See Editorial Page
Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 132
If ' the word "lobbying" evoke
images of faceless, unapproachable
men in gray tweed suits you're not en
tirely wrong. But you're not entirel
right either - as a group of Universi
students are learning.
"Students frequently make very goo
lobbyists, they're an underutilize
resource," Marion Anderson, Publi
Interest Research Group In Michiga
(PIRGIM) executive director, told th
group of Natural Resources student
IT WAS THE first half of a two-da
workshop on the techniques of "publi
interest" lobbying; The second ha
comes next Tuesday when 23 of the
Cl be
Alit i an
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See Today for details
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, March 18;1978 Ten Cents 10 Poges
lobbyists to push environmental measures
secetrywhn he1wnttobecale
students invade Lansing to try out those
techniques on an unsuspecting state
The workshop and trip are sponsored
by the Environmental Advocacy
Program in the University's School of
Natural Resources. Developed six
years ago by Associate Prof. Bunyan
Bryant, the Advocacy Program arms
students with a combination of en-
vironmental education and social
change skills so that students can im-
prove their immediate surroundings.
"We want to try to bridge the gap
between environmental concerns and
social issues," Bryant said. "To organ-
ize people so that they have a sense of
their own power and can make
meaningful demands on the system,
and make government and industry
more responsive to human needs."
STUDENTS AT Wednesday's
workshop, in the Lord of Light Church,
listened to PIRGIM representatives
describe several environmental and
tenants' rights bills still pending in the
Michigan legislature. Among them are
bills on lease termination, housing code
violation penalties, retaliatory evic-
tions, and discriminatory rent payment
policies; as well as bills on solar
heating, control of public utilities,
elimination of phosphates, and public
land use.
Each student selected one or two bills
to do background research on, and was
given the names of various legislators
to lobby, using the techniques outlined
by Anderson.
Formerly a professional lobbyist in
Washington for seven years, Anderson
pointed out the big advantage of the
public interest lobbyist.
"HE'S NOT paid, so" there's less
suspicion of him; he won't be met with
the kind of unconscious hostility that
private interest lobbyists encounter,"
she said. "In the back of the legislator's
mind is always, 'How many other
people out there must think like this
guy?' Therefore it's essential that you
make it clear that you're representing
more than just yourself."
She said this can include the lob-
byist's family, his or her household,
sorority or fraternity, or any of the
people around who think the same way.
It also helps if the lobbyist can spread
this support around the state. Friends
or relatives in other towns should be
urged to show the wide-ranging support
the proposal will win for the legislator.
"And be sure to mention your contac-
ts in his home town," she said, urging
the students to think about all the
people they could formally represent
before going up next week.
SHE ALSO advised them to have the
advantages of their proposal down pat
before going in the office.
"You only get about three or four
minutes with a legislator, they have a
little knob under the desk to signal the
secretary when they want to be called
away for a roll-call vote," she said.
"But if you make the point strongly and
quickly enough, you might be asked to
stay for 20 or 30 minutes."
She also cautioned students to make
only two or three main points, and stick
to those.
"IF YOU make a whole bunch of little
points, they will forget the main poin-
ts," she said. "They're not going to take
Anderson also stressed the importan-
ce of the follow-up contact. "When you
go home, you have to regenerate the in-
terest you supposedly represent. You
do this by having a letter-writing par-
See 'U', Page 10
l continues
BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - Israeli air
strikes, tank assaults and helicopter
landings pushed guerrillas from six
more Palestinian strongholds yester-
day in the third day of fighting in south
Lebanon, witnesses and observers said.
Guerrillas claimed Israeli forces
killed two carloads of civilians in a
rocket attack.
THE LOSS of four Palestinian
positions in the region's central section
was confirmed. But guerrillas denied
reports from Lebanese government
sources that they had also lost the
inland town of Tibnine and their
seacoast base at Adloun, 22 miles north
of Israel.
Diplomatic and-military observers
agreed the Palestinians were putting up
a vigorous fight. The guerrillas said
they were counterattacking against
Israeli troops trying to consolidate their
hold on a 6-by-62 mile buffer zone along
the Israeli-Lebanese border.'
Red Cross officials here said more
than 250 Palestinians and Lebanese
were killed in the first two days of
fighting and 350tmore werewounded.
The Red Cross said it did not know how
many were combatants. The toll con-
tinued to mount yesterday, including
the 14 refugees reported killed in their
cars near Adlouh.
