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February 16, 1978 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1978-02-16

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The Michigan Daily-Thursday, February 16, 1978-Page 3

Classified ads get results. Just ask 11year-old Nancy Powers of
St. Louis who advertised for a grandmother and got. nine others. It
seems Nancy's grandma couldn't come to the annual Valentie's Day
party given by her school for sixth graders and their grandmothers.
So, Nancy's dad put an ad in the' St. Louis Post-Dispatch which read:
"Grandma or Great Grandma. Girl age 11 wishes to borrow 1 gran-
dmother for Valentie's Day Party at elementary school. Experience
necessary. No degree required except a degree of patience. Qualified
candidates should be of traditional variety and willing to work for fun
not pay. Fringe benefits include cookies, punch and a lot of neat kids. I
am an equal opportunity employer but please, no grandpas." Nancy
interviewed the nine women on the phone,.and decided to choose two to
invite to her party.
UAC officers
University Activities Center (UAC) has recently selected a new
team of Senior Officers: Debbie Dreyfuss, President; Katie Klinkner,
Public Relations Vice-President; Judi Miller, Personnel Vice-
President; and Dave Brownlee, Financial Vice-President. Kudos to all
of them, especially our own intrepid Business Manager Debbie Drey-
begin today at noon when Gwen Baker gives a talk on "Black
Children in School Settings" at the CAAS Conference Rm., 1100 S.'
University... and if W.B. Yeats is more your thing, you can hear a
lecture on Yeats' idea of the theatre by Irene Connors at 4 p.m. in the
Pendleton Rm. of the Union ... at 4:10 the Studio Theatre will present
"The Village Wooing" and the "Inside Out" in the Arena Theatre of
the Frieze Bldg.... at 7 the Baha'i Student Association features a lec-
ture by Bill Wachob entitled "Continuity and Covenant in World
Religion" which will be held in the Rec. Rm. of the International Cen-
ter . .. the Ann Arbor Ostomy Association will be having a panel
discussion with the family and/or friends of ostomates at the Snio
Citizens Guild, 502 W. Huron, at 7:30.. . the Computer Club will hold
its weekly meeting also at 7:30 in Rm. 4108 of the Union. . . and for you
7:30 freaks, there will be a poetry reading with Debra Duddley and
Bart Plantenga at Guild House at, you guessed it, 7:30. . . and the
final 7:30 happening is a Forum on Black Women at Alice Lloyd ...
the University Concert Band and Chamber Winds will perform in con-
cert with pianist Ellen Weckler at 8 p.m. in Hill Aud. . . . the Broken
Consort will present "A Night of Music from the Middle Ages" at 8
p.m. in the Cook Rm. of the Law Qad ... Professor Richard Axsom
will speak on "Contemporary European Art" at 8 in Lecture Rm. 1 of
the MLB . . . and at 9 p.m. all you fledgling John Travoltas can get
free disco lessons in the Pendleton Rm: of the Union.
Watch out below!
No doubt you've all heard that house values are always slipping.
but into the sea? Two Santa Barbara homes which stood within 10
feet of the edge of a cliff slid into the Pacific Ocean Tuesday. No one
was ijured, and much of the furnishings were salvaged from the two
homes valued at $80,000 and $130,000. This just goes to show how much
trouble Americans are having establishing their roots these days.
It's how you play the game
Ever felt like you've been crushed in the game of life? Well, if
you haven't, you can ask a member of the Harvard-St. George basket-
ball team what it's like. The high school team lost a game to Chicago
Latin by a score of 117-1, the only point for the losers being scored by
Geannine Griffith, 14. "If I hadn't made it, I would just have died," she
said. Membersof the Chicago Latin team denied allegations that they
were actually Portland Trailblazers in disguise.
S On the outside...
The stationary low pressure center in Canada will keep the rain
and snow south of us. Our skies will be mainly overcast though, with
high temps in the low 20's. Sone clearing tonight will drop our low to
7-9o We'll see more sun Friday.
Daily Official Bulletin
...:.. . ......... .. ......t..... .

