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December 12, 1972 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1972-12-12

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94C 3A1rc4an Daihu
Eighty-two years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan



war research:



420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.

News Phone: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Doily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Dem chair goes to Strauss

JJST NOVEMBER 7, Richard Nixon and
his 46 million supporters put a halt
to the insurgent left wing of the Demo-
cratic Party. The Democratic National
Committee's nomination of R o b e r t
Strauss as its new party chairman last
Saturday could mark the next major step
in the McGovern wing's slide back into
Born out of the debacle of Chicago
four long years ago, the Democratic re-
form movement surprised and bewild-
ered America last year with its power.
While Edmund Muskie was following the
traditional path of big labor and big
name support, George McGovern was

playing by the new rules, success in the
primaries and the local conventions. Un-
der the new reform rules the Democratic
convention in July had more blacks,, wo-
men and other previously under-repre-
sented segments of society than ever be-
fore. And they had the party's nominee
in George McGovern.
ONE OF THE senator's first acts was to
appoint Jean Westwood as party
chairwoman, and it was at her that the
wrath of the Democratic oldliners was
directed after the election. Old pros like
Hubert Humphrey and George Meany
laid blame at the feet of Westwood and
demanded her ouster. But their real tar-
gets were the recently enacted Demo-
cratic reforms, which had reduced the
power of the party politicians consider-
Westwood was able to beat back a di-
rect ouster vote Saturday, but quickly
resigned in the interests of party unity.
Named to replace her was Strauss, a for-
mer party treasurer and a moderate-to-
conservative politically. And although
Strauss declared Saturday he would not
tolerate "or condone a turning back of
the clock on reforms," it is safe to say
that the close friend of John Connally
has not been in the vanguard of political
ADMITTEDLY it is too early to tell whe-
ther the reforms will survive or not.
Nevertheless, it is clear the new leader-
ship of the Democratic Party is not go-
ing to push hard for participatory de-
mocracy in decision-making.

WHAT DO high University officials do
when they approve of war-related re-
search and want its money on campus,
but find their position is not popular with
most faculty and students?
For several years large numbers of stu-
dents and faculty at the University have
struggled to rid the campus of involve-
ment in war research. January 1, 1973
will mark the deadline for severance of
Willow Run Laboratories, the chief seat of
the University's classified research.
BUT OPPONENTS of classified research
here find the trends in University pol-
icy which underlie the University's past
policy on research have changed little, in-
wardly or outwardly.
Faculty and students attempting to blow
the whistle on weapon system research
continue to run up against firm philosophi-
cally-based resistance from University
One of the most recent faculty mem-
bers to say "no" to the procedures sur-
rounding the continuation of classified
research here was history Prof. Ernest
Young. Young was invited to join the
Senate Assembly's Classified Research
Committee last summer but ran into a
number of contradictions involving h i s
opposition to classified research and re-
striction of his power as a committee mem-
ber to publicize proposals he reviewed.
Young represents the culmination of a
chain of faculty and student peace advo-
cates considering the possibility of trying
to change research policy through mem-
bership on the committee. He decided,
however, that his presence as a single
dissenting voice on the CRC would be
"I felt the committee was too stack-
ed to make this useful," Young said: "I
just didn't want to lend myself to a mas-
THE HISTORY of administrative inac-
tion on the classified research in the past
few years has been just the masquerade
Young cites. University policy statements
have gone with the flow of campus senti-
ment but failed to indicate substantive
change in restrictions on war research
at any point.
For example:
! In 1968 the director of north campus'
Cooley Lab called his facility "the tech-
nical right arm of the Army Electronics
" But in February 1972 the Regents
claimed there would be an insignificant
amount of classified research left on
campus when Willow Run Lab was disas-
sociated with the University.
" In spring 1971 President Fleming re-
marked, "It's not the business of the
University in normal times to be involv-
ed in what is simply and distinctly mili-
tary research without civilian applica-

THE REGENTS last spring rejected the Senate Assembly's guidelines for classified research. They claimed the problem was
"administrative, not philosophical."

* Yet in spring of 1972 he rejected the
Senate Assembly-approved guidelines
which prohibit approval of research whose
"specific purpose or clearly forseeable
results are injurious to human life or wel-
But more disturbing perhaps than all the
outward contradictions in the University's
stand are occasional indications of th.
sympathetic environment the University
provides for classified research, and war
related academic activities.
The CRC was appointed to screen classi-
fied research proposals in a period when
students and faculty widely acknowledged
that most of the University's Department
of Defense (DOD) research contracts
could only be construed as directly relat-
ed to killing. In two and a half years of
existence up to Michael Knox's attempt
to expose and stop CRC war collusion, the
committee rejected only one proposal.
FURTHER, the whole process of CRC
approval seems much less crucial when
it is uncovered that classified research at
the University operates on a "reimburse-
ment" basis. This means the University
extends the necessary funds to the re-
searcher until the project is completed,
when the sponsor repays the University.
In this situation, the committee 1 o o k s
even more like a figurehead.
Just how uninportant the CRC's okay

