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November 19, 1972 - Image 7

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1972-11-19

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Sunday, November 19, 1972


Let's not call it the greatest Michigan
football game to be played in this century,
but oh my it was a battle.
A battle in a war that started 10 weeks
ago, when the Wolverines began another
quest for a Big Ten football championship.
Then they set some goals for themselves;
one was to go through the season un-
defeated. They had tremendous holes to
fill from a team that copped the title last
year, and injuries that wiped out the
whole defensive secondary looked ominous.
But no matter who says what, nobody
would have taken reasonable odds that
the Wolverines would be 10-0 on November
While nobody is calling Michigan a
cinderella team, the wonder remains that
a squad without a Heisman trophy can-
didate, without a sure-thing All-America,
without a superstar quarterback, and with-
out a never-miss placekicker can main-
tain enough togetherness to be such an
awesome football power.
AS THE MAN SAYS, they must be doing
something right.
Obviously. Football is a complex game.
To play it well takes a carefully blended
mixture of knowledge, excellence in execu-
tion, and ability. But there's one other
ingredient for w'-ich there is no substitute
-emotion-especially when a team may

Key to Michigan

be a trifle light on the other fronts.
"Last year," Bo Schembechler said last
week, "We had all the players. We were
11-0 before the season started. This year,
coaching is fun because we don't have
all the superstars and it's a challenge
to put all the parts together and come out
with a winner. This group is conscientious
and hungry. They want to win."
And when the Wolverines spilled out of
the tunnel before yesterday's kickoff, they
were overflowing with a rush of emotion
and confidence that told the story of the
In fact the man leading the sprint across
the field was none other than the General
himself, flying at a pace that must have
made his cardiologist shudder.
But once the team took the field, it was
time for the emotion to be subdued. Be-
cause as good as it is on the positive
side, over-emotion can be costly on the
negative side-like folding under pressure.
So when they got behind for the first
time all year the Wolverines stayed cool.
They scored a touchdown on the com-
bination of Dennis Franklin's passing arm
and Schembechler's astute football mind.
IT WAS A PLAY designed for only one
purpose: to score a touchdown. Bo ex-
plains: "It's run from an unbalanced line.
The receivers go right and Franklin rolls
right to get the flow going that way. The

shortside wingback does a post-cut to draw
the defense inside. Meanwhile the tight end
(Paul Seal) sets up to pass block and
finally slips off into the flat.
That is coolness. So is this: Dennis
Franklin stepped into a precarious posi-
tion a week before Michigan's first game
against Northwestern. He was only a
sophomore and black besides, and many
made it a point to say that his blackness
only increased the pressure that was on
him. Yesterday he was cool. He com-
pleted 10 of 15 passes for 143 yards,
including the touchdown pass to Seal, and
retained enough moxie to march Michigan
down into range for the field goal that
finally iced the cake.
But he never would have gotten the
chance had it not been for Randy Logan,
who picked off a Gary Danielson pass
with 2:33 left on the clock.
"The defense decided before we went
out on the field that we had to get the
ball back for the offense," Logan said.
"We didn't want a tie."
gan's 43, after the Wolverines' last drive
failed, and Danielson was looking to hit
split end Don Roman on an out-cut.
"On the play, I saw Stingley go deep
and left him for our halfbacks, and went
for the hook and out. It wasn't a gamble,
we just played our best and read the

play well."
He leaped high and picked off the pass,
and the Wolverines had 2:33 to score.
Pressure? "No, man," sighs Franklin.
"When you get into something like that
you don't have time to think about pres-
sure or anything. You just do your job."
So he just cruised 17 yards up the
middle, then gave the ball to tailback
Chuck Heater, who ate up 22, dragging two
Purdue tacklers the last five or six yards.
But the Boilermakers stiffened, and sacked
Heater for a loss of two and broke up a
pass intended for Gil Chapman.
"We thought about going for the first
down," said Bo. "The fact that Lantry
had missed the extra point and the other
field goal had me worried. But three yards
is just too far."
Franklin admits that he was a bit wor-
ried too. "I may have wanted to go for it,
but I had confidence in Mike. He works
just as hard all week as the rest of us.
Going for three was the right thing to do
and he deserved the shot."
SO THE PRESSURE was as awesome as
could be and when the smoke cleared the
ball was sailing through the uprights and
lo, Michigan was 10-0.
"We've come this far," says Franklin,
"and we don't intend to quit now. We'll be
Heed the warning, Buckeyes.

