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February 12, 1978 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1978-02-12

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The Michigan Daily-Sunday, February 12, 1978-Page 3

- (
Lesbian mother's reprieve
An admitted lesbian seeking custody of her adopted daughter has
won a second chance in court, even though she's not sure she wants it.
The Michigan Court of Appeals Friday sent the case involving
Maragreth Miller, 38, a University instructor, back to Oakland County
Circuit Judge Frank Frederick Ziem, who has denied an earlier
petition for custody of the child. "That's good news and bad news,"
said Miller when she learned of the ruling. The good news is the ap-
peals court apparently still feels there is a reasonable question in the
case. The bad news is that we go right back to Judge Ziem, who has
already made it clear he doesn't like lesbians and is quite sure they
don't make good mothers." The daughter, Jillian, 11, has staved with
her mother during the appeal process even though Ziem originally or-
dered her placed in her father's custody. The appeals court ruled that
Ziem should have given more consideration to the child's stated
preference to stay with her mother.
f ..-
... there is a lot to do on this day of rest. Julie Badiee will speak on the
"Islamic Art in the University Collections" at 2 p.m. in the Kelsey
Museum of Archaeology. . . Benning Dexter will give a Music School
piano recital at 4 p.m. in Rackham Auditorium. . . The Children's
Health Fair will continue today at Bryant Elementary School at 2150
Santa Rosa Ct. from 1 to 4 p.m. free health screening service and
health information for children under 18. . . the Comic Opera Guild
will hold their annual meeting at 7:30 p.m. in Art Worlds at 213% S.
Main St.. . . an Open House to celebrate the establishment of the West
Branch of the Ann Arbor Library will be sponsored by the Friends of
the Library in the Maple Village Shopping Center from 2 to 4
p.m... . the Broken Consort will perform a concert of medieval music
at 4 p.m. in the Pendleton Room of the Union. .. a program of Siddha
Yoga and meditation will be held at 1520 Hill St. at 2:30 p.m. . . . a In-
ter-Cooperative Council housing new membership meeting will be
held at 1:30 in the Anderson Room of the Union and all houses in the
ICC will be open afterwards. Good day.
U-2, again.
It used to be that nostalgia was part of a fond remembrance of the
days gone by. Now, the U.S. Air Force is using it to dredge up some
not-so-fond memories. The U2 spy plane, which made Cold War
headlines when the Russians downed Francis Gary Powers' CIA craft,
will be put into production again and assigned, of all things, to peer
across the Soviet bloc borders. The Air Force says this time it will be
done "from a safe distance," but isn't that what they said the last
,just like in the comics.'
In Garry Trudeau's comic strip Doonesbury, Uncle Duke the United
States emissary to China becomes emotionally involved with his in-
terpreter. Well history, or a reasonable facsimile thereof, has
repeated itself. Leonard Woodcock has fallen in love with one of his
staff members while serving as the U.S. Ambassador in China. Wood-
cock announced that he will seek a divorce from his wife, Loula, from
whom he has been separated for 16 years, in order to marry a member
of his Peking staff. Declining to name the American woman he will
marry, Woodcock said, "It won't cause any problems, but I'd rather
they didn't learn of it through the press." Good luck Leonard
and.. . well, whoever.
Snow bound
Just because most of our own snow troubles have been forgotten, we
tend to forget other people have theirs. Take Boston, for instance. One
staff reporter's parents told her "the snow is within two inches of the
top of the front door . . we had to dig a 2 x 4 space in front of the
garage door to let the dog out." Out there, they've noticed the same
things we did. In addition to all the snow came lots of unfamiliar frien-
dliness. When the state of emergency was declared after Monday'y
blizzard, those infamous Boston drivers had to do without their
cars-and hence, without much of their famed rudeness. "It's just not
like when people have cars&then they honk the horn and yell out the
window, 'You jerk!' This is quiet, a nice change of pace," said one air-
port worker who made it to work on foot.
On the outside.. .
... those of you who were waiting for winter to return won't have to
wait long. It appears that our brief respite from demoralizing con-
ditions will end late Sunday night. Our forecast calls forclear skies
this morning with increasing cloudiness in the afternoon. The high will
be 30 degrees. Light snow will begin late tonight and the low will be 14

