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December 07, 1972 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1972-12-07

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Thursdoy, December 7, 1972


Page Sever

Thursdov, December 7, 1972 THE MICHIGAN DAILY

- .iil50


tP 3worth


IM shortage ...
students, 'U' must pay
Randy Phillipss
HARRY TRUMAN once quipped about the presidency saying a
"the buck stops here." In the case of the University's intra-Ia
mural and recreation programs, however, the buck just getsI
kicked back and forth. c
Funds are desperately needed for operational expenses and i
for new buildings, but it looks like it'll have to rain silver dollars B
before the recreation program will do justice to the student body.
Athletic Director Don Canham says his department can- u
not make significant increases in expenditures for intra- s
murals. The Athletic Department certainly cannot fund a s
major building proposal out of its budget no matter how many g
cuts are made.V
University Vice President for Financial Affairs, Wilbur Pier- -
pont, agrees with Canham on the latter point.
"I don't see how intercollegiate sources are going to be very
helpful in solving IM needs. There is not that kind of money
If not the Athletic Department then perhaps the University
could provide the needed funds.
Pierpont, who recently returned from a trip to Africa, sees
little hope for capital improvements by way of University funds,
but leaves the door open for increases in the University's con-
tribution to the IM operating budget.
"At the present time there are no sources to solve the capital
needs for physical education and recreation."
The only alternatives are gifts, more state or federal aid,
or an increase in student athletic fees over the present five'
dollar assessment.
Waiting for a gift is like waiting to win the big prize in the
lottery, but Canham is hopeful for a gift that would help finance
the proposed $2 million project for the renovation of the Colesium,
the building of two small intramural buildings and the moving of
the ice rink to Yost Fieldhouse.
State funds, though, will be hard to come by. Pierpont
acknowledges, "Intramural and recreation buildings are far
down the list in state funding priority."
A program for a new building needs a fixed source of income
on the order of $100,000 a year for two decades or so, and no
amount of program cutting in either the academic area or the1
Athletic Department can raise that much cash.
An increase in student fees is a real possibility, but Pierpont
is reluctant to leave the decision entirely up to students. He
feels a referendum should serve as a guide to student opinion.
"It's going to be a question of how much students would
support this type of project," Pierpont remarked. But he j
added, "Students don't stay long with a decision."
Pierpont is afraid students will do another turn about as they
have done on the Crisler Arena question. Students approved
Crisler in a referendum, and are now attacking that decision.
But the criticism of Crisler is due to excessive costs and in-
efficiency. Students did not vote for that. Likewise, if a new -
intramural building proved to be a blunder, student criticism
would surely arise. But that is no reason to scrap an idea; that
is reason to plan more carefully. We should learn from the
Crisler mistake.
While new building projects depend on millions of dollars,
several thousand will give the intramural program a great
shot in the arm-a pain killer to temporarily soothe the ills {
caused by the facility squeeze.
For this purpose funds can be found in both the Athletic h
Department and the University. A reduction in the minor sports r
program could free some funds immediately for this purpose.'
Pierpont points out that "there may be some limited funds in 'i
the intercollegiate athletics area for small projects."f
Though intramural are under the auspices of the Athletic s
Department, it is the responsibility of the University to maintain r
a high standard program. Last year's $75,000 contribution from
the University general fund can hardly be called responsible. o
Even though cutbacks in superfluous activities such as the t
honors convocation and Radrick Farms (Alumni-faculty only) golf
course would provide only a small fraction of the needed funds, , c
it would be a start and would represent a willingness on the part f
of the University to reorder its priorities.a
More funds could be found by redirecting some monies from t
the libraries and health service. The question here is also one ofg
priorities. How do we maximize the use of available funds? Surely, s
some money can be spared for IM's. c
Another source may be the verboten area of academia. I
There are many professors who do research yet do little or 1
no teaching, and there are also several small divisions within g
University departments that involve a sparse number of o
Using the same criteria of student participation-student

interest-and prestige benefits that are often used to justify the c
abandonment of the minor sports, these academic areas have as e
little justification as these sports. Just because an expenditure isd
earmarked for academics does not make it untouchable. Intra-
murals and recreation should be gven as much consideration as d
some academic areas.F
In the long run the Athletic Department may not be able to
fund intramurals even with a reduced minor sports program,
and then the University will be forced to find the money. Why
not make preparations for that time now?
Why not plan to separate the intramural and recreation
program from the Athletic Department as soon as funds can be
redirected to intramurals? This would at least give intramurals
a bigger voice with the University's executive officers. Pierpont
says the executive officers are aware of the situation and have
no communication problem. But he also admitted that these
executive officers have not met recently with Intramural and
Recreation Director Rodney Grambau.
Is Grambau right when he says, "Students and SACUA J
(Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs) are the
only ones who can put pressure on the executive officers and
Regents?" If so, then it is about time to apply some pressure,
because intramurals and recreation deserve a far better deal
than they are now getting.






