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February 09, 1978 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1978-02-09

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"Page 4--Thursday, February 9, 1978-The Michigan Daily
Eighty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 108 N Ph 764-0552
Eews one:e76Urs oM i
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

The Mideast
GYPTIAN President Anwar Sadat
has made yet another historic pil-
grimage - this one not to Jerusalem,
but to. Washington, where the out-
spoken leader demanded that the U.S.
sell arms to his country.
Had Sadat made his demands a year
ago, when the-Mideast situation was
not quite so complex, it would be much
simpler to find reason to reject Egypt's
requests. The Daily has in the past ex-
pressed it's disdain for arms sales of
any kind, and we maintain that it is not
the role of the U.S. to act as arms
cache to the world.
But the issue of arms sales to the
Mideast is no longer such a clear cut
Sadat's demands come at a time
when both Egypt and Israel are in
awkward negotiating positions for a
peace agreement. Egypt needs the ex-
pressed support of the U.S. in order to
keep its peace initiatives moving for-
ward. Israel has maintained a stub-
born negotiating posture and requires
outside pressure to make substantial
concessions toward peace.
These factors taken into con-
sideration, it would seem that an
agreement by President Carter and
PCongress to sell arms to Egypt would
be extremelyuseful - politically - in
aiding peace efforts. Even an in-
significant sale of weapons to Sadat
would givR Sadat the support he wants
and deserves, while at the same time
showing Israel's leaders that unquali-
fied U.S. support is only good up to a
certain point.
The leaders of all nations concerned
here are certainly aware of the con-
sequences of U.S. military aid to
Egypt. Their awareness has been
evident in the events of weeks past.
Last month, for example, U.S. officials

arms picture
made very public their opposition .to
newly-established Israeli establish-
ments in occupied territories. Their
renewed chastisement was clearly
meant to put pressure on Israeli of-
ficials. When Sadat arrived in the U.S.
for talks last week, he was not hesitant
to admit he would be asking Carter to
place a flame under the Israeli
negotiating seat. And one has little
doubt that, sometime during the cour-
se of private talks with Carter, Sadat
discussed the sale of arms as a
leverage device. With Sadat's
boisterous appearance before the
Congress Wednesday, in which he
pledged to "raise hell" should Egypt
be denied the weapons it requested, the
true intent of the Egyptian president's
latest pilgrimage became obvious. The
theatrics were used to pressure Israel
as well.
So far, it has worked. Israeli Prime
Minister Menachem Begin said
yesterday that any arms sale to Egypt
would be a "very negative develop-
ment in the Middle East peace
process." Israel is obviously aware of
the pressure being exerted on it by the
possible partnership on arms between
the U.S. and Sadat.
Clearly, there is no better time or
method for the U.S. toplace pressure
on Israeli leaders to negotiate more
fairly with the Egyptians. Carter could
conceivably threaten to cut off portions
of economic and military aid to Israel
at this point - a move which would
place the country in a desperate
predicament - but he can and should
choose to implement pressure in a less
direct and harmful way.
Ideally, the U.S. should sell arms to
no one. But in this one special instance,
a weapons sale could potentially result
in peace.

The Mob
The New York Times splashed
the story across the cover of its
magazine section with a headline
that would have done justice to troversy t
the coming of world war III. The arrival in
article, entitled, "The Mob Gam- misplaced,
bles on Atlantic City," detailed the situatio
the inroads made by organized disease,
crime in a town where voters "Illegal
gave the nod to legalized gam- sickness,
being over a year ago. While the traditional
facts aren't all in yet, the result org saied
seems to be final-when the tshet
roulette wheels in Atlantic City has helped
start spinning, everybody's Il 1976,
favorite Godfathers will be taken in Al
cashing in their chips. wide poll fi
APPARENTLY, underworld
figures who rendezvous at subur- If
ban Italian restaurants andJ
$75,000 weddings have instan
engineered a financial killing in a
town that may become the Las
Vegas of the east. Their in- cent of tt
volvement extends primarily to thought g
the acquisition of legitimate legal. Som
businesses, but attempts to in- cpitalize
filtrate state licensed casino legalizing
operations are being closely wat- Undoubted
ched by law enforcement agen- when a n
cies. Because such efforts by magic lette
organized crime supplement it would pr
their illegal activities elsewhere, as a junket1
their very presence in Atlantic
City has prompted respectable UNFORTt
institutions like the Times' and recogn
editorial page to wave a cautious 'have gone
finger, and to suggest that legalized
organized crime and legalized mechanism
gambling may inevitably remain ting in New
silent partners. licensed ca:
It nothing else, the Mob in this Atlantic Ci
instance is the victim of bad tight grip on
press. All the fanfare and con- legalize, th

