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November 19, 1972 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1972-11-19

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Sunday, November 19, 1972


Panhandling: Hows and whys
of begging for your 'bread'

SGC asks housing unit change


(Continued from Page 1)
is well dressed, looking more like
an engineering student than a
street person. He has been pan-
handling in the city of Ann Arbor
for the last month and is about to
move out West.
"It's not cool to stick around
too long in any one place. You be-
come familiar as that bench over
there and they just pass you by. I
dress neat and am extremely po-
lite, but that Oliver Twist bullshit
doesn't work when you are 25."
David makes between $10-$15 a
day depending on the weather. He
explains that anyone can do as
well "if you are cool with people
and aren't ashamed of being called
a beggar by some redneck. The
only thing you have to watch out
for are the cops."

Another street person named
Willy has a completely different
impression of the city's people.
When he arrived here last week, he
had been on the road for four days.
"I was really tired, but those mo-
thers cared more about making
their class on time than helping
out a brother," Willy says. "They
play liberal until it comes to their
pockets and then they are worse
than their parents."
Most panhandlers feel that the
key to successful begging is to
have a good line. According to
Sherry, who usually panhandles
outside the Michigan Union, "'You
don't get anywhere with a whole
long spiel about how hungry or
strung out you are.
"You gotta do a hell of a lot
better than the usual 'spare

proach people. After a half an
hour I had 25 cents, a half-dozen
sneers and a feeling that most
people didn't care if I lived or
The feeling of shame that I felt
could only be rationalized by re-
minding myself that this is just
another assignment.
I decided to approach a mid-
dle-aged woman, and the follow-
ing conversation developed:
"Do you panhandle for a liv-
ing?" she asked.
"No, not too much," I answered.
"Don't you feel ashamed?"
"Well, I gotta eat."
"You're nothing but a leech."
As she rushed off down the block,
I felt an inexplicable urge to de-
fend the image of panhandlers. I
remembered something Gary had
said and yelled, "If you were in
the same position, you would do
the same thing!"

(Continued from Page 1)
SGC member David Smith, who
introduced the proposal to Coun-
cil, and has worked with Univer-
sity housing for seven years,
claims one of the possibilities in
such a system would be to pro-
vide greater diversity for Univer-
sity students.
"It's not like the dorms have to
be one monolithic service," says
He claims that even a ten per
cent minority of people in dorms
desiring a certain change in policy
could be sufficient to institute a
Smith does not feel the increased
power will be too burdensome on
UHC since they would have "a
rather massive staff at the Univer-
sity Housing office" at their dis-
Smith claims the present admin-
istrative system has "fallen by the
wayside," in terms of University
housing control.
Smith adds, "I'm sure no stu-
dent on OSSPB would vote against
student control of their own lives."
OSSPB m e m b e r Rebecca
Schenk, however, says she feels
she represents the majority of stu-

dents on the board in disapproving
of the measure.
Schenk says the proposal, by
taking power away from HPC, will
"put us back to two years ago."
"The unit committees play a
power game for resources," says
Schenk. "The more unified we are,
the stronger we become. This
would fragment us into pieces so
we can't see from one to the
Although she claims the effects
of such a measure would not be
immediate, she says it would es-
tablish a trend that would "crum-

ble apart OSS, splitting it down."
Some administrative officials
have voiced disapproval of the
plan. Director of University Hous-
ing John Feldkamp called the pro-
posal "ill-advised and unrealistic."
"We fought for a single hous-
ing office," says Feldkamp, "and
now they're trying to separate the
30,000 students."
He said student control was "on-
ly one element" of the housing
issue, citing the major issue as the
fact that "only one-third of the
students return to University hous-



News: Prakash Aswani, Penny Blank, Tammy
Levick, Nancy Rosenbaum
Editorial Page: Art Lerner
Arts Page: Gloria Jane Smith, Jeff Sorensen
Photo technician: Karen Kasmauski

Jacobs, Diane


. ,. .(a panhandler can do well) "if you are
cool with people and aren't ashamed of being
called a begger by some redneck . . . (but)
watch out for the cops."

