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December 13, 1972 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1972-12-13

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See Editorial Page

Sir i trn


For details, see today

Vol. LXXXIII1, No. 80 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, December 13, 1972 Ten Cents Twelve page

es plus Magazine and adv. supp.

if you see news happen call 76-DAILYI
Filing date set
The deadline for filing nominating petitions for City Council
seats will occur while most students are celebrating the holidays
elsewhere, on Jan. 2. Candidates for council must have between
'50 and 100 signatures of registered voters in the new wards.
Mayoral candidates must have between 100 and 200 signatures
of registered voters across the city. Petitions must be turned in
by p.m. in the City Clerk's office, second floor of City Hall.
How to succeed in business....
Those of you wallowing through finals will be gratified to.
know that later life holds greater rewards. According to a recent
study, University ranks third nationally in the numbers of alumni
who become presidents of large corporations, with Harvard and
Yale ranking first and second. H-ang in there, folks. The best is
r yet to come.
Oops, we goofed
The Daily was mistaken Sunday when it reported that the
Betsy Ross Restaurant was closing for repairs immediately. In
truth, the rez,tourant is still alive and serving up hamburgers.
According to owner Lynn Mead, the 56-year-old restaurant may
t close for repairs during the holiday season but that has not yet
been decided by the management.
+ So long, farewell ..
Good-bye, Auf wiedersehn. We'd like to stay, but studying's
a pain. So this morning's paper will be the last for this year.
In the meantime, good luck on exams, have a happy holiday
and see you on January 9.
.Happenings.. .
..will last from now until the holidays ... Tonight at 8 p.m.
come greased and ready to dance to the sounds of the University's
Af own Jimmy and the Javelins and Chastity and the Belts at West
Quad Dining Room 4. Admission is free . .. A Folklore Society
Christmas Party will also be held at 8 p.m. at 857 Tappan, No. 1.
Bring instruments ...At 4 p.m., the Rive Gauche at 1024 Hill
will hold a "Classes End Celebration" . . . On Thursday, Uni-
versity of Belgrade professor Michailo Markovic will lecture on
"Self-Determination Theory and Practice" at 4 p.m., 2235 Angell
x BHall ... UAC will sponsor a dance in the Union Ballroom at 8
p.m... . And don't forget to do your Christmas shopping at
* Sunday's December Art Fair, from 12 to 6 p.m. in the Union
Ballroom. The Fair will feature 80 student and amateur artists
from around the state.
James Brown 'misunderstood'
KNOXVILLE, Tenn.-The mayor of Knoxville and an attorney
for singer James Brown have announced that Brown's weekend
4 arrest for disorderly conduct was probably a"msnetadg.
Brown claims he was talking to a group of young people about the
* bad influence of drugs after a concert when a white man accused
the singer of trying to start a riot and approached police. Police
$ claim Brown and his party refused to leave when asked to do so.
In the melee that ensued, two patrolmen were hurt and Brown,
'with two aides, was arrested. Brown, saying he had been beaten
by police, threatened a $1 million law suit against the city. The
*r parties will meet Friday to discuss "differences brought about by
the incident."
-f Dope notes
t WASHINGTON-After a year-long investigation, government
auditors have decided that heroin smuggling is too big an opera-
tion to stop at the U.S. borders. Estimating that they seized only
4 six-and-a-half per cent of the total traffic, the General Accounting
'41 Office concluded that customs inspectors trying to intercept the
10 to 12 tons of heroin entering the U.S. annually are searching
for a needle in a haystack. They criticized detection methods as
, "haphazard and unrealistic."