hat 'surrounds their
Atlantic City is sorely
since assessments of
on there attack not the
but the symptom.
gambling" is the
and if it has
lly been a part of
crime; it is because
by making it illegal,
to organize it.
when the vote was
Mantic City, a nation-
found that eighty per

vantage of the enormous tax
revenues that such endeavors
have to offer. Given this lucrative
tax source local officials are un-
derstandably reluctant to make
gambling not only legal, but
totally free from state control.
As long as the state remains
unwilling to remove its hands
from the gambling pot,
"organized crime" will continue
- to play a role in American
wagering. As the experience of
New York bookies testifies, their

takes a
By Rod Kosann

bum rap

uothing else, the Mob in this
ice is the victim of bad press.

flooded by competitors trying to
meet a demand that far outstrips
the supply. Mob interests in
gambling would be completely
legitimate, or would fade into ob-
scurity as did the legendary
bootleggers who earned their for-
tune off prohibition.
However the legalization of
gambling will probably remain a
hodge-podge affair. One city will
slowly go legit, then another, and
so on. The rate of legalization will
be so slow that "organized
crime" will easily keep pace.
Local governments will refuse to
give up their tax dollars, and in
that sense they resemble a loser
after a long night - never
knowing when to leave the tables.
All this talk about wagers and
organized crime causes one to
reflect on what once seemed like
innocent summer camp poker
games. As we boldly upped our
antes from a nickle to a dime we
would boastfully whisper that our
betting technically made the
game illegal. We possessed no
sense of either the politics or
economics of the situation at the
time. Looking back, it is just as
well that our gaming lacked legal
sanction, and didn't occur under
the auspices of any state-
controlled card hall. If it had, the
Mob would most certainly have
tried to muscle in on the action.
Rod Kosann is a regular con-
tributor to the Daily's Editorial

;he American public
ambling should be
e states attempted to
on that sentiment by
bingo and lotteries.
ly, they hoped that
minister barked the
er at a church bazaar,
ovide the same thrill
to Vegas.
UNATELY, it doesn't,
izing that some states
further to promote
gambling through
s like off-track bet-
York, and the tightly
sinos that will open in
ty. By maintaining a
n the gambling they do
ese localities take ad-

business is better when the state
has one foot in the door of the
OTB parlor or casino. After get-
ting a taste for the sport at a
licensed gaming house, bettors
go to private, sometimes Mob-
owned institutions, where higher
odds are given, winnings go
unreported, and in return don't
have to be shared with big
brother. The chairman of OTB
testified to this when he said,
"illegal gambling has the, best
partner in the world-the gover-
nment. We just can't compete."
IF THE government would
withdraw completely from the
gambling business, market for-
ces would take over. The gam-
bling marketplace would be

Nazis don 't have



Clear the walks-please.

[ OW MANY times have you fa
on the Diag this week?
Rumbling machinery sweeping si
off the Diag is a familiar sight tf
days, but all the activity does not si
to be doing much to prevent ev4
one from slipping and sliding their'
toward bruised arms and legs.
Lately, trudging to class has ta
on the challenge of walking throug
revolving tunnel at a carnival
. Though the snow is being remoi
,'the long grey patches and hunks of
are not. Plant Operations Head Doar
Wendel says the University has doi
"good job" removing "a tremend
'quantity of ice," but clearly, the
that has been done is insufficient.
For most of us, the hazard
sidewalks are merely an inconven
ce. But for the elderly and handi(
ped on campus, conditions are
simply treacherous - they are]
NEW DELHI-Fears are growing here
that the government's determination to
impose orthodox Hindu values on the en-
tire country may threaten the civil and
political liberties restored to- the
population only last March, at the end of
Indira Gandhi's 21-month-long emergen-
Since taking power from Gandhi in last
March's elections, the Janata Party
government of Prime Minister Morarji
Desai has made the promotion of
traditional Hindu values and culture one
of its top priorities.
SPURRED ON BY the right-
wing Hindu nationalist Jana
Sangh Party, the most powerful member
'of the five-party Janata coalition, and by
= Desai's own fanatical devotion to Hin-
duism, the government has called for
complete prohibition of liquor, a con-
stitutional ban on the slaughter of sacred
cows, the use of Hindi as India's only of-
ficial language (even though the country
has 14 languages), and a general "Hin-
duization" of the entire society.
Given India's long history of com-
munal tension, this has begun to alarm

