Page 2-Wednesday, January 18 1978-The Michigan Daily
Jordan: 'State of black
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.S. is grim
WASHINGTON (AP - The Nation-
al Urban League, describing the
state of black America as grim, said
yesterday that the broad tax cut
proposal being readied by President
Carter is unwise, and would not bene-
fit blacks or the nation's troubled
Any reduction in federal revenues
would "become an excuse for not
implementing vitally needed urban .
and social programs," said Vernon
Jordan, director of the moderate
civil rights group. .
THOUGH HIS statement was not
so harsh as the criticism he leveled at
Carter last July, when he said many
blacks feld "betrayed" by the Presi-
dent, Jordan made it clear that he is
dissatisfied with early reports on the
President's tax reform and urban
policy plans.
His remarks indicated Carter can
expect vocal opposition from black
leaders if they think the adminis-
tration's upcoming tax and urban
proposals do not benefit blacks and
the cities sufficiently.
There was no immediate reaction
from the White House.
In the league's third annual "State
of Black America" report, Jordan
said: "1977 was a year of contin-
ued depression, with unacceptably
high unemployment and a widening
income gap. Most Americans consid-
er that 1977 was a year of economic
recovery. We cannot share that
HE TOLD reporters, "Unemploy-
ment is an urgent and serious prob-.
lem in the black community." Asked
about President Carter's job policies,
Jordan replied, "We are disappoint-
'"The state of black America is
grim, and we expect the President to
be responsive to those needs," said
The Urban League director said,
"The administration must face up to
two basic realities. First - more,
much more, is needed by way of
federal actions to assist poor people
and the cities.
"SECOND, it must recognize that
the priority of balancing the budget
by 1981 cannot be reconciled with
more pressing priorities."
Jordan listed four main priorities
for the civil rights community: The
tax cut proposal, the administra-
tion's upcoming national urban pol-
icy, full employment legislation now
before Congress, and passage of a
A bicycle built for who?
Daily Photo by BRAD BENJAMIN
welfare reform package.
He said a tax cut should include in-
dividual reductions "limited to re-
placement of the increase in the
Social Security tax," as well as tax
breaks for businesses that invest in
high unemployment areas or to firms
that train and hire youth and the
long-term unemployed.
PRESIDENT Carter is said to be
considering a $25 billion tax cut,
much more than is needed to offset
Social Security tax increase. Jordan
said "it is unlikely that blacks and
the cities would materially benefit"
from such a tax cut.
He said published reports concern-
ing the Carter urban policy, now
being prepared by the White House,
"offer little encouragement for a
broad, urban Marshall Plan-type
program." He added, "Anything less
than that is unlikely to -reverse the
deterioration of our cities."
Black leaders seek quick congress-
ional action on the compromise
Humphrey-Hawkins full employment
bill. Jordan called the measure. "an
indispensable first step toward a full
employment economy."
Jordan opened yesterday's news
conference by describing the black
community's "sense of loss' in the
death of Sen. Hubert Humphrey. He
said passage of the full employment
bill "would be a fitting tribute," to
The compromise version of the
Humphrey-Hawkins bill, endorsed by
Carter, would set a goal of reducing
unemployment to four per cent by
1983. The current jobless rate is 6.4
per cent.- , x-a.
Carter to unvei ax reo
WASHINT ON AM(AP) - PrAP .fi lfln t uVilpt t1 +ha tta f th T4L i
Carter, preparing for the approach-
ing congressional -session, said yes-
terday that his State of the Union ad-
dress will focus on the economy and
that his immediate goal is final ac-
tion on an energy program.
His spokesman, meanwhile, pre-
dicted that Carter's tax plan, to be
unve e n s ta t e oine e Union
speech tomorrow night and in a tax
message to Congress two days later,
will be "the most comprehensive and
perhaps the most controversial tax
reform package presented in recent
IN A DAY spent meeting with con-
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gressional leaders and a group of the
more junior members, Carter and his
aides outlined his agenda for the'
second session of the 95th Congress,
which begins tomorrow.
Carter's domestic policy adviser,
Stuart Eizenstat, was reported to
have told a group of Democratic
Congress members first elected in
1974 and 1976 that the administration
would not present its promised
national health insurance program
until the end of the session.
Rep. James Florio, (D-N.J.), who
reported Eizenstat's Comroents, said
such a delay would effectively rule
out any congressional consideration
of the program before 1979. Carter
originally promised to send the
program to Congress early this year.
WHITE HOUSE press secretary
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Jody Powell said the tax revision "is
not as much as we would have liked
to do and not all that we will pro-
pose in this administration.'"
It is widely expected that Carter
will propose tax cuts totaling $25
billion and tax revisions that will fur-
ther reduce taxes by $10 billion.
Carter will deliver his State of the
Union speech in the House of-Repre-
sentatives chamber at 9 p.m. EST
tomorrow, and sign his economic,
tax, and budget messages at 10 a.n-,
EST the next morning
THE TAX MESSAGE will be deliV~
ered to Congress on Saturday morn-
ing and the budget on Monday morn-
ing. The economic message will be
made available Friday morning
when it is signed.
Carter will be out of Washington
during the weekend, giving a speech
in Atlanta Friday night and then
spending the weekend in Georgia.
Powell said the economic message
would be an attempt "to provide our
basic view of the economic situation
and our approach to it."
DURING THE morning, Carter
told the first- and second-term mem-
See STATE, Page 10
Storm, socks snow
and slush
By The Associated Press
Hundreds of midwest schools, fac-
tories and offices were forced to close
yesterday as a storm dumped- and
drifted one and a half feet of snow
before heading east. Another storm
brewing in the Rockies was expected
to sock the Great Plains by nightfall.
In California, flooding rains gave
way briefly to sunshine. The South-
east had sleet and freezing rain.
IN CAIRO, ILL., where 15 inches of
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snow was dumped overnight, one
resident described the storm this
way: "It's like the floor fell out of the
sky. It's incredible."
"Just about stifled," was the way
an airport weather forecaster
summed up Evansville, Ind., where
streets were silent and public build-
ings empty.
The spreading storm had reached
the New York City area by midafter-
noon, where National Guardsmen
and snow-clearing equipment were
waiting for what the National Weath-
er Service said would be a severe
beating - on the heels of a weekend
ice storm that saw thousands of Long
Island residents still without electri-
city yesterday.
the Midwest were storm-related.
Missouri, Kentucky and the south-
ern parts of Indiana and Illinois got
the worst clobbering.
For the second day, hundreds of
schools in eastern Missouri remained
closed. The Missouri Highway Patrol
said ramps on Interstate 55 in the
southeast were nearly impassable
because of snow drifts and high-
ways throughout the state were
snow-packed and icy.
Deputy Bob Scrivener of the Chris-
tian County sheriff's office in south-
western Missouri said roads there
were "slick as skinned beef, and it
doesn't lookany better."
"IT'S REAL QUIET. Nobody's out,
and people can't get out, but nobody's'
isolated. This is CB country," said
Deputy Clyde Crook of the Dade
County sheriff's office. He said
people with four-wheel vehicles and
citizen band radios were helping out
in emergencies.
Cape Girardeau had the heaviest
snowfall -14 inches - anti was shut
A temperature of 12-below was re-
ported at Kansas City International
Airport, tying the record for the date
set in 1930. It was the coldest reading
in Kansas City since the temperature
plunged to 13-below on Jan. 16, 1977.
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