Daily Photo by DAVID MARG3OLIC K
PURDUE RUNNING BACK Jack Spellman attempts to go up and over the Michigan line during yes-
terday's Wolverine victory, but is met by a flying leap by Michigan's Dave Gallagher (71). Look-
ing on the action for the Wolverines is Fred Grambau (right).





stopped for no gain on the follow-
ing two plays, end Paul Seal, after
faking a block and moving off an
unbalanced line into the endzone
button - holed a toss from Frank-
lin to put the Wolverines ahead.
Lantry, however, was wide with
the conversion.

Who's afraid of the big, bad
Wolverines? Perhaps Purdue's
Boilermakers weren't when
they invaded Michigan Sta-
dium yesterday afternoon, but
Bo Schembechler's fired up
team managed to put a little
fear in them as they squeaked
to their tenth straight victory
of the season, 9-6.
In what was hardly a typical
Michigan game, the Wolverines,
behind the toe of the day's biggest
and baddest Wolverine, place-kick-
er Mike Lantry, forged into a pre-
Bucks on TV
The Michigan-Ohio State game
next Saturday will be televised
by ABC beginning at 1:00, EST.
Channel 7, Detroit, will be the
local outlet.
cious three point lead with barely
'one minute to go as Lantry booted
his fourth field goal of the season.
Lantry's field goal climaxed aC
breath-taking march that saw:
Michigan grind 58 yards in five
plays, following wolf-man Randy
Logan's fine interception of a Gary
Danielson aerial.
"The defense decided before wej
went on the field that we had to
get the ball for the offense. We did-
n't want a tie," Logan admitted.
"We didn't gamble - we just
played our best and read the play
aten badly
ter College


to push the Michigan unit that was
third ranked nationally in total
defense up and down the field be-
hind the running of fullback Otis
Armstrong and passing of Daniel-

passes and the ground gobbling ex-
ploits of Armstrong to advance to
the Michigan 15 before the defense
finally stiffened, forcing them to
settle for three points.
Unfortunately for Michigan,
though, the Purdue defense also
stiffened and, after a seesaw bat-


Picking up from Logan's inter-
ception the momentum the team
seemed to lack throughout most of
the game, quarterback Dennis
Franklin rambled 17 yards upfield
to give the Wolverines a first down
in Purdue territory. The sopho-
more tailback Chuck Heater, who
had only run for 13 yards in 11
attempts in the first 58 minutes
of the game, broke free on a de-
lay for 22 yards.
Fullback Ed Shuttlesworth, who
didn't start the game, but replac-
ed Bob Thornbladh early, plunged
for four more. Then, after Heater
got caught for a loss of two Frank-
lin on third down and eight dumped
a short pass to Paul Seal on the 13
to set the stage for Lantry's game-
winning tally.I
That field goal spelled redemp-
tion for the Wolverines as well as

for Lantry, who earlier had missed
an extra point attempt that would
have given the Wolverines a mar-
gin of victory without the need
for a field goal.
For the Wolverines it ended an
afternoon of frustration as a tough
Purdue defense time after time
negated the effectiveness of the
rushing attack that had been so
successful all season long, allowing
only 100 yards on the ground.
Happily, the passing attack fared
slightly better as Franklin, who
displayed some brilliant aerial tal-
ents, completed 10 of 15 attempts
for 143 yards, and one touchdown,
a passing total unknown to Wol-
verine fans since the days of Don
But it was the Boilermakers who
dominated the game up until those
last few minutes, as they managed

