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November 17, 1972 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1972-11-17

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For details see today .

Vol. LXXXIII, No. 62

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, November 17, 1972

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

2 black.

students killed
r declares state





if you see news happen call 76-DAILY
? for mayor
With the memory of a very successful fall election still
fresh in their minds, local Democrats are turning their attention
to April and the biennial mayor contest. Mayor Robert Harris
who will be finishing two stormy terms at the city's helm is re-
portedly not interested in a third. But there is no lack of interest
among other members of the party. Among those who reportedly
have their eye on the mayor's office are;
-FRANZ MOGDIS-unsuccessful candidate for a fifth ward
council seat last year, Mogdis is young and articulate and ap-
parently has the backing of the party "regulars",
-LEROY CAPPAERT-former fifth ward councilman, Cap-
paert's biggest advantage may be his strong liberal credentials,
-MONA WALZ-unsuccessful candidate for a Fourth Ward
council seat last year, Walz is personable and has a good record
on commitment on planning issues, and
-DR. THEODORE BEALS-the Democrat's man on the
Ward Boundary Commission, Beals has been active in the com-
munity and has strong left-liberal credentials.
. Fair exchange
The University law school will be trading some students and
faculty with the Free Universities of Brussels, Belgium. Law
Prof. Eric Stein says U. S. lawyers want to study in Brussels
because it is the home of the administrative headquarters for
the Common Market. Belgian lawyers come here, he said, be-
cause the American legal system is viewed as a possible model
for a unified European legal system.
Who needs the Garg?
Campus humor is not dead. A recent edition of the Michigan
Raw Review-a sheet put out by the editors of the Michigan
Law Review-defined International Telephone and Telegraph
(ITT) as "a company whose assets include Richard Nixon, The
Republican party and the Hartford Insurance Co."
Happenings. ...
feature a Degree Show by nine graduating seniors of the
University's art school. The show opens today at noon in the
Union Gallery of the Michigan Union and runs through Nov. 22,
and there will be a reception tonight starting at 7 p.m. . . . and
the TODAY . . . entertainment BARGAIN OF THE WEEK (ta
da!). This week's Bargain of the Week is the hockey game fea-
turing our intrepid, brawling icers (not like Detroit's "Chicken
Wings") who will do battle with Michigan Tech at 8 p.m. at the
' Coliseuni. It's only a buck, folks.
Reporter jailed
LOS ANGELES-Reporter William Farr of the Los Angeles
Times was sentenced to an indefinite jail term yesterday for
refusing to disclose confidential sources. Farr was jailed when
he said he did not intend to answer a judge's questions on a
story he wrote about Charles Manson.
Anyone for D.A.
MADISON-Our colleagues at the Daily Cardinal (U of
r Wisc) report that Karl Armstrong--accused of the 1970 bomb-
ing of the Army's Mathematics Research Center-received at
least 1,092 votes in the District Attorney contest in the recent
election. Lesser vote-getters included Mao Tse-tung, Donald Duck,
Huey Newton, Boris Karloff and George Tirebiter.
On the inside .. .
Tania Evans reviews U Players production of Mother
Courage on the Arts Page . . . Arthur Lerner, Gerald Nan-
ninga and Eugene Robinson react to the killings in Baton
Rouge, La. on the Editorial Page . . . and on the Sports
Page George Hastings writes on the Wolverine defense.
The weather picture
The U.S. Weather Service says in November and De-
cember Southeast Michigan is one of the gloomiest places
in the country. So it should come as little surprise that
today's weather will be less than inspiring., It will be most-
ly cloudy (of course) with a high in the mid 30s. Winds
will be from the West at S to 10 miles per hour and they
may bring with them some more light snow (oh, joy). As
for the future, the boys and girls at the Weather Service
sum it up in three words: "not much change." The sun ain't
gonna shine anymore . . .

