See Editorial Page
Sic Wan
See Today for details
Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 126
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, March 2, 1978
Ten Cents
8 Paaes
toughens its stand
SALT talks
ptWASHINGTON (AP) - The Carter
administration stiffened its stand on a
( rnew nuclear arms treaty yesterday,
z ., warning the Soviets against interferen-
ce in Africa and ruling out major
American concessions in the ongoing
.,NThe warning came from Zbigniew
Brzezinski, the U.S. national security
adviser, who said, "unwarranted in-
trusion" into conflict between Ethiopia
and Somalia would complicate efforst
. to work out a new U.S.-Soviet arms
treaty and to get it ratified by the
r ,._ . - 4vr a ,fSenate.
HE ALSO TOLD reporters at a White
House breakfast the United States had
nearly reached its limit in making con-
cessions on intercontinental ballistic
missiles, long-range bombers and the
low-flying American cruise missile.
Differences over the three weapons
systems are considered the major ob-
stacle to completing an agreement that
N President Carter predicted last October
"would be ready within a few weeks."
k ~L 'CSince then, the negotiations toward a
new Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty
have slowed down. The Kremlin last
Friday expressed deep concern over
lack of progress and insisted in a shar-
ply worded statement that Washington
accept major restrictions on the cruise
missile and other U.S. weapons
BRZEZINSKI said the ad-
ministration had set specific standards
on how far it was prepared to com-
promise with the Russians and that
"there is no point . in signing an
agreement that doesn't meet those
His warning on Africa is the first by
an administration official directly
linking progress on arms control to
Soviet behavior on the Horn of Africa.
"We are not imposing any linkages,
Brzezinski said, "but linkages may be
imposed by unwarranted exploitation
of local conflict for larger international
purposes." s
At the White House, press secretary
Jody Powell said Brzezinski was ref lec-
ting administration views and
repeating statements Carter has made.
LSA hears Chesler
professorship appeal
By MITCH CANTOR tee doesn't think he should be made a
full professor; it simply reflects the
Daily Photo by WAYNE CABLE
Mexican artist Raynaldo Olivarez visited East Quad yesterday for the unveiling of his two murals. These politically oriented works are protests against international
oppression and were commissioned by the Association for Critical Social Studies.
Mexican m-uralist vistS" U,
Raynaldo Olivarez, a Mexican muralist represent-
ing a besieged socialist encampment in Mexico City,
has brought his political message to East Qard with
two of his own works.
Olivarez speaks very little English. Through an in-
terpreter, he explained he uses his paintings as a
crusade against international oppression and to
publicize political developments in Mexico.
THE 28-YEAR-OLD artist began creating his
murals during the sixties, at a time of great protest
and political pressure in Mexico. Olivarez's emotions
are reflected in his powerful art, with its dark, inten-
se earth tones and swirling brushstrokes.
The Mexican encampments, or squatters' camps,
were formed in the late-sixties by, poverty-stricken,
homeless families seeking better living conditions.
The families, in spite of their destitution, have
established communal services such as medical
clinics and education centers within the settlements.
The Mexican government, fearing the spread of the
encampment leaders' socialist ideas, has staged at-
tacks on the settlements in an attempt to disband
Coal miners debate contra
Olivarez said he thinks the murals are a good way
of informing students of the oppression in Mexico.
Tourists in that country would not be shown the
villagers' misery, according to Olivarez, "because
this is something the government keeps in its
Olivarez said he believes his main role as an artist
is to bring across messages not presented through
traditional means such as newspapers and speeches.
Art, according to Olivarez, has "a far deeper impact
than words." Th ursday
" Negotiators for the University
and non-supervisory nurses on
campus are nearing settlement
on a new contract. See story,
e~t Page 2.
ng around " The U.S. should pull out of the
after the Davis Cup competition in protest
h." of South African apartheid. Spor-
President ting View, Page 7.
hope" for 'r' 'Ci
retary Ray
s agreed on
on and the .For happenings, weather
Association and local briefs,
f see TODAY, page 3.
The Literary College Executive
Committee will reconsider promoting
Associate Sociology Professor Mark
Chesler to full professorship today. The
Committee denied Chesler's promotion
over two weeks ago.
Professor William Gamson, chair-
man of the Sociology Department, will
present an appeal on Chesler's behalf to
the committee. The Sociology Depar-
tment recommended Chesler, who for-
merly received the Amoco Award for
teaching excellence, for promotion over
a month ago.
CHESLER would not talk about the
issue yesterday and Gamson could not
be reached for comment.
LSA Dean Billy Frye said although
the Executive Committee won't be for-
ced to look at the issue, "They will be
invited to review the case; and there
will probably be a vote."
