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December 07, 1972 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1972-12-07

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ie Sir4igan Daing
Eighty-two years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

Lack of interest cripples mental hospitals

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.

News Phone: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Funding for Detroit schools

MAN'S TECHNOLOGICAL and scientific
advancements have wrought many sig-
nificant changes in our modes of living
- some life saving, others equally de-
We have evolved into a fast moving, vast,
amazingly complex, and a sometimes in-
humanly cold society.
Throughout written history we have evi-
dence of emotional and mental disorders
within civilizations, and the different ways
in which they were treated or pushed aside.
Today with the world's expanding popula-
tion and increased pressures, psychiatric
disorders are more common than ever. Yet
through years of technical advancement in
the medical sciences, and volumes printed
on the horrors of places like "Bedlam" in
England and the Marquis de Sade, we have
done practically nothing to improve the
conditions for psychiatric care or to lessen
the suffering of those afflicted.
Since the discovery of tranquilizers and
anti-depressants patients in psychiatric
wards can now be subdued. There is less
chance of them hurting themselves or oth-

ers by letting their feelings come out
physically and often uncontrollably. N'w
they can walk as far as the locked dour
and are perhaps more coherent, and less
threatening to the hospital personnel.
But until patients can receive the kind
of therapy for which the drug is designat-

tion of our state psychiatric institutions.
Recently when funds began to run low,
patients at Ypsilanti State Hospital were
served only two meals a day. This is not
uncommon and some employees have even
run bucket drives to collect extra funds
during their spare time.

But until patients can receive the kind of therapy for
which the drug is designed (in some cases psychotherapy
or behavior therapy), the drugging alone remains a very
poor solution.
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THE CONDITIONS in private hospitals
aren't too much better. While the natients
may not suffer from lack of food or clean-
liness, the personnel, unless trained other-
wise, will probably be just as unempathetic
as in the state hospitals.
People continue to suffer more than is
necessary, and their plight is largely un-
known to the general public.
Conditions most likely won't change until
more people become aware of :hem. In the
past this has happened primarily *hrough
personal experience as patients or em-
ployees, and through the experiences of
friends and relatives.
There is a lot that those on the "out-
side" can do. Monetary contributions can
be made to the funds for state tun hos-
pitals, and citizens can exercise their vot-
ing power and voice to state senators and
representatives. And more importantly, try-
ing to become personally aware and under-
standing of the problems others are having
all around.
Kathy Ricke is a staff writer for The


DETROIT voters must have won some
sort of award when they voted down
the millage for their schools in the last
election. They left their schools with a
property tax base of 15.51 mills, little
more than the minimum prescribed by
state law. That compares to an average
of 26 mills throughout the state and an
average of 30 mills in the Detroit metro-
politan area.
Faced with an overwhelming $80 mil-
lion deficit, Detroit schools officials
quickly made plans to shut the schools
down for eight weeks beginning Decem-
ber 21. These plans were cancelled Tues-
day, however, after leaders of both par-
ties in the state Legislature promised to
get the Detroit schools out of their dif-.
ficulty by hook or by crook.
One disappointment is that the citizens
of Detroit will not be allowed to face
the consequences of their irresponsibil-
The Legislature will probably combine
a relatively small grant to the school sys-
tem with a substantial increase in some
Detroit tax.
Their promise to "find a way" points
Today's staff:-
News: Robert Barkin, Laura Berman,
Linda Dreeben, Ted Evanoff, Terry
Martin, Cheryl Pilate
Editorial Page: Bill Heenan, Eric Schoch
Arts'Page: Tom Field, Gloria Jane Smith
Photo technician: Denny Gainer
Editorial Staff
PAT BAUER.............. Associate Managing Editor
LINDSAY CHANEY ................ Editorial Director
MARK DILLEN ....................Magazine Editor
LINDA DREEBEN.......Associate Mnging Editor
TAMMY JAOBS.........Managing Editor
ARTHUR LERNER................ Editorial Director
ROBERT SCHREINER.............Editorial Director
GLORIA JANE SMITH .................Arts Editor
ED SUROVELL.....................Books Editor
PAUL TRAVIS... ....Associate Managing Editor
NIGHT EDITORS: Robert Barkin, Jan Benedetti, Di-
ane Levick, Jim O'Brien, Chris Parks, Charles
Stein, Ted Stein.
COPYr EDITORS: Meryl Gordon, Debra Tha.
DAY EDITORS: Dave Burhenn, Jim Kentch, Marilyn
Riley, Judy Ruskin, Eric Schoch, Sue Stephen-
son, Ralph Vartabedian, Becky Warner.
Aswan, Gordon Atcheson, Laura Berman, Penny
Blank, Dan Blugerman, Bob Burakoff, Beth Eg-
nater, Ted Evanoff, Cindy Hill, Debbie Knox,
David Stoll, Terrt Terrell.
STAFF WRITERS: Howard Brick Lorin Labardee, Ka-
. thy Ricke. Eugene Robinson, Linda Rosenthal,
ZUcry Schiller, Marcia Zosaw.
ARTS STAFF: Herb Bowie, Rich Glatzer, Donald
Sports Staff
Sports Editor
Executive Sports Editor
BILL ALTERMAN............Associate Sports Editor
BOB ANDREWS ............Assistant Sports Editor
SANDI GENS........Assistant Sports Editor
RANDY PHILLIPS ........Contributing Sports Editor
MICHAEL OLIN.......... Contributing Sports Editor
CHUCKDRUKIS .......Contributing Sports Editor
JOEL GREER...........Contributing Sports Editor
SPORTS NIGHT EDITORS: Chuck Bloom, Dan Borus,
Mare Feldman, George Hastings, Bob Heuer, Frank
Longo, Bob McGinn, Roger Rossiter, Rich Stuck.
Ecker, Mike Lash, Mark Ronan, Bob Simon, Theresa
Swedo, Robin Wagner.
Janet McIntosh, Marcia Merker, Mike Pritula,
STAFF: Jeff Chown, Richard Flaherty, Fred Lucas,