Fire damages bldgs.;
Nat. Guard called
By The Associated Press and Reuters
BATON ROUGE-Two black students were killed here
yesterday when police authorities stormed a student-occupied
administration building at nearly all-black Southern Univer-
Louisiana Gov. Edwin Edwards declared a state of emer-
gency for East Baton Rouge Parish County after Sheriff Al
Amiss learned of stepped-up purchases of guns and ammuni-
tion in the area.
Sale of firearms also was suspended and the mayor was
empowered to set a curfew if necessary.
Edwards activated a 700-man National Guard battalion
and ordered 100 Guardsmen to the campus. Forty more were
on stand-by as a back-up-
The campus meanwhile was
blocked off by state police and srh apd
sheriff's deputies. tetodah
In addition to the two deaths,
one student was wounded. Fires
also extensively damaged two aceount b
buildings, Edwards said, and a
bomb exploded in another.
It was not clear how the two reporter
Coroner Hippolyte Landry said the
victims were killed by either buck-
shot or shrapnel from exploding By RORERT COLLIKS
grenades or bombs. Both had head For the AP
injuries, he said. BATON ROUGE - A distorted
However, spokesmen at hospitals voice honked from speakers in an
where the two slain men were armored truck drawn up in the
taken said the victims had died of street n e a r the administration
gunshot wounds. But State Police building as I arrived on the South-
Capt. Roland Coppola, in charge of ern University campus about 10:30
the investigation, said police had yesterday morning.
not fired any shots. He said both Sheriff's deputies acted as in-
men had been trampled to death. terpreters and told me that a
Amiss concurred with Coppola, three-minute warning was being
saying, "We heard two pistol shots, issued to the 100 or so students
shots from a pistol that came gathered at the top of the build-
from the crowd." ing's front stairs.
"It looked like they were tram- iv ton0uts
pled", he said of the victims. Five to 10 minutes passed, but
"Their faces were all swollen." none of the youths moved.
i One of the dead men was iden- Law officers began to close a U-
tified as Denver Smith, 20, of New shaped cordon about the building,
Roads, La. The other was not and the leader of a group of 15 or
identified. 20 tate troopers stepped forward
(According to 1 o c a 1 sources, and spoke to the students, appar-
Southern University students have ently ordering them for the last
called for a nation-wide university time to clear the area.
strike Monday. A cannister arched end over end
The Human Rights Party has out of the crowd of students, trail-
scheduled a 7:30 meeting tonight ing white smoke as it flew toward
at its 304 S. Thayer headquarters the troopers. All hell broke loose.
to discuss what should be done to Officers returned fire with count-
protest yesterday's campus slay- less rounds of tear gas lobbed into
ings.)the crowd of students and through
The trouble began early yester- the windows of the administration
day morning when about 2,000 stu- buildinoitself.
dents began milling around the ad- g
ministration building at the cam- Two or three more smoking can-
pus, which overlooks the Missis- nisters flew from the crowd of
sippi River. Some of the students students on the steps toward the
-- apparently several hundred - advancing law officers.
moved inside and took over the Clouds of tear gas became so
building. thick that I had to leave my vant-
See 2, Page 8 See EYEWITNESS, Page 8

AP Photo
LOUISIANA STATE TROOPERS and medical personnel surround the bodies of two students killed during violence at Southern Univer-
sity yesterday.
Proxm ire blasts unemployment
as achr-acter erodIng elem-ent

"The unemployment problem in
America today is the most de-
moralizing, character-eroding ele-
ment we have. It is without ques-
tion our number one economic and
social problem," said Sen. William
Proxmire (D-Wis.) yesterday.
Proxmire spoke on the need for
full employment at the dinner ses-
sion of the annualttwo-day Univer-
sity Conference on the Economic
The 20th anniversary confer-
ence, which ends today, featured
yesterday an economic forecast
for 1973 prepared by the Univer-
sity's Research Seminar in Quan-
titative Economics (RSQE)
Proxmire, speaking at the Ra-
mada Inn, said, "A well-managed
fiscal and monetary policy could
reduce employment to four per
cent without touching off serious in-
flationary pressures. The present
administration's abandonment of
the four per cent goal is a disturb-
ing step backward."
He labeled as "callous" presi-
dential advisor John Erlichmann's
explanation that "unemployment
is down to teen-age blacks, welfare
mothers, and folks of that kind."
He cited as "shocking" the 95
per cent rise in the unemploymentx