So far in this young basketball
eason, the Michigan Wolverines
have won a couple of games over
an average Notre Dame team
nd a good Oregon State unit.
But tonight, in the unfamiliar
confines of Nassau, N.Y., the
Wolverines face their first excel-
ent opponent of the season-
Brigham Young.
The Michigan club has been
nconsistent, showing sporadic
igns of offense, especially in the
econd half of the Notre Dame
game, but it has not yet played
well together as a team. But
Wolverine coach John Orr knows

that he must get his pl
gether q'lickly for tonig
For the Brigham You
is a big, veteran, hig
group which posted a
record in 1971-72 and h
its top seven men ba
vear' BYU reached t
finals of the NCAA F
competition, only to be e
by powerful Long Bea
in a squeaker.
As a result, in the1
Associated Press poll, t
Utah, school was judge
the thirteenth best col
ketball team in the nat

layers to-
ght's con-
ng squad
fine 21-5
as five of
ack. Last
he semi-
Far West
ach State


But despite the fact that BYU
preseason is a school run by the Church of
he Provo, the Latter-Day Saints, better
d to have known as' the Mormon religion,
lege bas- a distinctly American church, the
ion. basketball team is led by a
couple of huge European im-
The center, leading scorer, and
most colorful player on the squad
is Kresimir Cosic, a 6-11 ball-
player from Yugosolvia. In ad-
dition to playing for Brigham
Young, Cosic was also the star
of the Yugoslovian national team
in both the 1968 and 1972 Olym-
pics, helping to make his team
one of the top three or four in
both competitions.
Cosic led the team last year
in both scoring and rebounding,
averaging over 22 points per
game. He is thin and not espe-
cially strong, but is a good jump-
er with graceful moves around
the basket whose best shot is a
Another returning starter is
Kalevi Sarkalahgiti, a big 6-8
senior from Finland. Sarkalah-
giti is not a scorer but is a very
strong and bruising rebounder
who should give Michigan's front
line a workout.
The other forward is 6-5 Brian
Ambrozich, a 6-S senior, who has
r AN supplied important scoring punch
so far, averaging 14.5 points.
At the guards, BYU has a pair
of juniors, 6-3 Doug Richards
and Belmont Anderson. Richards
is a fine outside shooter and is
scoring at a 15 point-a-game clip.
Brigham Young's new coach,
Glenn Potter, feels that the bal-
AP Photo ance and experience of his start-
ing line-up are his most impor-
tant assets in his first season at
an Doug the helm. He notes that Cosic,
iger Bob Sarkalahgiti, and Richards are
Esposito all returning starters, while Am-
brozich and Anderson both were

top subs in '71-72 who saw a
great deal of action.
He feels that his team is bal-
anced enough so that if one
player is having an off night, the
others will be able to pick up the
slack enough so that they'll be
able to win.
The first two games for Brig-
ham Young so far this year have
been good and bad. They played
two games in two nights with
Santa Clara, and split, winning
the first 84-73 but dropping the
second, 64-66, the first loss BYU
had suffered at home in 25
The problem was that Cosic,
who has never been the most
consistent player, was hot one
night and cold the next, pouring
in 31 points and netting 18 re-
bounds the first game but hoop-
ing only 12 the next. For Brig-
ham Young to be at its best,
Cosic must be hitting.
Orr realizes the stiffness of
the test Michigan faces. "They're
mighty big," he admits, noting
that one of their top replace-
ments is a seven-footer, Steve
Lackey. No starting line-up
changes are anticipated for the
Wolverines, but Orr proved Mon-
day against Oregon that he is
unafraid to go to his bench, es-
pecially John Lockard, John
Kantner, and C.J. Kupec.
The game marks another re-
turn to home territory, for Mich-
igan forward Henry Wilmore,
who played his prep basketball
in New York City. The idea of
playing the game in Nassau, the
home of the New York Nets, is
to attempt to kindle some en-
thusiasm for collegiate basketball
in the immediate area.

MICHIGAN'S ERNIE JOHNSON (30) lays in two while teammates
C. J. Kupec (41) and Henry Wilmore (25) watch along with an
unidentified Oregon State player. Michigan beat Oregon State
68-57 Monday but will get a tough test tonight against Brigham
Young at Nassau, N.Y.




I dub thee 'Sir Knight'
Well, not really. Actually Chicago Blackhawk defensem
Jarrett (4) is smiling because Los Angeles King win
Berry's (19) shot was grabbed by Hawk netminder Tony
in last night's NHL game at Chicago.