Smith agrees to

majority rule


SALISBURY, Rhodesia (AP) -
Prime Minister Ian Smith and
moderate black politicans agreed
yesterday on a plan for black majority
rule in Rhodesia; but nationalist
guerrillas rejected the proposal and
U.S. diplomat, Andrew Young ex-
pressed fear it would bring a black-
versus-black bloodbath.
"A victory for moderation," Smith
called the accord after he and the three
black leaders emerged smiling from
the red-brick negotiating hall in the
plush white suburb of highlands. For 12
weeks, the twosides had been arguing
over the blueprint of a new constitution
calling for universal suffrage and con-
taining safeguards for whites.
YOUNG. U.S. ambassador to

And a co-leader of the guerrillas,
immersed in a 5 and one-half year
struggle to overthrow Smith by violen-
ce instead of talk, dismissed the
agreement peremptorily.
"It will not work," said Joshua
Nkomo, speaking in Lusaka, the Zam-
bian capital. "The war continues. We
now know who the enemies are.
NKOMO'S FORCES operate from
bases in Zambia. He and his partner in
the Patriotic Front alliance, Mozam-
bique-based guerrilla chief Robert
Mugabe, rejected the Salisbury talks in
advance as a "farce" and did not
Young said after yesterday's an-
nouncement that the United States and
Britain now would have to bring black
moderates and guerrillas together, but
Nkomo dismissed that idea as "nonsen-
Nonetheless, Smith was jubilant.
"We have succeeded in overcoming
because we have shown tremendous
patience and we were not prepared to
give in," said Smith.
HE LED RHODESIA'S 263,000 whites
in declaring independence from Britain
12 years ago to forestall handing over
power to the 6.7 million blacks and en-
ding the white control that began in the
19th-century days of colonization.
The eight-point agreement under
which Smith would do just that calls for
one-man, one-vote elections to a 100-
member parliament, with 28 seats
reserved for whites for at least 10
The accord prescribes a bill of rights
and protection against nationalization
or seizure of property and land. It calls
for an independent judiciary, public
service board, civil service, police and
army. It also guarantees that pensions
be freely paid outside Rhodesia and
allows Rhodesians to maintain double
STILL TO BE resolved are the nature

of an interim government to draw up
the majority rule constitution, the final
shape of the document, the future
makeup of the armed forces - now 80
per cent black but led by whites - and
dates for the elections leading to black
Smith agreed to meet again today
to begin discussing the transition with
the three black leaders - Bishop Abel
Muzorewa, Chief Jeremiah Chirau and
Elliott Cabellah, a stand-in for the Rev.
Ndabaningi Sithole.
Sithole, interviewed yesterday at the
airport in Johannesberg, South Africa,
said he was en route to Belgium, West
Germany, France and Britain to seek
support for the settlement.
ASKED HOW close the signing of a
formal agreement on an interim gover-
nment was, Gabellah said: "As close as
I am to you now."
Chirau interjected: ""It could be
"We are happy," said Muzorewa.
After chatting with reporters, the
black delegations headed toward town
in a motorcade and, as whites watched
from the sidewalks, thrust their fists
through the open car windows in black
power salutes.
Muzorewa, considered to have the
widest suport of the moderate black
leaders, had held up the talks for more
than two weeks by his disagreement on
the two key issues.
ONE WAS THE white-reserved bloc
in parliament. Muzorewa had deman-
ded that some of the whites be elected
from mixed-race constituencies.
A joint statement issued by Smith and
the black leaders said a compromise
was reached under which whites would
nominate at least 16 candidates for
eight seats and the final choice would
be left to both black and white voters.