Armstrong managed to gain 921
yards in 22 carries while Daniel-
son, Franklin's chief passing rival
in the conference, nearly duplicated
Franklin's output, gathering 141
yards through the air.
"Purdue has great talents and
is a fine team," Schembechler not-
ed. "They're not the same club
that lost early in the year and if
they had beaten us they could
have gone- to the Rose Bowl."
From the first it was apparent
that the Boilermakers were not a
team that deserved to be two
touchdown underdogs. They cer-
tainly did seem to smell Roses as
they took Lantry's opening kickoff
and marched 65 yards in a Wolver-
ine-like drive to score their first
field goal of the game, a twenty-
five yarder by Frank Conner.
Danielson expertly mixed his

tie that saw Michigan threaten on- A grinning Schembechler noted
ly once, as Franklin drove the about the play, "I've been practic-
team to Purdue's 30 only to fumble ing that play for nine weeks and
the ball, Purdue's three point lead today was the first time we used
still held up as the two teams re- it. I told the team that someday
tired to their locker rooms at half- that play would give us a touch-
time. down."
With the start of the second half But Bo didn't have much time to
the Michigan team finally began gloat over its success as minutes
to look like the team that had run later Purdue managed to stage
over nine straight opponents, their second scoring march tof the
pounding their way 80 yards for day as Danielson pushed the team
their first score of the afternoon. to the Michigan three and Conners
Buoyed by two consecutive third booted his second three-pointer of
down passes by Franklin, including the day to tie up the game and
a beautiful 52-yard bomb to Clint set the scene for Lantry's fateful,
Haslerig that set hearts flutter- tension-filled tally with only one
ing all around Michigan Stadium, minute to go.
Michigan marched to Purdue's 11 Who's afraid of the big bad Wol-
yard line. But they were not to be verines? Maybe no one, but then
denied this time and after being maybe Ohio State should be.


Daily Photo by TERRY McCARTHY
MICHIGAN QUARTERBACK Dennis Franklin attempts to elude
several Pardue tacklers on an option play during the Wolverines'
9-6 conquest of the Boilermakers yesterday. Franklin used his
throwing option often enough yesterday to account for 143 yards
Michigan ruggers be
by powerhouse Pallm1

Saved by the toe

Number of Rushes
Number attempted
Number completed
Number intercepted
(rushes and passes)
Punt returns, yards
Kickoff returns, yards
Number of punts
Average yards

Special To The Daily
DAVENPORT, Iowa -A combi-'
nation of injuries and a reputation
handed the Michigan ruggers a 14-4
defeat at the hands of 1972 NCAA
rugby champions Palmer College.
The Blue suffered three injuries
and the ejection of one player from
the game which resulted in Michi-
gan playing at least two men short
for most of the contest.
Palmer College, a school of chi-
ropractic whose only varsity sport
is rugby, captured their title in a
national tournament this spring.
The reputation of such a title kept
Michigan tense the whole game,
despite the fact that the nucleus of
their championship team has been

lost to graduation.
in the first half when they recov-
ered a stray Michigan pass on the
Blue 15syard line and ran it into
the end zone with good support
from the other backs. The conver-
sion failed..
The Blue tightened their defense
and gradually moved into Palmer
territory. Michigan finally broke
through the opposing backfield as
Chuck Holt dashed into the corner
of the endzone, but the touch judge
ruled he stepped out on the one-
yard line. Palmer won the lineout,
but a short kick for the touch put
the Blue back on the Palmer ten.
Palmer again won the lineout,

but the ball was tapped past their'
scrum half. Michigan's Chuck
Drukis broke through the Palmer
line to recover the ball in the end-
zone for a try. John Bohlke's con-
version barely missed to the right
leaving the score tied.

1 2
3 0
0 0

Purdue Shuttlesworth
16 i Chapman
9 Haslerig
7 Totals




no yds td long!
1 6 0 6
3 37 0 20,
2 61 0 52
3 26 1 11
1 13 0 134
no yds avellong
5 186 37.2 45
att gain loss net
22 93 1 92"


They have a darn good team,
continued Renfrew, in reference to{
the Huskies, who stretched their
record to 4-0 in the WCHA race.
"They just outplayed us."
Right again. Tech does have
a fine team, and it proved it be-
fore the crowd of 3,522 to corn-

In fact, if it weren't for Moore,
the score would have been much
more disastrous than it eventual-
ly turned out to be. He had a
relatively busy night in the nets,
being forced to make 37 saves,
some of which could be labeled

