See Editorial Page
See Today for details
Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 135 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, March 22, 1978 Ten Cents 10 Pages
Council thwarts South African investment ban
City Council Republicans defeated
Monday night a measure that would
have forbid the city from investing in
banks that loan money to South Africa.
Council also defeated, by the same
partisan split vote, a bid to prohibit the
city from investing in firms that do not
adhere to the Sullivan principles, a set
of nationally-recognized anti-
discrimination guidelines.
THE CITY invests anywhere between
$5 and $15 million in banks annually,
depending on the sale of city bonds for
that year. The defeat of the amendmen-
ts Monday was a major blow to those
who advocate divestiture as a means of
protest against South Africa's system
of apartheid, or racial segregation.
No local banks would have been af-
fected by the amendment had it passed,
but the city's list of authorized banks
includes five that make loans to South
The motions Monday night came in
the form of two last-minute amendmen-
ts to a proposed new investment policy
for the city. That policy which would
tighten controls on how the city spends
its money, was drawn up by a nine-
member citizen's committee as a
response to last year's investment introduced the two South Africa amen-
fiasco in which the city almost lost $1 . dments when the new investment plan
"Frankly I think the Africans are showing they are
quite capable of handling their own problems, with
the help of the Russians. I don't think this resolution
is going to help their cause any. "
- Council mem her Louis Senraun as
Ward) and Louis Belcher (R-Fifth
Ward) immediately objected to the ad-
dition of the amendments, charging
that both proposals would be putting the
city into a problem that was too far over
it's head.
"Frankly, I think the Africans are
showing they are quite capable of han-
dling their own problems, with the help
of the Russians," Senunas said. "I don't
think this resolution is going to help
their cause any."
SENUNAS SAID that adding the
South Africa amendments to the new
investment policy would render the en-
tire policy ineffective.
Belcher joined in the attack, calling
Latta's amendments 'erroneous."
"I am disappointed that you did not
bring this up at committee, but at the
twelfth hour," Belcher said. He added
that since the Federal Reserve bank
"pumps tons of money into the world
bank," and since all American banks
are clients of that Federal Reserve,
"then you can say that every bank in
the United States that has money in the
Federal Reserve has investments in
South Africa."
MAYOR ALBERT Wheeler defended
See BAN, Page 7
COUNCILMAN Ken Latta (D-First
Ward), a member of that committee,
came up for Council approval late
Councilman Louis Senunas (R-Third
force moves
for tough
WASHINGTON (AP) - President
Carter opened critical talks with Israeli
Prime Minister Menachem Begin
yesterday, pledging U.S. commitment
to preserving Israel but warning that
propects for a Mideast settlement
"have now been clouded over."
Sharing the gloomy assessment in a
low-keyed White House ceremony,
Begin told Carter, "admittedly these
are times of trial" for Israel and the en-
tire region.
declared a cease-fire in southern
The Palestinian terrorist attack that
killed 35 Israelis along the Tel Aviv-
Haifa coast road 10 days ago was, Pegin
said, "a reminder of what the character
is of the implacable enemy.''
However, Begin said, "We shall
"cowardly and unjustified attack by
terrorists on innocent civilians in
Israel" and, indirectly referring to
Israel's retaliatory thrust into southern
Lebanon, said it had resulted in the loss
of hundreds of lives and made tens of
thousands homeless.
See BEGIN, Page 2
Israeli cease-fire begins
contingent of U.N. peacekeepers is ex-
pected to take up positions in southern
Lebanon today, aU.N. spokesman said
here yesterday.
The troops - drawn from the 150-
man Iranian unit of the U.N. force
patrolling the buffer zone between
Israel and Syria on the Golan Heights _
were en route across Israel. The Golan
is one of two sectors on Israel's fron-
tiers already policed by blue-helmeted
U.N. forces. The second is the corridor
between Israel and Egypt in the Sinai
A WESTERN member of the U.N.
Security Council said French and Nor-
wegian battalions would be on their
way to Lebanon "within hours."
It was the first- time troops from a
permanent member nation of the coun-
cil, France in this case, were allowed to
serve on a U.N. peace force. The other
permanent members are the United
States, Britain, China and the Soviet
The council member, who asked not
to be identified, spoke with newsmen as
Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim pre-
pared to outline the composition of the
peacekeeping force in a closed-door
council meeting.
ABOUT 250 U.N. troops from the
Swedish battalion stationed in Sinai
between Egyptian and Israeli forces
were put on alert Tuesday for possible
transfer, the U.N. force commander in
Egypt said.
U.N. peacekeepers now patrol buffer
zones along the Israeli-Syrian frontier
on the Golan Heights and the Sinai
Desert corridor between Israel and
Egypt. The blue-helmeted troops, ar-.
med only with light weapons, are under
orders "not to use force except in self
defense" and to report truce violations
to the U.N. secretary-general.
The initial force would maintain a
symbolic U.N. presence until the 4,000
peacekeeping force can be put together.
WHEN THE 4,000-member U.N.
peacekeeping force finally does reach
the area, which could be "weeks or
months" according to one U.N. official,
there will not be any Chinese or Soviet
troops in that contingent.
The Soviet Union has made it clear
that it won't pay for the U.N. interim
force now being assembled. Moscow
not only objects to the functions of the
force, but also insists that "the
aggressor" - meaning Israel - should
pick up the tab.