degrees. On Monday the snow will continue with a slight chance of
freezing rain mixed in for a little spice-and some slipping on the ice
one would imagine. The high Monday will be 28 degrees. Snow will
continue through Monday night with an accumulation of 3 to 4 inches
by Tuesday. Don't pack away those snow shovels. It's only February.
Daily Official Bulletin
Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri., 7-9
Daily Calendar Sot.. Sun., Wed.. 1-3-5-7.9
Kelsey Museum: Gallery talk, Julie Badiee,
"IslamieArt in the U-M Collections," Kelsey, 2 p.m.
Music School: Faculty piano recital, Benning Dex-
ter, Rackham Aud., 4 p.m.
Daily Calendar: 'P C)77 20CENTUR-FOX
Physics/Astronomy: J. Kogut, Cornell U, "Quartz
Confinement in Extreme Environments," 2038 Ran-
dall Lab., 4 p.m.
Biological Sciences: R: T. Paine, U-Washington,
"The Structure of Intertidal Communities: Com-
parative Studies on Convergent and Unique Aspect,"
Aud. 4, MLB, 4 p.m.a
Music School: Honors Quartet, Rackham Aud., 8
SUMMER PLACEMENT Mon Tues Thurs Fri., 7-9
3200SAB 763-4117 Sot Sun. Wed 135-7-9
Camp Sequoia, Mi. Coed: Will interview Thurs., !jlli
Feb. 169 toS. Openings include waterfront (WSI), ar-
ts/crafts, riding -(western), archery, riflery. III
Register in person or by phone.
gi Lakeside Farm Camp, Mi. Coed and Watervliet, ((M. i n e T , b 1 9 5i.' "
Lakeside Farm openings: waterfront (WSI), riding
(Eng./West.), arts/crafts, drama/dance, sailing,
canoeing. Register by phone or in person. Watervliet
openings: waterfront (WSI), arts/crafts, nature,
campcraft, biking instr., riding, secretary, cooks.
WWJ-TV, Detroit, Mi.; Opening for broadcast


Sadat meets Israeli in Austria


BUCHAREST, Romania (AP)-An-
war Sadat reviewed the Middle East
situation at a meeting in Austria
yesterday with Israeli opposition chief
Shimon Peres and called the talks "a
new step in our cooperation along the
road to peace and security for our
The Egyptian president then flew to
Romania, the only Soviet bloc suppor-
ter of his Mideast peace bid, to pick up
his drive for international political and
public support.
DENSE FOG forced Sadat's jetliner
to divert to the Black Sea resort of Con-
stanta, 125 miles east of Bucharest, its
destination. It was not immediately
known if Sadat would be brought to
Bucharest by car or train or if Romania
officials would travel to _constanta to
meet him there.
Sadat, speaking at a news conference
after talks with Peres at the 17th'cen-
tury Klosheim Palace near Salzburg,
described the meeting as a resumption
of the stalled Egyptian-Israeli peace
drive begun last November when he
made his historic journey to Jerusalem.
On his arrical in Salzburg yesterday

morning, adat told reporters there is
"sufficient momentun in the present
peace initiative to achieve a final set-
military negotiations stemming from
the Jerusalem summit have mired over
Egypt's demand for self-determination
for 1.1 million Palestinians living under
Israeli rule since the 1967 Mideast war,
and Israel's insistance that it keep a
score of Jewish settlements in Sinai
when it returns the war-worn peninsula
to Egypt.
Sharing the rostrum with Peres and
Austrian Chancellor Bruno Kreisky,
Sadat disclosed he had invited the op-
position Labor Party chief to visit
Egypt. However, he stressed that
neither his talks with Peres nor his in-
vitation were aimed at dividing the
Israeli leadership.
The Labor Party dominated Israeli
politics from the Jewish state's incep-
tion in 1948 until parliamentary elec-
tions last May, when Labor lost to
Prime Minister Menachem Begin's
right-wing Likud coalition.

PERES SAID he had not come to
Salzburg as a negotiator and had
received Begin's approval in advance
for his meeting with Sadat.
Sadat said details of future talks with
Israel would beworked out by U.S.
Assistant Secretary of' State Alfred
Atherton, who is being dispatched by
-President Carter on a diplomatic shut-
tle to bring Cairo and Jerusalem back
to the peace table.
Kreisky, who met privately with Saat
before the Egyptian sat down with
Peres, said the Mideast leaders had
shown "a certain willingness to
establish contact," and the session
became possible because both men
were in Western Europe at the same
SADAT IS ON an eight-nation tour to
generate support for his peace
initiative. Peres was in Hamburg, West
Germany, for a Socialist International
While Sadat and Peres mkt in Salz-
burg, Begin scheduled a meeting in
Jerusalem with U.S. Ambassador
Samual Lewis to review Sadat's
Mideast discussions with Carter at
Camp David, Md., last weekend.
Begin said his cabinet would take up
Mideast developments when it meets

today and "we will be able to decide on
the next steps."
"There is reason to believe that'
negotiations. . . between us and Egypt
will continue," Begin told reporters
a w,

Sunday Brunch 12-4, Lunch 11:30-4
Dinner M-Sat 5-12, ri &Sat 5-1, Sun5:30-12,
'x18 w. Ifbopt.am arbor.nti. 665-aas

