Page 2-Tuesday, January 31, 1978-The Michigan Daily
Food Co-op buys
The new county jail:
its own
Winter squash, curly broccoli, dim-
pled cheese and rosy fruits that pereni-
cally reside at the Packard People's
Food Co-op can rest assured they'll
never be tossed out in the cold. Rather
than wait for an eviction notice, the Co-
op yesterday bought the building it has
been renting for the past five years.
The unanimous decision to buy the
building was made earlier this month in
an emergency meeting at the Co-op.
"I HOPE this will start a trend for
community organizations," said co-op
member Bill Dobbs. "It's very import-
ant for them to own their own build-
The co-op had been looking for a new
storefront for over a ,year. Meanwhile,
the building's owner, Art Smith had
decided to sell the property, leaving the
co-op without a lease for several mon-
The emergency meeting was called
when Smith was offered $35,000 for the
building by the co-op's neighbor, The
Spaly Group, Inc., a real estate firm.
ACCORDING to co-op members,
relations between Spaly and the co-op
have been strained. They said the coop
had reason to believe it would be evict-
ed if the company bought the building.
The only promising alternative to the
house-turned-storefront was another
house located across the street. It was
larger, had parking available, but was
twice as expensive. When the coop was
refused a bank mortgage on the new
house, co-op members ruled it out.
To buy its present quarters, the Peo-
ple's Food Co-op was required to match
the price offered by th Spaly Group. In
fact, Smith had made the terms so
favorable for the co-op that real estate
salesman George Fahmie, while advis-
ing the co-op on the sale, joked that if it
didn't buy, the building, he would.
Sorry George.
boon or b
Is the new Washtenaw County Jail a
$10 million boondoggle or a long-over-
due remedy to the currently over-
crowded facility on West Ann Street?
County Jail Administrator Mike Mon-
tgomery and University law school
Prof. David Chambers discussed this
question at last night's annual meeting
of the Washtenaw Community Bail
TO MONGTOMERY, the new jail in
Ypsilanti Township near Washtenaw
Community College, is "one of a kind."
The jail's innovative design has already
sparked national and international
curiosity, he added.
Montgomery and Chambers both
acknowledged that the major problem
with the current jail is its over-
crowding. The present facility can hold
124 inmates. But, the jail must now hold
an average of 165 inmates a week, Mon-
tgomery said.
In the past, surrounding county jails
have handled Washtenaw's overflow.
Some of Washtenaw's inmates have
been held in facilities as far as 100 miles
from Ann Arbor.
Washtenaw inmate who was instituted
as a trustee at the Isabelle County jail.
The inmate also had arranged to have
pizza brought into the jail every night.
Needless to say, that man did not want
to come back to Ann Arbor to stand
trial, Chambers said.
The new jail should help the over-
crowding problem "in the short run,"
Chambers said. But, since the county
"will instantly have a surge in size, we
don't know what the judge's response
will be," he added.
He pointed out that in the past, the
overcrowding has provided leverage
for such groups as the Community Bail
Fund to have prisoners released on
IN SPITE OF the nearly completed
jail's features-including single cells,
an indoor gymnasium and complete
medical and dental facilities-Mon-
tgomery emphasized it is only a
physical structure that will be only as
good as the rehabilitation programs
underway within it.
To Chambers, the quality of those
programs will also depend on the prison
"We may have the best medical
facilities in the country, but what can
we do if no one gets the message that an
inmate needs help?" he said. "Who
makes the decision of who goes into the
padded cell?"
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Daily Photo by BRAD BENJAMIN
Barbed wire frames this view of Washtenaw County's new $10,000,000 jail, which
is located in Ypsilanti Township.
Senate group alters
Panama. pact
WASHINGTON (AP) - A Senate memo with
committee, alarmed by Panamanian came about
warnings that a second plebiscite BUT OVE
might be necessary on the Panama of 10 sena
Canal Treaty, scrapped, a previous Majority Le
action yesterday and found another Calif.), an
way to incorporate U.S. security (R-Vt.), w
guarantees into the pact. treaty expe
On a pair of 14-to-1 votes, the tacking of a
Senate Foreign Relations Committee would make
sent the treaty to the Senate, with datory.
recommendations that it be ratified After an
at the end of an expected two to five staffers, di
weeks of debate, withdraw ti
THE CHANGE involves inclusion mended ins
in the treaty language of an Oct. 14 meadd -theC
memorandum of understanding ial - the Ca
which was agreed to - but not signed inserted ir
- by President Carter and Pana- articles oft
manian leader Omar Torrijos. The the pact ra
memo spells out a U.S. right of prior- ated as a 1
ity access to the canal in emergen- agreement
cies and a right to use military force States to re
to defend the waterway. Senate waterway t
leaders say this must be included if year 2000.
the pact has any chance of passage. Yesterdad
Last Friday the committee voted Senate to y,
13 to 1 to recommend Senarte adoption the mative
of a new article for the treaty,
incorporating the Carter-Torrijos ity.
an explanation of how it
ER the weekend, a group
ators led by Assistant
eader Alan Cranston (D-
d Sen. Robert Stafford,
ere told by Panamanian
rts that, in their view, the
anew article onto the pact
e another plebiscite man-
emergency meeting with
he committee decided to
he Friday vote. It recom-
tead that the same mater-
arter-Torrijos memo - be
each of two existing
the neutrality portion of
ther than being incorpor-
new article. A companion
provides for the United
elinquish control over the
o the Panamanians by the
y's action left it to the full,
decide whether to amend
which requires only the
votes of a simple major-
Carter to ask halt
on atomic
(Continued from Page 1)
their satellite was designed to be
destroyed during its fall and that it
would not explode.
The President said he knew no
more than the public knows about
what searchers have found in- Can-
CANADIAN officials said earlier in
the day that two American wildlife
scientists had found radioactive
wreckage from the satellite, which
plunged to earth Jan. 24, cutting a 9-
to 10-foot crater into ice on the Thelon
River in the Northwest Territories.
The wreckage was described as
structural tubing and a smashed
metal canister.
The two Americans showed no
signs of radioactive contamination,
the officials said.
At his wide-ranging news confer-
ence, Carter also said:
" Rejection of any phase of his tax,
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jobs and inflation-fighting programs
could aggravate the nation's econom-
ic problems. He said success depends
on "a very careful balance" between
conflicting priorities.
If necessary, the President said, he
would try to exert influence on
Congress and through the American
people to keep his programs intact.
" He has no intention at this time to
intercede in the nation's coal strike
by invoking the Taft-Hartley Act,
which would require miners to return
to work for an 80-day cooling off
period. Nonetheless, he conceded
that prospects for an end to the strike
do not look good.
The President said he hoped the
United Mine Workers and the coal
operators would speed up a resolu-
tion to their dispute.
" Egypt has asked the United
States for F-5E fighter planes and
Israel and other Middle East nations
have requested weapons as well.
Carter said his National Security
Council will make recommendations
this week and he will decide later this
week what to recommend to Con-
Carter said he does not have "a
map or a plan" for Mideast boun-
daries to offer visiting Egyptian
President Sadat later this week.
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