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See Today for details
Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 114 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, February 16, 1978 Ten Cents 10 Pages
Ruppe out
after Griffin 's
surprise move
Coal firms
OK White
House talks
In the wake of Robert Griffin's sur-
prise decision to seek a third U.S.
Senate term rather than retire, major
changes have occurred in each party's
primary election pictures.
On the Republican side, the field
narrowed with the withdrawal of U.S.
Rep. Philip Ruppe of Houghton. Ruppe,
a personal friend of Griffin, said he was
running only with the understanding
that the incumbent would .step down.
Ruppe said he was leaving public office
after 12 years in the House.
already crowded field saw the entry of
still another contender, former Detroit
City Council President Carl Levin.
Levin, however, immediately
catapulted to the fore-front of the assor-
tment, of Senate hopefuls. With his
name recognition and his electoral
popularity in Southeastern Michigan,
many observers see him as the man to
beat in the August 8 primary for the
Democratic nomination.
Levin's brother Sander, former State
Senator from Detroit, gave the Levin
name statewide exposure in two close-
call losing bids for Governor against
William Milliken. Levin's cousin
Charles has boosted the family name
still further from his seat on the
Michigan Supreme Court.
CARL LEVIN is a political figure in
his own right, however, -and says his
experience in city government has
given him a taste for state-wide issues.
And the issue Levin sees popping up
most often is that federal programs are
not doing what they are supposed to.
"I think I have a unique contribution
because I fought the federal
bureaucracy at the local level," Levin
said. "Too often the programs that we
struggle hard to get are messed up at
the local level. I've battled the federal
bureaucracy for eight years."
LEVIN SAID that the current pattern
in the Senate is to pass laws and then
forget them, a pattern he hopes to
See LEVIN, Page 7
AP Pboto
As the nation's 73-day-old coal strike drags on, some midwest states are trying to
salvage any coal they can. Here, a Public Service Indiana employe uses a tractor
to break lose frozen coal in an effort to augment Indiana's 42-day supply.
B egin samU.S.-Arab arms deal
By AP and UPI
President Carter brought union and
industry negotiators together in a rare
White House meeting last night in an ef-
fort to find an end .to the 72-day coal
White 'House press secretary Jody
Powell said the president told
bargainers for both sides the nation is
"looking to you men" to reach
agreement quickly on terms that can
end the longest continuous coal strike in
THE WHITE House won agreement
for resumed negotiations in the strike
earlier in the day after industry
representatives consented to a White
House meeting with union bargainers.
Powell said that while Carter
stressed the need for a swift settlement,
"I think it should be obvious that the
president isn't going to walk in there
and set a firm deadline. That doesn't
make much sense."
Carter spent about five minutes with
the 10 bargainers for the United Mine
Workers and five representatives of the
coal industry. labor Secretary Ray
Marshall and other government of-
ficials also sat in on the talks, held in
the Roosevelt Room.
POWELL SAID Carter pledged to do
anything he can to facilitate
agreement. But he said the President
noted that he is "not a mediator" and
doesn't intend to become one.
Industry officials at first ignored a
presidential call to resume talks. But
they later reversed themselves, saying
that "appropriate conditions" had been
agreed to in advance of the meeting.
Carter has assigned Marshall a direct
role in the negotiations and federal
mediators also are involved.
CARTER WILL meet with Gov.
William Milliken and governors from 11,
other states today in Washington to
discuss the impact of the coal strike on
their states.
The meeting, set for 3 p.m., will also
include chief executives from Illinois,
Virginia, West Virginia, Tennessee,
Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Wisconsin,
Pennsylvania, Missouri and Maryland.
The strike is not threatening Carter's
economic program yet, but it could
cause short-term damage to em-
ployment and production figures, ad-
ministration economists said yester-
a top-level analysis of what could hap-
pen to the economy if the strike con-
tinues much longer.
"We don't foresee any major
economic impact at least for the next
month," said William Nordhaus, a
member of the President's Council for
Economic Advisers, who is heading' up
the effort to assess the consequences of
the record-long strike.
See CARTER. Page 7
In efle x
fall1s to
A fourth year Inteflex student, 21-
year-old Ronley Peisner died yesterday
afternoon after falling eight stories
from a window in Burton Tower.
Sources said Peisner, from Hunting-
ton Woods, had a history of psychiatric
A SPOKESMAN for the Ann Arbor
Police Department refused to call the
incident a suicide, saying only that it
was still under investigation. The
spokesman did say, however, that no
evidence of foul play was found.
University Safety Director Fred
Davids said an open window was found
at the eiglhth level of the tower, along
Minister Menachem Begin yesterday
bitterly protested the U.S. decision to
sell warplanes to Egypt and Saudi
Arabia and' said he would go to
Washington next month to try to smooth
over the growing quarrel between
Israel and its chief ally, and arms sup-
"With all respect I turn to the
President of the United States and ask
that he reconsider the decision he took
last night, because it contains a grave
danger to the peacemaking process and
to Israel's security," Begin said in a
speech to the Israeli Parliament.
