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February 19, 1978 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1978-02-19

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See Editorial Page



High- T 25ys
See Today for details

Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 117

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, February 19, 1978

Ten Cents

10 Pages Plus Supplement

lost over
South Yemen .
LARNACA, Cyprus (AP) - Two as-
sassins gunned down prominent Egyp-
tian editor Youssef el Sabae>i yesterday
and then flew from this Mediterranean
island aboard a Cypriot jetliner with 11
male hostages and a plane crew of four.
But country after country refused the
craft permission to land and with its
fuel apparently exhausted early Sun-
day the fate of the plane was unknown.
THE TWIN-ENGINED jet had flown
toward South Yemen. A Cypriot gover-
nment official said early Sunday that
South Yemen authorities "have closed
the airport (in Aden, South Yemen) and
refused to let the plane land."
"It only has half an hour left of fuel,"
the official said at 4:15 a.m. Sunday,
local time (9:15 p.m. EST).
Aden radio, in a brief broadcast
monitored tin Cyprus, said, "The
Foreign Ministry continues to refuse to
permit any such plane to land."' But it
did not say where the craft might be.
Cypriot authorities earlier had vowed
not to allow the terrorists safe passage
off this Mediterranean island unless
they freed all the hostages.
One freed hostage, George Batal of
Lebanon, said the terrorists told their
captives, "Everybody who went to
Israel with Sadat will die, including
Sebaei, board chairman and editor-in
chief of the Cairo daily Al Ahram, ac-
See ASSASSINS, Page 10

Carter may choose
to take over mines

WASHINGTON (AP) - The United
Mine Workers union s Bargaining
Council rejected a revised industry con-
tract proposal yesterday and Labor
Secretary Ray Marshall said the Carter
administration "will take appropriate
action in the immediate future" to deal
with the effects of the 75-day coal
Marshall, who has been conducting
almost nonstop negotiations for two
days in an attempt to end the strike,
confirmed a temporary federal take-
over of the coal mines is an option the
administration is considering.
A TEMPORARY takeover of the
mines, which would be unprecedented,
was one of three options presented to
the president by Labor Secretary Ray
Marshall for use in the event
negotiations fail, according to admini-
stration sources.
Although no details were given, under
a takeover the government presumably
would set wages and benefits high
enough to get miners back to' work
while negotiations proceeded.
A takeover of the mines would re-
quire congressional legislation, the
sources said, adding that to be effec-
tive, congressional action would have to
come quickly.
THE OPTION paper also listed bind-

ing arbitration to settle the dispute and
invoking the strike-stopping provisions
of the Taft-Hartley Act, which calls for
an 80-day "cooling off" period. Binding
arbitration also would require congres-
sional action.
A temporary government takeover
was listed as "a very serious option,"
by one source. "We're not playing
games," he said.
Marshall said the industry proposal
"certainly seemed to be" the coal oper-
ators final offer when she was negoti-
ating with them.
"AS OF NOW it looks like it's not

possible for us to have a negotiated set-
tlement, " Marshall said.
No time was set for resumption of
negotiations. Bargaining council action
is necessary before a contract is sub-
mitted for rank-and-file ratification.
One union source who asked not to be'.
identified charged the industry with "a
double cross."
THERE HAD BEEN signs of;
progress in the negotiations Friday as
the Carter administration let it bey
known a temporary federal seizure of:
the mines was "a very serious option":
See TAKEOVER, Page 10

MSA tests charter
in Wednesday vote

AP Photo
A Pennsylvania state trooper stands guard outside.the Pennelec power plant in
Shawville, Pa. Scores of troopers were there to control about 400 UMW pickets,
while the power company was bringing in non-union coal.


Former chairman of the President's
Council of Economic Advisors- Gardner
Ackley has good news for President
Carter; not only will a modified form of
his tax proposal pass Congress in time
for 1978 tax returns, but the economy is
in far better shape than most people
Ackley, currently an economics
professor at the University, said in art
interview Tuesday, "Congress will act
reasonably promptly on the
proposal .. . even if the bill is enacted
retroactively it will still mean tax cuts
for the last quarter of this year."
Carter's tax proposal, intended to
boost the economy, includes several
controversial tax reforms along with
the $25 billion dollar tax cut. Thee
reforms are designed to limit tax
shelters and deductions for the wealthy.
CRITICS HAVE claimed the bill

would not provide the expected stimula-
tion of the economy, and the reforms
could delay the bill's passage.
But Ackley, who engineered tax cut
programs under both the Kennedy and
Johnson administrations, believes that
"A tax-cut is one of the best ways to
stimulate the economy."
Furthermore, he does not see the re-
forms as being a problem in holding up
the bill's passage, "some of the reforms
have about a fifty-fifty chance of get-
ting through. Congress will throw out
some of the reforms that are unpopular
with the big, powerful groups, the net
reduction in taxes will go up to about
$30 billion, and Carter will take it."
ACKLEY also predicted that the con-
troversial "businessman's lunch"
reform - that would cut entertainment
expense deductions for businesses in
half - would not go through, because of

vill be ratified'

