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January 13, 1978 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1978-01-13

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The Michigan Doily-Friday, January 13,1978-Page 3
Italian premier might resign;

Oh, those primal lusts
Jimmy himself admitted that, yes, he had once lusted. Now a Carter
crony who also happens to be the Prez's official mouthpiece may have
had similar libidinous pursuits in mind when asked to comment on HEW
Secretary Joseph Califano's anti-smoking crusade. Said Press Secretary
Jody Powell: "We are all aware of the possible dangers of cigarettes,
alcohol... and a number of other things."
Join the Daily
Comrades! You who suffer under the yolk of endless classes, piles of
homework, and pitiless profs, the Central Committee of The Michigan
Daily extends an ink-smeared hand in inviting you to join your brothers
and sisters in a gloriously non-academic pursuit - the production of a
student newspaper. Be you interested in toiling for our news, sports, arts,
or business staffs, be assured there is a place in our ranks for you. Should
you wish to heed our call to pencils, gather at the following places at these
times: Tuesday, Jan. 17 at 8 p.m. at Greene Lounge in East Quad and
Bursley's West Lounge; Wednesday, Jan. 18 at 8 p.m. at-the West Lounge
in South Quad and the Angela Dayis Lounge in Markley; Thursday, Jan.
19 at 8 p.m. at The Daily, 420 Maynard St. All power to the printing
... slide into gear at Guild House, 802 Monroe, when Jean Carlberg
delivers a slide presentation on "Women in China" at noon ... to partici-
pate in a free workshop with the Marcus Belgrave sextet, call Eclipse
Jazz and 763-1107 and be in the East Quad Auditorium at 2:00 ... you can
shuss on over to the International Center to sign up for a cross-country ski
trip between 2-5 ... at 3:45 engineering types can get an earload from
Donald Slayter on "Ion Spectra from Laser Imploded Targets" in Room
165 Chrysler Center ... at 6, Martin Luther King will be commemorated at
a dinner at Trotter House ... State Sen. William Fitzgerald, Democratic
gubernatorial candidate, will be in the Cook Room of the Law Quad at
7:30 ... swing your partner and do-si-do at Xanadu Coop, 1811 Washtenaw,
at 8 ... Allyn Rickett, who spent four years imprisoned in China, will
speak on "Ideological Remodeling in China" at 8 in MLB 4 ... for
something really out of this world, check out the University's Astronomi-
cal Film Festival program about our neighbor the moon, at 8 in MLB 3 ...
you can relax, finally, at 8:30 with Abhilasha's discussion of the dynamics
of yoga and meditation at Canterbury House.
B-r-r-!It's cold
The current cold spell has left the folks in Cucumber, W. Va. as cool
as the name implies. It was 6 below there yesterday morning. But the
people of Frost were even frostier at 8 below. The town of Coolridge -
true to its name - had 4 below. On the warmer side, Heaters never got
below 4 above. And in Miami, W. Va. it was a balmy 6 above.
Contacting your elected officials
Eleven-year-old Marco Ghattas wasn't allowed to eat in the television
room of his home and he didn't like that one bit. So the Santa Fe youngster
did what any other kid would have done. He took his dispute with his
parents right up to the top - to New Mexico Governor Jerry Apodaca.
Apodaca responded with a proclamation: "By virtue of the authority
vested in me as Governor of the state of New Mexico, I do hereby grant
Marco Ghatta permissibn to eat in his own TV Room." But the governor
added that Marco should mind his parents, "because they love you very
On the outside . . .
Our weather will be white and cold today. Skies will be pretty gloomy
and we'll have light snow throughout the day, which should taper off by
evening. High will be 180 and the low will be 9.
Two former welterweight cham-
pions, Jack Britton and Ted (Kid) A I A YOGA
Lewis, fought each other 20 times.
Britton won four times, Lewis three, Classes Starting Jan. 23
one bout was a draw, and there were Call KAMALA at"94-5625
12 no-decision bouts.