S. Quad:*
University Housing information dis-...
tributed to incoming freshmen refers On,
to South Quad as a "favorite" residence
hail, inhabited mainly by upperclass- lems.
men who like the dorm so much they
remain there for two or three years. can m
But this year after an armed rob- .....1 :J
bery, scattered reports of several rapes,
and a powerful undertow of racial ten- Jordan an
sion, South Quad is no longer even a Hall and'
nice place to visit. And figures show South Quay
that increasingly fewer persons are many stud
willing to live there. of tension'
According to the Office of University Accordir
Housing, only about 15 per cent of President
South Quad's residents last year re- sion is su
applied for residence mn the dorm again reports, is
this year. More bl
This rate of return is one of the Uni- Quad than
versity's lowest, compared to a return sions ther
rate of about 50 per cent in Mosher- last spring




eo student who refuses to be identified takes a di f ferent view of the Quad's prob-
"The situation is potentially very volatile," he says, "and everybody's hoping we
take it to the end of the term without something bad happening."
..................: ....... ..... ..M. . ........... . .. .. . ......%~....,....... .:i{~"}}. ;":a........ . i... ..::::....}i:.....$r"::i:

rate will be as high this year as it
was last year."
The fear of rape troubles many of
the women who live in South Quad.
According to University security chief
Frederick Davids, thus far this year
the dorm has witnessed one "assault"
which "appeared to be an attempt at
But several students who refuse to
be identified claim that there have been
at least two other rapes or rape at-
tempts, including an incident "about a
month ago" in a Bush House bathroom.
According to one student, she heard
screams coming from a bathroom down
the hall. She said she remembers hear-
ing "a man yelling and a Woman
screaming," and "was sure" the woman
was being raped.
See S. QUAD, Page 12

nd about a third in Bursley
West Quad. The flight from
d may be the result of what
dents call a "general feeling
"in the dorm.
ng to South Quad Council
Rich Bonny, most of the ten-
ubdued. And most of it, he
lack students live in South
1any other dorm. Racial ten-
re perhaps reached a peak
gduring the controversy over

the formation of two black cultural
living units in the Quad.
The housing unit proposal was re-
jected by the Regents. According to
Bonny, who also lived in South Quad
last year, at that time there existed a
great deal of "bitterness" between
black and white students.
Bonny Bonny describes the present
situiation as "quiet tension." "There
was more open discussion of issues last
year, with the housing unit proposal and
everything. But now, it's all under the

One student who refuses to be iden-
tified takes a different view of the
Quad's problems. "The situation is po-
tentially. very volatile," he says, "and
everybody's hoping we can make it to
the end of the term without something
bad happening."
While Bonny says he does not detect
a massive flight from the dorm, he
reports, "I've heard a lot of people
complain, and I'm sure the turnover

.~minn~ a~M~u';~.rumoredi



By' AP, UPI and Reuters
PARIS - U. S. presidential envoy Henry Kissinger and
his North Vietnamese counterpart, Le Due Tho, met here yes-
terday in what could be one of the last negotiating -sessions
before a Vietnam ceasefire is announced, possibly by Christ-
The meeting of the two chief negotiators followed two
separate conferences held earlier today between senior Amer-
ican and North Vietnamese officials who, according to well-
informed sources, went over the text of a draft ceasefire
This unprecedented triple meeting indicated the extent
Iof progress achieved in the search for peac so far, the sources

Daily Photo by DENNY GAINER
Kissingcnet-the new diversion?

The smells of pig night came rushing back
to me . . . A return to the goldfish era?
Maybe. But the teetotalers of the fifties had
been usurped by a more daring and prova-
cative test of endurance. A new world's
record was set Monday night as three
couples tied in the second annual "kissing
contest" held in South Quad's dining area.
With Paul McCartney dead and gone,
could we still exist on yesterday's diver-
sions? The advent of dope and revolution
transformed us, and 'made us search a
higher consciousness. Goldfish reminded
us of our sad, sick parents. We were the
crown of creation, and the problem was how
to express our newly found identity. Though
endurance and competition still reigned
supreme, the game changed.
The rules were simple enough. Grab a
partner, lock succulent lips, and pray your
back would outlast the others. Master

referee, Greg Kateff, an avowed alumni
of the first annual, made sure that no one
cheated through lip separation.
The initial five couples were goaded on
by the envious cries of the encircling crowd
of voyeurs. Steadfastly they stood, hoping
to be number one, or at least break last
year's record of two and a half grinding
hours. Inevitably, someone had to give.
Jan and Greg were the first to give and
left with a terse, "We have better things
to do with our time." Official protest or
Nevertheless, the vanguard was left to
be spearheaded by four "jocks"-three
gridders and a basketball player. These
people were programmed to win, and the
final strains of "We're Number One" were
still echoing off the walls of the stadium.
Forty minutes and six telephone books-
to bridge height differentials-later Judge
Kateff proclaimed a three way tie. The
prize: three steak dinners.