THE ISRAELI military command in
Tel Aviv said its latest figures showed
14 Israeli soldiers killed and 57 woun-
ded, with one civilian killed in guerrilla
rocket attacks on Israel's northern set-
Israel said it launched its invasion of
Lebanon Wednesday to eject the
guerrillas from the zone and prevent a
repetition of last weekend's terror at-
tack near Tel Aviv that killed 35
Israelis, The Israeli government said
its troops would stay in south Lebanon
until it could reach agreements - pre-
sumably with the Lebanese gover-
nment or Syrian peacekeeping forces -
to ensure the "murderers" would not
Israeli Prime Minister Menachem
Begin said Wednesday in Jerusalem, 17
hours after the military operation'
began, that it was completed. But
Defense Minister Ezer Weizman, inter-
viewed inside southern Lebanon by CBS
television yesterday, said:
"Everything will cease when the other
side understands that when they stop
shooting, so will we."
MEANWHILE, the United States,
Soviet Union, Britain qnd Palestine
Liberation Organization chief Yasser
Arafat joined Lebanon in urging Israel
to withdraw its forces.
Lebanon and Israel requested a U.N.
Security Council session. Lebanon
said it wanted a meeting to call for
Israel's "prompt withdrawal" and to
reaffirm Lebanon's authority over its
south, while Israel said the meeting
should "consider the continuous acts of
terror and violence against Israel"
from Lebanese territory.,
On the battle front, Israeli jets
yesterday continued to bomb guerrilla
positions around the southern port city
of Tyre and Palestinian fallback
positions at Nabatieh north of the Litani
river, according to various eyewitness
and official accounts.
BOTH TYRE and the region north of
the Litani are outside the buffer zone
the Israelis have spoken of.
Lebanese sources said a helicopter-
borne Israeli force landed at Adloun, a
fishing village on the Mediterranean
coast midway between Tyre and Sidon,
and blew up a marine base of the
radical Popular Front for the
Liberation of Palestine. The operation
reportedly took place after a two-hour
missile bombardment by four Israeli
Regents endorse 'U'
Hospital access
By BRIAN BLANCHARD Huron at Glen andI
The Regents accepted a plan to make Baker said the e
University Hospital more accessible use transportatio
yesterday morning. The plan, devised "againt the grain
by a local group, calls for moving the expecting them toc
Fuller Bridge about one quarter mile to APPROVAL O
the east and widening sections of Glen represents a co
and Fuller Roads to four lanes. University, which
The Regents were hesitant to commit more extensive ac
themselves to the long-range plan since In other action,t
they would not be deciding until May proved the appoin
whether to build the newnUniversity from Syracuse U
Hospital on the present site or the Education
elsewhere. Finerman from U
THE REGENTS voted "a memoran- New York-Stony
dum of understanding" with the Urban the Computer Cen
Area Transportation Study (UATS) be Business Schoo
drawn up to insure traffic would be able Cracken told the R
to move through Huron Valley easily a Dean of that sc
"for the next 23-25 years." pleted in early M
Regents Thomas Roach (D-Detroit) the search commi
and Deane Baker (R-Ann Arbor) both the possibility o
emphasized their votes for the plan rather than acac
should not force the Regents to build the position.
new Hospital on the same ground. The Regents al
Final say on the plan rests with donate land to th
UATS. The steering committee of the That Association
group approved the plan last week. behind the Mi
Fletcher Streets.
ffort to get people to
n alternatives goes
of human nature" by
change habits.
F the UATS plan
ompromise by the
had earlier favored
cess improvements.
the eight Regents ap-
tments of Joan Stark
niversity as Dean of
School and Aaron
he State University of
Creek as director of
l Professor Paul Mc-
Regents the search for
chpol should be com-,
lay. McCracken said
ittee has not ruled out
Spicking a business
demic person for the
so tabled a motion to
t Alumni Association.
requested the site
chigan League on
t for the construction
id there has not been
from the University
at the proposed two-
Michigan farmer Randy Butters hands Agriculture Secretary Bob Bergland a bumper sticker supporting American
Agriculture farmers group. Bergland met yesterday with protesting farmers who forced their way into his department
on Thursday after scuffling with security guards. About fifty of the demonstrators had to be ejected by riot
police. Farmers are demanding higher government price guarantees for wheat and other farm products.
US sued in .pot spraying"
The National Organization for the Re-
form of Marijuana Laws (NORML)
filed suit this week against government
agencies which lent assistance to
Mexico's spraying program.
NORML is a public interest lobby to
decriminalize marijuana.
NORML SEEKS an injunction again-
st the spraying until further analysis of
environmental and health hazards can
be made, said Leslie Williams, NORML
administrative assistant.