really is was demonstrated by the fact
that this summer Vice President for Re-
search A. Geoffrey Norman sent through
two contracts without the committee's de-
liberation. At the CRC's next meeting the
members approved the proposals retro-
actively without protest.
Special privilege for war has been a
ruling trend at the University. Last year, a
classified course in electronic warfare was
discovered here which could only be tak-
en by pilitary =personnel with top secur-
ity clearance. This course is in effect
a service the University provides to 'each
military personnel how to use the equip-
ment developed here.
Snecial defense research facilities, like
the Willow Run Laboratory, contribite
nothing to the education of any but a very
f-w students. These facilities, however,
bring tremendous amounts of money to the
University. At one point the U.S. Gen-
eral Accounting Office reported that al-
most a fourth of the Univeristy's research
b"dget in federal grants, the third high-
est in the nation, was sponsored directly
by the DOD.
Snin-off from the University's top rank-
i-g war research establishment has even
made fortunes.. Conductron, a research
cornoration founded by former electrical
engineering Professor Keeve Siegel, and
staffed by 25 University professors, rose
from one cent a share in 1960 to $41 in

DISCUSSION of classified research on
campus inevitably returns to the question
of the University's priorities. As federal
grant money for social science or human-
ities projects gets harder and harder to
find, defense research still retains a level
of prosperity that must seem unfair to
numberless defunct projects or any facul-
ty and students who believe productive
civilian-oriented research is important.
As we near the deadline for W i 11 o w
Run's severance from the University, sign-
ificant amounts of war research still re-
main on campus. And as activism over
war research dies down, power to approve
contracts drifts back toward the Vice
President for Research and other inside
University figures.
DOES IT seem incredible that people
are closed out of introductory level cours-
es while the University provides facili-
ties, staff, and financial credit for such
projects as "Microwave Target Signatures
and Sensors Investigations" or "Missile
Launch Detection analysis", to the tune
of $98,865 and $37,500?
It seems everybody wins at this Uni-
versity except the ones who don't ask
to kill,

Robert Strauss

Year's end brings no peace

A8 ANOTHER Christmas approaches, it
appears that once again "peace in
Vietnam" may be a gift that will not be
given this year.
On the surface, conditions appear the
same. Bob Hope will entertain the troops.
POW wives and families will again be un-
happy and bitter at not having their
loved ones with them to celebrate the fes-
And in North Vietnam, the U.S. Air war
goes on, intensified to a fiercer level. Lit-
01 jrg 1Mirtyigalt it-j
Editorial Staff
PAT BAUER ............ Associate Managing Editor
LINDSAY CHANEY ................ Editorial Director
MARK, DILLEN ,..........Magazine Editor
LINDA DREEBEN ......Associate Managing Editor
TAMMY JACOBS ... .............. Managing Editor
ARTHUR LERNER............ Editorial Director
ROBERT SCHREINER ............ Editorial Director
GLORIA JANE SMITH ............ .. Arts Editor
ED SUROVELL...IT...........Books Editor
PAUL TRAVIS........Associate Managing Editor
Today's staff:
News: Angela Balk, Linda Dreeben, Beth
Egnater, Tammy Jacobs, Marilyn Ril-
ey, Rebecca Warner
Editorial Page: Arthur Lerner, Kathleen
Ricke, Martin Stern
Arts Page: Herb Bowie
Photo technician: Terry McCarthy

erally tons of bombs are being dropped
daily near the Demilitarized Zone, hit-
ting North Vietnamese supply depots and
troop positions, attempting to weaken
enemy morale.
Yet the irony of the situation appears
to be in the misdirected peace talks,
where the North Vietnamese have al-
ready expressed willingness to sign a
fairly liberal peace agreement. In fact,
when henryhKissinger announced two
months ago that peace was "at hand," it
Furthermore, the North Vietnamese
have given further indication of their de-
sire for peace in an agreement, reported
Sunday, that they will release all priso-
ners of war at one time as soon as the
peace pact is signed, instead of a grad-
ual release, coinciding with US troop
withdrawals, as once believed.
It would appear that government pres-
sure would be directed instead onto the
South Vietnamese side.
At any rate, Kissinger is trying hard,
and for this deserves credit. It is just
discouraging for all of us war-weary per-
sons to see peace held up by, what Presi-
dent Nixon calls, "our friends and allies."
Peace rumors are discouraging, be-
cause so many prove false. Some observ-
ers believe peace will be achieved soon.
Let us sincerely hope so.'

Rebecca Warner is a copy editor
The Daily.


