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November 16, 1972 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1972-11-16

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e Sri4igan DaBAt
Eighty-two years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.

News Phone: 764-055

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Indian wars are outdated

THE GOVERNMENT is emphasizing de-
struction of property in an effort to
divert attention away from the demands
of Indians who recently staged a week-
long occupation of the Bureau of In-
dian Affairs building. It now appears the
government is hedging on an agreement
to organize a study group to review the
manner in which Indians are handled
by the Federal bureaucracy..
The government claims the Indians
did $2.28 million worth of damage to the
BIA building and point in horror to the
"worst destruction of Federal property"
since the British burned Washington in
1812 and the San Francisco earthquake
of 1806.
Whatever the real figure turns out to
be "the damage has been done" and the
government can only heighten animosity
and hostilities by refusing to direct at-
tention to Indian demands. For Indians,
their general poverty inflicted by 300
Today's staff:
News: Gordon Atcheson, Cindy Hill, Tam-
my Jacobs, Chris Parks, Ralph Varta-
Editorial Page: Lindsay Chaney, Bill Heen-
Arts Page: Tom Field, Gloria Jane Smith
Photo technician: Denny Gainer

years of broken treaties, dislocation fro
their lands, bureaucratic bungling ai
insensitivity symbolizes a much great
damage to a suffering people.
Indians want a total reevaluation
the Bureau of Indian affairs present
organized under the Department of Ii
terior. They demand a review of brok
treaties, and a general upgrading of the
status. Currently Indians have the lowe
standard of living, the shortest life e:
pectancy and the poorest health of ax
ethnic minority in the U.S.
After years of patient suffering ar
broken dreams Indians feel militancy
the only recourse for securing the
THE PROPERTY loss in destroyed file
typewriters, Indian paintings, ar
sculptures is indeed unfortunate. Hom
ever instead of sensationalizing prope
ty damage the government must dire
itself to the real needs of the India
At the least the government must tab
a positive step of opening up real char
nels of communication and increase Ir
dian participation in the decision-mal
ing process. Otherwise Indians will con
tinue to feel extreme militancy is th
only way to dramaticize their plight.

Nixon v
)RESIDENT NIXON swept to a
landslide victory in the Pres-
2 idential election. Only a handful of
votes needed to be counted be-
fore the result was plain and the
computers were confidently call-
ing Mr. Nixon the new President.
Mr. Nixon's early lead of 67 per
cent of the votes cast made it pos-
sible that he would surpass Presi-
dent Johnson's 61.1 per cent land-
slide victory over Senator Gold-
water in 1964 and President Roose-
velt's 60.8 per cent in 1936.
It was a remarkable second term
mn triumph for a President who had
been elected with only 43 per cent
nd of the popular vote in 1968. But
ter a clear pattern was emerging from
the early state returns - Mr. Nix-
of on's winning n'iargins were uncan-
of nily close to the combined total of
-ly Nixon-Wallace votes in 1968.
n- McGovern's final flourishes in the
en campaign did nothing to remove the
ir doubts about his own character
st and competence. He was pursued
;X throughout the campaign by the
ny Eagleton business, which remained
the most talked about incident in
an uneventful campaign. People
nd felt very strongly about this and
is McGovern's pledge of "1000 per
Ar cent support" is undoubtedly the
most remembered phrase.
Part of the significance of the
s, Eagleton affair was that it left a
ad gapingrrent in McGovern's moral
armour. The preacher had been
- caught up to no good behind the
r- pulpit. Americans were in no mood
ct for moral lecturing this year and
in from McGovern they received t o
much. Nor were they in the mood
for change or risks, and McGov-
ke ern's forlorn dream of creating a
n- new vaguely populist coalition left
n-- him suspected of dangerous radi-
calism. That too pursued him right
up to election day. Mr. Nixon, on
the other hand, brilliantly read the
ie mood of the country and played
ruthlessly on its every tender ner-
THE CAMPAIGN has been the
dullest in living memory as a race
for the White House or a clash of
personalities and issues. But it has
a been fascinating for the glimpses
it has provided into the possible
political future. When all the re-
sults are in it will be endlessly
disputed whether 1972 marked the
break up of the old Roosevelt rul-
ing Democratic coalition or whe-
ther is marked simply the remark-
able achievement of a personal
mandate for President Nixon.
It needs to be remembered that
the United States has experienced
nearly 10 years of misfortune dat-
ing from the assasination of Pres-
ident Kennedy. During much of that
time it has been at war in 4he
jungles of Vietnam and at war in
the jungles of its own cities. The
blows of ill fate rained down upon
it, assassination, riots, and an ex-
plosion of crime. All these blows
fell particularly heavily on t h e
Democratic Party, and it would
have been remarkable if any can-
didate this year could have united
his party to unseat a strong incum-
bent President.
However, McGovern's bid for the
presidency is likely to prove much
more than an aberration. Although
it split the Democratic Party it also
unleashed new energies which in
the future may be better har-
President Nixon succeeds by
bringing out the worst in people
and the margin of his re-election
on Tuesday is the measure of his
George McGovern should be
honoured for his endeavor to bring
a basic decency to the conduct of

