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January 15, 1978 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1978-01-15

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Page 2-Sunday, January 15; 1978-The Michigan Daily

Panamanian riots hinted

Panama Canal treaty is rejected by
the U.S. Senate, seasoned political
observers in Panama say it is
inevitable that the student mobs will
take to the streets.
"The only question," one Ameri-
can expert says, "is which way the
mob turns - toward the Canal Zone,
or the palace."
THE STATEMENT reflects the
tenuous situation that Gen. Omar
Torrijos faces in his own country if
opponents of the treaty prevail when
it comes to its.expected Senate show-
down early this year.

Torrijos, who ousted a newly
elected president in 1968, is no longer
at the zenith of power, according to
foreign diplomats and other observ-
ers. With Panama facing continuing
economic miseries and heavy gov-
ernment debts, the canal treaty has
proved a useful political issue for
The buildup to last October's
national referendum on the canal
treaty, says one American expert,
brought a "blossoming of free
speech" in which Torrijos purposely
let the issue be vented by all sides.
"It was a field day for the opposi-
tion," he recalled, until the last few

Capitol crowds pay
last tribute to HHH

(Continuedfrom Page )
casket was laid on the Lincoln
catafalque a private prayer service for
the Humphrey family was conducted by
the Rev. Edward Elson, chaplain of the
"Surely he was one who did justly,
loved mercy, and walked humbly
before thee all the days of his mortal
life," Elson said.
HE SPOKE OF what he said was
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Humphrey's condemnation of social
evil, his compassion for the
dispossessed, "his inclusive love of all
Mrs. Muriel Humphrey, the senator's
wife of 41 years, was escorted by Vice
President Walter Mondale and his wife,
Secretary of State Cyrus Vance and
his wife walked into the rotunda and
stood silently, their hands clasped,
their heads bowed.
Robert Byrd and Republican Minority
Leader Howard Baker led a handful of
fellow senators into the vast room.
Mrs. Humphrey greeted many of her.
husband's mourners with a kiss, a hug,
a smile.
And tributes to Humphrey continued
to pour in from around the world.
Minister Takeo Miki announced in
Tokyo the government will donate $1
million to the Humphrey Center at the
University of, Minnesota. He praised
Humphrey for "distinguished service"
to U.S.-Japanese relations and recalled
that as vice president the Minnesotan
facilitated the return to Japan of U.S.-
occupied Bonin and Okinawa islands.
In Jerusalem, Prime Minister
Menahem Begin eulogized Humphrey
as "unforgettable, one of the greatest
friends of the nation of Israel andthe
Jewish people."

days before the polling, when things
tightened up a bit.
FOR TORRIJOS, who took power
in a military coup and has the
Guardia Nacional - Panama's na-
tional police - as his only organized
power base, it was an important
show of democracy in action. And his
political standing got a boost of credi-
bility when voters approved the
treaty by a margin of about 2-1.
But by exploiting the treaty as an
issue, Torrijos also has been running
great risks. Some U.S. analysts here
agree with exiled former President
Arnulfo Arias, the man Torrijos
ousted, who told two U.S. senators
recently that if the treaty is rejected,
Torrijos is finished.
Trouble for the "Maximum Chief,"
as Torrijos officially is known, would
not have to come from the commun-
ists - who are not a strong factor in
Panamanian politics, these observ-
ers say - or other declared foes of
Torrijos and the treaty.
THERE IS NO assurance, they
say, that even the Panamanian
Students Federation (FEP), the
most pro-government of Panama's
fractious student groups, would con-
tinue to support him. They number
an estimated 1,000, but any violent
demonstration started by the FEP
probably would be joined quickly by
other Panamanians.
Nor is it certain, the observers say,
that Torrijos-could keep the lid on
without ordering his Guardia Na-
cional to crack down - something he
probably would not wish to do.
Torrijos has been quotedas saying
that if the students attacked U.S.
facilities, he would either have to
stop them or lead them, and in no
event would he try to stop them.
THAT KIND of bombast has led to
charges by anti-treaty spokesmen
that the Carter administration is suc-
cumbing to blackmail by the Pana-
manian leader. "Some of the things
Torrijos says sound like threats,"
agrees an American resident of
Panama, "but he has to live with the
situation here.'
To accommodate the North Ameri-
cans, Torrijos has agreed to other
moves. In response to demands by a
group of visiting senators that he im-
plement some human rights reforms,
Torrijos abolished two martial law
decrees that were nearly a decade
old. He also promised to ease press
And most recently he convinced
Senate Minority Leader Howard
Baker that while extensive revision
of the treaty is not acceptable to
Panama, he would be "flexible"' on
some changes that could help it
through the Senate.