The defendants named in the suit are
the State Department, The Drug Enfor-
cement Administration (DEA), the
Agency for International Development,
and the Department of Agriculture. A
representative from the DEA refused to
The herbicides paraquat and 2-4D
have been sprayed over Mexican
marijuana fields. The herbicide, com-
THE ACCESS scheme leans heavily
on car pooling, buses, transit systems
and various other programs to cut the
number of vehicles coming into campus
from the northeast.
The plan also calls for traffic lights on
Washington Stree
of a new center.
The Regents sa
enough comment
community abou
story structure.
Second Panama treaty i doubt
bined with sunlight on the growing
plants, could disintegrate a field in two
BUT IF A farmer harvests the crop,
the disintegration ceases when the
marijuana is out of the sun. According
to Joseph Califano, Secretary of Health,
Education and Welfare, smoking the
contaminated grass could cause
irreversible lung damage.
Of samples taken randomly from
weed confiscated at the Mexican bor-
der, 20 percent was contaminated.
More than half of the marijuana used in
the U.S. comes from Mexico.
"We've found the southwestern states
have more of it, however, it is very
likely on the East Coast, even though
most East Coast marujuana comes
from Colombia," Williams said.
"We've even gotten calls from Canada"
about the contaminated marijuana, she
is sticky and gold in color, it closely
resembles good quality weed. Williams
said potential users who think they
have a tainted sample may send a joint
for analysis, wrapped in plastic with
$5.00 to Pharm Chem Research Foun-
dation, 1844 Bay Road, Palo Alto, Ca.
94303. Use any five digit number in-
stead of a name then call back ina
couple weeks for the results, she
"Based on animal studies it can be
" The University Housing Of-
fice has come up with a new
policy on lofts in dorm rooms. See
the story on Page 10.
" Several Ann Arbor residents
have announced their intention to
withhold a portion of their income
projected that at three to five cigarettes
a day after several months a smoker
suffers a decrease in lung functions and
the lungs' ability to handle oxygen,"
said James Helsing, Public Affairs Of-
ficer for the Alcohol Drug Abuse and
Mental Health Administration
The Board for Student Publications
Thursday night turned down a request
from the editors of The Michigan Daily
to withdraw the paper's assets from the
University investment pool.
The request protested the Regent's
decision not to divest University
holdings in corporations operating in
South Africa. A similar request was
denied four months ago.
THE BOARD controls the finances of
The Daily, the Michiganensian and all
other student publications.
"As a newspaper we consider our-
selves to be a watchdog of our society;"
Co-editor Gregg Krupa told the board.
"It is our task to highlight the injustices
and immorality that plague human
beings with birth-to-death suffering. We
have started our job. We have begun to
Majority Leader Robert Byrd said
yesterday he would request copies of
letters between President Carter and
Panamanian leader Omar Torrijos on a
potentially troublesome change in the
Panama Canal treaties.
In so doing, the West Virginia
Democrat agreed to a demand by
treaty opponents, evidently hoping to
blunt a major new controversy as the
Senate began debating the second of the
two treaties. The pact still under con-
sideration would provide for the United
States to turn the canal over to Panama
at the turn of the century.
or any other means to keep the canal
open after the year 2000.
Panama has objected strenuously to
any treaty provision that would allow
the United States to keep military for-
ces in Panama or to "intervene" in its
internal affairs after the turnover of the
CARTER reluctantly agreed to the
reservation in order to hold onto the
pro-treaty vote of its sponsor, Sen.
Dennis DeCioncini (D-Ariz.), and
questions quickly arose as to whether
the Panamanians could accept it.
Panamanian officials were quoted as
SEN. ROBERT Griffin (R-Mich.), a
leading treaty foe, was preparing a
speech demanding to know why the
White House did not make the letters
available before the ratification vote.
But when the issue was brought up on
the floor by other treaty opponents,
Byrd consented to the request.
Already facing a new round of verbal
turmoil over the Panama Canal, Senate
leaders said they will try to work out an
agreement to dispose of the second
canal treaty as quickly as possible.
Senate Minority Leader Howard
Thursday. The neutrality treaty
guarantees U.S. rights to defend and
use the international waterway after its
transfer to Panamanian control in the
year 2000.
Scarcely missing a beat after Thur-
sday's dramatic 68-32 vote, the Senate
moved immediately to debate the
second treaty yesterday. The second
agreement spells out the conditions for
the gradual turnover of the canal and
related facilities to Panama.
Opponents vowed they would work
just as hard to thwart the second pact,
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