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March 01, 1978 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1978-03-01

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The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, March 1, 1978-Page 3



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Te 11

An arm and an arm
So graduation is looming closer than ever before, and you still
haven't found that golden career. You're beginning to say
you'd give an arm or a leg for that perfect job. Well,
you're not alone. Seattle's Bob Ingram is not only willing to give up one
arm, he'll give up eight octupus arms, that is. Ingram and two friends
have just started an octupus farm beneath Pier 30 on the
Seattle waterfront. The enterprising businessmen applied for state
permission to grow and harvest octupuses along the northwestern
shore. The eight-tentacled creatures are fed by hand (another way to 1
ose an arm) three times a day, in an effort to make them marketable
as bait for Alaska fishers. Of course, Ingram tries not to get too
tangled up in his work.
Happenings .:..
fire up at 10 when the Revolutionary Communist Youth Brigade
sponsors a day of solitary with the striking coal miners in the Fish-
bowl. From noon until 1 the group will also be in front of the
Union. .Find out about backpacking in Europe at the International
Center at noon... Or listen to Rudolph Linder speak on "Russia,
China and the Steppe" in the Lane Hall Commons Room.. Also at
noon, the movie "Bottle Babies" will be shown at 2040 Dana
Building... The Ann Arbor Committee for Human Rights in Latin
America will hold its weekly brown bag lunch at noon (of course) in
Suite One on the third floor of the League ... Deciphher those
boggling 1040's at a free income tajc clinic at 3 in Conference Rooms 4,
5 and 6 in the basement of the Union. There'll be free information, in-
dividual assistance and coffee, too.. . University of Minnesota Prof.
Michael Maratos speaks on "Models of Language Acquisition" at 4 in
Schorling Auditorium, School of Ed... "Western Models and African
Realities: Policy Making in East Africa" will be the topic of Goran
Hyden's talk at 4 in MLB Lecture Room 2 ... "Bottle Babies" will be
aired at 7 at Guild House, 802 Monroe ... the Ebony Film Coop spon-
sors a benefit showing of Billy Jack at 7 and 9 in MLB 1.. . at 7:30 the
Spartacus Youth League explains "Why the Working Class Needs a
Revolutionary Party" in 220 Tyler House, East Quad... The Ann Ar-
bor Bridge Club will have Swiss teams and newcomer games at 7:30
(partner guaranteed) at the First Unitarian Church, Washtenaw and
Berkshire... at 8, Goran Hyden discusses "Small is Powerful: A Re-
Analysis of the Role of Peasants in African Development" at the In-
ternational center... the Pendleton Arts Information Center presen-
ts Ken Feit, "The Fool and his Vision" at 8 in the Pendleton Center,
second floor of the Union ... the Music School's Symphony Orchestra
performs at 8 in Hill Auditorium.
Somewhere over the rainbow
Drive-in movies. Drive-in hamburger stands. Now there will be a
drive-in rainbow. New Orleans artist Emery Clark has the backing of
Mayor-President Woody Dumas for her plans to turn the city's Inter-
state 10 bridge across the MississippI River into a "drive-in rainbow".
She proposes paintint the bridge in 24 dazzling colors. "It's rather far
out, but when you get to thinking about it, it's unique," said Dumas of
the $2 million project. What's that about the rainbow at the end of the
pot of gold?
On the outside -...
The southern and eastern portions of the U.S. have once again
received rain and snow. Here in Ann Arbor, a high pressure center will
clear our skies by afternoon today and boost the mercury up to 230.
These same clear skies, however, will drop our low tonight to a chilly