ambiguously toward the larger problem
of school tax reform, however.
Propositions C and D and the Novem-
ber ballot would have shifted support for
the schools away from the property tax
and toward a uniform, state graduated
income tax. The proposals would actually
have shifted some of the financial bur-
den of Detroit's school system onto out-
state taxpayers.
Yet Detroit voters helped to defeat
these proposals too. The fact that they
blindly voted down every proposition
with the word "tax" in it makes reform
even more imperative. Not only is the
present system unfair, but citizens can
no longer be trusted to vote the money
necessary to educate their children.
State support for the .schools hardly
solves the problem, however. Not only
does it remove voters even farther from
the responsibility which they already
lack, but it also removes them further
from the consequences of their actions.
Even if it is necessary, the State's as-
sumption of responsibility for the schools
can be viewed only with misgiving.
Exploded myths
REFRESHING AS always, Justice Wil-
liam Douglas yesterday exploded the
ever-growing myth that the Supreme
Court is overworked.
"We are if anything, underworked, not
overworked," Douglas stated in a terse
dissenting opinion in a minor procedural
Douglas allowed that the total number
of cases filed with the court has indeed
increased-by over 300 per cent since
But, Douglas stressed, the court now
agrees to rule on very few cases. The
number' of signed opinions, in fact,. was
less last year than in 1939.
What all this means, besides the fact
that the Supreme Court is underworked,
Is that myths are made to be exploded.
We urge all students, faculty members
and administrators at the University, as
well as members of the community, to
seek hard and relentlessly for myths cap-
able of being exploded.
If you provide the evidence, we will
provide space for the explosion.
C iv.ili-an blues
THE FIRST civilian to go to the moon
left the eafrth in an Apollo spacecraft
last night. Astronaut Harrison Schmitt, a
geologist, reportedly was included after
NASA was criticized for not including
civilians on previous flights.
Perhaps after the newest moonmen re-
turn safely to earth these same critics
will ask why the Nixon administration
has usually given the nod to the mili-
tary over civilian concerns in the- rest of
the federal budget.

ed (in some cases psychotherapy or behav-
ior therapy) the drugging alone remains a
very poor solution.
NOT ONLY is psychological care lacking,
but patients in state-run hospitals often have
to exist in.,deplorable physical environments.
The buildings are as drab as any hos-
pital, and are often filthy.
Time and time again state legislation
has denied money for the realistic func-

The majority of patients in state hospitals
are there because they have no mouey
for a private one. And often becauce
they were committed by. relatives.
Understandably, many people reach a.
point in their lives when hospitalization for
emotional difficulties becomes a reality.
Yet we can wonder just how much good it
actually does to dope someone up, and
then lock them up.


