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£j STE. 43UU
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See Today for details
Vol. LXXXV1II, No. 89 Ann Arbok, Michigan-Wednesday, January 18, 1978 Ten Cents WPages
Dormrent ma jum.4%in fall
By RICHARD BERKE increases include a student labor cost
Next year's dormitory rates will
rise by 7.4 per cent if the Regents ap-
prove a recommendation by the
University Rate Study Committee
next month.
This means that dormitory resi-
dents may pay up to $150 more to live
in University housing.
The recommendation calls for no
fundamental changes in housing
services. The rate hike intended to
compensate partially for what Hous-
ing Office officials estimate as an 8.2
per cent inflation increase next year.
UTILITY COST increases are the
largest contributors to higher Uni-
versity housing costs next year,
according to the committee. Gas,
electricity, heat, and steam costs are
expected to rise by 20 per cent. Other
increase of 12 per cent due to a higher
minimum wage and a food cost hike
of four per cent.
Composed of two voting student
members and two voting Housing
Office members as well as six non-
voting members, the committee
annually draws up a proposal speci-
fying housing rate increases. In most
cases, the Regents have approved
the committee's recommendations
without amendment.
After much debate, committee
members decided to give a break to
the 200 students living in economy
rooms by increasing their rates by
only three per cent.
said residents in economy rooms
shouldn't be given the 7.4 per cent
rate increase since they don't live in
anj ideal situation," said Norm
Snustad, Rate Study chairman and
acting associate housing director.
"Others said those people already
pay less for their rooms. .. so we
came upon a compromise."
The committee 'ecommendation
calls for single room leases to cost
$2,047.50; doubles to cost $1,759.50;
triples $1,552.50; triple suites $1,-
759.50; economy doubles costing
$1,478.25; and economy triples $1,-
Rates at Baits Housing on North
Campus will rise slightly more than
nine per cent if the recommendation
is approved. This increase, greater
than in traditional dorms, is part of
an effort to bring Baits rates on a par
with higher rates charged for the tra-
ditional dorms.
FAMILY HOUSING units, which
have greater costs than the dorms
due to inflation, face a proposed 13
per cent rate hike.
Rate Study considered pushing for
the return of paper towels in dorm
bathrooms. The proposal was voted
down, however; members said stu-
dents are adjusting to using their own
towels and it wouldn't be worth $8
more per student to bring them back.
The lack of paper towels in dorm
bathrooms met with considerable
resident dissatisfaction last fall.
The installation of soap dispensers
in dorm bathrooms also was voted
down, with committee members
stressing that there was little interest
in this relative to cost.
RATE STUDY also considered
several possibilities for increasing
revenue, all of which were voted
down or are still under consideration.
Housing Office staff members are
investigating a Rate Study sugges-
tion that the University purchase and
rent refrigerators toresidents. Im-
plementation of this measure de-
pends on whether the venture is
determined as profit-making. One
consideration is that refrigerator
rentals by the Housing Office would
cut into University Cellar revenues.
Rate Study members also dis
cussed the possibility of raising
washer/dryer rates, which were
already increased this year. Mem-
bers decided against this, however,
claiming that raising the rates would
likely diminish volume -to the point
that no added revenue would be
reacts to
new comp.
Reacting to the Literary College
(LSA) faculty's overwhelming approv-
al of a new English composition re-
quirement Monday, many departments
yesterday began considering ways to
fulfill their responsibilities under the
new plan.
The new requirement will call for
each LSA department to offer a writing
program for junior and senior concen-
trators beginning with the class of 1982.
The new program also calls for a
writing test for all entering students
and tutorial English courses for stu-
dents not up to the freshman compo-
ition level.
In the history department, Chairman
Marvin Becker is hoping to implement
a summer writing program for
teaching assistants. He hopes to offer
courses such as Historical Classics,
Literary History and Composition of
Becker realizes the plan "might en-,
tail extra work," but says that with the
assistance of the graduate students, the
history department can "avail itself to
a very good idea."
No such role is seen for the use of
graduate students in the physics de-
"We have essentially no upper level
courses in which graduate students
teach," reports Tris Coffin, the depart-
See NEW, Page 7 (
Egyptians demand
'an equal house' for
Palestinians at talks
JERUSALEM (AP) - New Middle
East peace talks opened yesterday
with an Egyptian demand for "an
equal house for the Palestinian
people" and a low-keyed Israeli call
for "concession, compromise and
mutual agreement."
Secretary of State Cyrus Vance,
staking out the middle ground, said
the common goal of Egypt, Israel
and the United States "and those
absent today" - Jordan, Syria, and
the Soviet Union - is a just, lasting
and comprehensive settlement.
