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November 16, 1972 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1972-11-16

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Thursday, November 16, 1972


Page Three

I -


-at Q
341 S. MAIN-769-5960
TONIGHT-8:00, 9:30, 11:00 p.m.
PEOPLE'S BALLROOM-502 E. Washington
UAC-DAYSTAR presents

tarist. Tuesday, Nov. 14, Rackham
Auditorium. Guitar Series of the
University Musical Society. Galliard,
Allemande, Fantasia-Dowland; Pre-
lude (Cello Suite No. 1), Courante
(Cello Suite No. 3), Gavottes No. 1
and 2 (Cello Suite No, 6), Jesu, Joy
of Man's Desiring (Cantata No. 147)
-J. S. Bach; Preambulo: allegro
vivo - Scarlatti; Prelude, Gigue-
Weiss; Variations on A Theme by
Mozart-Sor; Pavane of the Sleep-
ing Beauty-Ravel; Girl With The
Flaxen Hair-Debussy; Gymnope-
dies No. 1 and 2-Satie; Preludes
Nos. 1, 2, 4, Gavotta-Choro--Villa-
Lobos; La Primavera- Castelnuovo-
It is a natural reflex of mine
to suspect an artist's luminous,
"hyped" advertising in nothing
save superlatives. Such was the
background to guitarist Christo-
phergParkening's concert last
Tuesday. I was led to believe a
"young Segovia" would perform.
Not quite. Give him a few more
Parkening was clearly a cut
above most of his colleagues;
not especially in technical com-
petance (a soloist of any stand-
ing is sure to possess adequate
amounts of it), -but much more
importantly in musical ability.
Parkening's interpretative pow-
ers were uncanny, rendering even
the less significant works on the
program (which there were few
of) outstanding and distinctiye.
In the same manner, he pro-
duced gems of Bach's "Jesu," ,

Segovia's heir?

Ravel's "P a v a n e," Debussy's
"Girl," and Satie's Gymnope-
dies. Parkening's performances
of these works alone assured all
of his future promise. They were
unparalled, even by the works'
previous renditions with the orig-
inal instrumentation (none were
written for guitar)!
But not only was Parkening's
s u p e r b performance of these
works a testament to his musical
assets, but to the guitar's as
well. He produced a haunting,
dreamy, and subtly-shaded sound
in the impressionistickDebussy,
Ravel, and Satie works which
was pure magic.
What a shame it is that these
(and all impressionistic) com-
posers overlooked the guitar, an
instrument capable of reproduc-
ing their music with far greater
expression and breadth than the
essentially mechanistic and per-
cussive piano. J.S. Bach should
be similarly reprimanded. He
wrote little for guitar or lute;
yet the arrangements of his fam-
ous "Jesu," and the Cello Suite
excerpts yielded at least as much
clarity, depth, and sensitivity in
Parkening's hands as in the orig-

inal instrumentation, if not more.
I hesitate to lump the perform-
ances of the Bach Cello Suite
excerpts and "Jesu" together,
for the former suffered some-
whatt(as did the first three se-
lections by Dowland) from Park-
ening's apparent nervousness.
This did not affect his stately,
brisk renditions of the Dowland
works w i t h imperial flourish;
nor his excellent dynamic and
tonal command in the first few
Bach works. Yet in all of these
there was an uncomfortable ten-
sion - an icy brilliance -which
showed in some missed and im-
pure notes as well as clumsy
The next two selections, listed
on the program as composed by
A. Scarlatti and Weiss (both of
the Baroque era) were (as I was
informed by Parkening) actuIlly
written by Ponce (a 20th cen-
tury Mexican composer) in the

style of the two. I sensed much
of the mood of the two pieces
strange to baroque compositions;
both b e i n g quite advanced
rhythmically, dynamically (most
baroque works had limited varia-
tions in each of these), and
"Gigue by Weiss" climaxed with
flamenco flourishes!
The remainder of the program
was both disappointed and frus-
trating. Parkening gravitated to
the standard "warhorses" of the
guitar repetoire-many common
to the most elementary students.
The Sor work was milked by
Parkening for all the "schmal-
tzy" grandiose effect it was
worth. He performed the stren-
uous work well, yet its musical
value was little more than an
overly-cliched romanticizing of a
classical work. The Villa-Lobos
works were worse, possessing
neither flamboyance nor musical
Though Parkening played all
these works with unmistakeable
talent; it was distressing to hear
such shabby material among the
gems. Parkening ironically needs
maturing not in the common area
of musicianship, for in this he is
already impeccable; but in his
selection of performing material.

