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March 01, 1978 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1978-03-01

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Page 2-Wednesday, March 1, 1978-The Michigan Daily
Want The Inside Scoop?

Shelter or domestic violence

victims opens



The new Washtenaw County facility
to aid domestic violence victims,
Shelter Available for Emergencies
(S.A.F.E. House), opens today in Yp-
silanti. The opening, originally planned
for early January, was postponed to
comply with federal regulations for the
The shelter, supported by donations
from the community, is set up to
provide a safe and supportive environ-
ment for battered spouses and their
families for up to thirty days. Officials
indicate the facility could comfortably
accommodate fifty residents.
ACCORDING TO available statistics,
the shelter will operate at full capacity.
"All plans indicate the place will be
filled," said volunteer Wendy Siegal.
The shelter will handle cases referred
by other organizations, principally the
Crisis Assault Center, and will not have
an emergency telephone line.
S.A.F.E. House is designed to ac-
commodate more "long term" cases.
THE CRISIS Assault Center provides
a three-day temporary shelter for bat-
tered spouses. "They'll assess the
cases," Siegal said. "They won't bring
anybody who isn't ready. This is set up
to be a self-help community."
Siegal differentiated between
domestic violence and other assaults.
"It's a long-term crisis. It's a different
situation than rape. Rape is a surprise
attack. Domestic violence isn't," she
"Most victims have been beaten for

years," she continued. "A husband
comes home and beats up his wife, ani
it's no big thing. It's not until there's a
crisis - an especially bad beating or a
threat against the children - that a
woman will come to the Center."
THE STAFF - 25 Outreach volun-
teers and community women - are
trained as peer counselors.
"First, we do an historical survey,
explaining the problem of domestic
violence," said Siegal, who helped con
duct the training. "We stress a peer
counseling, not a professional ap
proach. It's more of an egalitarian ap
proach. We provide certain services
and we'd like for support to come from
the women in the shelter."
Studies of domestic assault victims
indicate that although the crime cuts
across economic and social levels, the
victims are economically dependen
and not readily employable. Part of the
task facing the volunteers is to put th
victims in touch with education and
employment opportunities.
LORAINE LAFATA, the Volunteer
co-ordinator, said the shelter would
sponsor seminars on jobs in addition t
the peer counseling.
"Each individual (peer counselor)
would be working with a woman in th
area of job opportunities and training
They would offer the woman support,'
she said.
"We can help the women presen
themselves, give them sources and in
formation," Siegal said. "But if they're
not ready to leave, we're not going to


>day in
push it. It's an individual thing."
S.A.F.E. House is an outgrowth of the
National Organization for Women's
(NOW) Domestic Violence Program,
which began in 1974. The non-profit
corporation judges itself successful in.

Miller urges coal
contract ratification



its attempts to use community services.
"The domestic violence program has
been around for two years," Siegal
said. "It's been accepted by the
traditional circle."

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_ By The Associated Press
The proposed contract that could
end the 85-day nationwide coal strike
goes before a split union membership
s this week, and United Mine Workers
s President Arnold Miller is taking to the
e airwaves to encourage the membership
t to ratify it.
e As copies of the proposed new con-
e tract - reached by negotiators last Fri-
d day - circulated in coal country
yesterday, UMW members and local
r union leaders scheduled meetings over
the next few days to discuss and be
o briefed on its provisions.
THE UMW leadership in Washington
readied a half-dozen television com-
e mercials and more radio sports to
promote the pact, at a cost of $40,000 in
air time alone.
Miller was to speak in some of the
t broadcasts, and country singer Johnny
- Paycheck, whose hit song "You Can
e Take This Job and Shove It" is popular
e in coal country, was enlisted for some
of the radio spots.
A majority of local union presidents
in 15,000-member District 6 in Ohio and'
northern West Virginia denounced the
agreement Monday as a step backward
in such areas as medical benefits.
BUT YESTERDAY, Harry Patrick,.
who.Miller defeated last year for the
presidency, called for ratification.
"Looking at the whole pic-
ture . . lookingat the shape the coun-
try is in economically, I think it's in the
best interests of the country," Patrick
In addition, a leader of the 30,000-
member District 17 - a key unit in
southern West Virginia - spoke up for
Rank-and-file voting is not expected

before Friday or Saturday. Local union
leaders in West Virginia say the results
won't be known before Saturday night.
Meetings of local union leaders were
scheduled last night in Castlewood,
Va., for the 14,000-member District 28,
and today for District 17, District 6, and
for another key unit, District 29, with
more than 20,000 'members, based in
Beckley, W. Va.
THE STRIKE continued to bring
hardships, particularly in Indiana,
where 4,400 people were laid off
because coal-short utilities have cut
back power to industry. State officials
estimated that 16,500 other employes
had also lost some pay because of shor-
tened work weeks or work days.
The Tennessee Valley Authority, on
the other hand, reported its large-scale
purchases of western and other non-
UMW coal had allowed it to increase its
stockpiles Tuesday for the first time
since the strike began Dec. 6.
Spokesman Jim Beckham said the
seven-state power system hads1,830,000
tons of coal, a 24-day supply, stockpiled
at its 10 coal-fired plants, compared
with 1,815,000 tons Monday. The report
increased optimism that TVA might
avoid mandated power cutbacks, which
hundreds of thousands of jobs in its
It appeared likely the cost of coal -
and electricity - would go up if the pact
is ratified. The West Virginia Coal
Association said a preliminary analysis
showed labor costs of coal from that
state would rise $5 a ton. Labor costs
now make up $15 to $18 of the cost of a
ton of West Virginia coal, which
averaged $31.25 a ton in late 1976, the;
last period for which figures were


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