innocent of
three counts of poisoning each and one
count of conspiracy each.
life imprisonment.
"We don't know what to expect," de-
fense attorney Thomas O'Brien said
yesterday. "The only thing that really
happens publicly is the formal an-
nouncement by the judge."
Kids who
ate PBB
tested for
From AP and UPI
LANSING (AP) - Michigan health
officials were to begin testing yester-
day hundreds of children born on
chemically contaminated farms to
find out if they have suffered birth
The two days of tests at the
Muskegon County Health Depart-
ment and Muskegon General Hospi-
tal are the latest in a series of
investigations stemming from the

Sentencing is scheduled for 2 p.m. to-
day, but shortly beforehand, O'Brien
and the three co-counsels representing
the nurses will enter the judge's cham-
bers and learn the verdict privately.
"ALL WE CAN DO is hope for the
best," O'Brien said. "Because of our
belief in their innocence, any sentence
is unfair."
The defense lawyers plan to file two
motions on Monday, one for an acquit-
tal of the nurses and another requesting
a directed verdict of acquittal.

Pratthas scheduled Oct. 11 for argu-
ments on the two defense motions.
"IF EITHER OF THOSE motions'are
denied, there's our basis for appeal,"
O'Brien said.
Pratt, who presided over the 10-week-
long trial,'is expected to take into ac-
count a report he received from the
United States probation department
earlier this month, which contains in-
terviews with both women, according to
See NARCISO, Page 10

University officials are expected to
decide next week whether to rein-
state the "Night Owl" bus service
created last fall after a series of at-
tacks on women near campus, ac-
cording to Fred Davids, Security
Without fanfare, the University
discontinued the "Night Owl" pro-
gram at the end of April because of
declining ridership and the end of the
school term, said Joel Berger, Uni-
versity information director.
"THERE WAS a great flurry of use

at first and then it just dwindled
down to nothing," Berger said.
During October and November of
last year, some 16 women were at-
tacked, often at knife point in the
At least two of them were raped. Ann
Arbor police said they suspected one
man carried out all 10 assaults.
On January 12, Mississippi authori-
ties arrested 26-year-old Robert
Finklea in connection with one of the
attacks. He was later convicted with
one of the attacks. He was later
convicted of unarmed robbery, but
was never charged with any of the
other attacks.

THE "NIGHT OWL" service was
inaugurated November 20, 1976.
Buses left 'the Undergraduate Li
brary every half hour from 7 p.m. to1
a.m'., seven days a week. The buses
had regular stops on Hill Street, Ox-
ford Housing, the hill dormitories,
University Hospital and Geddes Bus
"There's no decision we're not go-
ing to have a "Night Owl" service,"
Davids said. "It's been discussed and
there's been no decision pro or con.
Davids said October 15 would be a
likely starting date for the bus

Narciso and Perez in happier days


Brown e,

Young to court black vote


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