SPECIAL EXPERIENCE-Bodylens presents Noise for West-
ern Dawn, a multi-media event with poetry by Jim Pet-
ers, tonight at 8, Union Ballroom.
DRAMA-the U Players present Brecht's Mother Courage in
Power Center at 8 tonight; the Student Lab Theatre
presents Hellman's The Little Foxes, Act III, and Gur-
ney's The Golden Fleece at 4:10 this afternoon at Frieze
Arena; The EMU Players Series presents Detective Story
at 8 tonight in Quirk Auditorium.
FILM-the AA Film Co-op presents Schlesinger's Sunday,
Bloody Sunday in Aud. A tonight at 7 and 9:30. Daily
reviewer William Mitchell comments:
It is difficult to sustain a literary tone in a motion
picture, but Sunday, Bloody Sunday succeeds fairly well
-so well, in fact, that at times it can be rather monoto-
nous. Directed by John Schlesinger, it is the story of a
homosexual doctor (Peter Finch) and a middle-aged
divorcee (Glenda Jackson), both of whom are in love
with a young sculptor (Murray Head). He divides his
time equally, thus setting up the tensions and compro-
mises which the film explores in depth.
S. Quad Films shows Bullitt tonight in Dining Rm. Two
at 7, 9:30. Cinema Guild presents Godard's Le Gai Sa-
voir at 7, 9:05 tonight in Arch. Aud. Daily reviewer Shel-
don Leemon has this to say about the film:
Godard articulates his confusion so charmingly that
some people (mainly heavy acid-trippers who have seen
God, or at least his secretary) can ignore the fact that
they don't understand the question he raises, and even
if they do, these questions have no answers. Otherwise,
Le Gai Savoir is for heavy intellectuals/radicals who are
very into the later Godard. Others Beware!
MUSIC-the School of Music puts on Piano Student Recital
this afternoon at 12:30 in SM Recital Hall.
RADIO SPECIAL-WCBN F.M. 89.5 presents a Loggins &
Messina & Poco special on the Josh Pachtet Show to-
night 11-3.
UPCOMING CONCERT TIP-Glee Club concert Saturday
night at 7, 9:30 in Hill Aud.

Danny Kortchmar-Russ Kunkle
Craig Doerge-Lelard Sklar

$3.50 $4.50 $5.50
crisler arena
Reserve, your seats
today at Michigan
Union. (You'll re-
ceive a receipt-cou-


should drop blues

Detective Story

90 0

pon which you ex-
change for a ticket
when t h e y arrive
I . *Tues., Nov. 14.)
- A i r...,
..... .. The Allman Bros.
and DR. JOHN
$4.00 Gen. Admission
.*,...A DANCE
TICKETS on sale NOW-Michigan Union, 11 -5:30, Sat. 1-4
p.m. Salvation Records 10-8 Mon.-Sat. Or by MAIL ORDER
(Allman Bros. only) UAC DAYSTAR, P.O. BOX 381, ANN
ARBOR, 48107