Vie t Cong court South

Vie tnam neutralists

WASHINGTON - Secret Intelli-
gence reports from Vietnam indi-
cate that the Viet Cong are pre-
paring to change their spots during
the political struggle for control
of the Saigon government.
The Communists have suddenly
started courting non-Communist
leaders in Saigon who are opposed
to President Thieu. The Viet Cong
apparently want to adopt a more
moderate front in order to win
the non-Communist left over to
their side.
Meanwhile, the true neutralists
in South Vietnam - those who op-
pose both Saigon and Hanoi -
are desperately trying to gain a
voice in the peace settlement.
THE PROPOSED peace accord
calls for a three-part national coun-
cil to work out the peace terms.
One third are supposed to be ap-
pointed by Saigon, one third by
Hanoi. The remaining third a r e
supposed to be neutral.
But the neutralists have no real
base of power. So far, they have
failed to get the United States -
or anyone else - to recognize
them. It now appears obvious that
Saigon will choose half of the so-
called neutralists and Hanoi the

other half. They will be neutral,
therefore, in name only.
The real neutralists in S o u t h
Vietnam, who would like to rally
round General Duang Van Minh,
popularly known as "Big Minh,"
are privately appealing to the Unit-
ed States for help.
But Henry Kissinger, for one,
hasn't had much time to consider
the appeals of the neutralists. Ne-
gotiating with Hanoi by day and
Saigon by night, the President's
master negotiator has been t a o
busy to worry about the neutral-
Two years ago with great fanfare
President Nixon ordered his chief
lieutenants to curtail their public
relations activities. But we h a v e
found that the public still pays a
stiff price for the privilege of be-
ing told by the bureaucrats how
good they are.
Instead of tooting their own horn,
government agencies now farm out
public relations work to p r i v a t e
advertising agencies.
UNDER THE Nixon Administra-
tion, we have learned, some 400
private public relations firms have
gotten over a thousand contracts
at a cost to the public of well

over $77 million. Here are some
highlights: "
O $52 million, or about four-fifths
of the total, was spent by the
Pentagon. The biggest contract, for
$47 million, went to N. W. Ayer
& Son of Philadelphia for an Army
recruiting program. -
0 The Environmental Protection
Agency alone handed out 400 PP
contracts. One of them called for
an expenditure of $18,500 for "ori-
ginal paintings."
* The Commerce Department
spent nearly $4 million with a New
York firm to promote "tourism" in
the United States.
All of this, of course, doesn't
take into account the $116 million
the government spends each year
to keep its 6,000 "information spec-
ialists" on the payroll.
The FBI keeps thousands of citi-
zens under surveillance for t h e
crime of speaking their own minds,
but one group especially harassed
are black civil rights leaders.
WE HAVE obtained the FBI file
on a prominent black leader that
is loaded with malicious and irrel-
evant details about his personal
life. The file typifies the kind of

information the FBI has collected,
on numerous black leaders, includ-
ing the late Rev. Martin Luther
King, Rep. Walter Fauntroy, Rev.
Ralph Abernathy, Roy Innis and
Floyd McKissick, among others.
By no stretch of the imagination
can this man be called a revolu-
tionary, yet here is the kind of
information the FBI has collected
on him:
* Much of the man's dossier
concerns his alleged lack of leader-
ship ability and the troubles he is
having with his staff. One of his
close associates is quoted as saying
the man is suffering from "ego-
* Other memos are concerned
with the man's married life. He
has "periodically experienced mar-
ital dischord," says one document.
The black leader himself is quot-
ed as saying his wife "treated him
like a dog.''
* The FBI has even taken note
of the medicines the man takes.
One agent wrote that the subject
"utilizes a number of medications
daily 'to get going,' and other pills
in order to sleep at night. At
various times during the day he
resorts to additional pills."
The FBI, of course, could spend

the taxpayers' money more profit-
ably investigating criminals rath-
er than the personal lifer of a law-
abiding black civil rights leader.
White House sources are hint-
ing that Soviet Party Chief Leonid
Brezhnev will come to the White
House next year for a second sum-
mit meeting.dThetop item on the
agenda: the Middle East . . . The
Central Intelligence Agency, quot-
ing a source inside the B 1 a c k
September Groupcwarns that ano-
ther attempted coup against Jor-
dan's King Hussein is likely. An
attempt on Huessin's life 1 a s t
month failed. For months, we've
been warning that anti-U.S. senti-
ment has been building up in Latin
America. President Nixon, we have
said, might go down in history as
the President who lost Latin Amer-
ica. We are pleased to report,
therefore, that the President has
or ired thetNational Security Coun-
cil to take a fresh look at Latin
American relations.




