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November 18, 1972 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1972-11-18

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Page' Two


Saturday, November 18, 1972

Page Two THE MICH~~~~~~IGA AL audy oebr1,1

Juan Peron:

The exile's


From Wire Service Reports
BUENOS AIRES - Former dic-
tator Juan Peron returned to Ar-
gentina yesterday morning, end-
ing a seventeen year exile from
his homeland.
Peron's rented Italian jetliner
landed in a -driving rainstorm, at
an airport ringed by tanks and
thousands of troops - moved into
position to frustrate demonstrations
by Peron's many followers and en-
Security agents boarded t h e
plane as soon as the doors w e r e
opened, but, after ten minutes, Pe-
ron and his wife Isabel disembark-
Approximately 300 Peronists, all
that were allowed into the airport,
greeted their hero with chants and
frantic handwaving.
Peron was driven to the airport
hotel where he and his party will
stay temporarily. Supporters jeered
police. and troops outside of the
closed building with cries of "the
people are missing here."
The atmosphere in Argentina was
tense as the 77 year old Peron, dic-
tator from 1946 to 1955 made his
way home. A small group of Ar-
gentine sailors mutined earlier in
the day, killing a guard at a naval
machinists school. Army troops
later seized the sailors, who were
described as leftists Peronists plan-
ning to stir up demonstrations.
Peron's initial stay in Argentina
may be -only temporary. He told
an Italian newspaper on Thursday
that he would like to visit China,
Romania, and many of the other
Latin American countries.
Peron flew to' Buenos Aires from
exile in Madrid after stopping in
Rome and Dakar. While in Rome,
he attempted to seek an audience
with Pope Paul, a move many in-
terpreted as political.
Peron was excommunicated from


6:00 2 4 News
9 wrestling
50 Star Trek
6:30 2 4 7 News
7:00 2 Truth or Consequences
4 Explorers
7 Michigan Outdoors
9 This Is Your Life
50 Hee Haw
56 Art Auction Continues
7:30 2 Young Dr. Kildare
4 Adventurer
7 Town Meeting
9 Beachcombers
8:00 2 All in the Family
4 Movie
John Wayne in "The Green
Berets" (1968)
7 College Football
9 Pro Hockey
50 Roller Game of the Week
8:30 2 Bridget Loves Birnie
9:00 2 Mary Tyler Moore
56 Art Auction Continues
9:30 2 Bob Newhart
10:00 2 Mission: Impossible
50 Lou Gordon
10:30 9 Document
11:00 2 4 7 9 News
56 Art Auction Continues
11:15 9 A Look Back
11:30 2 Movie
"Promise Her Anything,"
4 Johnny Carson
7 Movie
"Margarie on the Rocks."
9 Movie--Thriller
"The Birds." (1963)
50 Movie
"Monster Zero." (Japanese
1:30 2 Movie
7 Movie
"In Name Only." (1969)
3:00 2 7 News
wcbn today
fm 89.5

B o wie: mw
As David Bowie's first Ameri-
can tour winds to an end, RCA
has re-released two of the Eng-
lish 'Starman's" earliest albums,
both previously available on the
Mercury label, Space Oddity and
The Man Who Sold the World.
Space Oddity (RCA - LSP-4813),
formerly titled Man of Words,
Man of Music, is the artist's
semi-acoustical stage, complete
with its own decadently lush or-
chestration. The title song, a sci-
fi "Top of the Pops" in England
three years ago, is the album's
best cut - and its worst as well.
Bowie's words are lyrically mov-
ing; his vocal performance dra-
matically calculated. Unfortun-
ately though, Gus Dudgeon (of
Elton John fame) and Bowie
combine to give the song an
overly ripe musical arrangement
and, as well, Paul Buckmaster
(again Elton John) over-orches-
trates to the point of Moody Blu-
ish mediocrity. Somehow Bowie's
edgy abilities overcome the mus-
ical tripe and reign (uneasily)
The deliberately naive "Me-
mory of a Free Festival" is also
lyrically superior, but Bowie's
lack of vocal control results in
a whiny, uneven performance of
3rd Hit Week!
-Glatzner, Michigan Daily
-N.Y. Magazine