The winners were: Jeff "Dancing Bear"
Perlinger and Sally Dayton; Steve Strinko
and Sue Marks; and John Kantner and
Fran Brenner".
The next day catcalls of "Hey there, hot
lips!" followed our new world champions
down the dank corridors of S. Quad. Sally,
Sue, and Fran were complaining of lip
paralysis and acute neck pains. None were
too sure if it had been worth it, though
Hot Lips Dana would like to see it as a
varsity sport.
The only male winner available for com-
ment was varsity linebacker Steve Strinko
who summed the night up with an incisive
one-liner: "We were all in the same hell
together; it was the desire to win that pulled
us through." Was it fun? According to Sally
Dayton (partner of Jeff "Dancing Bear"
Perlinger), it was terrible." After the first
half hour you're numb." Oh well. Back to
the drawing board.

The draft accord in its present
form followed a negotiated break-
thro~igh which the sources said,
came from a meeting Monday be-
tween Kissinger and Tho.
The U.S. and North Vietnamese
delegations to the peace talks de-j
clined to make any comment on'
the reported breakthrough here.
E But both sides admitted that sub- ,
stantial progress had been achieved
and expressed confidence that a
ceasefire agreement this time was
really at hand.
The new, if not necessarily final,
Kissinger-Tho draft accord basical-
ly embodies the nine points of an.
agreement reached last October;
which was unilaterally published
Hanoi and largely confirmed later
by the United States, the sources
said. But it contains a number of .
clarifications and additionall
clauses, they added.
Sharing the optimism in the
Paris air was France's Foreign
Minister, Maurice Schumann, who
predicted that the end of the war
would come on by Jan. 3.
Schumann, who has been in close
contacts with both sides, made his
statements d u r i n g a luncheon
speech yesterday. He said he be-
lieves the United States will
achieve peace in Vietnam before
the new U.S. Congress convenes
on the third.
"A settlement is likely and prob-
able," he said: "I confirm I am
not a pessimist."
However, the Viet Cong delega-
tion here called "absurd and arro-
gant" a speech by South Vietnam's
President Thieu yesterday that
called for a continuation of the war
but asked for a Christmas truce
to exchange prisoners.
The Viet Cong cautioned .he U.S.
against backing the Saigon leader's
latest position.
Kissinger and Tho will confer
again today to continue their ne-
gotiations. The meeting will b,- the
ninth since Kissinger and Tho be-
gan their current round of talks.

Cicano s
c onfront
Johns on
Some 30 Chicano students crowd-
ed into the Office of Special Serv-
ices and Programs (OSSP) in the
Union yesterday and demanded
that University Vice President for
Student Services Henry Johnson
grant them "immediate and uncon-
ditional control" of $5,000 allotted
to OSSP for the appointment of a
Chicano advocate.
The unusual meeting began when
the s t u d e n t s, who respresent
MECHA (Movimiento Estudianto
Chicano de Aztlan)-a newly form-
ed campus Chicano coalition-
crowded into OSSP Director Libby
Davenport's office and informed a
surprised secretary t h a t they
wouldn't leave before Johnson ap-
peared and heard their demands.
According to MECHA spokesman
Jaime Vela, the demands include
the granting of "unconditional and
immediate control" to MECHIA of
a $5,000 fund allocated to OSSP for
the appointment of a part-time
Chicano advocated, and a guaran-
tee that a full-time advocate be
appointed next year.
But after some bitter exchanges
-one student interrupted Daven-
port several times, telling her to
"quit talking in circles'"'-Johnson
and Davenport reached a tenuous
compromise with the group, agree-
ing to meet next week witih
MECHA representatives and devise
a budget for the $5,000 allotment.
OSSP presently employs two full-
time minority advocates represent-
ing blacks and women, one "half-
time" Native American advocate,
and two "quarter-time" human
sexuality advocates. A committee
r See CHICANOS, Page 7