12 30 0 30 fr
1 0 0 0'
2 0 3 -3 ab
48 152 52 100 R
att com Int yds
15 10 0 143 1

By FRANK LONGO Warden and junior Rick Quance to
Michigan hockey coach Al Ren- play goal, leaving senior Morris
ew was right. Trewin on the bench. Quance per-
"There isn't much you can say formed solidly last night, and was
bout a game like that," dron credited with 23 saves.
enfrew after last night's 7-2 loss The Michigan netminding is not
Michigan Tech at the Coliseum. nearly as deep as the Huskies'.
It was the third straight loss at Freshman Robbie Moore popped
me and the fifth straight overall his right knee on one play, but
ir the Wolverines, who dropped to was determined to continue play-
S on the year. ing. The team trainer then poppedI
" " it back in, and off he went.

ce rs
And when later in the same
period (the second) Falconer
notched the Wolverines' only
other tally of the game on a shot
from the side of the net that
seemed to deflect in off a skate,
it looked that Michigan might
actually make -a game of it.
And it almost came off. The
Wolverines had a three-on-two
break as the second period was
drawing to a close, but Michel
jarry's shot was deflected slightly
by goalie Quance and grazed off
the goal post. It would have been
the tying goal and who knows
which way the momentum would
have gone, but "if" has always
been a big word in Michigan
hockey circles.

But with a tie score, the Blue (Number!
appeared to have the momentum. PENALTIES
They advanced aggressively, but (NumbsC
near the close of the half, Palmer
broke on the blind side. Again with MICHuGAN
good support, they dived into the
endzone for their second try. The
long conversion was good, making FTranklinad
the halftime score 10-4. Heater


4 Fa



att gainl
15 44
5 34
13 44

8 29 0 29 plete the sweep of the two-game
8 12 1 11 set. The Huskies took Friday But, just like the night before, The truth of the matter is: the
9 13 18 -5 night's contest 6-2. the Huskies came through with Wolverines just couldn't skate
47 147 20 127
PASSING Coach John MacInnes has three goals in less than two min- with Tech, and probably couldn't
att com int yds molded Tech into a fine unit, utes to put the game "on ice," so' even if there weren't the injury
18 9 1 141 highlighted by precise passing to speak. alibi to hang on to.
no yds td longGand excellent forechecking. And The only bright spots for the Michigan does have hope, how-
2 28 0 17 it is not all three-letter men Blue side were the two goals ever slight, in its future. Randy
3 66 0 34 either. scored by Bob Falconer, one on a Neal, who missed the entire Michi-
3 30 0 12 Freshman Mike Zuke picked up picture tip in off a shot from the gan Tech series and most of the
1 17 0 17 the three-goal hat trick last night, point by Tom Lindskog. Michigan Notre Dame series, should start
no yds ave long and in the two games with Michi- was already trailing 3-0 at that skating Monday. Paul Paris'
4 171 42.7 49, gan, MacInnes sent freshman Jim point. shoulder is healing and should be
- ~ - ~ ~ - ~~TE S- - -a t f u l l s t r e n g t h s o o n .
Long winter ahead
*tl "10_ * SCORING


loss net
44 4
0 34
9 35




M ikeLantry's


ooot mirrors


MICHIGAN 9, Purdue 6
Minnesot# 14, Michigan State 10
Ohio State 27, Northwestern 14
Illinois 27, Wisconsin 7
Indiana 16, Iowa 8
Colgate 26, Boston U. 0
Georgia Tech 30, Navy 7
Missouri 6, Iowa State 5
Western Michigan 27, Idaho 16
Alabama 52, Virginia Tech 13
Florida 40, Kentucky 0
Texas Tech 13, Baylor 7
Colorado 38, Air Force 7
Brigham Young 16, Utah 7
Oregon 30, Oregon State 3
Washington St. 27, washington 10
N. Arizona at Montana St., inc.
Pacific 36, UC Davis 26
SMU 22, Arkansas 7
USC 24, UCLA 7
Bridgeport 42, Springfield 8
SDelaware State 29, South Caro St. 21
Drexel Tech 35, Coast Guard 12

