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January 25, 1978 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1978-01-25

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The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, January.25, 1978-Page 3

Voter confusion
Maybe you've noticed that practically every newspaper in the coun-
try has had something to say about the Ann Arbor voters case and the
"Township 20." Maybe you've noticed too that every paper seems to have
a different idea of how many voters were involved. For the record, here's
the straight story. Of all the people who were mistakenly registered, 23
actually voted. When the city tried to subpoena them, however, only 20
could be located - hence, the "Township 20" tag. The confusion is
because Susan VanHattum was not the first to testify (or more correctly,
to refuse to testify). Before she was called, three of the 20 did reveal their
votes: two for Wheeler and one for Belcher. So now there are 17.
Sentences reduced
North Carolina Governor James
Hunt told a statewide television aud-
ience Monday night he was reducing
the sentences of a group of im-
prisoned civil rights activists known .
as the "Wilmington Ten." Under the
new sentences, all but one of thek
group would be eligible for parole
this year. The exception was the.
Rev. Ben Chavis, the group's leader,
who will be eligible for parole in
1980. Amnesty International classi-
fies the "Wilmington Ten" as politi- .
cal prisoners. United Nations Am- h
bassador Andrew Young has said he "'.
considers the activists innocent of
the arson and conspwracy charges of
which they were convicted in 1972C
House watchers
The state of California faced a
dilemma when Gov. Edmund
"Jerry" Brown refused to move into
the 12,000-square-foot governor's
j k mansion. Instead, he occupied a
$250-a-month apartment within
walking distance of the state Capi-
tol, and the state and was left with
the problem of finding suitable occu-
pants. This week, however, the
problem was solved when two
couples were selected as caretakers
for the sumptuous estate. The cou-
ples, Lonnie and Mildred Eastmade
and Ruth and James Bryner, will get
$800 a month each for providing 24-
hour security for the governor's
.' abode. Former GQv. Ronald Reagan
commissioned the residence.
... feature an all-day film festival presented by the office of Minority
Student Services in the multi-purpose room of the UGLI. Heritage of
Slavery will be shown at 12:15 and 7:20 p.m., Dupont Guy at 2:15 and 9:20
p.m., Guilty by Reason of Race at 1:20 and 8:25 p.m., Broken Treaty at
Battle Mountain at 3:05 p.m., Our Land is Our Life at 4:05 p.m., Murals of
East Los Angeles at 5:15 p.m., Yo So Chicano at 5:50 p.m. and Why We
Boycott at 6:50 p.m. ... the Commission for Women holds a meeting in
Rm. 2549 of the LSA Building ... also at noon, a series on European travel
will be presented at the International Center, 603 E. Madison ... then at 2
p.m., the Student Organizations Board is offering a publicity seminar for
student groups on campus in conference Room 162 of the Union ... an in-
formational meeting will be held at 7:30 by Peer Counselors in Assertive-
ness Training in East Quad's Green Lounge ... at 8 p.m., a free film will
be shown at Max Kade German House, Oxford Housing, entitled Bottom-
ein grosser, grau-blauer Vogel, with English sub-titles ... and the day's
events wrap up with a benefit for the Ann Arbor Gay Community Services
Center, at which poet Allen Ginsberg will appear. The event runs from 9
to 11 p.m. at the center, 612 S. Forest, Apartment B.

Sn ow yskyline AP Photo
Ice and snow decorates the southern tip of New York City's Manhattan Island, bringing the city to a virtual standstill after a record snowfall clobbered the,
East Coast last Friday.

Killings reported in,
Equatorial Guinea

:?«: .k:

DOUALA, Cameroon (AP) - Tens of
thousands of persons are reported to
have been executed or to have vanished
without a trace in the little more than
nine years since neighboring
Equatorial Guinea gained indepen-
dence from Spain. Almost half the
population has fled, and those remain-
ing live in an atmosphere of terror.
Diplomats and refugees paint a grim
picture of life in the isolated land, situ-
ated at the great bend in Africa's west
coast just north of the Equator. They
say dissent is punished by death and the
most frequent method of execution is by
soldiers beating victims to death.
THE COUNTRY of 10,800 square
miles - barely larger than the state of
Maryland - has been ruled since the
end of the Spanish colonial administra-
tion in October 1968 by a former civil
servant, Macias Nguena Biyogo.
Most reporters - especially Western
correspondents - are barred from the
country, so first-hand confirmation of
conditions there is practically impossi-
ble. But refugees, diplomats, foreign
businessmen and technicians claim
(An atheist should be more than
just someone who knows there
are no gods)
American Atheists
Ann Arbor Chapter
Reason vs, Mysticism
Talk by Mich. Director
John Cruz
Followed by Open Forum
Literature Available
Mich. Union Ballroom
Wed., Jan. 25, 1978
for further information call
668-7388 or 721-6630

Macias, a member of the majority
Fang tribe, is backed by a ruthless
militia drawn from his own tribal dis-
trict and by hundreds of Cubans, Rus-
sians and Chinese. He has imposed an
ostensibly Marxist regime and expelled
all American diplomats.
An estimated 145,000 refugees -
almost half the country's original popu-
lation - have fled to neighboring Cam-
eroon and Gabon or to Nigeria or Spain.
There are no exact figures available on
the number of people killed, but trust-
worthy sources agree they must be
counted in the tens of thousands.
The sources say an atmosphere of
terror pervades the island of Fernando
Poo, once a relaxed pastel-hued settle-
ment of fishermen and vacationeers,
and the mainland enclave of Rie Muni
- the two parts of Equatorial Guinea:
They say the economy is shattered and
cocoa exports, the country's mainstay,
have fallen from 40,000 tons a year at
independence to 6,000 tons.

Women start out on the same footing as men in Air Force
ROTC. Women wear the same insignia and hold the same
adet positions in AFROTC.just as they do later on as Air
Force officersA
And the same AFROTC scholarship can be yours as a
woman. If you qualify.,you.can have yourt uition,.book costs
ndl abfees paid byt heA irFForce.a nd receive$ 100a n onth
for other expenses. It helps free you to concentrateo n youre
education.And that's important.
As an AirForceo fficer.y oulb ee expectedt ousey ourtrain
ing and education. and b ea l eader managing peopleanrdc
complex systems.You'll be handed executive responsibility
starting with your first job.I
Its a greatwaytobeequal. and a great way to serve your
country.Check into the AFROTC program aty our campusB
Be sure t oask about AFROTC scholarships - you may beh
elping yourselfe arnan e xcitingn ewlifestyle.G
CONTACT: Captain Terry Luettinger
764-2405 North Nall



Gateway to o great way of life.


u ~4 IllfRE BEAN OLGA.

On the outside .. .
Today and tomorrow should see a continuation of the snow which has
blanketed Ann Arbor since yesterday. The snowfall should let up for a few
hours in the morning, however. The total accumulation will be five to
seven inches. High temperature will be in the neighborhood of 280 and the
low close to 200.

To the Secret Sweethearts
In Your Life
Ads will be printed Tuesday, Feb. 14
All Valentine's Day ads must be pre- E

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