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (AP) -
Ethiopian troops, backed by repeated
air strikes, are advancing along the
nation's vital rail link with the tiny
state of Djibouti as part of the offensive
to drive Somali forces from Ethiopia's
Ogaden region, Western diplomatic
sources said yesterday.
In the past few days, the sources said
Ethiopian ground forces have advanced
some 55 miles from the town of Melo to
Adigela in their bid to regain full con-
trol of the railroad that links Addis
Ababa with Djibouti.
THE RAILROAD has been cut since
June as a result of sabotage attacks by
pro-Somali forces, and Ethiopia has
since had to resort to bringing in
military and other supplies by road
from the Red Sea port of Assab.
The Ethiopians are meeting with less
success, say the sources, in their drive
for the strategic town of Jijiga from the
ancient, walled town of Harar. They
control territory about 12 miles beyond
Harar on the road to Jijiga and hold
positions as far as Babile, said the
Volume LXXXVIII, No. ili
Sunday, February 12, 1978
is edited and managed by students at the University
of Michigan. News phone 764-0502. Second class
postage is paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109.
Published daily Tuesday through Sunday morning,
during the University year at 420 Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription rates:
$12 September through April (2 semesters); $13 by
mail outside Ann Arbor.
Summer session published Tuesday through Satur-
day morning. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor;
$7.50 by mail outside Ann Arbor.
just for the
health of it.
Get moving, America'
Physical Education Public information
American Alliance for Health
Physical Education and Recreation
1201 1 6th St N W Washington D C 20036

For the first time, however, it is being
unofficially admitted here that Cuban
and Soviet military advisers are here in
large numbers aiding the Ethiopian
war effort.
WESTERN intelligence reports put
the number of Cuban troops here at
3,000, with several thousand more
reported on their way by sea. In ad-
dition some 1,000 Soviet advisers
together with others from Eastern
Europe and 2,000 South Yemeni soldiers
are reported in the country.
Suggestions that Cuban pilots are
flying MIG forties in the Ogaden and
that foreign^ troops are directly in-
volved in the fighting are dismissed as

" " -



Angell Hall-Aud. A

Sunday, February 12

Director-WOODY ALLEN (1975)
This film is rich with the sounds of classical music and the
(distorted) images of Russian literature and Ingmar Bergman.
Diane Keaton and Woody Allen clumsily masquerade them-
selves as Spanish nobility in a futile attempt to assassinate
Napoleon. A madcap adventure of outrageous humor.
7,8:458 10p.m. $1.50
Tuesday Night: Godard's TOUT VA BIEN

eclipse jazz presents
Hill Auditorium
Fri., February 24
TICKETS on sole Tues.. Feb. 14. 9-5 at UNION
BOX, and 2/15 at Schoolkids & both Discount
Rec~ords. $5.50, 4.50, 3.50.
WOODY SHAW will conduct a FREE
noon, Feb. 24, location to be
announced. INFO: UAC-763-1453.
Eclipse Jazz operates under the auspices of the Mojor
Events Office, supported by a grant from the National
Endowment for the Arts.

A Discussion with Frederick Wiseman
The Documentary filmmaker exfraordinaire who is renowned for such prob-
ing works as Law And Order, High School & Titticut Follies will speak at:-
3:00 atthe Old Arch. Aud. Admission: $1.50;
Two Wiseman films will be shown at 1 & 7
PRIMATE (At 1:00) an eloquent challenge of the humanity and:
validity of "pure scientific research." 1974.
WELFARE (At 7:00) A fascinating look at a New York wel-
fare office and those it serves. 1975.

Cinema Guild

.50 f or each f"im
$1 .50 for a film & discussion.

the ann arbor A/lM cooperative presents:
3.. - - Friday, Sturday,-Sdnday, Februaryl7, 18, 19
The Eighth Ann Arbor 8MM Film Festival
Schorling Auditorium, School of Education
8MM filmmakers from all over the U.S. and Canada will compete for 1
41k $1000 in cash and prizes, given by an awards jury for excellence in the
growing field of 8MM. Friday shows at 7 and 9 and Saturday shows at
2, 7, and 9 are all different. On Sunday at 7 & 9, the prize-winning films
will be screened. . ADMISSION $1.00 per shows'
Final evening of The Eighth Ann Arbor Film Festival
Ann Arbor Civic Theatre A U D'IT'ION S
Carousel by Rogers and Homerstein
Feb. 13 - MASS MEETING-7:30
All adults trying out should attend this meeting for instruction and sign
up for an audition time.
Feb. 14, 15. 16 and 17 7:00-10:30 p.m..
Come prepared w/song and be prepared to dance. Need all ages &
all should be able to sing and dance. 35 ADULTS NEEDED, 6 CHILDREN.

Don't Be Bash ful


only time directors will see children.
Auditions will be held at the AACT Workshop Bldg. a
... .(off W. Washington)


t 201 MulhollndY

Want The Inside Scoop?

C' e; v

' r

/ q

A Valentines Day Love story':
announces Opening Night March 16
Anyone who buys 2 tickets for opening night on Valen-
tines Day, gets 504 off any ticket!








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