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January 31, 1978 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1978-01-31

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See Today for details

Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 100 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, January 31, 1978 Ten Cents 8 Pages

must go
WASHINGTON (AP) - President
Carter promised yesterday to ask the
Soviet Union not to send up any more
atomic satellites like the one that fell
on Canada and said "we would be
glad to forego the deployment of any
such satellites altogether."
Calling for more rigid precautions
among all nations, the President said
the United States and the Soviet
Union should try to develop a
"sure-fire" safety system to keep
such nuclear power satellites from
falling to earth or into the atmos-
"IF WE CANNOT evolve those fail-
safe methods," Carter said, "then I
think there ought to be a total prohi-
bition against earth orbiting satel-
lites. I would favor at this moment an
agreement with the Soviets to pro-
hibit earth orbiting satellites with
atomic or radiation material in
Carter spoke at a nationally tele-
vised news conference, his second
this year. He pledged to pursue the
"fail safe" system and the atomic-
satellite ban with the Soviet Union.
Carter said the Soviets had told him
See CARTER, Page 2

Middle East
military talks
resume toda

JERUSALEM (AP) - Egyptian-
Israeli military negotiations on the
future of the occupied Sinai peninsula
will resume tonight in Cairo, spokes-
men in Jerusalem and Cairo an-
nounced yesterday.
Israel said Defense Minister Ezer
Weizman and his negotiating team
will leave for Cairo earlier today.
WORD OF the resumption came as
U.S. mediator Alfred Atherton hand-
carried an Israeli proposal for a dec-
laration on overall peace principles
to Cairo after a final meeting yester-
day with Israeli Foreign Minister
Moshe Dayan in Jerusalem.
The assistant secretary of state
helped write the draft in a week of
talks with Israeli leaders. Talking to
reporters in Cairo, he said those
negotiations "advanced matters a
bit" but declined to go beyond that
statement before meeting Egyptian
Weizman and his Egyptian coun-
terpart, Mohamed Abdel Ghany Ga-
massy, recessed their military talks
Jan. 13 in deadlock over the future of
the 20 Jewish settlements established
by Israel on the northern and
southern edges of the Sinai Penin-


PARALLEL political negotiations
snagged the following week when
Egyptian President Anwar Sadat
recalled his foreign minister from
Jerusalem. At the urging of Presi-
dent Carter, Sadat did not halt the
military talks, but Israel delayed
sending Weizman back to the Egyp-
tian capital until Egypt tempered a
series of anti-Israeli attacks in the
Cairo press.
Officials in Jerusalem say the
formula worked out between Israel
and the United States on the critical
Palestinian question may clear the
way to complete Egyptian-Israeli
peace principles.
"Israel has gone a long way" in
making concessions, said one official
who asked not to be ide'ntified. "We
think it can be accepted by Egypt."
AGREEMENT with Egypt on the
principles would constitute a high
point in the 11-week-old Israeli-Egyp-
tian search for peace and could spark
resumption of political negotiations
in Jerusalem.
Some officials speculated Sadat
may hold up his reply until after talks
with President Carter this weekend.

Mu sh!

With a big party in the works and a big snow blanketing the ground, these resourceful University students dust off the
ol' sleigh to haul their brew home from Campus Corners.

in S. Africa
says expert
"The apartheid structure (of South Africa) will be
toppled-of that there is no doubt whatsoever."
With that bold declaration, Ted Lockwood of the Wash-
ington Office on Africa last night stirred a Rackham
Auditorium crowd who attended the first installment in the
long-awaited "University Forum on Corporate Investment in
South Africa."
LOCKWOOD SAID the people who are engaged in the
struggle against apartheid, a system of racial segregation
and discrimination in South Africa, are asking a simple
question: "Whose side are you on?"
"To continue with business as usual," he said, "means
that the fight to topple apartheid will be longer, bloodier, and
more dangerous."
Lively applause rose from the audience when Lockwood
said, "Not since Hitler has there been such a combination of
racism and fascist repression."r
LOCKWOOD, WHO has been director of the Washington
Office since 1972, said "South Africa is the only country in the
world, with the possible exception of Rhodesia, which openly
and systematically bases its legal, economic, and political
system entirely on racism."
Lockwood quoted liberally from the recent report by the

The Fi'rst Ward tussle
No matter how you slice it, Ann F.
Arbor's First Ward is considered
"safe" for Democrats. A pie-shaped
section of the city stretching north
and northwest from the intersection
of Packard and State Streets, this
heterogeneous ward embraces all the
traditional Democratic party an-
chors - students, in South and West
Quads, and large blocks of blacks
and elderly citizens.
In fact, the ward has been consid-
ered so safe for Democrats that in ;
1976, most First Ward residents f
didn't even bother to cast their
cit elctons'7

Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Africa which
called the performance of U.S. corporations in South Africa
"Collectively,, United States corporations operating in
South Africa made nh significant impact on relaxing apar-
theid or in establishing company policies which would offer a
limited but never-the-less important model of international
responsibility," he read from the report.
"THE NET EFFECT of American investment has been to
strengthenthe economic and military self-sufficiency of South
Africa's apartheid regime, undermining the fundamental
goals of U.S. foreign policy.",
Lockwood, who favors an all out economic sanction on
South Africa despite the reluctance of the U.S. government to
do so, said, "To impose a hold on U.S. corporate investments
See S. AFRICAN, Page 8

ballots. Electorate apathy, particu-
larly among students, combined with
a vote split between the liberals -
Democratic and Socialist Human
Rights Party (SHRP) - resulted in
an upset that sent Republican Wen-
dell Allen to City Council.
ALLEN IS presently running for a
second two-year term, but the one-
time Cinderella candidate now has
the incumbent's advantage in his
contest against Democrat Susan
BUT AS A Republican running in a
See FIRST, Page 8 .

Allen: 'I've been Greenberg Re-
a n e S Gnberg Re
an mbarrassment1 publicans don't likei
to the Democrats on Wendell Allen. He
Council. They think has been an embar-

if, yo




to them



for the past


be poor.


Cancelled classes
won't be made up
Despite the chills and sometimes spills, last week's storm has improved
student life in at least one way: the two-days of missed classes will not
have to be made up.
Ernest Zimmerman, assistant to the vice president for academic
affairs, said yesterday that the University calendar will stay just the way it
is. That means the dates of the last day of class, study days, final exams
and commencement exercises will remain as they are in the published
ZIMMERMAN'S OFFICE, however, has urged faculty members to take
"appropriate steps to make up work which was missed because of the can-
cellation of classes on Thursday and Friday."
Meanwhile, University Chief Financial Officer James Brinkerhoff an-
nounced yesterday that all University employes-including clerical, tech-
nical and unionized workers-will be paid for last Thursday and Friday
despite the suspension of University operations.

Are we destined for Seafarer?

Though President Carter has publicly
endorsed Project Seafarer, it's unclear
if the controversial submarine com-
munication system is destined for the
state's upper peninsula.
Carter said last week he supported
Seafarer, reversing his previous oppos-
ing stance to the system.
"I DO THINK we need that com-
munications system," Carter told a
group of news editors, "but I am very
committed to be sure that nothing is
done to disturb the quality of life of the
people there."
Jim Purks, assistant White House
press officer, said Carter's reference to
"there" did not necessarily mean
"The President has not made a firm
commitment on the location as of yet,"
Purks said in a telephone interview.

fense officials say could trigger a nu-
clear attack.
The Navy originally wanted 2,400
miles of underground cables, but envi-
ronmentalists and state officials, in-
cluding Governor Milliken, opposed the
The current Seafarer plan under con-
sideration would hook-up with a trans-
mitter at Sawyer Air Force Base in the
Upper Peninsula, which would receive
micro-wave signals from another sta-
tion at Clam Lake, Wisconsin.
THE CLAM LAKE station, located in
the middle of a national forest, has been
operating for the past eight years and
currently communicates with sub-
merged submarines.
Paul Bergschneider, engineer in
charge of Seafarer at Clam Lake, said

the current communication project was
chosen over several others, including
one plan calling for one-mile deep an-
tenna tunnels. He said the project Car-
ter is reviewing, although more vul-
nerable to, enemy attack than the
others, has the cheapest installation
price - about $300 million.
Admiral Clyde Bell, director of Naval
Communication, said the proposed.
system would be adequate in providing
the U.S. with first-strike potential.
"IT WILL NOT do as much as the lar-
ger system," Bell said, "but it will be
sufficient in providing for national se-
Bill Restom, special assistant to the
governor, said Milliken was "upset"
with Carter's support of Seafarer and
said the governor will make a personal
response within a few days.

"We're not clear if the president is
supporting it or not," Restom said.
"The governor certainly hopes the
president will abide by his promise to
the people of Michigan."
Other state officials were also wary
of Carter's decision.
"He's promised more than he intend-
ed to follow through on," said Rep.
Perry Bullard. "It's obvious he is re-
sponding to military pressure."
IN MARQUETTE, a northern Michi-
gan city which lies in the path of Sea-
farer, several protests have been
staged. Unofficial votes in that city
show opposition running as high as
eight to bne.
"People are violently opposed to it,"
said Craig Swanson, city editor of the
Marquette Mining Journal. "The Pen-
tagon sent some people up here for a
session to tell their side of the story, but
I haven't heard of anyone who has

A "-"

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