Rutgers 37, Morgan St. 14
Kent State 27, Toledo 9
Notre Dame 20, Miami 17
Eastern Michigan 28, Cent. Michigan 3
Western Illinois 42, Eastern Illinois 13
Nebraska 59, Kansas St. Univ. 7
Louisville 17, Memphis State 0
Oklahoma 31, Kansas 7
Auburn 27, Georgia 10
LSU 28, Mississippi State 14
Citadel 24, Davison Col. 16
East Carolina 24, Dayton 22
North Carolina 14, Duke 0
N. Carolina State 42, Clemson 17
Richmond 20, William and Mary 3
'ennessee 17, Mississippi 0
Virginia 15, Wake Forest 12
East Kentucky 28, Morehead State 6
Tulane 21, Vanderbilt 7
Rice 20, Texas A&M 14
Trinity 3i2, Arkansas State 22

Summer re-runs were never so
And though it is said that his-
tory repeats itself, the veracity
of that old axiom was never made
more patently clear than yester-
day afternoon when Mike Lan-
try's field goal sailed through the
uprights with exactly one minute
left on the clock.
In West Lafayette last year,
the game's outcome was also in
the balance with only a minute
left to play. But in that game, it
wasn't Mike Lantry who lined up
to do the kicking. It was Dana

Lantry missed the point-after-
touchdown at the beginning of
the second half, and on the en-
suing kickoff, he shanked the
ball out of bounds once before
Purdue had a change at a return.
"I had some second thoughts
about the field goal," acknowl-
edged Schembechler in his post
game interview, "especially with
the missed extra point and the
bad kickoff."
Until yesterday, Lantry had
not missed an extra point since
the Tulane game, having kicked
25 in succession after a medio-
cre start.

that it might end that way."
In a way, it may have proven
advantageous for the Wolver-
ines that Lantry did miss the
point after.
If Lantry had made the extra
point, Michigan would have led
7-3 with 3:44 gone in the second
half. Later in the third period,
when the Boilermakers were
faced with a fourth and goal at
the Michigan three, P u r d u e
Coach Bob DeMoss might have
gone for the touchdown, rather
than a fieldgoal in the last min-
ute to wrap up a victory.
Nevertheless, Lantry did miss

goal attempt) was to fire him up
and get him ready to kick it."
Lantry was not exactly un-
aware of the responsibility that
Schembechler placed, or rather
dumped, on his shoulders.
"It was do or die for us," said
Lantry, "Coach Schembechler
had a lot of confidence in me."
Offensive guard Tom Coyle
commented, "I bawled him
(Lantry) out after the extra
point and told him to get his
head together."
Whether or not Coyle's repri-
mand proved to be the deciding
factor is questionable. But be-

"I was kind of thinking that it
might be like the extra point,"
Lantry noted.
But football games are won
and lost in pressure situations,
and Lantry came through with a
near perfect kick even though he
had more time to ponder the sit-
uation than would have been
needed to make even the most
tranquil of field goal gickers jit-
When holder Tom Slade fin-
ally signalled for the snap,
Lantry was ready. A perfect
snap, good hold, a quick step,
a kick, and the game was over.

Michigan Tech

SCORING: 1. MT-Zuke (Vorlicek)
PENALTIES: 1. MT-Coates (slashing)
0:48; 2. M-Cullen (elbowing) 0:48; 3.
MT-Zuke (tripping) 1:12; 4. M-larry
(interference) 6:43; 5. M-Mallete (trip-
ping) 13:32; 6. MT--Nahrgang (charg-
ing) 15:41.
SCORING: 2. MT-Jaschuk (D'Alvise,
Wise) 3:02; 3. MT--Mott (Stamler,
Coates) 5:38; 4. M-Falconer (Lindskog,
Fox) 8:50; 5. M-Falconer (Moretto)
PENALTIES: 7. M-Moretto (tripping)
2:44; 8. M-Cullen (elbowing) 5:59; 9.
MT-Pushie (tripping) 9:30; 10. MT-
Steele (roughing) 10:45; 11. M-Mallette
(roughing) 10:45; 12. MT-Moates (trip-
ping) 13:08; 13. M-Moretto (Inter-

0 2 0-2
1 2 4--7

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