'fnigd w o r hurning out releases


the song. The gimmicky devices
and overly long chorus at song's
end are no help either. Two oth-
er songs, "Cygnet Committee"
and "The Wild Eyed Boy fromn
Freecloud," are extremely ambi-
tious in a lyrical sense, but Bow-
ie fails to incorporate the songs
into thoughtful, well-executed
musical arrangements and as
such even his best-turned phrases
seem winded.
Two love songs, especially "Let-
ter to Hermione"," are outright
embarrassing in both content and
performance. The only straight
rocker on the album, "Unwash-
ed and Somewhat Slightly Daz-
ed," is both vocally weak and
musically boring. The lyrizs
though - "I'm a phallus in pig-
tails" included - do show a
glimpse of the later, more sex-

wally-stylized Starman's work--
but only a glimpse.
Space Oddity is often times
stringy, and certainly inferior to
Bowie's satisfying no-sweat rock
swind as presented on Hunky
Dory and Ziggy Stardust. One
thing must be considered though:
for a 1969 album in 72 drag,
Space Oddity is quite simply
a wonder.
Tony Visconti, co-arranger and
bassist on Space Oddity, produc-
ed and played piano, bass and
guitar on the third album, T h e
Man Who Sold the World, (RCA-
LSP-4816), and therein lie its
faults. Visconti's bass playing is
harsh and heavy-handed and his
production even more so - no
wonder, as his "technique" coa-
sists primarily of turning up the
volume on his own bass. Bowie
See BOWIE, Page 3


ARGENTINE POLICEMEN move to disperse supp orters of former dictator Juan Peron. The demon-

strators were trying to get to Eciza Airport, outside Buenos Aires, where Peron arrived yesterday
morning after 17 years in exile.
the Roman Catholic Church in After Eva's death in 1952, Peron didates which stipulated that they:
1955, after conducting a campaign increasingly lost popular support in must have lived in the country
against the Church in Argentina. Argentina. Dissatisfaction with the since Aug. 25, thereby ruling out
The excommunication was later regime culminated in a military Peron.
lifted, but the Pope apparently did coup in 1955, and Peron was forced However, it is expected that the
not wish to look as if he were in- to flee in a Paragyuan gunboat. former president will either try to
terfering in Argentina's affairs by He made an abortive attempt have the requirement waived, or
seeming to support Peron's return.:, to return to his homeland in 1964, run a substitute Peronist candi-
During his nine year rule, Peron but got only as far as Brazil be- date.
and his popular second wife Eva fore being forced to turn back. In Rome Peron was asked if he
became saintlike figures to the ur- Many in Argentina believe that would, in fact, run. "If the move-
ban poor - "the shirtless ones" as Peron wil attempt to run for Pres- ment desires it, I will fulfill thus
they were called in Argentina. Per- ident in the spring elections under the decision of the movement," he
on combiped this charismatic rule the banner of his Justicialist Party. said.
with strongarm tactics and social- The present government set a "In our movement dictators do
ist-style reforms. qualification for presidential can- not exist."


20th Century Music
Progressive Rock
New Release Show
Progressive Rock
Potato Show (runs 'til 3)


.- ..

Secret documents declassified
WASHINGTON () - A presi- there have been more than a hun- And here,' say the archivists, the of 1975," O'Neill told an interview-'
detial order aimed at prying the dred so far, with most still in vari- outlook is bright for eventually put- er.
secrecy wraps from old govern- ous stages of processing. ting nearly all once-secret docu- O'Neill noted two aspects of the
ment papers has produced only a Thus, early signs are that the ments into the public domain. Nixon directive which are espec-
trickle of new public information June 1 executive order will not Target No. 1 is 160 million pages ially important to the archivist:
since it took effect five months prove of much immediate help to of still-classified World War II do- -The automatic declassification
ago. scholars or newsmen searching for cuments. unless an agency head rules other-
The White House edict will show secret papers tucked away in Dr James O'Neill deputy archi- wise. Previously all material re-
rater impact later on, officials countless government files. vist of the United States, says 100 maiedtsectiunless someone
grata eripclaereoe nocasI moved to declassify it.
say, as declassifiers delve ito a Prospects are much brighter, people are being hired now to -The archivists for the first time
mountain of aging documents, and however, for creation of an inter- tackle the World War II papers in have authority on their own to re-
controls crimp the flood of new -nal-control system stemming the a 3 -year program that will cost move secrecy stamps, provided
secret writings, flood of new secret writings and some $4 million. Without the Nixon they follow guidelines set forth by
Under President Nixon's June 1 for yanking away the secrecy of order, he says, the task would take the agency which originally classi-
directive, any paper more than 10 government documents by the time five years and over $6 million. fied the material. Previously the
years old is supposed to be made they are 30 years old. "We figure we'll get down to one agency had to do the declassifying,
available to a member of the pub- No one knows exactly how many per cent still classified by the end often one document at a time.
lic if he asks for it unless a review government documents are under c
by officials finds it should be kept lock and key, hidden from public +!:::. ..:>:> .:::::>;?s:::::.:.:..... :.::.,.. ...:.
secret. view by security classifications *M A/ 1 \,A = 4 A 1 r% 1I1U "Tl I