Join The Daily
Come in any afternoon
420 Maynard

The city ordinance against pan-
handling is short but specific.
Chapter 108 - Disorderly Conduct
9:62 prohibits "begging in a pub-
lic place."
Since January, 1971, only two
people have been arrested under
this law. Neither were charged
nor fined. City Police Sgt. Harold
Tinsey explains, "We don't worry
too much about those things."
Jeff is a native of Ann Arbor
and has lived here all his life.
He started panhandling two years
ago. His experience seems to make
him an expert on the psychological
aspects of panhandling.
"People here feel ashamed that
they got it good so they give you
some change," Jeff says. "Others
don't feel like giving you any-
thing, so either they ignore you or
say that they are just as broke as
you, even though you can hear the
coins jingling."

change.' I usually pick out some
freak and s.ay, 'Hey man I haven't
been high in a week!' Either they
hand me a joint or some change.
It's all a matter of experience, but
not everybody can hack it."
* * *
Not one of the panhandlers in-
terviewed could adequately ex-
plain how its feels to panhandle.
Most had never thought about it,
others couldn't describe the feel-
The only solution that I could
find to this problem was to try
panhandling myself. I had observ-
ed close to twenty panhandlers
and thought I knew the racket fair-
ly well. And so, dressed in my
rubbiest clothes, I stationed my-
self outside the Engin. Arch.
Equipped with the humble and
admittedly less professional line
"spgre change," I started to ap-

u.w-E~ws S.. *.* a eW#E ' sC - S#Ais#N5mm mmw'
The Daily Official Bulletin is an erland, must speak German. Contact
official publication of the Univer- this office for complete info.
sity of Mchigan. Notices should be Job with City of New York, Youth
sent in TYPEWRITTEN FORM to Services Specialists (Exam No. 2181)
409 E. Jefferson, before 2 p.m. of B degree with major in Soc. Wk., Soc.,
the day preceding publication and Psych., Ed. or related field. Deadline
by 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday and for application, NOV 21. written test
Sunday. Items appear once only. expected to be held on Jan. 27, 1973.
Student organization notices are Ck for complete details.
not accepted for publication. For INTERVIEWING ON CAMPUS: Pru-
more information, phone 764-9270. dential Life Insurance Co., Nov. 21;
* * * Yale Law School, Nov. 27; Digital
Equipment Corp. & Salada Foods Inc.
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19 Nov. 28; Action/Peace Corps/vista, Nov.
DAY CAENDAR28 and 29; Center for Naval Analyses.
DAY CALENDAR C R.Bard, Inc., Council for Opportun-
TV Center Film: "Of Greeks and yinGa.g.,ndBrugsw-
Gods: The Hero as Loser," WWJ-TV, ity in Grad. Mgt., and Burroughs Wel-'
GCdh :Thnn e on. L rcome Co., Nov. 30; Case Western Re-
Choannol o usic: E. P. Lewis, so- erve School of Mgt., andGeorge Wash2
prano, SM Recital Hall, 4:30 p.m. i

This Sunday on
"Community Forum"




Wednesday, Nov. 22
8-10 pm.
West Conference
Room, 4th Floor

Listings continued

(Continued from Page 3)
9 Human Journey
50 Cinderella
8:30 2 Sandy Duncan
4 McMillan and Wife
9:00 2 Dick Van Dyke
7 Movie
9 To The Wild Country'
50 Detroit Show
56 Art Auction Continesw
9:30 2 Mannix
50 Nitty Gritty
10:00 4 Night Gallery
9 Weekend
50 Lou Gordon
10:30 2 Evil Touch
4 Profiles in Black
11:00 2 4 9 News
56 Art Auction ContiusW
11:15 9 Religious Scope
11:30 2 Name of the Game
4 Wild Wild West
9 Movie
"Blindfold." (1966)
50 For My People
12:00 50 Man in a Suitcase
12:25 7 News
12:30 4 News
1:00 2 Grambling Footbagl
7 Movie
"Up from the Beach." (1965)
2:00 2 Colden Gospel
2:30 2 News
3:00 7 News
6:00 2 4 7 News
9 Eddie's Father
50 Flintstones
56 To Be Announced
6:30 2 4 7 News
7:00 2 Truth or Consequences
4 News
7 To Tell The Truth
9 Beverly Hillbillies
50 I Love Lucy
56 World Church Kingdom
7:30 2 What's My Line?
4 Mouse Factory
7 Let's Make A Deal
9 The Wacky World of
Jonathan Winters
50 Hogan'sHeroes
8:00 2 Gunsmoke
4 Rowan and Martin's Laugh-in
7 Rookies
9 Good Life
50 Dragnet
56 Mabel Mercer and
Bobby Short

