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March 21, 1978 - Image 5

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1978-03-21

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The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, March 21, 1978-Page 5

Journalist claims newspaper
'supermarketing' molds lives

Wake up, America! Saul Friedman is
ticked off, disgusted, rather angry, and
he cannot understand why America is
sleeping through the 70s.
A Washington reporter for Knight-
Ridder newspapers, a chain that in-
cludes the Detroit Free Press, Fried-
man said newspapers today are "super-
marketing" the news.
"NEWS TODAY is pre-packaged,"
he remarked to journalism students in
the Rackham Building yesterday. "You
get a section on how to be a woman, a
section on what to do on the weeken-
ends ... it's Farah-Fawcett journalism.
"They think that's what you are, cool,
fast, pre-packaged - television in
print. It's this kind of journalism that's
giving fits to serious reporters. Super-
marketing journalism twists and per-
verts the newspaper industry," he con-
"I have in my office, besides plants
and papers, a gas mask, to remind me
that politics and decisions were not
always made in the halls of Congress,'
added Friedman, who has been a
Washington reporter since 1966. He
worked first for the Free Press and has
spent the last three years writing for
the entire Knight-Ridder chain.
."I GREW UP in journalism with a
whole new group of journalists who did

not just take the authoritarian view of
things, but went further," he said.
Friedman is mad at everybody -
publishers, editors, reporters and
readers - for allowing journalism to
corrode and lose its impact.
To Friedman, journalists' efforts in
Watergate and Koreagate are not
enough. "It's an open secret that Bert
Lance was the victim of an otherwise
dull summer," the 48-year-old reporter
FRIEIDMAN IS also worried.
Worried about falling newspaper sales
and the fact that 18-to-30-year-olds are
not reading newspapers like their
parents did. Part of the problem, he
said, stems from television.
"Is TV making people lazy, benign?"
he asked. "All that pretty color and
pretty music and all you have to do is
just take it in."
"You have to work to read a
newspaper. Is TV numbing the mind of
this generation?"
"IF YOU DON'T read a newspaper
because it doesn't speak to you and
have a pretty picture - if that's true
then all my arguments die. And so does
His argument is almost an appeal. He
said he would like the American public
not to believe this is the apathetic

"My fear," Friedman explained, "is
that newspapers will continue to pander
to what they perceive is an ignorant and
lazy populus, and that prophecy will be
fulfilled even further."
FRIEDMAN said much of the blame
must fall on the shoulders of the public
for believing this is a time to be passive.
He compared today's situation with
that of the early 50s, after World War II
- about the time McCarthy stepped on
Birth Defects
are forever.
Unless you

civil liberties.
"Who is to say the country wants a
rest? I was one of that generation and I
didn't want to rest," he exclaimed.
"THERE ARE problems in this coun-
try that are going to face the hell out of
you. The 60s followed the 50s, what's to
follow the 70s. Who's to say there has to
be a lull? Editors feel for this kind of
cyclical mood.
"To say there is a mood that the coun-
try is ready to go to sleep ought to be
questioned by you," he expounded.
"Why are you ready for the grave?"
Friedman asked.
Lou Gehrig of the Yankees drove in
150 or more runs for three straight
years, 1930, 1931, 1932.
- Published by the Worldwatch Institute; a
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Doily Photo by BRAD BENJAMIN,


ock Israeli deleg
While the real United Nations . to-day activities turned out
ecurity Council was in hurried tic negotiating session for
eliberations over the Mideast delegation as the picture in
roblem, a group of eight University changed almost hourly.
tudents was in New York last week The problem being con
imulating the Israeli UN delegation at both Security Councils was
he collegiate National Model United last week's Palestinian gue
ations. into Israel and Israel's sut
"Here we were, trying to simulate vasion into Lebanon.
xactly what was happening two miles The simulated Securi
own the road," said Rick David, one of passed a resolution near th
he University representatives to the conference Sunday that
onference. "immediate cessation of
Israeli activity in Lebanon
WHAT WAS expected to be a calm mediate withdrawal of Isra
imulation of the United Nations' day- Lebanon," according to Da'

ation confronts real crisis

all campus
at the IM building

to be a hec-
the Israeli
the Mideast
nsidered by
s, of course,
rrilla attack
bsequent in-
ty Council
e end of the
called for
all armed
n" and "im-
eli troops in
vid. The real

Security Council passed a similar
resolution shortly afterward condem-
ning Israeli presence in Lebanon and
calling for the presence of
peacekeeping troops.
THE STUDENT delegation, which
won an award as one of the most effec-
tive at the 120 college conference, con-

sisted of David, Sarah Coats, Jeffrey
Colman, James Demb, Carolyn Rosen-
berg, Michael Rudzinski, Debbie
Salinger and David Schreier.
The six-day trip was financed by the
University, the Michigan Student
Assembly, and various private sources.
"And I'm actually Lebanese," reflec-
ted delegation-leader David.

Union strike Possible
(Continued from Page 1) ning."
itrators presented their cases concer- Concerning the charges of employe
ing the Unit Custodian classification harassment he said, "Our intention is to
February 14 and March 17 to neutral change things substantially in Mott
arbitrators. A decision will be reached Children's Hospital (part of the Medical
within the next few weeks. Center) by the end of March."
One hospital spokesman said, "I Striking is not a tactic AFSCME
believe the people have been doing a members are unfamiliar with, for last
good job. I don't believe it's a perfor- year members held a month-long walk-
mance problem - it's the general out when initial attempts at a new con-
problems we anticipated in the begin- tract failed.
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