Unless you're an expert on University
trivia, the odds are that you don't know
what the Clements Library is, where it
is, or what it does. It's the kind of place,
Director John Dann observes, that
seniors visit for the first time on their
way back from commencement exer-
cises just to satisfy an unfulfilled four-
year curiosity.
The Italian renaissance-styled
building on South University is nestled
between President Fleming's house
and the UGLI. And with the monolithic
structure of the Grad Library looming
over it, the Clements appears to be a
relic of ages past. This image is rein-
forced upon entering the cavernous, an-.
tique-filled main hall which creates an
atmosphere closer to that of a holy
shrine than of the typical University
doesn't match the UGLI in noise or in
the number of crushed coffee cups
adorning its floors, it is still far from
under-utilized. And though its physical
appearance may appear outmoded
when compared with new University
construction projects, the value of its
contents as scarce and indispensable
sources for primary research has
become recognized nationally and even
The library opened in 1923, housing
over 20,000 books and manuscripts, mot
from William Clements' private collec-
tion. Clements, an 1882 engineering
graduate, had a strong interest in
history. Today the libarary possesses
nearly 45,000 books, over 4000 volumes
of newspapers, 350 manuscript collec-
tions, 36,000 maps and thousands of
pieces of sheet music of early
Americana up through the Civil War.
With $40,000 at its disposal for pur-
chases-$15,000 from the University
and the rest from its own fundraising
efforts-the Clements has built itself in-
to an invaluable primary source
research library, not by expensive and
dramatic acquisitions, but by a careful
and well-focused selection process.
Director Dann estimates he spends two
hours a day culling through the over
1000 auction catalogues he receives an-
nually in the process of choosing the 400
to 600 books and 100 manuscripts he will
actually buy each year.
THE MAJORITY OF ,purchases are
under $50, and each item is first con-
sidered for its value as a primary sour-
ce in terms of uniqueness and research
potential of its content.
Donations of collections to the
library, usually from University alum-
ni, make up another significant source
of material. But these contributions

don't just appear on the library
step; they require hard work an
luck. As Dann explains, an a
will often notify the library the
great-grandmother has hundred
and wrinkled letters in her atl
nobody really knows what is in
Dann will usually make trip
vestigate just "for that one tim
when those letters actually tur
be real of historical merit."
As a specialized collection o
Americana, the Clements i
primarily by PhD cand
professors and other scholars,
nual total of whom is somewher
hundreds. Each must first me
Dann to ensure that he is qual
take advantage of the library's
and precious resources.
limited to material through th

nobody ki
's door- War and focuses on major periods and
d lots of movements-European exploration
lumnus and settlement of the New World, the
iat "his American Revolution, the westward
Is of old movement and the Civil War. It begins
tic and, where any collection on the New World
them." should-with Christopher Columbus'
to in- letter as printed in Rome in 1493 telling
e in 100 Spainof his discovery of the West In-
n out to dies. There are over 150 corresponden-
ce to and from George Washington, not
)f early all of which have great historical im-
s used pact-like the one from Washington to
idates, his dentist complaining about teeth
the an- pains.
re in the Many of the Clement's manuscripts
et with and letters give life to facts previously'
lified to just studied in history courses. There
unique are Benedict Arnold's letters to and
from the British, British military maps
tion is three to five feet long depicting every
he Civil house in a five-mile radius of New Jer-

sey, a letter to Paul Revere from his
wife advising him to stay out of sight,
Cornwallis' epistle to London admitting
his surrender to-the rebels.
Of more local interest are Anthony
Wayne's message that he had
conquered Detroit from the Indians and
a document giving Mackinac Island to
the Indians. These are represenative
of a collection which attracts 75 per
cent of its users from outside the Ann
Arbor area, with some even coming
from abroad.
Although the library's book division
is used primarily by local students and
professors, it too boasts some unique
volumes. One of the most impressive
books is an account of Magellan's cir-
cumnavigation of the world written by
one of the 35 survivors. One of the seven
known copies of this book was recently
sold at an auction for $110,000.

Daily Photo by BRAD BENJAMIN
The Clements Library has a bit more class than the UGLI. The little-known library has a vast collection of historical books
and documents and special permission is needed to use the facilities.

Detroit to appeal ruling striking
down police affirmative action,

DETROIT (UPI) - When Coleman
Young became the city's first black
mayor .five years ago, he pledged to
wipe out racism in the police depar-
tment he had campaigned against with
an ffirmative action hiring and
promotion policy.
Since then, his administration has
more than doubled the number of
blacks in the department and placed
many in key leadership positions -
from the precinct level to the front of-
BUT NOW the program has been
ruled unconstitutional by a federal
judge who held that it violated "the
rights guaranteed under the 14th
Amendment - a decision that could
rival the Allen Bakke case in terms of
racial precedent.
City attorneys said yesterday they
will appeal Monday's ruling by U.S.
District Judge Fred Kaess to the 6th
U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincin-
nati and predicted the judge would
ultimately be overturned.
ATTORNEYS FOR the white-
dominated Detroit Police Officers
Association, plaintiff in the case, said
its outcome could be affected by the
Bakke case now pending before the
Supreme Court. Bakke claims he was
denied admission to a California
medical school while less-qualified
black applicants were accepted.
Kaess' ruling applies only to the
promotion of sergeants in the depar-
tment, but will effectively nullify the af-
firmative action program as a whole
unless it is overturned.
Though deliberately avoiding the
term "reverse discrimination," Kaess
held that "racial discrimination is as
indefensible when practiced against
whites as when practiced against

Young implemented a 50 percent
departmental hiring quota in a move to
wipe out what he called the police for-
ce's "extremely racist attitudes."
"Anybody who does not know that
racism exists in the Detroit Police

Department must live in another city or
another planet," Young said at the
tim. "any time you see a fuzzy-cheeked,
white police officer calling some black
woman 50-years-old 'Annie,' that's
racism, pure and simple.