public affairs, to revive a with-
ering sense of justice and com-
passion in a society deformed by

been associated with crooks and
th"gs charged with the subversion
of the processes of democracy in a
so-called free society.
The freedoms of the individual
- his right to dissent, his right to
equal treatment under the law,
his rights when accused, his free-
dom of speech and of press, even
his primitive right to food, shelter,
and care in sickness =- have all
been narrowed under Mr. Nixon's
administration. The President said
the other day (it is scarecly cred-
ible) "let us quit treating our sen-
ior citizens in this country like wel-
fare recipients. They nave worked
hard all their lives to build Amer-
ican andhasvthebuilders of Amer-
ica they have not asked for a hand
So how should America, land of
the free and land .of the rivn, treat
its welfare recipients who, by the
way, are mostly children? Mr. Nix-
on's implication is that they should
be punished. His answer is to dis-
tinguish between the "work ethic"
and the "welfare ethic" which is a
sly way of saying that unemployed
black people don't want to work.
He talks about "quality educa-
tion" as the alternative to achool
busing, knowing perfectly well that
there can be no such thing while
the races and the income groups
segregafe themselves residentially.
On taxation, public expenditure,
the sharing of responsibility be-
tween federal and local govern-
ment, the regulation of b i g
business, it is the same story. The
President deals in mendacious
over-simplification which encour-
age people to believe that the only
practical politics are those based
on a morbid view of human nature.
WITH LUCK, the US will urv:ve
another four years under Mr. Nix-
on"s malevolent sway and then
find a President who can bring
some inspiration of humanity, de-
cency, and understanding to his
difficult task. George McGovern is
a ten times better man than Rich-
ard Nixon and let him be remem-
bered when the stains of Nixon's
presidency have been scrubbed out
from the American heritage.
Peter Jenkins is Washington
correspondent for the Manchester
Guardian. Reprinted here with