Although the committee gave no of-
ficial reason for denying Chesler the
promotion, several sociology students
claim other professors frown upon him
because his research has been mostly
applied research.
oriented and seeks to improve a certain
condition. Pure research is conducted
solely to obtain information.
Frye did not explain the committee's
decision, but commented on that allega-
tion. "I don't think that (applied
research) was a consideration," he
Frye said the 'no vote' on Chesler's
promotion does not mean the commit-
By The Associated Press
Miners streamed by the hundreds to
meetings throughout the nation's coal
country yesterday to hear-and in
many cases denounce-the details of a
contract that could end their 86-day-old
Individual United Mine Workers
(UMW) members criticized the pact at
meetings in Ohio, West Virginia,
Illinois and Pennsylvania.
Over television and radio, UMW
President Arnold Miller and other
leaders urged ratification when mem-
bers vote this weekend.
podiums in union halls and civic
auditoriums to brief local leaders and
rank-and-file members in such states
as West Virginia, Ohio, Illinois, Indiana
and Colorado.
But the contract met resistance in
some areas-with regional and local
leaders among some of the most vocal
Some miners, however, said they
wanted to return to work.
In District 17 in southern West
Virginia-the largest and often most
rebellious UMW district with more than
250,000 of the union's 160,000 'striking
miners-the scene was the Madison,
W.Va., Civic Center.
"THE HEALTH and retirement sec-
tion caused the biggest fuss," said
Mandy Cabell Jr., a miner from Camp
Creek, W.Va. "Jack Perry (the district
president) started jumpi
from section to section
feelings started running higf
In Washington, however
Carter said he has "good
ratification, and Labor Sec
Marshall said, "It's looking'
The proposed contract wa
by negotiators for the uni'
Bituminous Coal Operators
last Friday.
group's opinion he is not ready for
promotion now.
TWO GROUPS visited Frye yester-
day in attempts to help the professor's
Frye said the 'no rote'
on Chesler's prom oioni
does ,no i mean the coin-
rnittee doesn 't thin k lhe
sh1ould(1 be mim(le a full pjo-
fessor; it sim phv reflects
the group's opinion lie is
not ready for promotion
Four individuals from the School of
Natural Resources presented a letter of
concern which supported Chesler to
Frye. The same letter was also sent to
the other members of the Executive
About twenty students from the
Sociology Department later met with
Frye to urge that Chesler be granted his
promotion today.
Frye said today's meeting, which
starts with Gamson's appeal at noon,
may last all afternoon. He also said this
will be the final consideration for
Chesler's promotion. "(The decision)
tomorrow will be a final decision."
Local man
An Ann Arbor man was fatally stab-
bed Tuesday afternoon while walking to
his home on the 900 block of South
Maple, police reported yesterday. Ac-
cording to the many eyewitnesses
present, the crime occurred at 'about
4:15 p.m.
This was the first murder of the year
in Ann Arbor, and it equals the murder
rate for the entire of 1977.
POLICE SAY 22-year-old Harvey
Churchill was approached by his at-
tacker on the street and knifed
repeatedly. Although Churchill's oc-
cupation is not known, it has been
determined he was not a student.
When the attacker fled the scene, ob-
servers helped transport Churchill to a
nearby apartment complex. The police
were contacted, and they rushed the
critically injured Churchill to Univer-
sity Hospital, where emergency treat-
ment was attempted. He died at 11:30
Later Tuesday evening, a police in
vestigation led to the apprehension of a,
Robots safe: Would
R2-D2 ever hurt you?
Throw away your Frankenstein Com-
plex, forget HAL of 2001, the robots are
here and there's not a thing to worry
What's the state of the art - or
robotics, as it is known?
"It's a lot of fun," Dr. Joseph Engel-
berger insists. Engelberger is president
of the country's largest robot manufac-
turer, Unimation, Inc. The "Unimates"
come in two basic models, large and
small versions of programmable "ar-
ms" with grasping hands.
"WE MODELED the Unimate after
the human being, as much as we
could,", Engelberger said. Still, one
could hardly mistake a Unimate passed
on the street for one's roommate - if
indeed it could walk.
partye rs
If you're planning a wild Florida
vacation right out of "Bikini
Beach" with Frankie Avalon and
Annette Funicello, start curbing
those hot anticipations.
Daytona Beach police in con-
junction with City Hall and'
Daytona's Chamber of Commer-
ce have sent memos to all major
northern state universities,
warning of local ordinances which
prohibit the heavy partying
students normally assume are
allowed on the beach.
"WE GET LOTS of Michigan
plates down here," drawled
Daytona Police Sergeant Jim
Jenkins. "By Easter week we get
200,000 kids-there's so many you
can stir 'em with a stick.
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