Letters: Social work academic freedom


To The Daily:
THE MARK Green case is by
no means a single island of dis-
content regarding issues of aca-
demic freedom. On October 18,
students from Michigan's School
of Social Work tape-recorded an
interview between themselves and
the Dean of the school, Philip Fel-
lin. They asked the Dean to ex-
plain why he had refused an un-
paid faculty appointment to Dr.
Richard Kunnes, radical psychia-
trist, when: 1) Similar appoint-
ments generated by student re-
quests were a clear precedent in
the school, (2) the appointment was
temporary - for a single a c a -
demic course, (3) Dr. Kunnes' cre-
dentials were beyond reproach -
in fact he has a continuing ap-
pointment in the University School
of Medicine, (4) the request and
all necessary credentials w e r e
submitted with due process, (5)
There was no incumbent faculty
member more qualified to handle
the specific outlined course con-
As conveyed by the transcript of
that tape, the Dean's statements
were a virtual pathology of deceit,
evasion and hypocrisy. He various-
ly denied that he had made the
refusal, attributed the refusal to
an assistant dean, or admitted he
had made the refusal for reasons
such as his "lack of control" if he
were not paying Dr. Kunnes. The
issue became one not only of poli-
tical repression and encroachment
of academic freedom; it became a
contest of students' right to be
treated without degradation a n d
clumsy bureaucratic falsehood.
A REQUEST for a second course
specifying Dr. Kunnes as instruc-
tor was submitted following the in-
terview. A petition of over 200
student signatures was filed in the
same regard. The appointment was
again denied without substantial
We are organizing an open hear-
ing of this case, and
We demand the resignation of
the Dean of the School of Social
-Social Work Students for
Professional Integrity

example of Mr. Jacobs' strength
was the vote on funding for a Jew-
ish newspaper. K e n Newbury
promised me three times before
the meeting that he intended to
vote for the funding. Mr. New-
bury spoke up throughout the de-
bate in favor of the motion.
When the roll-call vote was takent
Mr. Newbury abstained knowing
that if he did so, the funding would
pass. However, this enraged Mr.
Jacobs, who at this point physically
threatened Mr. Newbury to change
his vote. After pasing me a note
which read, "Mat, I'm sorry but
if I go against him he'll ruin my
political career," Ken Newbury,.
obviously under duress, changed
his vote.
I think the above incident points
out, that if anything, Jacobs is too
strong a leader.
-Mat Hoffman
LSA '75
Dec. 5
Family planning
To The Daily:
tee for the Representation of Wo-
men in Health Planning will be
meeting again tonight to discuss
negotiations with the planning com-
mittee of Family Planning Medical
Services, Inc. and to plan further
action. The Co-ordinating Commit-
tee has been working to achieve a
greater representation for c o n-
sumers and especially women on
HE BOOKING and showing of
films on campus is a tricky
business, and not ordinarily an es-
pecially lucrative one. Careful.
money management and energetic
membership may enable a film so-
ciety to remain afloat-if it's lucky.
Actual continuing profit can only
result from truly inspired, busi-
ness - oriented management or

the Board of Directors of a new
family planing clinic that F.P.M.S.,
Inc. is planing to open soon in
Ann Arbor.
We feel that since women have
struggled to change attitudes to-
wards contraception and abortion,
and will pay for this facility with
their fees, women consumers should
control this facility. Furthermore,
the area of family planning is a
politically sensitive issue, and this
facility will hold a near monopoly
on scarce and vital resources. A
Board of Directors with s t r o n g
consumer representation can as-
sure that service to the commun-
ity will always be the chief concern
of the facility.
All interested women are invited
to attend the meeting, which will
be held at 7:30 p.m. in St. Andrews
Episcopal Church, 306 N. Division,
in the basement recreation room,
which can be reached by entering
the church through the door mark-
ed Women's Crisis Center, just off
the parking lot.
-Co-ordinating Committee
for the Representation of
Women in Health Planning
Dec. 7
Dope co-op
To The Daily:
MY, MY haven't the SGC child-
ren had a nice week or so of fun
and games? A dope co-op! I've
never heard of anything so asin-
ine and foolish in my whole life,


1)'NP\(' TXCKFirPA(l


PAjr1 . :~

.Psychological peocefore


especially from an organization
that is supposed to be a responsible
governing body.
Well, here's a resolution some-
one can bring up at your next ses-
sion (meeting): why not have an

films to the campus co

all-campus vote to see if the stu-
dents would like to abolish SGC
and not have any representative
government at all? It sure wouldn't
be much different than it is now.
--K.W. '76
new rulings, in which case noth-
ing will have changed substantial-
ly. But also possible is the ap-
pointment of a panel or an individ-
ual, familiar with the problems of
both film societies and film dis-
tributors, who will overlook cam-
pus organizations and interpret
SGC's rulings.
Campus movie organizations
would then suffer the inevitable
loss of freedom that comes with

actions with campus film societies
that do not pay their bills, or that
show a movie several more times
than they've contracted for.
Nor can film distributors afford
the time and effort needed to in-
vestigate each film society on a
campus. If a town seem to at-
tract disreputable film organiza-
tions, the distributor will just as
soon discontinue all business with

been building on SGC for quite a
while now, and the Council has
finally proposed a plan that would,
in effect, attempt to license cam-
pus movie organizations and there-
by assure distributors that they
are working with honest organiza-
FRIENDS OF Newsreel has re-
cently shown a great aversion for .
this nlan linkine it to Facism



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