Copyright, 1972, by United Feature
Syndicate, Inc.

Letters: State prisoner grievance meeting

To The Daily:
OPEN LETTER to the Michigan
Department of Corrections, t h e
press, prisoners, and families and
friends of prisoners:
Cruel and inhuman conditions
continue to permeate the Michigan
prison system after countless at-
tempts by the prisoners, their rela-
tives and concerned groups like the
Prisoners Solidarity Committee to
deal with these conditions on an
individual basis. This brings rise
to the need for an open airing of
these conditions to the people of
We demand the presence of Per-
ry Johnson of the Michigan De-
partment of Corrections at a public
grievance meeting, during which
prisoner's relatives and friends,
the Prisoners Solidarity Commit-
tee, and other concerned groups
and individuals will present their
grievances about the Michigan pri-
son system. This meeting is to be
held on December 18, 1972 at 7:30
p.m. at 103 W. Alexandrine in De-

One grievance to be presented
concerns a prisoner at Jackson,
Ulises Pineiro, who was transfer-
red to a work farm despite the fact
that he was under medication re-
gularly for a very painful allergy,
medication he was deliberately de-
nied at the farm. Another case is
Ken Smith, also a Jackson prison-
er, who escaped from a parole
camp to turn himself into a hospital
because he had been consistently
denied medical attention in prison.
also commonplace. In Ionia, a pri-
soner, called James Bobo, who was
organizing prisoners as workers in
a union struggle, w a s charged
with attacking a guard, even though
the attack happened when Bobo
was in a meeting with his coun-
selor. He was then transferred to
Jackson and thrown into the hole.
The members of the Prisoner's
Labor Union steering committee at
Jackson have been transferred to
farms and to Marquette, thrown
into the hole, had legal decuments
and briefs stolen by guards, and
denied visits with their lawyers.
These tactics have, however, been
unsuccessful in carrying out their
purpose of breaking up the Prison-
ers Labor Union, only due to the
courageous persistence of the pri-
soners themselves.

be present at the meeting to hear
these prievances, both to acco'mt
for the role his administration hils
played in their occurrence, and to
guarantee that they will not hap-
pen again.
-Diane Bukowski
For the Prisoners
Solidarity Committee
-Lydia Pineiro
-Mattie Freeman
Bicycling survey
To The Daily:
ENACT IS begining to work on
the conflicts in bicycle-pedestrian-
automobile traffic and in bicycle
security on campus. At winter term
registration this month, there is a
bicycle questionnaire available to
be filled out by all students who
ride a bike on campus. The form
is short and requires only about
two minutes to answer. The ques-
tionnaire and answer card will be
at the unit offices where o t h e r
registration material is picked tip.
The filled in answer cards will be
collected at Waterman during re-
gistration, and at the ENACT of-
fice, 2051 Nat. Sci. Bldg. At this
point, only bicyclists are to answer
the questionnaire. Cooperation by
all students who ride bicycles will
be appreciated and help all of us
in bettering the circulation of peo-
ple on campus.
-Karen Mitchnick
Dec. 6
A capital plan
To The Daily:,
IN LESS than a month I shall be
leaving this University and turning
to the business of earning a living.
Quite an exciting prospect, espec-
ially since I have just had an in-
spiration for a highly lucrative bus-
iness which would incidentally also
solve the housing problem in Ann
Arbor. However, as I will need
assistance in raising the necessary
capital I would like to share the
idea with your readers.
The idea came to be wh'in the
management of University Towers
insisted on having me vacate my
apartment by the 23rd, but never-
theless charge me four month's
rent for 3% months starting Sept.
6, plus extra charges for moving
in earlier in September. During
those last eight davs of the month

