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January 14, 1978 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1978-01-14

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The Michigan Daily-Saturday, January 14, 1978-Page 3

Tree today, gone tomorrow
Sounds a little tardy to us, but better late than never, we guess. The
city will begin its annual Christmas tree pickup today, starting with resi-
dents who live west of Main Street. Pickup participants are asked to have
their trees out at curbside by 7 a.m. The area south of the Huron River
and east of Main Street will be serviced Jan. 21, and the areas north of the
river and east of Main Street can count on collection Jan. 28. If you've
kept your tree this long, however, why throw it out now? Only 344 days un-
til Christmas.
Happenings .
are singular today, and out of town as well ... University Art School
Prof. William Lewis will conduct workshops on the watercolor techniques
of J.M.W. Turner, a 19th century British romantic painter, at the Detroit
Institute of Arts today and again on the 21st.
Good news is no news
LSA Dean Billy Frye got the flu, University Cellar employees almost
got no paychecks, and other local residents braved the dangers of black
cats, ladders, and all the tedious bogeymen (bogeypersons?) of a dismal
Friday the 13th yesterday. "I took the flu today," coughed a sickly Frye.
"It's coming on me now." Cellar assistant manager John Sappington said
the National Cash Register computer system in Detroit scrambled the
payroll, forcing one employe to go to Detroit to pick up the payroll,
damaging a truck on a pothole en route. "We were running around all day
trying to get it straightened out," Sappington groaned. Elsewhere, Mayor
Albert Wheeler complained that it had been a "day of disruption." "I
started off with plans which went in all different directions," Wheeler
said. "Then 400 lab manuals I expected, that I needed for my class, fouled
up in the mail." On the other hand, you may have had a perfectly wonder-
ful day, but on Friday the 13th, that kind of thing simply isn't news.


travel poster
with the sloga
G Grr a.h.ai

$55 will take you to Podunk
CENTER, Iowa TURPIN SAYS he believes 13 miles west along Interstate 235 and old Highway 169, arriving in
shows a picture of a fa Greyhound chose Podunk, which con- 80. A left turn onto Iowa 169 and 13 miles Center a couple of miles beforet
sn "Podunk Center, Iowa. sists of a couple of old frame buildings more would bring him to the Madison comes to a dead end.
vi fn r "Podne r t on a two-acre plot, to convey at- Co"untvset of Wintit-ivct G DaA ..bPd ",kf' . C t. i a d

the road
wilt of th

to tareynounu.s AS oruetas. Du
the details are that the traveler would
have to walk. the last 33 miles to
"There's just no bus service to
Podunk Center," Bob Turpin,
Greyhound's Des Moines terminal
manager, said yesterday. "They just
sort of picked a name to typify our
WHAT'S MORE, the farm in the pic-
ture is not a Podunk farm at all.
"It's just a typical Midwestern rural
scene taken from company files," says
Dave Crellin, senior vice president of
public relations for a Dallas advertising
agency hired by Greyhound.
The poster is currently displayed in
Greyhound terminals across the nation
advertising bus trips to the nation's
heartland-or anywhere else in the con-
tinental United States-for $55.

tiVutlty DCclu VI YY IIILe1 aeL, Lzt eytluultu

'There's just no bus


to Podunk.

They just sort of picked a name to typify
our area. '-Bob Turpin, terminal

r uunu enier pops inn a ou t; o fine
news every few years. It first achieved
fame in the 1930s when radio and
vaudeville comedians used the term
synonomously with "Hicksvills". In
those days, the population hit a
historical high of 21, according to
Homer Weeks of Winterset, who owned
the town for several years.
The population is now unknown, but a
woman from Macksburg, who used to
live across the road from Podunk Cen-
ter, says it's probably zero.
In 1969, EWeeks sold Podunk Center
to one John Garr. Records show he still
owns it. Reporters have tried without
success to locate Garr.

mosphere. He said company officials
may have heard the name but probably
didn't think there really was such a
If a traveler wanted to follow the ad-
vice on the poster literally, he would
only be able to "leave the driving to
Greyhound"-as another company
slogan puts it-as far as Des Moines.
After leaving the FGreyhound ter-
minal there, the traveler would trek

doesn't go to Winterset, either, Turpin,
wanerer would trudge 7 miles farther
south through rolling farmland along



Wiseacre Walter
Veep Mondale, who is usu-
ally more puns than he is poli-
tics, continued his role as the
White House emissary of hu-
mor on a recent five-day
stomp through the Western
states, fence-mending for the
administration. Throughout
the trip Mondale heard a heap
of complaints from business-
people of government interfer-
ence in their operations by
burdensome federal regula-
tions and time-consuming pa-
perwork. For instance, take
the case of a businessman in
Ogden, Utah, who complained
he couldn't get federal aid to
start a consumer cooperative
grocery. Mondale asked the
man if the Small Business Ad-

ministration had been of any
help. Nope, the man said.
How about other federal agen-
cies, the veep asked. Unh-unh,
he answered. "Well, " Mon-
dale replied, "we're certainly
not interfering with you, are