)n the inside
Thomas Field traces the 25-year history of the C u ltu ral
ibert and Sullivan Society on campus . . . Sports Page
eviews Michigan's holiday cage action... and Friends I By DAVID BURIRENN whichi
'Newsreel define their position on the Editorial Page. Two topics dealing with minor- ificatioi
ities on campus appear to be the Ployme
'he weaherpicureonly important business for the The.
No rain, snow, sleet or hail appears likely for the lastRentwhnhygaerom- husg
iy of classes. Today's weather will, instead, be just plain ro n rdyfr hi ot- Vichit,
ld ih ih ecig h ow3'. twl b vn odrly meeting. 'hg<
old wih ahig rechig te lw 3's.It illbe vencolerThe board will decide whether Sion fo:
night, dropping to the low 20's. And, of course, it will be 'to adopt proposed guidelines for The
oudy. Cheer up, it could be worse. governing cultural living houses. cleart
___________________________________________________ It will also discuss a proposal mneit o:
they wE
Students turn to speed for spring,
r ~ing Uni
energy as finals race starts igi
c riin n

unit move expected


would require racial ident-
)n on all University em-
ent applications.
Regents sent the cultural
g proposal to various Uni-
~offices as well as the
,an Civil Rights Commis-
or study and comment.
plan, if adopted, could
the way for the establish-
f Afro-American and other
ty houses on campus if
sere approved by academic
nents. This has been a
versial issue since last
,when the Regents vetoed
fro-American Cultural Liv-
it (AACLU) proposal, stat-
would foster racial dis-
regental statement pro-
that any living area plan-
tst show that it "revolves
1a cultural theme for
there are educationally
tit prerequisites."
policy stipulates that any
for cultural houses must
viewed through academic
rnents of the University.
i 0 PpIr. rr, n r,,cinn direr.-

Academic Affairs Advisory Coun-
cil, neither of which had objec-
tions to the statement.
Regent Paul Brown (D-Petos-
key), said that he was in favor
of the statement. He said that
it differed from the AACLU con-
cept in that it is tied to the
academic departments r a t h e r
than to the housing office.
Brown said he felt this distinc-
tion would avoid some of the
legal problems that could arise
concerning possible segregation.
Dr. Nellie Varner, director of

the University's Affirmative Ac-
tion Program, commenting on
the proposed racial identification
requirement, said that the re-
quest is still in the discussion
stage and will not be up for final
action by the Regents.
Varner said that the Univer-
sity should require a racial ID
in order to satisfy Department of
Health, Education and Welfare
and University requirements for
statistics on the number of min-
ority persons who apply for and
who are offered University jobs.

One of the inevitable consequences of the mad
rush towards finals is the traditional student rush
for "speed." But. if students feel they need to
use drugs as a stimulus to study, they should be
aware of their potential dangers.
Speed, the common term for amphetamines,
produces feelings of increased energy and mental

four hours, or when the initial effects of the drug
The dosage in capsules is probably about fif-
teen milligrams which should lust for a twelve
hour period and not be repeated.
There are other problems associated with the
drug, the biggest being availability. Most stu-
dents find their supply "in the street", unless of

vides t
ned. mi
be rep

School coi
Amidst student discontent, a new city
school discipline policy went into effect
The controversial code enumerates spe-
cific offenses and their corresponding proce-

tiduct code questioned.

others) . . . and the principal has a reason-
able belief concerning the identity of the
student(s) who has committed it."
The clause has provoked accusations of
unconstitutionality from some students. "Sus-
pension before a hearing is blatantly against

the accused. In a court of law this is essen-
Cecil Warner, Board of Education Trustee,
sees such an allowance as unnecessary,
and draws support from the 1970 Michael
Davis vs. Ann Arbor Schools court case.

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