victory: Mandate

for degeneration



d (l n n t


callousness, brutality, and greed,
and to gain recognition for the
simple moral fact that killing
people - even when they are As-
ians - is wrong.
But Senator McGovern has been
whistling into an ill wind. Amer.
icans can favourably compare the
state of their nation now with its
state in 1968. It is true that the
cities are no longer in flames end
the campuses in turmoil. The night-
mare of Vietnam has receded. An
insecure nation frightened by war
and crime and violence and haluci-
natory abandon feels more secure
under the first hand of a mean
man. The psychologist, Erich
Fromm, observed the Germans
electing Hitler and called the phe-
nomenon the "flight from free-
I am not going as far as to com-
pare Mr. Nixon with Hitler. How-
ever, I do seriously contend that
he re-election should be viewed
with repugnance and deep fore-
boding. His record over four years
ought to be sufficient warning of
the evil he could accomplish in
four more years. The world sees
him as the man who went io Pe-
king and Moscow, and he has daz-
zled the eyes of his own ,eople
with these external diversions. The
rapprochement with China and the
signing of an agreement to limit
arms and promote trade with the
Soviet Union were achievements of
historic importance.
WHAT THE WORLD does not so
clearly see is what Mr. Nixon is
doing to the United States. At
least as great as the dangers of
Super-Power conflict is the danger,
involved in Mr. Nixon's callously
insensitive handling of the fragili-
ties of a modern industrialized so-
ciety. His manipulation of fear
and green, no less brilliant in exe-
cution than his diplomacy with
China and Russia, has eroded basic
freedoms and dignities which if not
preserved in the U.S. may not for
long survive in lesser corners of
the world.
There is something almost omi-
nous in the fact that the ghettos
are not in flames and the campuses
not in turmoil. It is as if an iron
hand is holding down the lid of a
giant pressure cooker. For the
injustices and inequalities, the
squalor, corruption, and primitive
barbarisms which exist within this
great rich land seem sure to con-
vulse it again before long.
It is not easy to comprehend
why the American people queued
up to re-elect President Nixon. One

theory I have heard put forward
- by former Senator Eugene Mc-
Carthy, who has a keen sense of
sin - is that people feel the need
for a President whodcanwithi-
out compunction shoulder the na-
tion's burden of collective guilt.
The evangelism of George McGov-
ern scratches tender souls too hard.
A New Yorker cartoonist made the
same point another way with one
hard hat saying to another in a
bar, "Nixon's no dope. If the public
really wanted moral leadership,
he'd have given them mora leader-
The more likely explanatin is
that a people nurtured to high self
regard, their confidence shattered
by the lack of success and bloodv
cost of their latest foreign a iKen-
ture, judge Nixon solely by the
fact that he brought the boys
home from Vietnam and left the
Asians to do the dying.
The after-spasms of the Vietnam
war have yet to be experienced,
and nobody could be less equipped
than President Nixon to nurse his
country through a -period in whikh
qualities of humanity, gentlene7;s,
and understanding will be at pre-
mium. Nixon's neo-social Darw;n-

ism is totally inappropriate to the
period of moral and social recon-
struction which lies ahead.
with enemies and war. He calls the
police "crime fighters"'; he is at
"war" against drug addiction. And
these are not just metaphors of
determination but have to do with
his crude, simple, and miser-:ble
belief that the only language ani*
body understands - be it the
Russians, Chinese, and the North
Vietnamese or the poor, the un-
employed, and the black - is a
language of force and threat.
He has begun to do many had
things, and now will do still
worse. He has undermined the au-
thority of the rule of law, mistak-
ing it for a rule of tough cops and
harsh judges. He has gone four-
fifths of the way towards stacking
the Supreme Court with reactionar-
ies and if re-elected will finish tne
job. He has not only subverted the
Supreme Court but insulted it with
his nominations of men, supremely
unqualified. Law and order, how-
ever, does not begin in the \TiNon
House which under Mr. Nixon has

I r

Letters to 7'Trw Daly



TM t't All rights reserved
Publishers-hall Syndicate.

"I don't

think they're interested in colored beads anymore."