FTC accuses Ford
ofpeddling lemons
WASHINGTON (AP)-The Federal division of the Transportation Depar-
Trade Commission, entering its first tment. The FTC entered the Ford case
major automobile defect case, accused on grounds that the company's alleged
Ford Motor Co. yesterday of selling failure to inform consumers of the
someE 55,000 defective cars without defect in the cars amounted to an im-
warning consumers. proper trade practice.
Involved in the formal FTC com- The commission voted unanimously
plaint are 1974-77 Fords that have an to issue the complaints after it failed to
alleged defect known as "piston scuf- reach a settlement with the company,
fling," or contact between pistons and officials said.
cylinder walls during cold weather-a In a response, Ford termed the com-
problem that could result in costly plaint "regrettable."
repairs. A company spokesman said C. V. Barion, general manager of
the repairs would average about $200. Ford's parts and services division, said
The FTC alleged that Ford continued the company has a program to pay for
to sell the cars without warning repairs of those who complained about
prospective buyers of the problem, the problem. Barion said this-program
even though the company was aware of was initiated before the FTC ever star-
it. Even though Ford has a repair and ted asking questions about "piston scuf-
compensation program for current fling.'
owners of the cars, this was not com- Ford officials asserted that the defect
municated firectly to the owners, the affects about 2 per cent of its four- and
FTC said. six-cylinder engines for the model
The commission seldom participates years cited by the commission. Affec-
in cases involving vehicle defects or ted are 1974-77 models with four-
recalls. The government agency nor- cylinder, 2.3 liter engines and 1975-77
mally involved is the National Highway models with six-cylinder, 200- and 250-
Traffic Safety Administration, a cubic inch engines.
Daily Official Bulletin


7 & 9:05

p I

WILLIE 111501

---- -(- - - --
Truffaut explores the world of childhood in a small French town. With his
characteristic light comic touch, he looks at life through the eyes of the children.
As perceptive as his early THE 400 BLOWS but without the tragic overtones.
In color, 35 mm and French.
* * * Cinema Guild is now accepting membership applications ** *
(inquire at ticket desk)

admission $1.50

"' t

aI(' 1b
a 0
CZa e a4



Take that, fool
Seems Stella Parton is as funny as sister Dolly is talented. Com-
menting on Billy Carter's assertion in a Playgirl magazine interview that
her inferiority complex is worse than his own because "Stella's flat-
chested," the less-known of the Partons quipped "At least my situation
can be remedied, but whoever heard of silicone for the brain."
BY any other name?
Hero Zzyzzx probably wouldn't switch names with John Smith for
anything. Zzyzzx (pronounced "siz icks") says he gets his share of crank
phone calls at all hours because his name is the last listed in the Madison,
Wis. phone book, and is amusing to the pranksters, drunks and insom-
niacs who call him at all hours. But occasionally, Zzyzzx will get a call
from "an interested young lady," which is why he doesn't have his num-
ber unlisted. "I've met a number of them for drinks," he said. Zzyzzx said
his name is an amalgam of Finnisih, Lithuanian, Russian, French, Ger-
man, and Central European. Zzyzzx, who claims he is an "intergalactic
mechanic" by trade, said keeping his number listed is "kind of perform-
ing a service. People get frustrated-and bored with nothing to do." His
father, Xerxes Zzyzzx, would be proud.
Plumbing problems
A plumber in Sulpher, La., has been getting a lot of guff from one of
his customers lately. The disgruntled client says he charged her $77.75 to
fix her backed up toilet, which she claims still doesn't work properly. The
woman refuses to tolerate that kind of crap, or any snide remarks about
her name - Catherine Outhouse.
Big, bad Caroline
Caroline Kennedy is a fugitive from the law, and the Long Island
police force is on the lookout for her. An arrest warrant has been issued
for Kennedy for failing to appear in a Hauppauge, N.Y. court to answer
charges that she was speeding over 50 m.p.h. last August. If she surren-
ders, Suffolk police say she'll probably be fined about $50, but if she
doesn't turn herself in, and she is caught on' Long Island, she could be
handcuffed, fingerprinted, and tossed in the pokey.
On the outside.. .
Snow should end this morning, and the partly cloudy skies will
clear up by afternoon. The high will be 200, but the temperatures will
slowly drop to a chilly 30.' Tonight will be clear and cool. Sunday
will be a rerun of Saturday, with a high of 170. A warming trend (at last!)
will be on the way by the middle of the week.
SEAN CONNERY'S last appearance as James Bond. Some say
the most creative 007 to date. Lots of action-the film takes
you through Las Vegas casinos, moon craters and a keystone
kops chase.
SAT. JAN. 14-7:30 and 9:30
Films in Natural Science Aud. $1.50
CINEMA 11 Aud. A Angell Hall