China disapproves of the idea of U.N
peacekeeping forces as a general rule,
and does not pay for them.
THE FORCE being assembled to
replace Israeli troops in Southern
Lebanon is expected to cost $68 million.
The announcement from the U.N.
came against the backdrop of an
uneasy peace in Southern Lebanon,
Samoff will appeal
his tenure rejection
Ar PfPoto
MENACHEM BEGIN MAKES preliminary remarks on the south lawn of the
White House before meeting with President Carter to discuss the Middle East
Cab board bias
A former Ann Arbor taxi company
operator who is trying to rebuild his
operation is charging that he is being
unfairly hindered because of a conflict
of interest on the city's taxi board. '
A. J. Lalonde, who ran the Ann Arbor
Cab Company from 1964 to 1966, claims
he is being prevented from restarting
his company because one of the citizen-
at-large members of the board, Walter
Kyes, is also a part-owner of Ann Arbor
Yellow Cab Company.
CITY OFFICIALS, however, contend
that Kyes' presence on the board does
not constitute any conflict of interest.
The board, which has the sole
authority to authorize or revoke taxi
certificates and licenses, consists of
five voting members and two members
Of the voting members, the city char-
ter calls for one to be a councilperson,
one to be a member of the taxicab in-
dustry, and three to be citizens-at-
large. The' city controller and police
chief sit on the board, but do not vote.
All voting members serve three year
terms except the industry official who
serves for one year. .
Currently, however, two councilmen
are members, Earl Greene (D-Second
Ward) and Ron Trowbridge (R-Fourth
Ward), and two members are connec-
ted with the industry - Kyes and
George Spies of the Veterans Cab Com-,
no way we could ever rebuild Ann Ar-
bor Cab Company."
A DECISION on Lalonde's case,
which was postponed at the board's
February meeting, is set for March 30.
Board members claim their reluctance
to grant Lalonde a license has nothing
to do with conflict of interest, but rather
with the fact that he is asking them to
be allowed to operate less than 24 hours
a day, a violation of city code.
"I told Mr. Lalonde that I would en-
courage him in every way to get his
third company started if he did it
legally," said Kyes. "When he can con-
vince us he can operate a solvent com-
pany, then we'll see to it he gets some
Mayor Albert Wheeler, who appoin-
ted both Kyes and Spies, said he was not
aware Kyes was a part owner of Yellow
"I WAS UNDER the assumption that
See TAXI, Page 10
" Robben Fleming visited Baits
Housing last night and had an in-
formal discussion with some of
the residents. See the story on
Page 7.
" The Coalition for Better Housing
is sponsoring a contest for the
best and worse leases in the city.
See the story on Page 10.
For happenings, weather
and local briefs,
see TODAY, page 3.
Political Science Assistant Professor
Joel Samoff, who was denied tenure for
the second time last month, is
preparing an official appeal to the
University contesting the decision of
the department's tenured faculty.
Samoff has notified Literary College
(LSA) Dean Billy Frye of his intentions
and plans to file the appeal within the
next two weeks.
"I HAVE TO use whatever procedure
there is to get evaluated objectively,"
Samoff said.
While Samoff declined to explain why
he thinks he was denied tenure, an in-
formed source, who wished to go un-
named, said "personality and political
factors were introduced" into Samoff's
consideration. The source added that
facts "not relevant clouded the
judgement" of tenured faculty mem-
bers in the department.
Samoff, who came to the University
in fall, 1970, has long attracted attention
due to his political outlook. He is known
for his expertise in South African af-
fairs and political economy and has
been called a "Marxist political
economist." Observers 'claim the
quality of Samoff's research and his
political views were among the reasons
for his tenure denials.
Dean Bernard Galler, Samoff must file
a "Bill of Particulars" to initiate the
appeal process. This document will in-
clude Samoff's grievances concerning
his tenure rejection. LSA rules permit
professors to appeal only the procedure
of the decision, not the reasoning
behind it.
Galler said he couldn't predict what
points will be raised in Samoff's appeal.
Once Samoff delivers the bill to Frye,
it will be sent for consideration to a
three-member panel which will be
selected in part by Samoff and the par-
ty he names in the appeal. Galler said
he believes Samoff will name the
Political Science Department as the
target of his grievance.
THE PANEL will be chosen from
among 30 LSA professors appointed by
the college's Executive Committee at
the beginning of each year for resolving
tenure disputes and related issues.
After reviewing Samoff's bill, the
panel will investigate his charges until
it can make a recommendation - a
process which could take months.
There is also a wide range of possible
recommendations the panel could
"I don't.think they (the panel) are
See SAMOFF, Page 10
New fire base opens
for service
Y' r
Although the air is still fresh with the
smells of wet paint and plaster, it hasn't
taken long for the Ann Arbor fire
fighters to get used to their new home.
After living in the old fire house since
joining the force, the firemen of Ann
Arbor were only too glad to move into
their new headquarters.
Built in 1882, the old fire house, its red
brick walls, and the observation towers
are a symbol of time gone by. But it was
The new house gives the department
42,000 square feet of space to work and
live in. It can accommodate 30
firefighters, although it usually houses
only 15-20 on stand-by duty. The area
that houses the trucks presently con-
tains four trucks, with bays for two
more. There is a shop area for
repairing trucks, complete with two
hydraulic lifts. The front of the house,
facing out onto Fifth Street, is where
the telephone dispatcher is located.
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