Voting students and non-resident tuition

HRP sell-out
To The Daily:
selling out the City of Ann Ar-
bor by its support of a ward re-
districting plan drawn up and sup-
ported by the GOP. HRP's repre-
sentatives on the Ward Boundary
Commission last Saturday voted to
tentatively approve the GOP plan.
The GOP-HRP plan would return
control of Ann Arbor to the Re-
publicans. It makes two hopelessly
and one probably Republican
wards and two HRP or Democratic
In last week's state representa-
tive races, in which Democrats ran
very strongly, Wards three, four
and five in this plan went 45 per
cent, 57 per cent and 56 per cent
Republican and 42 per cent, 40 per
cent and 39 per cent Democratic
respectively, with HRP getting the
Given present growth patterns
and higher relative Republican
turnout in city elections, the Third
Ward is likely to become more Re-
publican in city council races.
Republicans would be almost sure
to win in a three-way race, and
likely to win in a two-way race.
The result would be six Republi-
cans, a majority, on City Council
for the next ten years..
Why would HRP support such a
plan? Simple, they're scared. Flush-
ed with success last spring, HRP
talked of a ward plan that would
give then a chance in three wards
and a possible council majority.
HRP's dismal showing last week
caused a shift in thinking. HRP de-
cided to concentrate virtually all of
its potential constituency in two
wards to bolster its thinner-than-
expected support. Trouble is, this
concedes three wards to the GOP.
Democrats support an alternate
plan which places a combined HRP
-Democratic majority .in all f i v e
wards. Wards three, four and five
are all possible, though not as-
sured, wins for Democrats. Wards
one and two would be close in a
three-way race. Projections of last
April's results on this plan show
HRP only a couple of hundred votes
away from winning.
HRP's vehement objections to
this plan are grossly hypocritical.
HRP claims that a third party
is viable, yet they find unaccept-
able a plan which gives them vic-
tory with only a few hundred more
votes than they received in their
first year of existence. Their pros-
pects are further enhanced by an
increase of student and youth regis-
tration of several thousand.
It is clear that HRP is only con-
cerned with self-interest, even if

nam NARMIC slide show. The ef-
fect of that thirty-minute presenta-
tion was the experience of physi-
cal debilitation: my muscles,
limbs and finally my head numbed
until my legs could no longer sup-
port my weight.
This is not the place for per-
sonal histrionics, for such reports
will not be instrumental in end-
ing the present lot of the Vietna-
mese, Cambodian and Laotian
peoples. The strategy used against
this' enemy is what our govern-
ment calls the "static war," This
means that, since it is war devoid
of the human element that keeps
alive an ambivalence which can
admit of its mistakes, the war
will go on until it is "won," -
until the population of Southeast
Asia is decimated.
My intention in describing my
anesthetized reaction to the slide
show is to attest to the impact of
the presentation. My experience
will not allow me to abandon for
a moment either the ineradicable
terror whichhas become a reality
or the ongoing search for new
courses of resistance which that
terror generated. Like the me-
chanical nature of the air war, it
is a terror which befits the me-
chanism of modern international
politics, transgressing the factor
of human ambivalence with its
magnanimous indifferent automa-
I believe that any "educator"
who, aware of its existence, would
fail to show these slides to his or
her designated set of charges is
unconditionally unfit to exercise
his or her prescribed duties as a
reinforcer of social behavior and
"good will", in the very least.
Couched in simple language and
precise definition as it is, the
NARMIC presentation is a cru-
cial prerequisite for anyone who

would act to end the non-human
fate of those victims of a mechan-
ical war waged by the hands of
insatiable yet dispassionate meg-
Honeywell cameras, Wonder-
bread, Hostess cakes,' Schaeffer
pens, these are the corporate
"concerns" that caress our chil-
dren daily with one hand, while
the other hand sets leaf mines and
pineapples for the schoolchildren
of Southeast Asia.
-Sande Anfang
Cheap tips!
I AM A WAITRESS at a reput-
able restaurant that had the ques-
tionable pleasure of serving a
complimentary dinner to the Uni-
versity of Michigan Athletic De-
partment. The coaches were giv-
en unlimited free drinks and a
sumptuous dinner which took at
least two hours to serve. The coach
I waited on left me no tip. Other
waitresses I talked to received no
tips. This is inexcusable behavior
for a "respectable" contingent of
the University staff. They were
completely oblivious to the wait-
resses efforts to insure good serv-
ice and comfort.
I am appalled at such cheap be-
-Name Withheld on Request
Nov. 9
Letters to The Daily should
be mailed to the Editorial Di-
rector or delivered to Mary,
Rafferty in the Student Pub-
lications business office in the
Michigan Daily building. Letters
should be typed, double-spaced
and normally should not exceed
250 words. The Editorial Direc-
tors reserve the right to edit
dill letters submitted.