Give More to
Christmas Seals
The Michigan Daily, edited and man-
aged by students at the University of
Michigan. News phone: 764-0562. Second
Class postage paid at. Ann Arbor, Mich-
igan 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48104. Published daily Tues-
day through Sunday morning Univer-
sity year. Subscription rates: $10 by
carrier (campus area) ; $11' local mail
(in mch. s or Ohio); $13 non-local mail
(other states and foreign).
Summer Session published Tuesday
through Saturday morning. Subscrip-
tion rates: $5.50 by carrier (campus
area); $6.50 local mail (in Mich. or
Ohio); $7.50 non-local mail (other
states and foreign).




The order calls also for automa- ranging from "confidential" to "top DL I L Y V 1 I
tic declassification of all docu- secret."
ments when they become 30 years But by conservative estimate, ; ..: ::;..:., ::,:ra
old, unless specifically exempted by there are more than a billion pages The Daily Official Bulletin is an
a department head in writing, and of such material; That's enough official publication of the Univer-
it pares sharply the number of of- paper to circle the earth a half sity of Michigan. Notices should be
ficials allowed to impose secrecy dozen times if placed end to end * sent in TYPEWRITTEN FORM to
stm- ln teeutr 409 E. Jefferson, before 2 p.m. of
stamps. along the equator. the day preceding publication and
But an effort by The Associated A General Accounting Office by 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday and
Press to dislodge some documents study covering just four agencies Sunday. Items appear once only.
under one portion of the order has -the State Department, Defense SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18
met with virtually no success so Department, NASA and the Atomic
far. Other inquirers lave had sim- Energy Commission-rated their DAY CALENDAR
ilar experiences. annual outlay for administering Education School: Saturday Seminars,
A June 1 request to the Defense the security-classification system "Instructional Structures for New Con-
Department for some Korean war at $60 million. stituencies in Higher Education," Rack-
documents produced a July 11 res- Since June 1, the White House Football: Michigan vs. Purdue, Sta-
ponse that the material was not in says, the number of persons au- dium, 1:30 pm.
the files of the assistant secretary thorized to wield secrecy stamps School of Music: M. Speier, viola, Su
for international security affairs has been slashed 63 per cent-from Recital Hall, 2:30 pm.
and an Aug. 8 response that a 43,586 to 16,238. These figures do Purdue varsity Glee Club, Hill Aud,
search for it would require "an not include the Central Intelligence 7, 9 pm.
unreasonable amount of effort." Agency, which keeps the number Hockey: Michigan vs. Michigan Tech,
The directive requires that the of its classifiers secret. Coliseum, 8 pm.
School of Music: Opera, Puccini's
request be specific enough that a By NSC directive, each agency "Sister Angelica," Ibert's "Angelique,"
government search can locate the is supposed to report by July 1, Lydia Mendelssohn, 8 pm.
document "with only a reasonable 1973, all major classified docu University Players: Brecht's "Mother
amount of effort." ments on file after the end of this Courage." Power Center, 8 pm.
After a newsman noted that Eis- year, giving their subject headings Hiv uet.,8a pm.d
enhower referred to the material 'and when they should become ! Musical Society: Chamber Art Series,
in his memoirs as coming from available to the public. Paniagua Quartet from Spain, Rack-
the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Pen- This information is to be fed in- ham Aud., 8:30 pm.
tagon searchers said they would to a computerized Data Index Sys- GENERAL NOTICES
look some more. tem which, hopefully, will start STUDENT ACCOUNTS: Your atten-
The June 1 order provides for giving up-to-date accounting on the tion is called to following rules passed
appeal within the executive branch, secret paper flow in 1973. ydents shall pay all accounts due the
where the secrecy label was ap- The end of the line for most old University not later than last day of
plied in the first place. government papers-not counting classes of each semester or summer ses-
Just how many requests have duplicate copies and minor items sion. Student Loans not paid or re-
been made under the new directive which are destroyed-is the Na- weveraretudsubjet to this regulation
is uncertain. One guess is that tional Archives. exempt. Any unpaid accounts at the