The Siegel-Schwall Blues Band
has dropped the"Blues" from
its name on the group's latest re-
cord, and xwith much justifica-
tion. As a blues band the group
is definitely amateurish. Although
most of the numbers on Sleepy
Hollow (Wooden Nickel WNS-10-
10) are nominally blues tunes,
the group lacks a real feel for
the music. I hate to sound like
a bigot, but these guys sound
like a bunch of white boys pro-
stituting the blues. Whereas a
white band like Butterfield's or-
iginal one of King Biscuit Boy's
group can keep up with any
blues band, Siegel-Schwall just
sounds lame.
This would be disastrous if the
band pretentiously tried to play
the "real thing," but they don't
- which places the whole thing

on an entirely different level.
Siegel - Schwall's approach to
the blues is something like Com-
mander Cody's use of C&W mu-
sic: both bands combine a real
respect for their styles with an
acute self - consciousness of the
incongruities of their playing it.
"Sick to my Stomach" is the
most obvious example, with a
refrain of "I get sick to my sto-
mach / Everythime I think of
you / Being with another man."
The comparison breaks down
if carried too far, however:
whereas C o d y parodies C&W
music, Siegel - Schwall just pro-~
vides a juvenile interpretation
of the blues; more important,
though, the Lost Planet Airmen
are a tight, professional group,
where Siegel - Schwall sounds
more like a good local band.
Compare, for example, Corky's
piano intro to "Blues for a Lady"
with Rick Bell's opening to "You
Done Tore Your Playhouse Down
Again" on King Biscuit Boy's
Gooduns - take away about half
the notes from Bell's solo and
you're left with Corky's.
The band's saving grace - be-
sides their energetically ama-
teurish approach - is their com-
positional skills. All the songs
here are original, and they're all
good. The lyrics generally main-
tain a nice balance between ser-
ious blues themes and ironic in-
terpretations of them. Musically
the songs stay close to their blues
roots without sounding like tired
Last but not least, The Siegel-
Schwall Band manages to con-
vey the impression that they
have a lot of fun playing the
blues - and that's always worth

James Taylor
JAMES TAYLOR, currently on national tour, will stop in Ann
Arbor tomorrow night to appear in concert with "Section" in Hill
And. at 8. UAC-Daystar asks that you not smoke and not drink
booze during the concert.

6:00 2 4 7 News
9 Eddie's Father
50 Flintstones
56 Sewing Skills
6:30 2 4 7 News
9 Jeannie
50 Gilligan's Island
56 Secretarial Techniques
7:00 2 Truth or Consequences
4 News
7 To Tell the Truth
9 Beverly Hillbillies
50 I Love Lucy
56 Bill Moyer's Journal
7:30 2 What's My Line?
4 Circus!
7 Half the George Kirby
Comedy Hour
9 Movie
"Tarzan's Fight for Life."
50 Hogan's Heroes
56 Behind the Lines-Analysis
8:00 2 The Waltons
4 Flip Wilson
7 Mod Squad
56 Advocates
50 Dragnet
50 Merv Griffin

9 :00 2 Movie
Truman Capote's chilling "In
Cold Blood."
4 Ironside
7 Delphi Bureau
9 News-Don West
56 International Performance
9:30 9 Happy Though Married
10:00 7 Owen Marshall
9 This is the Law
50 Perry Mason
56 Masterpiece Theatre
10:30 9 Countrytime
11:00 4 7 9 News
11:20 9 Nightbeat-Sports
11:30 4 Johnny Carson
7Dick Cavett
50 To Be Announced
11:40 2 News
12:00 9 Movie
"The Borgia Stick." (1967)
12:10 2 Movie.
"High Noon." (1952)
50 Movie
"A Tattered Web" (1971)
1:00 4 7 News
2:10 2 Movie
"The Big Bluff." (1955)
wcbn today
fm 89.5
9:00 Morning After Show
12:00 Progressive Rock
4:00 Folk
7:00 Talkback
8:00 Rhythm & Blues
11:00 Progressive Rock (runs 'til 3)