University students will be asked to
decide the fate of two proposed amen-
dments to the All-Campus constitution
Wednesday. The amendments concern
reorganization of election structure of
MSA and a provision for the direct elec-
tion of MSA president and vice-
Constitutional amendments require
two-thirds approval from students
voting. Any University student with a
validated ID card may vote in the elec-
The first proposed amendment would
alter the composition of the Michigan
Student Assembly, while the other
would provide for a directly elected
MSA president and vice-president.
MSA is presently comprised of .18 at-
large representatives and a representa-
tive appointed from each of the 'U's 17
schools and colleges. The appointed
members are chosen by their school's
The proposed structure calls for
students of each school to elect their
own representatives, the number from
each school depending on the number of
students enrolled.
A school would get one representative
for each 1,150 students enrolled. Schools
with less than 575 students would be en-

titled to one representative, but the rep-
resentative would have only one-half
vote on the Assembly.
A SIMILAR change was approved by
students in the last MSA election, but,
Central Student Judiciary ruled the
amendment unconstitutional. John.
Gibson, MSA representative and author
"'It (direct electon) helps to
egiminate needless factioonal-
ism," saidI John Gibson, re-
ferring to e fjorts by presidenu-
tial aspirant s to obtain sup portx
.frot Assentblyti men hers."
of the plans, believes the parts to which
CSJ objects have been corrected.
MSA student general counsel Jasper
DiGiuseppe asked CSJ for an advisory
opinion before students vote on the
proposed amendments, but he said CSJ
declined to review the plan.
It is therefore feasible CSJ could
again throw out the plan even if studen-
See MSA, Page 2

"pressure from both the restaurant
business and business in general."
The proposed reforms "are fairly
modest - some of these are throw-
aways, although they are all things that
Carter, and I, would like to see passed."
Ackley, who served on the Council of
Economic Advisors from 1962 to 1968, is
optimistic about the economy as a
In spite of the slumping stock market
which has characterized Carter's first

year in office, Ackley points out, "The
stock market is not the economy - it
measures a particular segment of the
economy which affects few people
"On the whole, the economy is
moving steadily upward, a situation we
have been in since the recession trough
of 1975. Unemployment is down, real
income per capita is increasing;
overall the economy is fairly healthy,"
he said.

The' HRP: Thriving in


McIntyre asks Dems
to back Carter budget

Jimmy Carter's acting budget
director James McIntyre came to
Detroit yesterday to sell the President's
economic package to the economic
advisory council to State Democrats.
Speaking before a group of
economists, 'businesspersons and
Democratic politicos, including three
University Regents, McIntyre defended
the Carter economic package and
praised the 1979 fiscal budget he helped
to prepare.'
"THE PRESIDENT'S recently an-
nounced economic package will keep us
prosperous, bring more fairness to our
tax system and help us trim inflation,"
McIntyre said. "The President's
economic package is sound, sensible,
" Indiana beats Michigan, 71-59.
Read all about it on Page 9.
" When Oliver Lake and Julius
Hemphill get into jazz, they get
into jazz. Arts has the story on 5.
" American imperialism isn't
about to die-but it may change
with the Panama Canal Treaties.
It's all on the editorial page,
Page 4.

and strong. The program deserves your
support and we will fight to get it enac-
McIntyre called the President's
proposed 1979 budget "an integral
part" of that economic package, and he
responded to criticisms the Carter
budget is merely a reflection of the
previous Gerald Ford budget.
"The ink on that budget was hardly
dry when it was criticized as smacking
of Republicanism," McIntyre said. "It
was rapped for lacking new initiatives
and new direction. To all that I answer
in just one word: baloney!"
"There are no gimmicks, no false
hopes, no proposals that can't be
realized. Look back at budgets of
previous administrations and you'll see
what I man."
McIntyre, a member of the
President's "Georgia Mafia" and heir
to Carter insider Bert Lance's post has
See CARTER, Page 2

The Human Rights Party (HRP) is
alive and well and living in that hotbed
of political activism - Ypsilanti?
As incongruous as it may sound, it is
true. The Ann Arbor THRP succeeded to
the ill effects of political infighting and
lack of public support and died a quiet
death some two years ago.
BUT THE Ypsilanti branch of the
party has weathered the conservative
trend of recent years, and has estab-
lished itself as a significant force in Yp-
silanti city politics.
Eric Jackson and Harold Baize foun-
ded the Ypsilanti HRP in the early
seventies. They were soon joined by
Dave Nicholson. All three are now city
councilmen, but the roots of their
political careers originate in riots and
protests of the sixties when each was
active in the anti-war movement.
Councilman Jackson, who is the most
outspoken of the trio, says, "The goals
of the Human Rights Party were to
restructure the entire economy,
eliminate sexism and racism, and
strive for a classless society. It's a
more libertarian variant of socialism,
moving toward an egalitarian society,"
he explained.
BUT HOW CAN such radical thought
thrive in town with a redneck reputa-
See THE, Page 7

Doily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG
Eric Jackson, Dave Nicholson and Harold Baize like getting together to reminisce about their younger political years
over a glass or two of brew.

Fourth.Ward prepares


forms, tapping dissatisfaction in the community
about city services to get out the vote.
"MOST OF THE people I've talked to are
unhappy with the quality of the services they are

With time running out on what is probably the
quietest primary season the city hasever seen, the
tan wn t~ihlinnen, idatpc in Ann Arbor's fouirth

what he's been doing all along-going from door to
door and giving out his campaign literature which
stresses the need for better city services.
"I JUST DON'T know what's going to happen

measuring tool, but we couldn't afford a Gallup
McIntire's opponent, CPA and former
Wolverine star fullback David Robert Fisher, is

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