HE SAID the first U.S. sale of combat
aircraft to Egypt would reinforce what
he called ultimatums issued by
President Anwar Sadat in peace talks
and would encourage saber-rattling in
the Egyptian press.
"Threats of war and aggression will
not move Israel to take any decision
that would harm its status, its rights, its
security or its future," Begin said.
The United States "has to understand
that the supply of aggressive weapons
'(The United States) has to
understand that the sipply
of aggressire ceaponis (it
this tit(e cannot be other
thant . . . an obstacle to
peace negotiation s.
-Israeli Prime Minister
Menarhem Begin
sale to the Arabs.
Begin's visit is unrelated to the arms
deal decision and is seen as an oppor-
tunity for a thorough and "quiet ex-
change" 'like the one Sadat had with
President Carter earlier this month,
said a State Department statement.
IN OTHER Mideast developments:
" Ten thousand Israelis prayed at the
funerals of two men killed in the bom-
bing of a Jerusalem bus Tuesday. In
Beirut, Yasser Arafat's Palestinian
guerrilla group Fatah claimed respon-
sibility for the blast, which also injured
43 other persons.
" Abdul Jalloud, chief deputy to
Libyan leader Moammar Khadafy, met
in Moscow with President Leonid
Brezhnev. The Soviet news agency said
Jalloud and Brezhnev agreed that
Egypt's peace overture to Israel is in-
flicting serious damage to the interests
of Arab peoples."
" Mohamed Ibrahim Kamel, Egypt's
foreign minister, said in Bonn, West
Germany, that Israel is deliberately
stalling the Mideast peace talks. He
said Israei "is still trying to play for
time, to evade tackling the real issues
in the new spirit created by President
at this time cannot be other than. . . an
obstacle to peace negotiations."
ministration officials acknowledged
differences between the two countries
but said these do not undermine the
basic U.S. commitment to Israel.
They said they wanted to put to rest
"speculation" that a crisis had
developed with Israel over the aircraft
See BEGIN, Page 2
See INTEFLEX, Page 7
Spill shuts down Trans-Alaska
FAIRBANKS, Alaska (AP) - The
$7.7 billion trans-Alaska pipeline was
shut down yesterday because of an oil
leak near here that federal authorities
said may have been caused by
"There are some indications that it is
sabotage. You have to suspect foul
play," said Morris "Jack" Turner of
the federal Alaska Pipeline Office.
"WE HAVE an indication of an explo-
sion," said an FBI agent.
The Alaska Pipeline Service Co. said
the cause was undetermined, however,
and not other details were immediately
sabotage s
Turner said the spill was at a low
point of the line and that the oil would
"tend to drain out, like a garden hose."
HE SAID AN engineering profile of
the spill site estimated that up to 20,000
barrels could spill, and that the oil was
flowing at a rate of about two to three
barrels a second and was not con-
Crews at the scene were trying to
contain the flow but were unable to
determine the cause immeditately, an
Alyeska spokesman said.
The leak from an above-ground sec-
tion of the 800-mile pipeline was spotted
by a private pilot. Alyeska sent a
helicopter to the scene and the helicop-
ter pilot said the leaking oil covered an
area about 40 feet square.
THE LEAK occurred at a point a mile
north of the Chena River, but the pilot
said there was no open water, which
would tend to spread the oil, near the
leaking section of pipe.
There were several leaks during star-
tup of the pipeline, but this leak was the
first since the first oil reached the
pipeline port of Valdez.
Th ursday
" Leon Spinks stunned
Muhammed Ali last night
to capture the WOWl Box-
ing Association Champion-
ship by a split decision. See
story, Page 8.
e The University Regents meet
today to discuss student space
and to review the Rate Study
Committee's recommendation
for higher dorm rates. See story,
Page 2.
" A Detroit judge says prison is
not the answer for yourth offen-
ders. See story, Page 2.
Prosecutor charges
Ypsi city councilman'
Ypsilanti City Councilman Robert
Cherris was charged yesterday by the
comity prosecitor with falsifying a
nomninating petition for disqualified
April, 1975, signed and circulated
nominating petitions for Page, who
sought to run for the ward's other coun-
cil seat. Both Cherris and Paige are
students at Eastern Michigan Univer-
Daily Photo by ALAN BLINKtY
Rippled reflections
Fleming will visit Saudi Arabia
'xs sonething I did. I9m in this situation and Im'
going to hare to deal (icth it. I'm going to take things
as theoy (me. The ,only person h() 1has suffe red or has
University President Robben Fleming
will travel to Saudi Arabia this weekend
where he will visit several universities
to offer suggestions for improving that
,antr s h ahp r~niIsvas.
will be visiting universities in Dehren,
Jidda and the capital city of Riyadh.
Fleming said he also plans to visit
Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates,
although he was not sure exactly what
his schedule will be.
ALTHOUGH HE has received infor-
R' no