almost great
By ALVIN CHARLES KATZ of the supporting performances
Detective Story, the current of- by the remainder of the 31 mem-
fering of the Eastern Michigan ber cast were strong and realis-
University Players Series, is ex- tic, even down to the bit parts.
actly what the title suggests- Especially good were Dale Van
a cops and robbers play, full of Dorp as McLeod's long time part-
action and drama. ner, Richard Winnie as one of the
Written by Sidney Kingsley in jewel thieves, and Chris Clason
1949, the play is exemplary of as the good boy gone bad.
the sort of drama that filled the Also worth mentioning is the
American stage in the 1940's. show's set, the squad room. Me-
Constructed in an atmosphere of ticulously designed and built, the
strong theatrical realism, it is a set is a remarkable replica of a
chronicle of a night's work in a real police squadroom, with real
busy Chicago police precinct guns, cameras, and fingerprint-
The central character is Detec- ing equipment contributing to the
tive McLeod, a hardnosed mav- play's starkly effective realism.
erick cop so obsessed with jus- Sadly, the only thing that
tice that he cannot even compro- stops Detective Story from be-
mise to salvage his personal life. ing great is something that could
Interweaving with McLeod's have been easily been avoided.
saga are countless "all in a Director Zellers has chosen to
night's work" type subplots, all attempt to update the play rather
of which effectively create a than accept it as a work portray-
humstockf characters aractivity.he ing another time, presumably to
the good boy driven to crime by keep it from being trite.
desperation, the comic jewel The year becomes 1972, the
thieves, the tough Irish police Prudential Building becomes the
lieutenant and the hardened Hancock Building, and World
great metropolitan newspaper War II . veterans become Viet
police reporter. The play is set Na vets. None thepy essrthe
entirely in the squad room, and ues in the play aremstill from the
the rapid, continuous coming and 1940's. The plays most evil vil-
going of characters gives the "an is an abortionist, abutch-
play an action packed, frantic er" who performs his operations
tempo. on a "dirty, bloodstained oil-
Inprecent years, the trend has cloth" in deserted railroad cars.
been to do shows of this sort Such stigma is attached to pre-
tongue in cheek, tossing them off marital sex that a woman who
as little more than pleasant has had premarital relations is
memories of a time gone by. considered a whore.
Director Parker Zeller wisely In these days of the so called
chose to play it straight, how- "New Morality," this -apparent
ever; as a result, Detective conflict between the time con-
Story is not a bit of nostalgia, text of the play and the values it
but a heavy, hardhitting melo- presents create a nagging discon-
drama spiced with enough comic tinuity, which detracts from the
relief to make.it a superb piece atmosphere of theatrical realism
of escapist entertainment. which is so carefully developed.
Dann Florek turned in a top Nonetheless, Detective Story
notch performance in the lead is an enormously enjoyable su-
- role of Detective McLeod, giving perbly acted, never-a-dull-mo-
a highly dynamic characteriza- ment thriller - two and one-half
tion of a hero with obvious hours of spellbinding entertain-
strengths and weaknesses. All ment.

A Joseph Jann production of John Schlesinger's Film
Bloody Sunday"

Old Wine in new bottles
Specializing in medieval and renaissance music and instruments, the
Paniagua Quartet from Spain makes its first Ann Arbor appearance on
For this program of Early European music, the ensemble uses instruments
which have been per'sonally reproduced by its members from original
instruments of the 12th to 16th centuries.
Tickets at $5 and $6.

vibrant young divorcee.
PETER FINCH is Daniel, a hand-
some middle-aged bachelor. They
have never met each other, but
they share one common interest:
BOB ELKIN, a young artist-sculp-
tor, played by MURRAY HEAD.
-A chic menage a toris.
a film of such subtlety, such
perception and such maturity that
it makes all other films-even the
best of them - that pretend to
deal with the way we live in 'adult'
terms seem adolescent and super-
ficial." -Judith Crist,
NEW YORK Magazine
Schlesinger's wisest, least
sentimental film, and almost per-
fect realization of Penelope Gil-
liatt's original screenplay G
-Vincent Canby,
"One of the best movies I have
ever seen. Certainly it is John
Schlesinger's finest work to date
as a director . . . It is a tower-
ing achievement. Here, at last, is
a truly adult film-by, for, and
about adults . . . Just think. Some
sporadic moviegoers never see a
movie this good all their lives."
-Rex Reed

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flaunts a spectacle!

Glenda Jackson Peter Bnch




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