THE STRONGLY worded state-
ment by Egyptian Foreign Minister
Mohammed Kamel contrasted with
the Israeli call for compromise,
highlighting sharp differences be-
tween them, the legacy of the 30-year
Later, at a news conference,
Israeli Foreign Minister Moshe Day-
an said everything is negotiable.
Every Egyptian proposal including
Palestinian statehood would receive
consideration, he said.
"The only thing we do not accept is
a kind of ultimatum - take it or
leave it.
THERE IS no deadlock," Dayan
told reporters, "but that doesn't
mean we are all doing wonderfully
The United States, claiming its
mantle as mediator, gave qualified
support to Palestinian self-determin-
ation but also said Israel was entitled
to secure borders and true peace.
The public speech-making by Ka-
mel, Dayan and Vance, in a spacious
hotel ballroom festooned with flags
and floral arrangements, lasted only
17 minutes.
AFTERWARDS, at an even briefer
closed session, Egypt and Israel ex-
changed position papers on the
Palestinian dispute and other key
elements of a. settlement and ad-
journed for the day.
Kamel declined without explana-
tion to hold a joint news conference
with Dayan and Vance.
Dayan held the conference on his
own and told reporters the Israeli
See EQUAL, Page 7
- Daily Photo by ALAN BILINSKY
A bright winter sun yielded this light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel view of
a Law Quad passageway yesterday.
Traver Knoll rent hike
Rt gers
In an action which could stall
settlemept negotiations between
striking tenants and their landlady,
management at Traver Knoll I apart-
ments has announced sharp rent
hikes beginning February 1.
Rent increases average about 27
per cent, according to Don Green-
spon, attorney for striking tenants
who label themselves the Traver
Knoll I Tenant's Union. Greenspon
said the increases have led to a
"retrogression" in rent negotiations
which began in December 1976 when
the rent strike started.
Fifty-two of the 112 apartments at
Traver Knoll I are withholding their
rent, demanding better maintenance
and consistent rent rates. Fifteen
court cases have been heard against
landlady Esther Snyder. The tenants
were awarded damages in all of the
cases. Nearly forty rent cases have
yet to be heard in court.
TWENTY-EIGHT per cent of the
apartments are vacant because the
city, acknowledging complaints
about upkeep, has prohibited Snyder
from allowing any new tenants to
move in three of the four buildings in
ten ants
the complex.
Striking tenants say the rent hikes
are due to money Snyder is losing
because of the vacant apartments
and also because of $2,600 she has lost
in court.
"We can't understand why she
(Snyder) wouldn't use money to fix
up the place," said Marjorie Lentner,
secretary of the Traver Knoll I
Tenant's Union. "She's only tried to
clear upthings that keep the citybon
her back . .. glaring violations, but
not much else."
SNYDER COULD not be reached
for comment. Her attorney,rArthur
Carpenter, declined comment on the
Traver Knoll situation.
Last August, Greenspon presented
Snyder with a settlement which
included recognition of the Traver
Knoll I Tenant's Union, specified the
tenants' right to strike, provided for
a time-table of maintenance, and
called for rent reductions because of
Snyder rejected the offer and
proposed a $50,000 cash settlement.
Tenants rejected her offer, saying it
wasn't much of a concession.
A very,' very big deal,
Carol Burnis: Female
lobbyist in male D.C.
In the hard-nosed world of the
professional Washington lobbyist,'
Carol Burris seems to be out of place
- but only at first. It's not that she
isn't hard-nosed, for as president of
men generally think we're stupid ?
she said in a lecture at East Quad
"We are told continuously by
Congress that the solutions to our
problems lie elsewhere . . we've
iscnvered that when you discuss
BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - King Khaled and Crown
Prince Fahd of oil-rivh Saudi Arabia have offered to buy the
West Bank of the Jordan River and the Gaza Strip from
Israel to establish a Palestinian state, an Arab publication
said yesterday.
The Saudi leaders made the offer to President Carter
during his visit earlier this month to Saudi Arabia, the
world's leading oil exporter, according to the Middle East
Reporter, a usually well-informed daily digest of Arab af-
"THE SAUDIS MADE IT PLAIN to the American presi-
"I HEARD NEITHER King Khaled nor Prince Fahd
make such a statement," Powell said.
State Department spokesman John Trattner said "our
policy is not to comment on details of private conversations
between the president and the Saudis. I personally see no
validity to it but I can't go into details."
The Arab publication also said the Saudi leaders told
Carter they would raise their country's oil production to "any
possibly feasible level" if it would bring about the estal-
lishment of a Palestinian state.
able travelers it said arrived in Beirut from Saudi Arabia