The Daily!
Mass Meeting Sept.
See ditoial ageSee Today for details
Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 6 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, September 14, 1977 Ten Cents Ten Pages
Flash floods kill 18in K.C.
By AP and UPI
KANSAS CITY, Mo. - Rain-
swollen creeks and rivers that surged
over their banks and sent walls of
water through sections of Kansas
City early yesterday left almost 20
dead, hundreds homeless, millions of Im a ~4
dollars in damages, and what one
official called "total destruction in
.' ,some areas.
Gas-fed fires and explosions fol-
lowed the flood destroying businessa!
establishments in the city. v,
u !
"WE'RE really afraid of what we
"-'. might find out there today," one
police~ searcher sadyesterday. "We
have no idea how high the casualty
L \ " i\'-efclist might grow."
At midday, the official death toll
R.~ \ a- r.~ ~ stood at 18 and there were reports of
. -other people missing.
"We have no idea how many cars
r 2 ?' ~ there are or if there's anybody in any 4
e ..\of them," said Frank H. Spink Jr., a
.director of emergency preparedness
for the city, discussing, the pumping
?.,.w FAY operations at three parking garages
in the Country Club Plaza shopping
center. Most shops and stores were
closed when the flood struck, but
restaurants and bars were open.
THE FLOODS, spawned by the"
heaviest recorded rainfall in the
1 -city's history, hit hardest at the
shopping center in the southern part
sw y;,of the Missouri city and at a trailer
park and industrial district in the
east. The flash floods sent 20 foot
crests of water surging through the
area. Telephone and power outages
IA * were reported.
Gene Katzman, a barber Iwho
S- .. helped in the rescue operations, said
the water in some areas of east
.------- Kansas City rose almost to the AP Photo
AP P ** second level of homes. FIREFIGHTERS COMBAT A BLAZE IN Kansas City's Country Club Plaza
S'UNTEERS WADING THROUGH Kansas City's Little Blue River yesterday search for bodies and try to identify cars "People were hollering at us from caused by a gas leak which followed yesterday's flooding.
after flash floods hit the area. See KANSAS, Page 7
Young Browne
~ ...
WASHINGTON (AP) - The chief .-
bank regulator in Atlanta was quoted
yesterday as saying Office of Man
agement and Budget Director Bert 74/ .
Lance wanted to know long before
the 1976 election what could be done
about-federal restrictions on his bank
if he was named to a high post in the -
Carter administration.
But Donald Tarleton, the Atlanta
regional comptroller who eventually - '
dropped those restrictions, denied
the account after it was released by
the Senate Governmental Affairs
Committee. And another witness said
he did not recall that part of a f
conversation. S . RLES Percy -I.
introduced an affidavit by banking
examiner Charles Francis Stuart -4
that recounted a meeting with Tarle
ton and another bank examiner in The three leading challengers to Detroit Mayor Coleman Young were caught in
Atlanta on May 13, 1976. That was an antique contest From left, they are: John Mogk Ernest Browne and Thomas
five months before a "cease and
desist" agreement with the Calhoun
First National Bank was lifted by BLOCK SUSPENSION DISCUSSED:
Tarleton and seven months before
Lance became budget director.
The Internal Revenue Service,
which summarized Stuart's testi -lii 1
mony, said Stuart believed he saw
Lance leave Tarleton's office just By SUE WARNER
before the meeting.
I added: University and AFSCME Local
"ARLE TON specifically stated 1583 representatives met yesterday
that Lance told him that if Mr. Carter before arbitrator Alan Walt in an 'The University has kep
was elected President of the United effort to resolve the continuing
States, Lance would be nominated to debate which has developed over the Joel on the streets for five
a high position in the Carter adminis- University's suspension of former months. If that's not dis
tration. AFSCME president Joel Block.
"Mr. Tarleton further stated that Block was suspended from his cipline what is?'
one of Lance's banks was under an University job as a hospital custo- -Geore Washinton
See RANK. Page 7 dian last snrina when Ann Arhn G
win in
Ca ndidates to face off..
in November election
Special to the Daily
DETROIT-Incumbent Mayor
Coleman Young, as expected,
trounced his oppolsition yester-
day as Detroit voters went to
the polls to select two mayoral
candidates in a primary elec-
Unexpected,. however, was
the second-place finish by
Councilman Ernest Browne.
DETROIT (UPI) - With 14.5
per cent of the city's 1,222 pre-
cincts reporting, incumbent
Coleman Young was the top
vote-getter yesterday in
Detroit's mayoral primary,
garnering 14,632 votes. Council-
man Ernest Browne finished
second with 11,137, suburban
contractor Thomas Dailey was
third with 5,636 and Wayne
State University law professor
John Mogk finished fourth with
YOUNG, 59, the city's first black
mayor, was conceded the top spot, with
supporters fervently hoping for a
November challenge from one of
Young's white contenders, Wayne State
University law professor John Mogk
and contractor Thomas Dailey.
All three of Young's major opponents
hart namitt ar fnr +h P minn t ha+
November ballot.
A Browne victory in the primary
means that the councilman, who is
black, has significant black support,
and Browne is all but conceded the
white vote. The city's registered voters
are roughly divided evenly between
black and white.
"We have achieved what Coleman
Young feared the most-that Ernest
Browne would win in the primary,"
reflective poses Monday as they judged
night, "Our basic argument was that
according to the contract settlement,
the arbitrator only has authority in
matters that result in a discharge or
a disciplinary layoff, not a suspen-
However, George Washington, un-
ion attorney for the case, contends,
"The University has kept Joel on the
streets for five months. If that's not
discipline what is? The University is
iwmt nlaienowith mardc 11
. .
- MI