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March 30, 1978 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1978-03-30

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Page 2-Thursday, March 30, 1978-The Michigan Daily
Candidates clash at Daily debate
(Continued from Page 1)

WITH MONDAY'S election drawing
close, the candidates were noticeably
calm and concentrated their discussion
on the issues -.a sharp contrast to the
loud voices and heated accusations
which characterized their first few con-
frontations this campaign season.
The housing issue - particularly the
need for more student housing - found
both Wheeler and Belcher with specific
"The University has an obligation to
build housing for its students," Wheeler
said. "If the University builds 1000
units of (student) housing, that will free
up 1000 units in the community."
- As part of his housing policy, Wheeler
also' stressed the need for a new
wastewater treatment plant, which he
sees as this year's number one issue.

Everyone who resides in the city is af-
fected by this need, he said.
"YOU MAY CLASSIFY yourself as a
student," Wheeler said, "But you need
a wastewater treatment plant so we can
stop polluting the river and obtain the
necessary sewer capacity to build new
Belcher, however, sees the answer to
Ann Arbor's housing crisis in the hands
of private developers.
"Our growth has stabilized, but we
don't have the housing to keep up with
the demand," Belcher said. "The only
way we're going to whip the housing
problem is to getsprivate developers in
here, and the only way we can do that is
to streamline the planning process.
"THE KEY TO getting rents down
and stabilizing property tax rates are

w The Department of Philosophy Announces
a pair of important public lectures
Time: Friday, March 31, 3:30 p.m.
Place: Modern Languages Bldg., Lecture Room 1
Time: Saturday, April 1, 11:00 a.m.
Place: Modern Languages Bldg., Lecture Room 2
funding for these lectures has been
provided by Tanner Foundation

private developers. The greatest thing I
could do as mayor, for students, is to
get more competition in the housing
market," he said.
Other housing-related issues the can-
didates disagree on are the two tenants'
rights referenda appearing on the April
3 ballot. The first one, the Truth in Ren-
ting Act, would outlaw illegal or unen-
forceable clauses in leases. The second
would mandate the creation of a new
tenant's rights booklet, with one third to
be written by tenant's rights advocates,
one third by landlords and the
remaining third by an impartial group
appointed by the city.
While he opposes both questions,
Belcher said if he is elected and the
tenants' rights proposals are approved
by the voters, he will enforce them.
BELCHER ADDED he "could 'live
with" the Truth in Renting Act, but felt
a new tenant's handbook was un-
necessary. "That booklet's not going to
do anybody any good. To have ad-
vocacy positions coming from two sides
and then a third neutral position from
the city will only confuse people," he
Wheeler said he strongly supports
both ballot questions and if they fail to
pass and he is returned to office with a
Democratic majority on Council, he
in one hour. Participate in
intresingresearch on human
Call Kim, 763-0044,
bet. 9 a.m.-5 p.m.

will "work to see that they both become
The question of spending CDBG funds
on physical improvements or social
services has long been a source of ten-
sion between Council Democrats and
Republicans. However, with President
Carter's new urban policy, under which
cities such as Ann Arbor would get
less federal money than in the past, the
question of fund distribution has
become more critical.
"I DON'T SEE that we're going to get
any mor CDBG funds, but to sit on
your fanny and say that's the only way
to get money is a lot of nonsense,"
Wheeler said.
Wheeler emphasized that he spends a
good part of his time talking to federal
officials, citing a personal talk earlier
this week with Secretary of Housing
and Urban Development Patricia
Wheeler reaffirmed his preference to
spend the money on social services. "I
had to fight like mad to maintain the
human services which I feel are essen-
tial, like health care, child care and
legal assistance," he said.
Belcher, however, denied that any of
the human services funds were in
danger of being reallocated if he is elec-
ted. "We've had the majority for the
last three years and if we had wanted to
change the priorities, we would have,"
he said.
The English, led by Ethelred the
Unready, massacred the Danes in


Daily Photo by WAYNE CABLE
E Joyce Carol Oates visits>
Rackham Amphitheater was spilling over yesterday afternoon when
Windsor-based writer Joyce Carol Oates read some of her poetry. The
author is known primarily for her novels and said that is was only her second
poetry reading of the year. But the crowd seemed pleased by her selection:
a few satirical pieces followed by a number of more serious poems.
Proxmire blasts OSU
for big robot project