Daily Official Bulletin
Wednesday, March 1, 1978
Daily Calendar
Ctr. Russian/E. European Studies: Rudolph
Linder, "Russia, China and the Steppe," Commons
Lane Hall, noon.
Industrial/Operations Eng.: Joseph L.
Engelberger, president Robot Institute of America,
Danbury, Conn., "Industrial Robots," 229 W. Eng.,
2:30 p.m.; Maurita Rolland, "On-Line Retrieval of
Literature," 401 W. Eng., 4 p.m.
MHRI: Steven Green, Rockefeller U., "Vocal
Communication in Macaca Monkeys," E. Conf. rm.,
Rackham, 3:30 p.m.
Natural Resources: Steven Moorhead, Richard
Strong, 1040 Nat. Resources, 4 p.m.
Ctr. Early Childhood Development Ed.: Michael
Maratsos, University of Minnesota, "Models of
Language Acquistion," Schorling Aud., SEB, 4 p.m.
Statistics: J. E. Keith Smith, "Fitting Log-Linear
Models," 451 Mason Hall, 4 p.m.
Music School: Symyphony Orchestra, Hill Aud., 8
Physics/Astronomy: R. C. Richardson, Cornell
U., "Helium 3 Magnetic Super-conduction Without
Charge," 296 Dennison, 4 p.m.

General Notice
A woman who manages a large apartment com-
ples, a real estate sales associate, and a property
management firm vice-president talk about their
careers at a workshop planned by "Real Estate and
Property Management Careers" will be Tuesday,
March 7, 9:00-11:30 a.m., East Conference Room,
Rackham. Women who want to put a liberal arts
eduction to work in the Ann Arbor area or are con-
sidering vocational alternatives are especially
The panel will be joined by other women with
liberal arts backgrounds to talk about the practical
realities of what they do and how to get started. A
resource list of women in. the community will be
available for people who would like to explore a field
in detail. There will also be educational and technical
resource materials.
The CEW series, "Getting or Starting a Job:
Workable Ideas from Women Who Have DonesIt"
included workshops on starting your own business,

careers in banking and finance, and administrative
opportunities as executive secretary and ad-
ministrative assistant. Information about local
resource contacts for each field is available at CEW,
328-330 Thompson, phone-763-1353.

going my way?
find out!
Advertise in the
Daily Classifieds

(at 78 10)
The late great Chaplin as the Tramp
goes north during the Klondike Featuring
Rush of 1898. Possibly the best JAMES H.HAWTIORNE,
silent ever made. Guest Artist-in-Residence
BUSTER KEATON'S Wed.-Sat., March1-4, 8pm
THE GENERAL SunMarch5,2pm
(at 8:30 onMy) Power Center
The Union Army steals Buster's lo-
comotive and he tries all out to get
it back. Possibly the best silent A Pay Howard sackir
ever ode.Pulitzer Pt ize Winner
ever made.Tony Award - BestPlay
THURS: KING KONG (originol) M.Y Drama Critics' Award
$2.50 FOR BOTHPw Cn Bx f*
the01 a arbor film cooperative presents:
(John Ford, 1962) 7 ONLY-AUD. A
Ford's most personal film, the poignant culmination of fifty years of filmmaking. Ford uses a
simple story (a senator returns to a western town for the funeral of a pauper and tells an
inquiring reporter the truth about the man who shot Liberty Valance) to explore the tension
between reality and symbol, truth and legend. Probably the masterwork of one of America's
greatest artists. "THE MAN WHO SHOT LIBERTY VALANCE achieves greatness as a unique
work of art with the emotional and intellectural resonance of personal testament."-Andrew


Coleman Young: 'Any time you see a fuzzy-cheeked,
white police officer calling some black woman 50-
years-old 'Annie,' that's racism, pure and simple. And
it happens every day.'

C M.MA..C ft ~IAM

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