rate among adult men since Jan-
uary, 1969.
Proxmire stressed the possibility
of periodically setting an employ-
ment percentage target.
While admitting the fear of in-
flation "makes our policymakers
reluctant to commit themselves to
reaching" low unemployment lev-
els, Proxmire rejected the notion
that, in the long-run, low unem-'
ployment inevitably brings higher
inflation rates.
"My own speculations lead me
to the conclusion that a non-infla-
tionary full employment economy
ought to be achievable without
permanent controls," he said.
"An equilibrum between supply
and demand ought to be easier to
achieve when more people are
working. Putting idle men and wo-
men to work on idle machinery pro-
ducing needed goods and services
is not inflationary. It is the most
productive action a society can
take," he added.
Proxmire emphasized that the
goal of a low unemployment ratet
deserves study.
"If there were less scare talk
about inflation and more serious
study of the possibilities for non-
inflationary full employment, this
would go a long way to reducing
inflationary expectations," he said.
The senator cited the low un-
employment rates of Western Ger-
many, France and Japan as proof
that the goal can be reached.
The JointaEconomic Committee
has recently started a series of
studies to "identify the lowest un-
employment rate to which the;
economy can reasonably be pushed
and to catalog the benefits and
costs of such a policy," according
to Proxmire.
At the conference's opening ses-
sion, Economics Profs. Saul Hy-
mans and Harold Shapiro present-{
ed the RSQE's annual economic
predictions for the coming year.
The RSQE forecast has been very!
accurate during the past 20 years.-
The professors predicted, based

A mid-year tax hike is also ex-
pected. "The mere size of the fed-
eral deficit projected for early
1973 practically guarantees insur-
mountable administration and con-
gressional pressure for a tax in-
crease," Hymans said.
"Corporate profits should also
fare very well, rising by $16 billion
to a level of nearly $105 billion for
the year," he said.

They forcast a seven percent
increase in the Gross National Pro-
"The only exceptions to this ra-
pid growth involve residential
building and net exports," they
said, "we forecast a small decline
in the volume of residential build-
ing activity and only modest im-
provement in the new export bal-
ance in real terms."

'There 's no place

Squatters rights have not been tested
here for fifty years. But several local ten-
ants have become modern-day squatters by
taking over a house which a lease gives
them permission to occupy but whose land-
lady does not.
The eight tenants possess a lease on the
house, but were delayed from moving in
for nearly a month by a landlady who
apparently considers them unacceptable as
renters. Forced to leave their old home
and with nowhere else to go, they moved
into the house without the owner's permis-
Police have come and gone, and as yet
have taken no action. At least for now, the
house belongs to the tenants.
The bizarre story of the house hijacking
began when Judy Wacht, Bernie Feld,
Jeannette Andrus, Ed and Mary Penet,
three children and four pets found a house
they liked-1224 Prospect St. The house
was being rented out by Edith Epstein of
the Reliable Realty Management Co.
On Oct. 11 the tenants and Epstein
signed a lease to rent the house from Oct.
17 to August of next year. Epstein at the
time did not own the house. In fact, she did
not officially own it until Oct. 18, one day
after the tenants were supposed to move in.
Four days after the lease was signed
the tenants received a call from Epstein.
"She said there were a few complications

ment while Wacht and Feld were allowed
to stay at their old house on E. University.
The "two bedroom apartment" actually
had only one bedroom and a living room.
The attic was uninsulated and unheated.
So the three adults slept on the floor in the
living room, while one child slept on the
floor in the bedroom and the other two
slept in the apartment's lone double bed.
The dogs and cats slept wherever they
Epstein said the house would be ready
for occupancy by Nov. 1. On Oct. 31, how-
ever, Andrus decided to stop by the house
to see if it was ready for occupancy. The
old tenants had not yet moved out, and
one of them allegedly told Andrus that Ep-
stein had agreed to let them stay until
Nov. 11.

ike home'
On Nov. 5, the tenants discovered that
the Prospect house's former occupants had
left. They demanded the keys to the house
from Epstein. The next morning attorney
Hanlon refused to hand them over.
"It was then we decided to break into
the house," says Feld. "We had no place
else to go. We were going to break a win-
dow or something, but we had to get into
that house."
On Friday, Nov. 10, luck entered the
picture - on the tenant's side. Mary Penet
was driving past the house and noticed the
door was open. She found the keys lying
just inside the door, and rushed to call the
rest of the group. They immediately be-
gan moving in.
They found some furniture in the house
and guessed that someone else was at-

". . . we decided to break into the house. We had no place
else to go. We were going to break a window or something,
but we had to get into that house."
-Bernie Feld

The next evening Epstein met again
with the tenants. They say that Epstein
asked them to "meet her halfway," by
paying rent on the temporary Greenwood
apartment. The tenants refused.
On Nov. 4 the tenants' lawyer David
CaniacisiintnId them thev rntid not ht-.

tempting to move in. They decided that one
of them would remain in the house at all
The tenants later discovered that for the
past two days furniture had been delivered
to the house in the name of Edith Epstein.
A r.hir kf ofh ,e cofi.Ar iinthe Ann A.hn.



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