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January 15, 1978 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1978-01-15

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The Daily-.-Meetings this week

(See Today
for details)

HUMPHREY 11 'IEHigh -18
See Editorial Page See Today for details
Vol. LXXXYIII, No. 87 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, January 15, 1978 Ten Cents 10 Pages Plus Supplement

Humphrey mourned
at Capitol; world
leaderslaud record

phrey returned to Washington yester-
day, mourned intdeath as he hadbeen
revered in life by his family, colleagues
and countless Americans.
Hundreds braved the winter cold to
pay last respects to Humphrey. Many
wept as they filed past his body, which
lay in state under the soaring dome of
the Capitol-the scene of many of
Humphrey's victories, defeats and
most memorable orations.
HUMPHREY, 66, lost his long and
valiant battle with cancer at 10:25 p.m.
Friday at his home in Waverly, Minn. A
presidential jet transported Hum-
phrey's body to the nation's capital
yesterday morning.
AS 19-gun salute-the honor due
Humphrey as a former vice
president-was sounded as Humphrey
arrived at Andrews Air Force Base in
suburban Maryland and again when the
body arrived at the Capitol at the head

of a 14-car motorcade.
A military band played "God of Our
Fathers" and "A Mighty Fortress is
Our God."
THE BODY of Minnesota's senior
senator was borne by eight uniformed
soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines
into the Capitol that was the hallmark
and symbol of his long Washington
Humphrey, who sought but never won
the presidency, was lain on the black
velvet catafalque first used in 1865 for
the body of slain President Abraham
LMany who passed Humphrey's flag-
draped, closed coffin were crying. More
than one said, "He touched my life."
"I DON'T THINK there's a move
beloved figure' in American politics
today," said Sen. Edmund S. Muskie
(D-Maine), who was Humphrey's vice
presidential running mate in 1968.
"If the country had known him and
thought of him in '68 as they do today,
he would have won by an overwhelming
landslide," Muskie said.
President Carter, who hailed Hum-
phrey as a champion of the poor, the
oppressed, and the hungry, dispatched
a presidential Air Force jet to return
the body to Washington.
HUMPHREY'S BODY will lie in state
for 24 hours and then be returned to
Minnesota and taken to the state capitol
at St. Paul. The Capitol was to be open
continuously for mourners desiring to
pay their last respects.
Funeral services are scheduled
tomorrow afternoon at the House of
Hope Presbyterian Church in Min-

Carter will speak at a memorial ser-
vice for Humphrey at 11 a.m. today.
The invitation-only ceremony is to be
attended by hundreds of members of
Congress and past and present gover-
nment officials.
was announced that former President
Richard Nixon was to fly to Washington
to attend the service. Nixon has not
visited the nation's capital since he
resigned the presidency in August 1974.
Immediately after Humphrey's
See CAPITOL. Page 2

AP Photo
THE FLAG FLIES at half staff over the White House Friday night following the death of Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey
(D-Minn.). Humphrey died of cancer at his Minnesota home at the age of 66.

Flick fans knock cinema ads'

The lights dim, a few latecomers
bustle to find seats and the first
frames of film flash on the screen.
But it isn't "Saturday Night Fever"
or a "preview of coming attrac-
It's an ad for Seiko watches.
YES, EVEN movie theaters have
fallen prey to advertisements, and
onie local theater operation, The
Movies at Briarwood Mall, has been
showing a commercial before all
feature films. Although only one
ten-second commercial featuring
Seiko watches is run regularly before
the films, Steven Flynn, manager of
The Movies, admits that the recent
trend has been unpopular with many
"Here in Ann Arbor there has
virtually been a revolt against the
commercials," Flynn said. "Many of

the people that have complained
have said, and I agree with them,
that if they wanted to see commer-
cials they'd stay home and watch
However, Tom Rhoades, manager
of Farrell's Ice Cream Parlour, one
of the advertisers, predicted people
will turn out for the movies anyway.
get turned off by the commercials,"
said Rhoades, "but movie entertain-
ment is one of the last things people
are going to drop from their list of
Flynn agreed. He said that a recent
price increase has not affected his
movie business at all, and that the
introduction of commercials has only
turned away a few movie-goers.
"A certain number or people are
bound to gripe about the advertise-
ments," Flynn said, "but only a