The other major issue was the main-
tenance of the security forces.
Mozorewa had insisted that their future
makeup he decided as part of any con-
stitutional agreement, but apparently
decided to leave the question open for
SMITH'S government estimates that
8,500 persons - security troops,
guerrillas and black and white civilians
- have died in the 5'/2-year insurgency
that has in recent days drawn within a
few miles of Salisbury.
Smith invited Mugabe and Nkomo to
the negotiations on condition that they
renounce violence. They refused, and
said any settlement concluded without
their participation would be considered
null and void.
Britain and the United States have
warned repeatedly that a settlement
not including the externally based
nationalists will not be recognized in-
Those two governments have co-
drafted a plan for majority rule that
prescribes a British high commissioner
and U.N. peacekeeping force to main-
tain order between Smith's resignation
and elections under a new constitution.
large furnished 1 and 2 bed-
room apartments available for
fall occupancy
Located across from U of M stadium
Bus Service every 15 minutes from
Hoover St. to State St.
call 995-3955
visit resident manager at
apartment K-i

Sm It, h

the United Nations who has been
negotiating with nationalist guerrillas,
said in New York that the pact could
lead to "another Angola-type war" with
4,000 guerrillas pouring into Rhodesia
from nearby Mozambique and Zambia.

give to the

Ann Arbor Civic Theatre A U DITI0NS
Carousel by Rogers and Hamerstein
Feb. 13- MASS MEETING-7:30
All adults trying out should attend this meeting for instruction and sign
up for an audition time
Feb. 14, 15, 16 and 17 7:00-10:30 p.m.
Come prepared w/song and be prepared to dance: Need all ages &
all should be able to sing and dance. 35 ADULTS NEEDED, 6 CHILDREN.
only time directors will see children
Auditions will be held at the AACT Workshop Bldg. at 201 Mulholland
(off W. Washington)


The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication
of the University of Michigan. Notices should be sent
in TYPEWRITTEN FORM to 409 E. Jefferson,
before 2 p.m. of the day preceeding publication and
by 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.
Items appear once only. Student organization notices
are not accepted for publication. For more informa-
tion, phone 764-9270.
Thursday, February 16, 1978
Physics/Astronomy: I. Prigogine, U-Texas, "Or-
der out of Chaos," 2038 Randall Lab., 4 p.m.
Guild House: Poetry reading, Deborah Duddley
and Bart Plantenga, 802 Monroe, 7:30 p.m.
Music School: Concert Band, Chagmber Winds, Hill
Aud., 8 p.m.
* *
3200 SAB - Phone 763-4117
W.R. Grace & Co., Columbia, Maryland. Summer
Intern Program,,must have chemical background
and a year of study toward an MBA. Further details
Summer Intern Government Programs available
to undergrads and grads. Various agencies covers
fields of drug abuse, mental health, research 4nalyst
in Gerontology, poli. science majors, admin. and
Volume LXXXVIII, No. 114
Thursday, February 16, 1978
is edited and managed by students at the University
of Michigan. News phone 7640562. Second class
postage is paid at Ann Arbor, 'Michigan 48109.
Published daily Tuesday through Sunday morning
during the University year at 420 Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription rates:
$12 September through April (2 semesters); $13 by
mail outside Ann Arbor.
Summer session published Tuesday through Satur-
day morning. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor;
$7.50 by mail outside Ann Arbor.
An ominous spacecraft lands in Wash-
ington, D.C.; from it emerges a "man"
named Klattu and a splendid robot

tech. openings. You must study these on your own.
Camp Echo Lake, New York Cord. Will interview
Thurs., Feb. 23 from .1 to 5. Openings include ar-
ts/crafts, waterfront (WSI), nature, tennis, dance,
cabin counselors. Register by phone or in person.
Camp Tamarack, MI. Coed. Will interview Tues.,
Feb. 21 and Mon., Feb. 27 from 9 to 5. Openings for
counselors, specialists, kitchen staff, nurses,
caseworkers, and bus drivers.
Blue Lakes Fine Arts Camp, MI. Coed. Will inter-
view Thurs., March 2 from 9 to 5. Openings include
waterfront (WSI), recreation dir., archery, cabin
Nippersink Manor Resort, Wisc. Will interview
March 1 and 2 - Weds., Thurs. from 9 to 5. Openings:
waiters, Waitresses, recreation staff, maids, kitchen
help and many others. Register in person or by

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