Former President Richard
Nixon 'made his first trip back
to Washington since his resig-
nation more than three years
ago yesterday to attend serv-
ices for the late Hubert Hum-
phrey. Nixon has been a recluse
at his beachside estate at San
Clemente since he left the
capital on August 10, 1974. He
boarded a commercial jet at
Los Angeles International Air-
port for a flight to Washington
to pay tribute to the man he
defeated in 1968 for the nation's
highest post. Nixon said that
Humphrey was a decent and
honorable man who command-
ed "the genuine respect and
affection of his political oppon-
ents and allies alike." Nixon
plans to return to California

Locals debate Carter 's"

first year
(Continued from Page 1). Another
strongly for Carter last year. "He's Miller, d
taken on issues clearly, and directly Social Res
which this country needs to have taken Carter ha
on, like the Canal Treaty, human rights some nat
in Russia, and relations with South giving hir
Africa and Rhodesia. These are big "On the
issues that presidents in the past very acti'
haven't given the strong and straight- Miller sai
forward stands Carter has." the succes
Republican City Councilman Louis of substan
Belcher saw Carter's year in a slightly think he's
differentlight, though. first year.
"He just doesn't know how to get "HE'S7
things done. He's floundering around I expecte
there in a big void. What really worries. ..
me is that there doesn't seem to be any "
national purpose to his administration "
and he hasn't shown me any way he's
going to get anything done," Belcher ty Wh
OTHERS, SUCH as University-
President Robben Fleming and
Political Science Prof. Albert Cover,
said that a year was not a long enough
time in which to judge a president. Mideast
"One has to say that he's still an reorganiz
unknown quantity," Fleming said. though, si
"Clearly the most critical domestic importanc
problem facing us right now is energy, them hav
and it's not resolved yet and one doesn't st year," b
know whether it will be." Belcher
Fleming also said he thought Carter charitabl
was discovering that some of his cam- "He haw
paign promises might be impossible to though h
fill, which is worrying the public. "He majority:
still seems to have the good will of the just abou
people, though, and those I've talked to taken en
still seem to think he's an able man. Mideast s
"IT'S DIFFICULT to assess a first much to cl
year for a president because so many
things have been put out which won't be
completed for a while," said Prof.
Cover. "I don't know how fair it is to be
too nice or too harsh at the end of twelve ..

effective ness
Carter advocate was Warren "AND AFTER ALL his attacks on
lircto ofth Intitte orbureaucracy, the White House sI
search (ISR), who said he felt which is the one place he really
s been doing a better job than direct control, is bigger now than it
tional columnists have been been in ten years," he added.
n credit for. Cover also expressed some surp
whole I would say he's been a at Carter's difficulties with Congre
ve and positive performer," "I would have expected a Ion
d. "Given the fact that he was honeymoon, since all the Democrat
ssor to Watergate and a period Congress were tickled pink to hav
ntial turmoil for the country, I Democratic president to work with.
done remarkably well in his Cover said it is a mistake to use
current battle over the energy bil
TAKEN more initiatives than judge Carter's leadership potential
d on things such as energy, the think it has less to do with his abili

s 'in
ve a
1 to
. "I

Grad fellowship financial aid brown bag session,
Wed. Jan. 18, 12-2 p.m., 4th floor Assembly Hall
Rackham Bldg. Representatives of Graduate Fel-
lowships Office and the Office of Financial Aid will
discuss current and 1978-79 fellowship and financial
aid opportunities. Bring your lunch and a friend.


s taken on issues clearly and direct-
ich this country needs ...
- Ann Arbor Mayor Albert Wheeler,
and government as a leader. than with the position the
zation. I'm not surprised two houses already held. One would
ince these things are of such have predicted more-trouble with the
ce to the country, that many of Senate anyway," he said.
en't come to fruition in the fir- WHEELER GAVE Carter especially
Miller said. good marks on his movement towards
r, however, was ndt so opening up more direct relations bet-
e on the issues.t Cween the federal government and the
is no rapport with- Congress, cities, including Ann Arbor, although he
is party has a big enough stressed that, "There's still a long way
so they should be able to do to go."
ut anything. Also, he's not "I'm happy with this year, but I hope
ough of an initiative on a next year will be even better," Wheeler
settlement, but just left too said.
hance," Belcher said.
Daily Official Bulletin