close of business on the last day of
classes will be reported to the Cashier
of the University and
(a) All academic credits will be
withheld, the grades for the semester
or summer session just completed will
not be released, and no transcript of
credits will be issued.
(b) All students owing such accounts
will not be allowed to register in any
subsequent semester or summer ses-
sion until payment has been made."
3200 SAB
didates must be citizens of the coun-
try, Personnel Mgt - Holland; Personnel
Mgt - Copenhagen, Denmark; Pro-
grammers / Systems Analysts - Zurich,3
Switzerland, must speak German. Con-
tact this office f or complete info. j
Job with the City of New York,
Youth Services Specialists (Exam No.
2181) B degree with major in Soc. Wk.,
Soc., Psych., Ed. or related field dead-
line for application Nov. 21. Written
test expected to be held on Jan. 27,
1973. Ck for complete details.
dential Life Insurance Co., Nov. 2i;
Yale Law School, Nov. 27; Digital
Equipment Corp. & Salada Foods Inc.,
Nov. 28; Action / Peace Corps / vista,
Nov. 28 & 29 Center for Naval Analy-
ses, C. R. Bard, Inc., Council for Op- I
portunity in Grad. Mgt., & Burroughs
welcome Co., Nov. 30; Case Western'
Reserve School of Mgt., & George
Washington Univ. Law Center, Dec. 1,
212 SAB
deadline for applying for the Jan. 6
Summer Federal Agency Exam .The
early bird gets the jobs, taking the
first exam could be valuable.

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Some. coffee houses put dinner
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"For unadulterated nuttiness, there
hasn't been anything to match 'The
Ruling Class' in a very long time."
-Susan Stark, Det. Free Press
-Judith CristNew York Magazine



-Richard Schickel, life Magazine



Chupcwc 4* Alft en'ice4

"Peter O'Toole
-a performance of
such intensity that it
will haunt memory.
O'Toole begins where
other actors stop.
He is funny,
disturbing, finally
-Jay Cocks, Time Magazine

A tour deforce that
makes movie history,.
Two superlative comic
performances by
Arthur Lowe and
Alastair Sim that
make the film worth
seeing twice."
-Rex Reed, Chicago Tribune.-
New York News Syndicafe



1833 Washtenaw Avenue
SUNDAY: 10:30 a.m.: Worship
Services, Sunday School (2-20 yrs.).
Infants' room available Sunday and
Public Reading Room, 306 E. Li-
berty St.: Mon., 10-9; Tues.-Sat.,
10-5; Closed Sundays and Holi-
For transportation, call 668-6427.
* * * ,
CHURCH (ALC, LCA) (formerly
Lutheran Student Chapel)
801 S. Forest (Corner of Hill St.)
t1eilA f'!?i1 . on

TION - State at Huron and Wash.
9:30 a.m.-Sermon by Dr. Don-
ald B. Strobe. "God Doesn't Want
Your Money."
11:00 a.m.-Sermon by Dr. Don-
ald B. Strobe. "God Doesn't Want
Your Money."
Sunday, Nov. 19:
5:30 p.m.-Celebration, Wesley
6:15 p.m.-Supper, Pine Room.
7:00 p.m. - Program, Wesley
Lounge. "The Real Americans,"
speaker from a North American'
Indian tribe.
Thursday. Nov. 23:

1432 Washtenaw Avenue
Services of Worship 9:00 and
10:30 a.m. Sermon: "Why Baptize
Our Children." Preaching: Robert
E. Sanders.
Thanksgiving Worship - Thurs-
day, 10:00 a.m.
Bible Study - Sundays at 10:30
a.m. Tuesdays-12:00 to 1:00.
Holy Communion - Wednesdays
5:15 to 5:45.
1236 Washtenaw
Don Postema, Minister
Morning WorshiptService-10:00

423 S. Fourth Ave. Ph. 665-6149
Ministers: T. L. Trost, Jr.; R. E.
9 a.m.: Morning Prayer.
10 a.m.: Worship Service and
Church School.

* * *
2580 Packard Road, 971-0773
Toni Bloxam, Pastor, 971-3152
Sunday School, 9:45 a.m.
Worship: 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Training Hour: 6 p.m.
502 E. Huron St., Phone 663-9376

1939. Dir. Ernst Lubitsch
Communism (G a r b a) meets
Capitalism (Melvyn Douglas).
Love and humor conquer.
Don Sosin at the piano:








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