The University needs more effective
methods of clearing the sidewalk ice. A
first suggestion might be for the
heavier use of salt. If that doesn't
work, maintenance crews should be
directed to get out there and physically
chop the ice up and haul it away. Of-
ficials should not hesitate to use any
means of getting the sidewalks cleared
- even if it requires putting people to
work at night on the problem. Other-
wise, this ice may just sit there until
the first thaw in April.
It would be unreasonable to expect
the University to remove every bit of
ice and snow, but there is no reason
why the main walkways - such as the
Diag - cannot be successfully cleared.
Theextra labor required for such a
task may cost some additional bucks,
but it will easily be made up for in the
prevention of concussions, broken lim-
bs and lawsuits.

To The Daily:
I feel compelled to respond to
your editorial regarding the
decision of the Illinois Supreme
Court to allow the American Nazi
Party to march, displaying their
swastika, in Skokie. Two points of,
the editorial seem to require
rebuttal: 1) The ruling itself; and
2) the "best policy" you suggest
in dealing with the march, should
the U.S. Supreme Court uphold
the decision.
In cases such as this in the past,
the so-called doctrine of
"Fighting Words" has been em-
played in court rulings. The doc-
trine blocks the right of free
speech when the speech
represents a deliberate
provocation.Cancthe Illinois
Supreme Court claim that the
sight of a swastika is not a
deliberate provocation in Skokie
where ten per cent of the village
population are survivors of
Hitler's death camps? And an
even more basic question is
whether or not the first amen-
dment guarantees the "right" to
preach genocide.
The policy expressed by the'
Daily's editorial staff for respon-
.se to the march, that of total non-
response, is at the same time
both totally unrealistic and
wholly unacceptable. Even if the
streets of Skokie were empty of
protestors, the media publicity
would be enormous. Whether or
not the march takes place, all
aspects of the media have given
Frank Collin all the publicity he
needs. Yet, even if non-response
was possible, it would not be an
acceptable form of replial. If
someone comes to your doorstep

and cries for the death of you and
your family, do you protect him
under free speech? By marching
in Skokie, which is perhaps the
heart of the Jewish community in
the Chicago area, the Nazis are in
effect coming to our doorsteps,
and this can in no way be
tolerated. A lack of protest by
Jews and Blacks might generate
the opinion that the Nazis are
more powerful than they are, and
encourage a growth of the
fascism they espouse. We must
let the world know that the
holocaust will not happen again.
-Gary Kay
defending A llen
To The Daily:
As a Republican party official
serving in the capacities of 2nd
Congressional District Youth
Vice-Chairperson, Chairperson of
the 2nd Congressional District
Republican Youth Organization
and as Vice-President of the
University of Michigan
Republicans, I was appalled that
Susan Greenberg, Democratic
candidate for councilperson 1st
Ward, had the audacity to claim:
"Republicans don't like Wendell
Allen. He has been an em-
barrassment to them for the past
two years."~
No statement could be further
from the truth or come from a
more unqualified source. Since
when has Susan Greenberg, a
Democratic candidate, become
the apostle of Ann Arbor
Republican sentiment?
Let me state unequivocally
my executive committee's
unanimous approval of coun-

cilperson Allen's exceptional per-
formance on Ann Arbor City
Council. No council candidate has
worked harder for the best in-
terests of his constituents than
Wendell Allen. His votes against
the Sunset Woods housing project
and support for the Public Houing
Tenants Organization have am-
ply demonstrated this.,
It is obvious from Ms. Green-
berg's attempted smear that she
has no real issues or convictions
on which to campaign. For
example, her statement that the
University must provide more
housing for students is nothing
but an evasion of the issue.
Students are not stupid; they
know that the University will not
provideranymore housing. Fur-
thermore, Democratic can-
didates have been saying this
ever since I moved to Ann Arbor
three years ago. Witness Coun-
cilperson Morris's and Mayor Al
Wheeler's campaign literature, it
all promises to improve the
situation . . . but we're still
waiting for the results.
If councilperson Allen is an
embarrassment to anyone on
council, it is the Democrats who
have been upstaged by the
"progressiveness" of Ann Ar-
bor's Republican party and their
lead in bringing back.people into
the Republican party. Wendell
Allen has proven to me that the
black people's interest lie in. the
Republican party, something the
Democrats just can't fathom. It
is for these reasons that Ann Ar-
bor Republicansrhaveso much
affection and respect for 1st
Ward Councilperson Wendell
-Mark Straton
2nd Congressional District
Republican Youth
the mayor question
To The Daily:
"Prof. Michael Morris argues
that the votes of the Township
Twenty, who cast ballots for
mayor even though they did not
lve in the city, were not illegal.
Instead, he says, they were
"inadvertent," and since every
election has some small
mistakes, we should all be quiet
about Mayor Wheeler's one-vote
The law requires that voters be
registered at an address inside
the city. The Township Twenty
were not so registered, even
though they thought they were.
Therefore, the votes which were
cast were not according to law,
and were illegal. They were not
criminal, however, just
mistaken. As the Michigan
Cnr , (nnr and the Vnrt of