Rudranands Ashram
is now offering
Beginning courses in
Meditation & Kundalini Yoga
Tuesday, and Wednesday at 5:30
FULL CLASS at 6:30

Sunday, January 15, 1978

Daily Calendar
WUOM: Options in Education; "The Bureauc-
racy in Education," focus on the rapid growth of
middle level bureaucrats in education, 1:00 p.m.
Music School: Piano duo, SM Recital Hall, 4

Jan. 16 from 1 to 5. General camp positions open-
waterfront, arts/crafts, athletics, etc. Register by
phone or in person. Age 20 and up.
Wrights Lake Scout Reservation, Boy Scouts.
Will interview Wed., Jan. 18 from 1 to 5. Openings
include waterfront (WSI), and rifle instr. Details

The,1 78 ichigaension
(U-M's yearbook)
is looking for students interested in working on the
business staff. Positions are open in marketing,
sales, and general business.
No experience necessary,
we will train you.

p.m. available. Age 20-21.
CAREER PLANNING & PLACEMENT Marriott Inn of Gr. Am. Will interview Thurs.,
3200 S.A.B.-764-7456 Jan. 19 and Fri., Jan. 20 from 9 to 5. Looking for
INTERVIEWING AT CAREER managm. supervisory personnel. Details available.
PLANNING & PLACEMENT Register by phone or in person.
Jan. 17: Manufacturers Nat'l Bank, Batelle Co- Commonwealth of Virginia, Personnel & Train-
lumbus Lab., Nat'l CSS. ing. Grad. and Undergrads. Select your own agency
Jan. 17: Leo Burnett, Abraham & Straus. -planning/budget, mental health/retardation,
Jan. 19: Indiana U. Hospital, Libbey Owens higher ed., personnel/training. Further details
Ford Co. available and apps.
Jan.20: Allstate InsuranceCo. Environmental Protection Agency, AA, Mi.
Jan. 23: Jones & Laughlin Steel Co., Action/ Must have completed Sophomore year in mech.
Peace Corps/Vista. engr. related fields. Details and apps. available.
Jan. 24: Action/Peace Corps/Vista, Chem. MondayJanuary 16,1978
Abstracts Service. Daily Calendar
Jan. 25: the Proctor & Gamble Distributing Co., Ctr. Near Eastern/Noth African Studies.Dana
Indland Steel Co., Control Data Corp., Action/ Malouf, slide show, "Tunisia," Commons room
Peace Corps/Vista.
Jan. 26: K-Mart Apparel, BASF Wayandotte Corp. Lane Hall, noon.
Jan. 27: ARike's, Data Resources, Inc. Dentistry: Walter Loesche, room 1033 Kellogg,
Students interested in the fields of modern sur- 4 p.m.s School: Ara Musica, selections b Bach
veying and cargography: MHadesivahol:.raMushamud, s8:30onspym. h
American Congress on Surveying and Mapping Handel, Vivaldi Rackham Aud.,8:30 p.m.
is offering the Keuffel & Esser Fellowship in Sur-
veying andCartography-$2,000 & Wild Heerbrugg
Geodetic Fellowshio-$3,000. Regulation and appli-
cation forms are available at CP&P. THE MICHIGAN DAILY
The Intern'1 Development Research Centre is Volume LXXXVIII, No.87
offering awards for Canadian graduate students Sunday, January 15, 1978
working in fields related to international develop- is edited and managed by students at the University
ment. of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second class
SUMMER PLACEMENT postage is paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109.
3200.A.B 7634117Published daily Tuesday through Sunday morning
Tduring the University year at 420 Maynard Street,
International Business Internship, Zurich, Switzer- Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription rates:
land. Liberal Arts and Business Majors, Grads and $12 September through April (2 semesters); $13 by
Undergrads. Details available. Up to 12 academic mailoutside Ann Arbor.
credits given. Summer session published Tuesday through Satur-
day morning. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor;
$7.50 by mail outside Ann Arbor.
Camp Maplehurst, Mi/Coed. Will interview Mon.,

Creative Opportunities
accepting applications for the positions of President,
Personnel Vice President, Financial Vice President
and Public Relations Vice President for the 1978-79
academic year. UAC provides cultural programming
and.entertainment for students at the U. of M. Four
energetic and responsible individuals are needed
tn rAnrdinntac this totally stuaent run nrnnnizntinn


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