small minority of people will actually
be so mad that they won't go back to
the theater."
THE MOVIES, part of the United
Artists theater chain, began showing
the nationally run commercial on
November 22 of last year, about the
same time that they raised the adult
ticket price from $3 to $3.50. The rate
increase was made to keep pace with
other United Artists theaters in the
Detroit area.
Flynn said he delayed the price
increase as long as possible because
the Butterfield chain of theaters in
Ann Arbor has kept its adult ticket
price at $3.00.
Since the Seiko commercial is
national, only the United Artists Cor-
poration itself profits financially by
the running of the ad.
"We didn't want to raise the price
above the other Ann Arbor theaters,"
Flynn said. "Many people have
complained that it's bad enough
having to pay $3.50 and then having
to watch commercials, too."
Ann Arbor are not showing any ad-
vertisements before the feature

films, and do not plan to follow that
trend in the future. "We don't feel the
public appreciates the commer-
cials," said District Manager Dennis
Gaines. "So as of now we don't feel
it's necessary to begin showing
Although no local commercials
have been shbwn at The Movies,
several "merchant ads" were run
during the holiday season. The short
ads consisted of a series of slides
which gave the audience a "holiday
greeting" from some of the mer-
chants at Briarwood Mall.
Rhoades placed a merchant ad for
Farrell's with The Movies and said it
was a very valuable method of adver-
tising. "We're in a prime location,
right across from The Movies,"
Rhoades said, "and although it's
hard to judge how much more busi-
ness we did as a direct result of the
ads, we did take in $2,000 more in the
first weeks of the advertising than
the same time period last year. I
think the 'experiment' worked."
Rhoades said he did not expect to
advertise regularly with The Movies
because of the expense involved ($50
per merchant ad), but he did feel it
was reaching a great number of

Humphrey, 1968

Remembering lengthy
Humphrey speeches

'Absolutely no hope'
for settlement: Sadat

sometimes said of Hubert Humphrey
that he may have been born talking.
Certainly few political figures of his
time said so much about so many
Associates say Humphrey, who
died Friday night at age 66, was fully
aware that he sometimes turned off
his audiences with non-stop stump
speeches that might run on for as
long as 75 minutes or,in the Senate,
for four hours.
WHEN HE was running for a
second Senate term in 1954, his cam-

paign manager, Herbert Waters,
suggested that Humphrey write
down the most telling arguments that
might be used against him.
Humphrey's first item: "He talks
too much."
On another occasion he told report-
ers: '"You people always write that I
talk on every subject. I do - I like
every subject. I can't help it - it's in
the glands.
BUT HE could defend his lo-
quacity, nurtured as a debater in
high school and college. It was in thei
See HUMPHREY, Page 7

By The Associated Press
Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, in
a gloomy appraisal of Mideast peace ef-
forts with Israel, said in an interview
published yesterday he has "absolutely
no hope" for an agreement on prin-
ciples that could lead to a settlement.
Israeli Prime Minister Menahem
Begin responded to Sadat's comments
by calling for a "cease-fire" on political
"SADAT SAID what he said," Begin
told Israeli state radio after a meeting
with Israel's negotiating team. "I won't
get involved in a dialectic about Sadat's
statement," he said.
Sadat's pessimistic statement in the
Egyptian magazine October came just
two days before Israeli and Egyptian
foreign ministers open crucial peace
negotiations in Jerusalem.
"I announce from now that I have ab-
solutely no hope that such a statement
of principle, can be achieved," Sadat
was quoted -as telling October Editor

Anis Mansour, a personal friend.
THE EGYPTIAN leader has taken an
increasingly tough tone in recent public
statements on the talks. In the inter-
view he seemed to stop just short of
saying specifically that the entire peace
effort was a failure.
If it does fail, he said, "We shall have
another attitude."
Begin met for 1 hours with his
negotiators and top government
ministers to map out Israel's
negotiating strategy for the next round
of talks with the Egyptians.
"WE ARE engaged in direct
negotiations between the sides," Begin
said. "Let's give a chance to direct
Sadat repeated his government's
demands-already rejected by
Israel-that Israeli troops must be
withdrawn from all Arab lands cap-
tured in the 1967 Mideast War and that
agreement be reached on all aspects of
the Palestinian issue.
Israel has offered to settle the
Palestinian issue, a key stumbling
block in the search for peace, by gran-
ting limited self-rule to the Palestinian
Arabs on the West Bank of the Jordan

Evaluating Jimmy's first year

reacts to



Inept or
The Constitution says the president
must give a State of the Union address.
But tradition has added another feature
to the mid-January speech-the State of
the Presidency addresses delivered by
anv sunnorters or detractors able to

first year
EDITOR'S NOTE - A year ago
this coming Friday, Jimmy Carter
took the oath of office as the 39th
president of the United States. How
has he fared? To take a measure of
the man and his first year at the
White House, and AP reporter went
ti the midAl f Middlae America.

'm ile


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