Saturday. January 14,1978
Daily Calendar
WUOM: Howard Schevrin, "Narcissim, Indi-
vidual Development, Psychopathology," discusses
the medical issues apparent in Narcissim, 10:30 a.m.
3200 S.A.B.-764-7456
Jan. 17: Manufacturers Nat'l Bank, Batelle Co-
lumbus Lab., Nat'l GSS.
Jan. 17: Leo Burnett, Abraham & Straus.
Jan. 19: Indiana U. Hospital, Libbey Owens
Ford Co.
Jan. 20: Allstate Insurance Co.
Jan. 23: Jones & Laughlin Steel Co., Action/
Peace Corps/Vista.
Jan. 24: Action/Peace Corps/Vista, Chem.
Abstracts Service.
Jan. 25: The Proctor & Gamble Distributing Co.,
Inland Steel Co., Conrol Data Corp., Action/Peace
Jan. 26: K-Mart Apparel, BASGWayandotte Corp.
Jan. 27: Rike's, Data Resources Inc.
Volume LXXXVIII, No. 86
Saturday, January 14, 1978
is edited and managed by students at the University
of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second class
postage is paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109.
Published daily Tuesday through Sunday morning
during the University year at 420 Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription rates:
$12 september through April (2 semesters); $13 by
mail outside Ann Arbor.
Summer session published Tuesday through Satur-
day morning. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor;
$7.50 by mail outside Ann Arbor.

Students interested in the fields of modern sur-
veying and cargography:
American Congress on Surveying and Mapping
is offering the Keuffel & Esser Fellowship in Sur-
veying and Cartography-$2,000 & Wild Heerbrugg
Geodetic Fellowship-$3,000. Rlegulations and ap-
plication forms are available at CP&P.
The Intern'l Development Research Centre is
offering awards for Canadian graduate students
working in fields related to international develop-
3200 S.A.B.-763-4117
International Business Internships, Zurich,
Switzerland. Liberal Arts and Business Majors,
Grads and Undergrads. Details available. Up to
12 academic credits given.
Camp Maplehurst, Mi/Coed. Will interview Mon.,
Jan. 16 from 1 to 5. General camp positions open-
waterfront, arts/crafts, athletics, etc. Register by
phone or in person. Age 20 and up.
Wrights Lake Scout Reservation, Boy Scouts.
Will interview wed., Jan. 18 from 1 to 5. Openings
include waterfront (WSI), and rifle instr. Details
available. Age 20-21.
Marriott Inns of Gr. Am. Will interview Thurs.,
Jan. 19 and Fri., Jan. 20 from 9 to 5. Looking for
managm. supervisory personnel. Details available.
Register by phone or in person.
Commonwealth of Virginia, Personnel & Train-
ing. Grad. and Undergrads. Select your own agency
-planning/budget, mental health/retardation,
higher ed. personnel/training. Further details avail-
able and apps.
Environmental Protection Agency, AA, Mi. Must
have completed Sophomore year in mech. engr.
related fields. Details and apps. available.

Sunday February 5 Crisler Arena Ann Arbor
Reserved Seats $7-$6.

7:30 PM

Tickets available at the Michigan Union Box Office in Ann Arbor, (763-2071),
M-F 11:30-5:30
Sorry, no personal checks.
Tickets also available at all Hudsons, at Paul Webbs Record Store and the
Huckleberry Party Store in Ypsilanti. Or order by mail by sending self-addressed,
stamped envelope and money order only to: Willie Nelson, Michigan Union Box
Office, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109

the Olnn arbor film cooperative0
TONIGHT! Saturday, January 14
Charming, handsome, perfect comedic timing-superlatives roll off the
" tongue when speaking of CARY GRANT, but too seldom noticed is the sum 0
of superlatives: "Cary Grant is" (in the words of David Thomson, Biographi.- "
" cal Dictionary of Film) "the best and most important actor in the history "
" of cinema." Few actors show shades of character as well as Grant-the "
" dark, neurotic side of his charm, the heart of gold behind his raffish facade. "
(Howard Hawks, 1938) 7 ONLY-MLB 3
If you had to pick a director who consistently got the best performances from
" Cary Grant, it would have to be'a toss between Hawks and Hitchcock. With
this zany story of a staid paleontologist, whose orderly life is derailed by a.
" confusing, cocksure woman (Katherine Hepburn), the screwball comedy "
* reached its pinnacle. Insanely funny and tenderly touching-missing it "
* would be an act of self-deprivation along the lines of celibacy. "The American *
* movies' closest equivalent to Restoration Comedy. This is Hepburn's best 0
* 0
" (Alfred Hitchcock, 1955) 9 ONLY-MLB 3 0
" A charming and suspenseful Hitchcock film that is rarely screened. A suave,
smooth, retired jewel thief (CARY GRANT-who else?) suspected of new s

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