IF ADULT STATUS and voting rights
for college-age citizens eliminate
nonresident tuition charges in public
colleges and universities, the effect
on higher education budgets will be
staggering. The drop in institutional
income would be in the range of $250
to $300 million a year.
This estimate is based on a survey
of nearly 400 public four-year colleges
and universities, all members of the
National Association of State Uni-
versities and Land-Grant Colleges
(NASULGC) and the American As-
sociation of State Colleges and Uni-
versities (AASCU).
It is conceivable that at least some
of the college students who have reg-
istered to vote are classified as "non-
residents for tuition purposes." If so,
they might seek to qualify for "in-
state" tuition by virtue of the fact
that they are now registered voters of
the state or community .
Campus officers were asked if stu-
dents had sought to be declared resi-
dents for tuition purposes under these
circumstances. The responses were al-
most evenly divided: 175 replies indi-
cated that one or more students had
requested reclassification because they
now were registered voters, w h i I e

response illustrates the general reason
for denial. The university noted that
criteria for establishing residency are
not based on being a registered voter
in the state. Perhaps it would be more
accurate to say that state codes per-
mit each state agency to set its own
residence requirements.
An official at one university sug-
gested that the less said about the
issue the better, seemingly expressing
the hope that students would not press
the point. However, litigation already
pending indicates that this is not the
A NUMBER OF legislative actions
during the past year affected nonresi-
dent students, their voting rights and
the relation of voting rights to regula-
tions governing the classification of
students for tuition purposes at public
In California, a new state law man-
dated March 4, 1972 as the date when
Californians aged 18 years or older
were to be considered as adults for
virtually all purposes, including vot-
ing. This has been interpreted to
mean that, as of that date, 18-year-
old students could commence the dur-
ational residence requirement (one
year) in order to establish legal iesi-
dence for tuition purposes at state col-

a public institution. In addition, the
bill created an irrebuttable presump-
tion of non-residence which prevent-
ed a student so classified from being
designated a resident while in con-
tinuous attendance. The law has al-
ready been struck down by a federal
panel, and it would appear that simi-
lar legislation passed by the Wash-
ington legislature would suffer the
same fate.
ing nonresident students account for a
rather confusing picture of the situa-
tion at present which, hopefully, may
clear as cases now pending are re-
solved. A U.S. Supreme Court decis-
ion upheld the one-year durational re-
quirement for earning residency for
tuition purposes in Minnesota. Subse-
quently, the State Supreme Court in
Arizona issued a ruling that upheld the
system of assesing differential tuition
for nonresident students in that state
and a Mississippi state court ruled
against a student who claimed that
the presumption of nonresidence there
was irrebuttable.
More directly related to the voting
issue, a state court in Alabama re-
portedly handed down a decision that
appears to say that if a student is a

favor of the students and ordered the
university to refund the fees in ques-
tion. An appeal has been filed by the
state attorney general in this case.
In another action, when six Uni-
versity of Michigan students sought to
enjoin the university from charging
nonresident fees to students registered
as voters, a circuit court judge re-
fused to issue a temporary injunction.
The judge, however, retained author-
ity to issue a permanent injunction
against the collection of nonresident
tuition if the students subsequently
prove their claim in a trial.
It has been estimated that the 26th
Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
extended voting rights in federal elec-
tions to about 4 million college stu-
dents in this country. A majority of
these students will also qualify as
voters in state and local elections.
If nonresident tuition is declared il-
legal, it is likely that the institutional
response will be to increase the fees
of all students to cover lost income.
Clearly, this expediency would strike
a telling blow to the "low tuiti )n prin-
ciple" upon which public higher educa-
tion in America has been i built.
The cost to society would be far
more than the additional dollars that
students and their parents would be

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