from the lease for my convenience
in reading that document.
NOW MY idea is this. Why not
buy an apartment building, and
once the tenant has signed the
lease simply notify him that he will
not be allowed to occupy the prem-
ises for which he is paying? That
is a logical extension of what U.
Towers is doing, and apparently it
is allowed by the lease. Then the
same apartment can be rented over
and over again.
Such a plan would obviously be
very profitable, and it works in
tenants' own best interests net to
worry them unnecessarily by no-
tifying them that their pockets are
about to be picked. Furthermore,
it is evident that the present hous-
ing problemdepends chiefly on the
fact that not too many more than
four people can occupy a three-inan
apartment! Once that constraint is
removed, an unlimited suoply of
housing rentals will be available to
all, and high rents as we know
them today will be a thing of the
Anybody with a little capital to
spare, here's your chance.
-Daniel Martin '72
Dec. 6
McClain resigns
To The Daily:
I WAS NOT surprised to hear
that Valda McLain resigned from
SGC this morning. She was a can-
didate recruited by the RAP par-
ty to run in the first place, and
expressed her disinterest in the
Council by continued silence on
all issues.
It was surprising, however, that
Valda degraded SGC by calling
Council the Kiddie Government
Council. First, it should be noted
that almost any government could
be reprimanded for their conduct.
But more importantly, McL in
should have tried to right t h e
wrongs she saw before leveling any
I contend that the conduct of
SGC, however, is not as "disgust-
ing" as McLain sees it. Whenever
20 people get together on a regular
basis, there is bound to be an
exchange of witticisms and ideas.
Idea exchange is the purpose of
the Council meetings!
Valda McLain failed as an SGC
member by viewing her role only

ents. The obligation of an SGC
member goes far beyond tae week-
ly meetings. Unfortunately, Valda
McLain did not realize this and
has, therefore, resigned.
Hopefully, McLain s replacement
will be willing to work. I urge all
students (but especially women)
who are interested in working fTr
and with the student body to apply
for McLain's position. Contact room
3X Michigan Union if you are in-
-Margaret Miller
SGC Member-at-large
Dec. 6
Pot vote farce
To The Daily'
the so-called "conservative" wing
of SGC, I feel compelled to explain
my vote at the Nov. 30th Council
meeting in support of the dope co-
op. In order to allay people's fears
that I've sold out to my more lib-
ertine colleagues, I want to pro-
claim here and now that I'm unal-
terably opposed to the concept of
breaking the law which governed
-the intent of this motion.
I voted for the co-op for two rea-
First, I wanted the measure pass-
ed to demonstrate to the student
body the farce that SGC really is
under the Group/Integrity yolk.
Second, I hoped that this piracy
of $2,500 for student money, ac-
crued through compulsory f e e s
from each and every student, would
get people up off their duffs. The
apathy on this campus makes me
want to puke; and until the Stu-
dent is put back in Student Govern-
ment Council through student con-
cern and participation in the gov-

erning process, then the students
deserve exactly the kind of govern-
ment that they've got: unrespons-
ible and bureaucratic.
I don't know how many times I've
pleaded with people to c:me to
SGC meetings and see what's go-
ing on. As a result of these efforts,
the average attendance, at meet-
ings runs anywhere from 4 to 12 out
of 35,000 students. Nice going, gang!
This is $80,000 of your money be-
ing doled out on a first-come,
first patronized basis.
And the biggest crime of it all
is that you have absolutely no
choice of wvhether or not to "con-
tribute" your precious coin to his
boondogele. It's all done for you,
nice and neatly, by the Office of
Student Accounts.
Tonight's SGC meeting will have
before it a motion to allocate $l,-
000 to a committee which, : 'id e r
false pretenses, will act as a dis-
tributor of dope. Not only will this
action, if taken, be criminal, but
it will also serve to make a
mockery of ' an already incredible
Student Government Council.
If I don't see a few thousand peo-
ple trying to crowd into that Coun-
cil room tonight to prevent -t h i s
whole sorry mess from taking
place, then I'll know that the demo-
cratic process on this campus is
dead, and along with it, any re-
spect that I have for my fellow
students as responsible constitu-
Come on! You 92 per cent who
didn't see fit to vote in the last
election, this is your chance to re-
deem yourselves and show that you
care! Stand up and be counted!
-Keith Murphy '74
SGC Member-at-large
Dec. 6



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