Before this year, I thought that Ann Arbor politicians,
even those whom I opposed on specific issues, had a high
standard of political ethics. But the events of this year
have been dismaying.
We all know that City officials botched the job of
determining who was eligible to vote in the last .mayoral
election. These officials, through a mistake, allowed
twenty township residents to register and vote even
though they were not legally residents of the City..
The real disappointment, however, was that my
Republican opponent tried to intimidate the township
residents to reveal the secret of how they had voted. We
all watched in amazement as innocent citizens were
arrested, handcuffed and threatened with imprisonment
when they refused to respond to my opponent's efforts
"Although I could have held the
Mayor's seat until the end of my term
through various legal delay tactics, I
voluntarily consented, to this special
election to clear all doubts. I remain
committed to following the will of the
electorate as expressed through the
secret ballot."

to force them to disclose their vote.
Fortunately, the Michigan Supreme Court would not
allow these tactics. The court unanimously affirmed
what the ordinary people had known all along -- that the
right to a secret ballot is fundamental to our system of
free democratic elections.
In our political system, disagreement over. the
outcome of a specific election does not override the right
to the secret ballot when the ballot is honestly cast. No
one questions my opponent's right to seek a recount
through the courts. But the tactics selected by my
'opponent in this situation were inexcusable.
This is not a partisan issue. It is a question of basic
political ethics and a violation of the public trust.

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP)-Ohio State
University's (OSU) "bionic bug" is
Sen. William Proxmire's latest target.
The Wisconsin Democrat, who often
criticizes what he says are frivolous
federal grants, questioned the
usefulness of spending $405,000 in
federal funds to help OSU scientists
develop a "200-pound, six-legged, slow-
walking robot.".
PROXMIRE SAID yesterday the
National Science Foundation claimed
the machine would be useful in "hazar-
dous and fragile environments such as
forests and frozen tundra."
"I think it would be more useful in the
Ohio State backfield," Proxmire said in
a news release issued at his Washington
OSU professor Robert McGhee, who

is responsible for developing the robot,
said research into developing the
machine already has produced at least
one by-product.
Proxmire said the foundation conten-
ds that "further research with the bug
could result in machines useful in such
applications as underwater ex-
plorations, firefighting, mine rescue
operations and even in hostile environ-
ments of a distant planet."
"But the principal investigator, who
should know best, said in a telephone in-
terview with a member of my staff last
year that he was less optimistic about
the bug's applicability," the senator
"Whatthis project tells, ne is, that the
National Science Foundation's
engineering budget is too fat."

Sex bias cost him
R.D. job, male says

(Continued from Page 1
in the application procedure."
As called for in the grievance
procedure, David Foulke, acting cen-
tral area housing director, reviewed
Khederian's application and concluded
that it was given fair treatment.
"I do not find evidence of
discrimination against you or any
evidence of malicious violation of
published selection guidelines,' Foulke
wrote in a letter to Khederian dated
Wim Wenders Festival
The first German-made film to receive
widespread recognition in Germany.
Based on Goethe's WILHElM MEIS-
TER, a young man-would-be writer
odysseys through Germany ponder-
ing the fact that he really doesn't like
people. In German with sutitles.
Fri: Jonah Will Be25
In The Year 2000
TONIGHT at 7:00 & 9:05

March 28. "I am perfectly at ease in
saying. that a male applicant who
possessed high qualifications for a
Resident Director position would have
been chosen for an interview
"IF MR. WEST'S attitude or choice
of words indicated impatience or even
discourtesy to you, I am sorry for
that.. ." Foulke added.
Khederian said he will appeal today
Foulke's conclusions not to have the
selection committee review
Khederian's application. This means a
student-staff committee will be formed
to review Khederian's application -
the next step in the grievance
Khederian said he has contacted the
American Civil Liberties Union about
the case and the group asked him to
keep them posted on new developmen-
"I realize I was going against social
norms and all that," Khederian said.
". ..I don't want to see .anyone
punished, but I believe they believe I'm
not as serious as I am."
"If this University is found guilty of
violating a person's civil liber-
ties . . . there could be deep reper-
cussions I think," Khederian added.

The Center for Japanese Studies
Announces a ONE-DAY SYMPOSIUM on
Religion In Modern JAPRn
Monday, April 3,1978
The Michigan League-9:00-5:00
Luis 0. Gomez, The University of Michigan
Alan Grapaird. The University of Colorado

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