8:30 9 David Frose Revue
50 Merv Griffin
9:00 2 Here's Lucy
4 Movie
Neil Simon's "Barefoot in the
Park" (1967)
7 Pro Football
9 News
56 In Saner Hours
9:30 2 Doris Day
9 Miss Canada Pageant
56 Book Beat
10:00 2 Bill Cosby
50 Perry Mason
56 Realities
11:00 2 4 9 News
50 Johnny Mann's Stand Up
and Cheer
11:20 9 Nightbeat
11:30 2 Movie
"The Lonely Man" (1957)
4 Johnny Carson
50 Movie
"The Green Slime" (1969)
12:00 7 News
9 Movie
"Prescription Murder" (1967)
12:30 7 Movie
': "The Bravados." (1958)
1:00 4 News
1:30 2 Wagon Train
2:30 7 News
3:00 2 News
wcbn today
fm 89.5

Environmental & Industrial Health ATTENTION STUDENTS: Nov. 24 is
Seminar: L. H. Hecker, "Biological Ef- the deadline for applying for the Jan.
fects Resulting from Air Pollution," 6 Summer Federal Agency Exam. The
Vaughan Aud., Sch. of Pub. Health I, early bird gets the jobs, taking the
1 p.m. first exam could be valuable.
Hendrix, naturalist, "Retirement Years: Appointments for the following
Local Activities," Ann Arbor Public Li- schools can be made beginning Mon.
brary, 1:30 pm. morning (Nov. 20) in our office, or by
Ctr. for Coord. of Ancient and Mo- calling 764-7459.
dern Studies: W. S. Glazer, Univ. of DEC 1: Garden City, Mi.-Lib.,
Pittsburgh, "The Search for Commun- Spec. Educ., Voc. Ind. Educ.
ity: Periclean Athens and Cincinnati," DEC 6: Overseas-International Vol-
2009 Angell Hall, 2:10 p.m. , untary Services, a private, non-profit
Epidemiology: Thomas Francis, Jr. organization will be in Career Plan-
Memorial Lecture of 1972, C. H. Ram- ning Office to recruit volunteers to
melkamp, Jr., Case-western Reserve, work in areas of education, agriculture,
"Prevention of Rheumatic Heart Di- technical fields, social welfare, and
sease-Fact or Fancy," Vaughan Aud., health services. The teaching vacancies
Sch, of Pub. Health I, 4 p.m. I will be for teachers of English as a
Botany-Human Genetics Seminar: D. third language in Algeria: English,
R. Stadler, Univ. of wash., Seattle, math/science, social studies, agricul-
"Marker Effects in Genetic Recombi- ture, and industrial arts in Laos.
nation: Transduction of Tryptophan__
Mutans in Escherichia col," 4804 Med.
Physics Seminar: M. L. Pert, Stan-
ford Linear Accelerator Ctr., "Elec- O
troproduction of Hadrons and the Na- CHRISTMAS
ure of the Proton," P&A Colloq. Rm.,AART
Psych. 171 Film Series: "The Sixties,"'800 PACKARD
"Afrikaner," UGLI Multipurpose Rm., 0Between Platt & Carpenter Rd.
4 p.m.
Highway Safety Res. Inst.: D. F. Huel-
ke, "Accident Factors in Rollover OPEN
Crashes," HSRI Seminar Rm, 4:30 p.m. Tues. through Sat.
Afro-American & African Studies 12 to 5
Ctr.: Interdisciplinary Colloquium on 973-0290
Africa, L. Johnson. "The Languages of
the New African Fiction: The Tradi-
tional and theWestern Heritage," 2402 58 MICHIGAN ARTISTS
Mason, 7 p.m. AND CRAFTSMEN
Office of Student Services Policy " M +. ° +'SE
Board Meeting: Third Fl., Mich. Union, --- -
7:45 p.m.
School of Music: Opera, Puccini's
'Sister Angelica," Ibert's "Angelique,"
Lydia Mendelssohn, 8 p.m.
School of Music: Violin Student Re-
cital Hall, 8 p.m.
Rive Gauche: German Language
night, 1024 Hill St., 9 p.m.
didates must be citizens of the coun-
try, Personnel Mgt.-Holland; Personnel
Mgt.-Copenhagen, Denmark; Program-
mers/Systems Analysts-Zurich, Switz-



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