Women given sporting chance

Montreal 6, Minnesota 3
Buffalo 3, New York Rangers 2
Chicago 6, Los Angeles 0
Detroit 114, Phoenix 105
Philadelphia 122, KC-Omaha 117
Baltimore 115, Portland 102
Indiana 124, San Diego 112
Kentucky 119, Virginia 105
New York 101, Memphis 95
Missouri 84, Purdue 75
Penn 67, The Citadel 34
Notre Dame 82, Valparaiso 72
Oregon State 56, Temple 50
Toledo 77, Akron 68
Kentucky State 73, Northwood 67
Illinois State 81, Arkansas 67
virginia 85, Virginia Military 67
Oklahoma 55, Samford 51
wake Forest 86, William & Mary 71
Georgetown, DC 73, St. Bonaventure 70
Texas A&M 67, Oklahoma State 64
Pan-American 77
Southwestern Louisiana 111,
Hillsdale 63, Oakland University 60
Central Michigan 101, Ball State 87
Northwood 98, Saginaw Valley 80
Mercy 84, Olivet 79
Loyola Chicago 92, St. Mary's Calif. 88
LaSalle 69, Biscayne 67
Drake 83, Butler 68
Vermont 73, Middlebury 59
Texas Tech 67, Nevada-Las Vegas 53
TCU 73, Lamar 66
Navy 69, University of Baltimore 45

Our Food Is


Periodically, women and sports
have mixed though often with dis-
maying results. One women waged
a courageous if finally disappoint-
ng struggle to become baseball's
irst female umpire. However, a
oul-mouthed manager and a rabid
econd baseperson proved too for-
Still, the Intramural Department
of the University offers quite an
array of athletic activities to meet
he recreational needs of women.
Several of the sports clubs are
co-educational. They include the
encing, folk dance, Tae Kwan Do,
nd ski clubs.
NEWCOMERS are truly welcomed
o partake of the sports club pro-
grams which seek to provide in-
truction to the inexperienced and
continued practice and participa-
ion for all.
As an example, the Tae Kwan
Do club teaches the elements of
Korean karate to beginners while
older members perfect their skills.
Members of the Fencing club learn
he intricacies of the sport and,
with equipment furnished by the
club, may participate in extensive
extramural competition and local
The ski club, an organization
dedicated tokcollegeracing,swill
presently take to the slopes of
nearby ski areas for practice fol-

lowing a fall of physical prepara- until March. Last season's squad
tion. competed in the Big Ten Meet,
Many of the sports clubs, hbw- the Nationals, and a Canadian In-
ever, are intended solely for wo- ternational Meet.
men. A person with an interest in A year ago team members es-
such diverse activities as inter- tablished swimming records which
collegiate gymnastic competition, compare favorably with the Wo-'
cheerleading, judging, or general men's National IM Sports Swim-
recreation may be attracted to the ming Records when they do not
Gymnastics club. The club has surpass the national marks.

Steak* Chicken
Beef -.Fish -Sandwiches
3035 Washtenaw across from Lee Oldsmobile

given women unresticted access to --- - ----E
the bars (neven parallel) and also
poline available for use by club AND THE DEPT. OF SLAVIC LANGUAGES
IN JANUARY, the basketball invites you to attend the last lecture of mini course 411
club will hold its organizational
meeting. Eventually, two teams KAT HRYN B. F E U E R
will be formed and both are sched-HB
tiled to see much action, possibly
including the Big Ten Champion- Great Ideas of 19th Century Russian literature
ship if they prove worthy. A lack Professor Feuer teaches Russian Lit. at Univ. of Toronto
of previous experiences need not
dissuade anyone, and everyone is
invited to join at any time through- F.8-5 .m.
out the season.
Another group, in addition to the -------. .---
Folk Dance club, which partici-
pates in dance is the Concertr
Dance Organization. If they are so
inclined, women may take part in POETRY READING
a dance concert produced by the
club, but less active participation with
is possible in such offerings as
dance films and demonstrations. Donald Hall Andrew Carrigan
PRACTICE BEGAN last autumn
for the Speed Swimmingateam and ToTom Raworth
it will continue five days a week
GUILD HOUSE-802 Monroe
w A P (Across from the Law'Quad)
iuipment, clothes, etc. Fy De.8-8
at Barbour Gym, N. Univ.
."...:: . n .. . .fl.... ..}.:.1 .t~t::. -s. iR.V.'.S -Sr.".;^."..': ti.ri{ SVra."9 r".".Vt {. ? {". .SV. v ,"% i. ;v v::;r
n.-8 p.m. Set own price. r,:................ .-
our Gym, Sat., Dec. 9, 9
r info, Al 434-4392
,et Equip yourselves O W f ,

in Cooperation with
Douglas Ward's HAPPY ENDING

*December 9
2 P.M. and 8 P.M.
*December 10
2 P.M. and 8 P.M.

Arena Theater
(Frieze Building)
$1.75 for matinees
$2.00 for evening performances

Tickets are on sale on the first floor of the Michigan Union
beginning Wed., Nov. 29 thru Fri., Dec. 8 from 12 P.M.-4 P.M.
Due to the nature of the theater, late comers may be delayed
in being seated 10-20 minutes.


Buy & sell used ski eq
TO SELL: Drop items off
Ave., Fri., Dec. 8, 2 p.r
TO BUY: Come to Barbc
a.m.-6 p.m. For further
Clean out your clos




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and an ice cold Coca-Cola. The most
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