Values from $140 to $285 Values to $30.00
Reduced 20% to 30% Now $10.00
Selected Group Reduced 50% 3 for $28.50
Including Blazers Reduced 1/3 to 1/2
Values from $95 to $175 Rdcd13t /
Reduced 20% to 30%
Selected Group Reduced 50% LONG SLEEVE
These values include: SPORT SHIRTS
Linett, Freedberg of Boston Reduced 25o%
Small charge for alterations Reduced_25 ___
other than sleeves, waist and cuffs.
TRdUSERS Reduced 25%
Solids & Fancies
Reduced 25% . OUTERWEAR
Corbin Trousers Reduced 25%



ROME (AP)-The possibility of
Communists sharing power in Italy's
government increased yesterday with
word that Premier Guilio Andreotti's
struggling Christian Democrat ad-
ministration was preparing to resign.
The country, struggling with grave
economic problems, has been torn by
increasing violence by both leftist and
rightist extremists.
COMMUNISTS, Socialists,
Republicans and others who favor
Communist participation in the gover-
nment voted to remove support for the
minority, church-backed Christian
Democrats who have ruled Italy alone
in coalition since 1945.
The likelihod of Communists sharing
power in this NATO country aroused
increased concern in Washington.
"We do not favor such partici-ation
and would like to see Communist in-
fluence in any Western European coun-
try reduced," said a State Department
statement read to reporters by press of-
ficer John Trattner.
Trattner said, "share profound
democratic values and interests and we
do not believe that the Communists
share those values and interests."
But he said, "The decision on how
they are governed rests with their
citizens alone."
Less than three months after taking
office, the Carter administration had
expressed less concern, opposing only a
Communist "domination" of a Western
European government.
TRATTNER'S statement expressed
opposition to any form of Communist
Former Secretary of State Henry
Humphrey Bogart and
Katherine Hepburn
The African Queen,
78 9p.m.
Rm. 100, Hutchins Hall
Admission $1.00

Kissinger, in an interview to be.broad-
cast tonight by NBC, predicted "grave
consequences for the entire West" if
Italy's "slide toward Communism" is
not halted.
"The Italian Communist Parety has
not broken with the Soviet Union on a
single foreign policy question which in-
volves a conflict with the United
States," Kissinger said.
THE ITALIAN Communist Party, the
strongest in Western Europe, stresses
its independence from Moscow as do
some other Communist parties in
Western Europe, especially in Spain
and France.
Giorgio Napolitano, a top Communist
leader, spoke of the "imminent
resignation of the government" as he
left a meeting yesterday of labor
leaders and the six-major parties..f
The opposition parties claim the
Christian Democrats have been ineffec-
tive in implementing an agreement
worked -out last summer to meet the

'2L share
Snation'seconomic and social reform.
THE OTHER parties have called for
an "emergency government" that
would include Comminist ministers for
the first time since a post-war coalition
ended in 1947. The Christian Democrats
say they prefer a new commitment to
last summer's program.
Other meeting particiants said there
is no doubt Andreotti will quit after a
Our 8th Year " No,
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be followed by a nine month inten
conducted on the campus of Corn
Program conduicted on the campu
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m gov t
forml faceoff with the defecting parties
in Parliament that could come as early
as Monday.
No solution has been found to satisfy,:
both Christian Democrats and Com-
munists. The Christian Democrats
want political power proportionate to:
the one-third of the vote they got in 1976.
They finished only three per cent
behind the Christian Democrats.
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All too often, when the,
party ends, the trouble begins.
People who shouldn't be
doing anything more active than
going to sleep are driving a car.
Speeding and weaving their
way to death.
Before any of your friends
drive home from your party,
make sure they aren't drunk.
Don't be fooled because
they drank only beer or wine.
Beer and wine can be just as
intoxicating as mixed drinks.

And don't kid yourself
because they may have had
some black coffee. Black coffee
can't sober them up well enough
to drive.
If someone gets too drunk
to drive, drive him yourself. Or
call a cab. Or offer to let him
sleep over.
Maybe your friend won't
be feeling so good on the
morning after, but you're going
to feel terrific.

SOX 2345
I want to keep my friends alive
for the next party.
Tell me what else I can do.
MY n' a mei-s . _: . _ . - .:
- -- -,





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