wvant to know who would have
been mayor if only legal votes
had been counted. In this election
we know that at least 20 illegal
votes were counted, and the elec-
tion was decided by a margin of
one. Pardon me for doubting that
the margin would still be one if
those illegal votes were excluded.
We should all hope for a speedy
resolution of the current lawsuit,
and not be making comments
about how the suit might be
drawn out until the next election,
and how the Republicans are
wasting their time as 'Prof.
Morris does. I hope Mayor
Wheeler comes out ahead, but if
the Republican should have won
the election, he should be seated
by the court.
-David Cahill
Law '74


New threats to


new liberties

By Michael Chinoy

Communalism and the Writing of Indian
History-were written during the past 13
years, and have become standard texts
in high school and college history courses
throughout the country. The authors,
professors Romila Thapar, Amalesh
Tripathi, Bipan Chandra and Harbans
Mukhia, are among India's most widely
respected historians.
In mid-January, however, an
anonymous memorandum (believed to
have been composed by members of the
Jana Sangh) was sent to Desai, charging
that books contained "objectionable
material ... with a view of the image of
the country far removed from our

Pacific News Service, said Desai "felt
the books contained a very large element
of controversial and biased material and
readers are likely to acquire a biased
view of Indian history ...
"PM (Desai) thought that the
Education Ministry might consider with-,
drawing the books from circulation ...
he suggests that similar other
publications be examined from the same
point of view, and similar steps taken to
insure that readers do not get wrong
ideas about the various elements in our
history and culture," the note added.
Then, last fall, without having infor-

floor of the Lok Sabha (Parliament),
calling them "horrible, because they
belittle the Hindus and encourage the
The authors, none of whom are
Muslims, deny any communal bias in
their work. They charge instead that
suppression of the books is a politically
motivated act designed to root out in-
tellectuals who disagree with the Hindu
chauvinist view of Indian society and the
history the government is currently
But members of the Jana Sangh have
intensified their attacks in recent weeks,
expanding them to include Jawaharal
Nehru University (JNU) in New
Delhi-India's most respected graduate
research center-where three of the four
scholars teach.
Accusing the university of supporting
"communist-oriented" projects, various
Jana Sangh politicians have called for a
government inquiry into the entire
university. In addition, the most
prominent of the four historians, Dr.
Romila Thapar, a frequent contributor to
the British Broadcasting Company

Yost shooting
To The Daily:
Picture this. It's Friday night
at Yost Ice Arena, after the hock-
ey game. The ice rink is filled
with people, especially young
children. Suddenly a blast goes
off. In the bleachers, two young
employees of Yost are shooting
pigeons with a twelve-gauge shot-
John Dillon, from the firearms
department of Fischer Har-
dware, was alarmed to hear
about this incident that happened
after the February 3 UM-Notre
Dame game. According to Dillon,
a twelve-gauge shotgun carries
the largest diameter ammunition
shell, and carries the most
amount of lead bibi's. If fired in-
doors, there is a definite chance
of one or more of these pellets
richocheting and hitting some-
one. The lead pellets are capable
of permanently damaging an eye,
or seriously cutting a person in
Is the University going -to allow
this incident to go unnoticed?
People such as those two m-
ployees at Yost Ice Arena a e ir-
responsible, and shouldn't even
be allowed to touch firearms. As
these two Yost employees were
coming off the bleachers after
their spree, with the shotgun
carelessly aimed towards the ice,
they were approached and asked
why they were shooting indoors.
They answered," It's JUST a
twelve-gauge shotgun and pigeon
When these same Yost employ-
ees were asked if they knew they
could possibly hit someone with a
ricocheting pellet, one answered,
"Well, we'll just have to bury
them outside like the pigeons."

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