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$85 million tax break
LANSING (UPI) - Gov. William
Milliken called yesterday for $85
million in tax relief for Michigan
citizens, and unwilling Democratic
lawmakers, smelling an election-
year gimmick, conceded they may be
forced to approve it.
While hundreds of striking farmers;
jammed Capitol corridors - some of,
them shouting catcalls at state
officials assembling in the House
chamber for the 1978 State of the
State Address - Milliken described
Michigan's current condition as, in;
many respects, excellent.,
So excellent, in fact, that the
governor asked the legislature to
increase individual state personal
income tax exemptions from $1,500 to
$1,600, boost property tax relief for
senior citizens and the handicapped
and provide incentives to school
districts to reduce millage rates.
Milliken said the relief to individ-
ual taxpayers is "not substantial."
But he said it is "just as important to
lower taxes when possible as it is to
raise them when necessary."
Milliken - who has not yet an-
nounced whether he will seek re-elec-
tion for a third term - set the
assembled leaders of the executive,
legislative and judicial governmen-
tal branches on the edge of their
chairs by beginning his speech with
the announcement that this was his
last appearance at the House po-
See analysis of Milliken's
speech, Page 14
dium. Then he dispelled the suspense
with the qualifying phrase, "this
His half-hour address was inter-
rupted by applause only four times,
mainly from members of Milliken's
own party on the Republican side of
the chamber.
The tax relief proposal provoked
the most intense reaction.
"My initial feeling is, 'I told you
so'," said Senate Finance Committee
Chairman Patrick McCollough, (D-
Dearborn), one of four Democratic
candidates for governor who fought
last June to allow a portion of the
personal income tax to expire.
But McCollough said major por-
tions of Milliken's tax relief package
had been introduced last year, and he
said some - including the increase in
personal exemptions - were opposed
last year by the governor.
"I think it's clearly political," said
Sen. William Fitzgerald, (D-Detroit),
another gubernatorial hopeful. "I
think it was the opening salvo of his
political campaign."
Senate Appropriations Committee
Chairman Jerome Hart, (D-Sagin-
aw), agreed with Fitzgerald and said
a tax cut might force cutbacks in
educational aid and other services.
"This year I think we're going to be
more apt to look at the total picture
than to give the citizens a few pennies
in their pockets and then reduce K-12
and other programs. But Hart said
the legislature may well enact the
program "because of pressure we
get from back home."
House Speaker Bobby Crim, (D -
Davison), said he will check item-by-
item the fiscal information from
aides upon which Milliken based his
tax relief proposal. He described the
address as "smooth and just the kind
of speech I would give if I was an
incumbent governor running for
As expected, Republicans were
generally pleased by the message -
as were many of the striking farm-
ers, whose tractors ringed the Cap-
itol and whom Milliken met briefly
before delivering the speech.
In the only significant departure
from his prepared text, Milliken
pledged to help Michigan farmers in
whatever way he can.
When he left the chamber, many of
the farmers who clogged the stair-
ways, halls and rotunda outside the
See MILLIKEN, Page 14
aid to
ident Carter yesterday accused
the Soviet Union of sending
Russians and massive arms
shipments to the horn of Africa
and said Cuban soldiers were
dispatched there by the Soviets
"perhaps to become combat
He said that while the United
States has' avoided shipping
arms or interjecting itself into
the war between Somalia and
Ethiopia, "the Soviets have
done just the opposite."
DURING A nationally broad-
cast news conference, the Pres-
ident also said he expects
Congress to reach an energy
compromise early in its 1978
session "of which we can be
He predicted a natural gas
pricing, compromise that "will
be acceptable to me."
The President, who returned
last Friday from. a nine-day
overseas trip, said foreign lead-
ers expressed concern during
the journey about whether the
United States has "the resolve
to deal squarely with our
energy problems."
See CARTER, Page 9
For tis we spent $6 miihon?Daily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG
Nursing annexes were moved yesterday to make way for the new A. Alfred
Taubman Library on the medical campus. The nursing faculty members who.
were vacated from the annexes were moved to the old St. Joseph Hospital. The'
cost of the new library, also housing the Learning Resource Center, is estimated
at $5.5 million. And then another $6 million for the bionic help, of course.
New distributi
Alternative approaches to the LSA
distribution requirements are now
being discussed by the college's
Curriculum Committee and it appears
that a far less flexible distribution plan
will result.
Debate is centering on plans B and C.
A subcommittee has recommended
that plan C-the most commonly elec-
ted plan which requires the student to
take two courses in the areas of
humanities, . social sciences, and
natural sciences-be changed to
require three courses in each area.
Several members of the committee are
urging the complete elimination of plan
B, which requires pursuit of analytic,
moral, and aesthetic modes of learning.
proposes to remove the are of creative
expression from plan A, leaving the
requirement ofbone course each in the
areas of humanities, social sciences,
natural sciences, and math and logical
analysis. Several committee members
believe that the college doesn't offer
enough serious courses in creative ex-
pression to make it a distribution
Carolyn Rosenberg, a student mem-
ber of the committee, said she feels that
raising the plan C requirement to three
courses in each area is "really restric-
tive and unnecessary." She accepts the
need to expose students to the various
disciplines of learning, but feels that
one "can glean that (exposure) from
one course."
However, Rosenberg has little sup-
port on the committee for this view. Ac-
cording to Paul Cloke, chairman of the
subcommittee, "It appears virtually
certain that the committee will
recommend a requirement of three
courses in each area."
) plans
THE REPORT of Cloke's subcom-
mittee called for changes in all three
distribution plans, but did not ask
elimination of any of them. Still, Cloke
said there is an 80 per cent probablility
that plan B will be eliminated." Com-
mittee member Mills Thornton said, "I
oppose plan B completely. It is
genuinely nefarious and ought to be
eliminated. It's not a distribution
Thornton says he thinks a student
could satisfy plan B without being ex-
posed to the various disciplines of
knowledge which is "essential to a
liberally educated person."'
Bob Stechuk, a student government
appointee to the committee, said,
"Students are mature enough, and
they're paying to be 'here . . . they
should be able to pattern their own
Even so, Stechuk admits, "Plan B is
almost certain to be eliminated."
ROSENBERG SAID that a "cleaned-
up" version of plan B that was proposed
by the subcommittee has a chance to
pass the whole committee. If it does not
survive, she fears that the committee
might combine the remaining plans A
and C, thus eliminating the flexibility of
the college's distribution plan.
Assistant Dean Eugene Nissen
argues that "the presence of the
Bachelor of General Studues (BGS)
program isatisfies the need for
flexibility." But Stechuk looks at BGS
as something which people may be
"pushed into" because they would not
feel comfortable in a rigorous plan C.
He explains that a "mandatory attitude
creates apathy." But it is a "man-
datory attitude" that is Thornton's
goal. "We simply can't graduate
students from a college of literature,
science and the arts if they haven't had
some exposure to literature, science
See STRICTER, Page 5
The Annual Student Housing
What to look for
Little clusters of students are starting
to prowl the streets this month, staring
up at the shingled roofs' of boarding
houses and knocking on apartment
doors. They are the earliest birds in The
Annual Student Housing Hunt, looking
for bed and board eight full months
before they will move in.
With the current central campus
vacancy rate at a mere .58 per cent,
students hoping for apartments have no
choice but to start hunting this early.
BUT JO WILLIAMS, adviser at the
;university Off-Campus Housing Office,
warns students not to panic.
"We've been trying to discourage
people from making commitments too
early," she s'id. "Students ought not be
pressured into signing leases im-
begin renting in early March because
they like to allow present tenants a long
time to decide whether they want to
renew their leases.
SMALL LANDLORDS usually rent
their apartments by advertising in
0 and 104
Looking for an apartment, right?
You want two bathrooms, a fire-
place, plush carpeting, and a micro-'
wave oven? But wait. Before running
off to grab your dream apartment,
you'd better remember that Ann
Arbor is one of the most expensive
housing markets in the nation.
. . .
newspapers or through listings with the
Off-Campus Housing Office, located in
the Student Activities Building.
Williams encourages students-par-
ticularly those with no renting ex-
perience-to bring leases to the office
before signing them. Williams and her
See LOOKING, Page 5
ok outfor
bedroom about $327; for a three-
bedroom $404; and $198 for an-
efficiency. Houses range from about
$521 per month for a four-bedroom to
$734 per month for a seven-bedroom.
Houses, however, are scarce and
usually quick to disappear from the
Jo Williams, adviser in the Univer-
The hows and wheres o city rentals
Campus Rentals Older & Modern 130 units- List availability
665-8825 buildings; some houses 100open since earlyJanuary
Campus Mgt. Older & modern * List available
6634101 buildings; houses early February
Maize & Blue Modern apts. currently List available
761-3131 no vacancies since Jan. 5
McKinley Older & modern build- 600 units- List available
769-8520 ings; few houses 75 percent available Jan. 19
Wilson White Older buildings, * List available
995-9551 apts., houses midFeb.
Dahlmann Apts. 5 modern complexes 88 units- List available
761-7600 70 open Jan. 16
Middle Mgmt. 3 modern complexes 70 units- List available
769-3639 50 percent open Jan. 20
Modern Apts. Modern apts. 130 units- Price ist avai a e
668-6906 unknown Jan. 17; list available Jan. 30
Pote ality 4 buildings -110 units- istvilabe1.6